Book Read Free

Time Won't Erase

Page 15

by Stacey Wilk

  The walkway was lit with lanterns hung from poles. Jett had added the touch some years back. The golden glow allowed guests to take an evening stroll from their cottages to the main house. The light allowed him to see the set in her jaw and the straight line of her shoulders.

  The cottage came into view with its front lamps welcoming them in. He stopped and faced her before they went any further. “The man I was when you left was young and naive. I’ve grown up since then. The world isn’t filled with endless dreams and possibilities. It’s filled with hurt and disappointment. I just want to keep the people I care about from experiencing too much of both.”

  She placed a hand on his cheek. “Gage Ryker, if I can’t save the world, neither can you.”

  He turned his face to press his lips against her palm. Her skin tasted salty. “I only want to save Backwater. The hell with the rest of the world.”

  If he could be the man he’d been before she left, he would be that man, but that young man disappeared the moment his youngest brother took a bullet to the chest. He pressed his hands against the small of her back and pulled her against him, wanting to feel her next to him.

  She ran her fingers up his arms and tucked her hands under the sleeves of his shirt. Her soft touch left a trail of flames on his skin. She gripped his shoulders, keeping their bodies pressed together. “Will you look for other suspects besides Justin?”

  “Is that the topic of conversation you want to have right now? Because I can think of a dozen other things I’d rather talk about. Or better yet, no talking at all.”

  “You’re right. No more talking. Kiss me.”

  He leaned in, kissed her, and for the first time in sixteen years, he returned home.


  Calista drowned in the force of his kiss. She clung to him, afraid she might topple over if she let go of his shoulders. Gage separated her lips with his tongue and set her world on end. She allowed reason to disappear. She would live in the moment, as she had practiced and preached in her yoga classes. She would not worry about tomorrow. Everything she needed stood in Gage’s front yard.

  What she had was the most confident, sexy, strong man she’d ever met, and he wanted her. She stood on her toes to deepen the kiss and dragged her fingers over the muscles in his back. She needed to touch him everywhere and allowed her fingers to dance across his skin. She rubbed her hands over his chest, and he groaned.

  He tangled his hands in her hair and gave a tug. The heat exploded between her legs as she took the kiss deeper. She moved her hands under his shirt and traced the lines of every muscle on his stomach. The soft texture of his chest hair tickled her fingertips. He gripped her bottom and pulled her flat against him. His desire pressed into her belly.

  He flicked the hook of her bra with ease. His calloused hands dipped down her dress and rubbed against her back. He slid his hands to her front and kneaded her breasts. The groan escaped her lips before she could stop it.

  A light flashed behind her lids. Her hands froze on his waist. “What was that?” she said through the side of her mouth because her tongue was still tangled with his.

  His chest heaved with hers. He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. “The light went on inside the house. Izzi must be up. I don’t want her to look out the window and see me undressing you on the front lawn.”

  “That would make you a bit of a hypocrite.”

  “At least we’re consenting adults.”

  That she was. “I guess that’s the end of our date.” She smoothed his shirt back into place with regret.

  He didn’t let her go. “I’m taking a group of guests out for a ride tomorrow morning. Do you want to come?”

  “You and me out in public together?” That would be another step forward. Would her feet obey?

  “Would that be so bad?”

  “I would like to, really. But I have to start taking down the kitchen cabinet doors tomorrow. I guess I’m going to stay in town until the end of the project. My dad will just have to deal with me around. How about you come by my place after your ride?” They would be alone there. They could pick up where they left off.

  “I’ll be there by noon, and I’ll take you to lunch. I’d better bring you home before I change my mind and make love to you on the porch.” His black eyes smoldered with lust.

  She wanted to say to hell with principles. She was tired of denying her feelings. But they would have to wait one more day.

  “Thank you for an unexpected evening, Sheriff Ryker.” She brushed a kiss against his lips.

  “You’re welcome.”

  He kissed her until her head spun, and her knees went weak.

  After he dropped her at the B and B, she stood on the porch watching his taillights fade to a speck of red and disappear. She locked the door and undressed. In the bathroom, she turned the shower to cold.

  Tomorrow wouldn’t come fast enough.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The sun hung full in the sky and dripped its heat all over everything. Gage wished for a breeze to come through the trees. Instead, he wiped the sweat off the back of his neck. The guided trail tour was almost over, and he couldn’t wait. The guests had been courteous and willing to listen to him. Everyone except the guy named Ethan. Ethan had a long, pointy beard and a buzz cut. His narrowed gaze bounced around as if he were waiting for something to happen, and the guy never stopped bragging. Twice, Gage had to call him back to the trail.

  He had planned to return to the ranch using a different route, but Ethan had taken off, and by the time Gage found him, they were too far from his original path. Now they would have to take the narrow passage near the cliff edge. They would go single file for three hundred yards. He wished one of his brothers were there to pull up the rear. This trail was safer with two guides.

  He was anxious to see Calista. Sleep had evaded him most of the night because thoughts of her lips against his and the smooth texture of her back beneath his touch tortured him. She hadn’t promised him anything, but she had been willing to be with him, and he would take that as a victory.

  As soon as he finished the postride ritual, he had to do more investigating, but then he would rush over and buy her lunch. After that, the rest of the day could unfold. He hoped it would be with her naked beside him.

  He shook his head to stay focused. “Okay, everyone, we’ll need to get into a single file here. I’ll go first. The horses know the trail. All you have to do is sit back and relax. But make sure to glance a little to your right and see the river below. You don’t want to miss the view, but please don’t stop to take pictures.”

  “Is this safe?” The woman named Kathy called out from the back of the line. Kathy had packed her own riding helmet for this anniversary trip with her wife, Jane. Jane clucked at Kathy’s wound-up questions and concerns.

  Gage had to agree with the more carefree Jane. Real cowboys didn’t wear helmets. He tired of city slickers who came to Montana to unwind from their hectic lives, hoping a week on the ranch would be enough to cure whatever was bothering them. Jett always reminded him to keep that to himself. He blew a long breath through his teeth. “Kathy, this trail is as safe as any. Just follow my instructions.”

  He rounded the corner of the big rock, and the land stretched and yawned in front of him. Relief renewed his energy. They would walk downhill from here and be back to the ranch in twenty minutes. He turned Kit Kat around to wait for the others.

  The couple from Texas came around the turn first. Jett had said something about them celebrating a wedding anniversary too. They were followed by Jake, the brother of that pain in the ass, Ethan. Right on his tail were Kathy and Jane. Kathy’s smile wavered, and her skin had a green tone to it, but she didn’t appear any worse for having been so close to the edge. She adjusted the helmet and blew a kiss to Jane.

  “Jake, where’s Ethan?” The relief of making it past the narrow edge and to the open space was replaced with cold, slimy dread.

  “Got me. I think he stopped to ta
ke a selfie.”

  “I gave one direction. Does he understand he jeopardizes everyone’s safety when he doesn’t listen? This isn’t some damn joke.” Fury boiled his blood. He flicked the reins and took off on Kit Kat. “Stay here. No one moves.”

  Jett would punch him in the face for talking to guests the way he just did. He’d deal with Jett after he found Ethan. He might not care a whole lot about wearing helmets, but he did want his guests to pay attention to the damn directions.

  He slowed Kit Kat with a pull of the reins. The space narrowed again. The jagged mountain wall was inches away. The drop to the river below was only inches in the other direction. Ethan must have let the others go ahead of him. No one would have been able to pass him.

  He navigated the path, wanting to hurry because every second could mean something bad for this guy who had been trouble from the onset. Jett would have to be called if anything happened. And if it was bad, they’d need a helicopter to the hospital. His sweaty hands gripped the reins with more force.

  The path widened, and his stomach took a dive. The cliff edge was still close by. The rumble of the river below echoed up to him. Ethan’s horse didn’t have a rider. Marigold nosed the grass. Her tail swished without a care in the world.

  He dismounted. “Ethan?”

  The birds were the only ones answering back.

  “Ethan? Where are you?” His pulse picked up speed. He eased closer to the cliff edge, but not close enough to see over. Still no one called back to him.

  He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted. “Ethan? Where the fuck are you?” Had the guy walked back the way they came?

  “Help.” A small voice broke the silence.

  He hurried the rest of the way to the edge and peered over. Ethan stood on a small ledge that jutted out from the rock’s side and looked up. His face and arms were scratched and bleeding. His left arm hung limp at his side.

  “Are you okay?” The clock was ticking. He’d only have minutes to keep Ethan calm enough to get him back up the hill. He didn’t have the right equipment to scale the rock or send a harness down to him.

  “I think my arm is broken.” Ethan’s voice wobbled.

  He wanted to ask what Ethan had been thinking when he got too close to the edge. “Did you fall on it?”

  “I slipped off the edge trying to take a selfie with the water behind me. I’m sorry, man. Really. I didn’t mean for this to happen. The ground crumbled under my feet.”

  No one ever meant for this stuff to happen. Ajay didn’t mean to kill Ava, but he did. “I’m going to grab a rope. Don’t move.”

  “No way.”

  He unsecured the rope from the saddle and made a bowline with a wide opening. “Ethan, I need you to listen carefully. Can you do that?”

  If shock set in, Ethan might not be able to follow the directions that would save his life. Gage tied the other end of the rope around his waist.

  “I’ll do whatever you ask. Just get me out of here. My arm hurts.” Ethan’s voice shook more. He cradled his arm against his chest.

  “I’m going to toss the rope down to you. You need to slip it over your head and pull the end so it’s tight around your waist. I’ll pull you up, but you’re going to have to help. Are you with me so far?”

  “But my arm. How am I going to pull myself up with one arm?”

  “I’ll do most of the work, but you’re going to have to help. I can’t get you up if you’re dead weight. The rope won’t hold long like that.” They were wasting time. He tossed the rope over.

  Ethan watched it dangle.

  “Grab the rope.”

  It wasn’t more than three feet away. Ethan stared back up at him.

  “Ethan, stay with me. I need you to grab that rope. Just lean over.”

  “I can’t.”

  He didn’t waste time arguing. He recoiled the rope and tried to throw it closer. “You can reach that.”

  Ethan grabbed the rope and pressed his back against the rock face. “I’m going to fall. I don’t want to die. Please don’t let me die,” he blubbered and wiped at his face with his good hand.

  “You’re not going to die. Put the rope around your waist. You can do it.”

  “I can’t. You have to come down and get me. If you don’t, I’ll fall off the edge.” He hiccupped and cried harder.

  “I have to stay up here and pull you to safety. Act like a damn man and put that fucking rope around your waist.”

  Ethan released the rope. It dangled only inches away from him. Gage ran a hand over his face. The ledge wasn’t big enough for the two of them to stand on. If Ethan wouldn’t put the rope around his waist, there wasn’t anything else he could send him. He would have to scale the face and grab Ethan himself. He needed help.

  “Ethan, I’m calling for backup. Don’t move. Do you hear me? Just stay put. Ethan, say something.”

  “I hear you. I’ll wait for backup.”

  He fumbled for his phone and called Jett. This would be a big issue for the ranch. They’d be sued, even though the incident was that jackass’s fault. Jett would go batshit crazy when he heard a guest fell off the cliff, and blame him. He should have known someone like Ethan would go and do a fuck-up move. If he had been paying better attention and not thinking about where he wanted to be after the tour was over, this wouldn’t have happened. He had trusted his guests, and he should have known better than to trust amateurs in a situation like this one. Safety should always be the number one priority. He was fucking up here the same way he was fucking up the investigation.

  “What’s up?” Jett’s voice interrupted his internal raging.

  “We’ve got a big problem.”


  The sun drooped behind the treetops, and the cool mountain breeze froze the sweat on Gage’s skin. He watched as Jett and his rancher rode off with Ethan. Jett had arrived with the climbing gear and the extra help to guide the other guests back.

  Gage had been the one to go down the mountain face and rescue Ethan. The rocks cut his arms as he bounced off the side and missed his mark. The mountain used him for batting practice before his feet found their purchase. It took some convincing for Ethan to get in the gear and hold on to him. He hung suspended for the better part of an hour before Ethan finally moved. Jett and his rancher pulled them to safety.

  “It’s not your fault,” Jett had whispered in his ear and surprised him. “Don’t go beating yourself up for this. That’s an order, big brother.”

  Now his muscles ached and his pride hurt as much as a rope burn. He wasn’t sure if he had the energy to mount Kit Kat and make it home. He wanted to call Calista and explain, but the words only twisted in his head. He’d explain in person. Her smile would ease his pain. Unless she pushed him away again. He wanted to trust her to understand, but what if she didn’t?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Calista turned off the sander and wiped the sweat from her brow. Her shoulders ached, and her back muscles twisted into a braid, but pride puffed up her lungs. She had spent the day sanding every kitchen cabinet and door.

  Her father stayed away from the main house while she and Justin worked side by side. Not having to deal with her dad gave her the energy to keep going. Once the kitchen was done, she would start advertising for more guests. And try again to dismantle Ava’s room.

  “Calista, do you want to take a lunch break?” Justin carried a freshly stained cabinet door to the deck and leaned it against the rail with the others to dry.

  She checked her phone for the third time. It was after noon. Her heart flipped. Gage would be there soon, which meant she wanted Justin to leave. Not because she didn’t think he was a great helper and a good kid, but because Gage would scowl and become angry. She didn’t want anything to ruin her afternoon plans. She was going to get Gage Ryker in her bed today.

  “I forgot about an appointment I have this afternoon. Let’s take off early. I’ll pay you for the whole day. Go enjoy the sun.” She wrapped up the sander cord.

nbsp; He bounced down the deck steps to her. “Are you sure? There’s still a lot of work to be done. I don’t mind doing it. I could keep working while you go to your appointment. Unless you don’t want me here without you.”

  Of course he would think that. “Hey, that’s not what I’m getting at. If you say you didn’t have anything to do with the robbery at Kennedy’s, then I believe you.”

  “Sheriff Ryker doesn’t.” Justin kicked the dirt.

  “Once he finds a good lead, he’ll realize he’s been wrong.”

  “He’ll never let me date his daughter. He doesn’t think I’m good enough for her. He says it has nothing to do with me being from the rez, but I don’t believe that.”

  She put a hand on his shoulder. “Gage’s grandfather grew up on the reservation.”


  “Yup. His family was very poor. Grandpa Ryker always wanted to be a landowner. Both of his parents died when he was about sixteen, I think Gage said. So Grandpa Ryker left and joined the army.”

  “Izzi never mentioned it.”

  She lifted a shoulder. “I probably shouldn’t say this, but I guess she has other things on her mind when she’s with you.”

  Justin’s face bloomed red. “What happened with Sheriff Ryker’s grandfather?”

  “His relatives were pretty mad about him joining the United States military, but he wanted a better life. He planned to bring his new skills back to the reservation, but he met a woman and fell in love.” Kind of like what might be happening between Justin and Gage’s daughter. Calista didn’t know if such young love could last, but she did know there wasn’t any point in fighting it.

  “That would be Izzi’s great-grandmother.”

  “That’s right. She wasn’t accepted on the reservation. So Grandpa Ryker left again with his new wife and bought the land, on a loan, that is the Ryker ranch now. Gage is very proud of his grandfather and his family. He would not judge you for being Indian.”

  “This great-grandfather and me have a lot in common. That’s cool. My brother and parents want me to go back to the rez after school, but I won’t. I’ve hurt my people, but I can’t live like that anymore. I told Jamie he could live with me instead of our cousin, but he says no. We either all live together or not at all. I hope he changes his mind.”


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