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I Still Hate You

Page 7

by Marie Skye

  Felix wasn’t that bad. I mean sure he had his moments but overall, he’s... yeah who am I kidding. His father missed that opportunity to point to the wall.

  “He’s gone, you hear me? Completely gone.”

  “Fine,” I said through gritted teeth. Felix and I weren’t having sex anymore anyway, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “Let me be clear,” he practically sneered, causing me to take a step back, which was pointless since he stepped forward, closing the distance between us. “You’re mine. Mind, body, soul, and pussy, are we clear?”

  “Two weeks.”

  He paused. “What?”

  “Two weeks. Beth told me about the two-week package.” His eyes widened a bit before he controlled himself. He seemed more surprised than me right now.

  I took a refill on my tea. “What made you keep going back to Ash?”

  She shrugged as if the answer was obvious. “He’s great to work with. I had to commit to his two-week services which was a bit unnerving but ended up being the best thing for me.”

  “What’s the two-week service?” I leaned in wanting to know more as if everything she said was a secret.

  “Well, I needed to be more comfortable with myself. I needed the confidence, so for two weeks we were essentially ‘dating’. If that makes sense.”

  It didn’t. I waited for her to continue.

  “We spent time together practically twenty-four hours a day. Went on dates, we learned what I liked sexually and not sexually. Basically, he opened up my mind. I had been locked down for so long, I almost didn’t know I was that much of a mess.”

  I sat back in my chair thinking over what she said. “And again, I know it’s odd, and not talked about, and that’s okay, but I think more relationships would last if they followed the lessons he gives.”

  I crossed my arms to be petulant. “Sure. A little possessive, Ash, but sure whatever.” He definitely didn’t like that. “Anything else dickhead?”

  He arched his brow but chose to ignore me. “I’ll have our agreement sent over to you this evening. Once you sign it and send it back, we can start.” He didn’t say anymore as he walked out the kitchen.

  An agreement, what agreement? Start what, I thought we were just fucking? I shaved and everything!



  This contract is in effect from March 21 to April 7 unless one of the undersigned retracts this contract in writing.

  (Ash Toro) and (Perrie Marin) affirm that we are over the age of eighteen (18) and legally capable of signing this contract on our own behalf. To dumb it down, neither of us are fucking stupid and both of us are willing and capable.

  Consent of Physical Contact

  I consent to the sexual activities initialed below; non-initialed activities are non-consensual and indicate a violation of this contract if initiated.

  Full Body Touching

  No panties

  Daily Breakfast

  Sans clothing

  Vaginal Sex

  Open Communication

  No Jarred Pasta Sauce

  Nightly Dinners

  Voyeurism Sex

  Skirts or Dresses

  No Fuckboy

  Green Grapes

  Green apples

  Seeded Watermelon


  Leather Cuffs

  Nightly Dinners


  Oral Sex

  Random Rooms

  Open Masturbation


  I made sure to supply Perrie with the most ridiculous agreement I could come up with and made sure it was pinpointed down to the most trivial shit.

  What to wear, what to eat, when to sleep, when to awaken, all of it. Do I do this for my other clients? Fuck no, but for some reason she feels the need to impress Mr. Impressive who’s made it clear that he’s an unworthy egotistical shithole. I fired off her contract in an email and got in bed. She had no idea but her world was about to change.



  It was almost two in the morning and I was still staring at the contract Ash sent over a few hours ago. I had half a mind to bang on his door and ask if he was delirious, but I didn’t. Instead, I read over each line at least ten times. I couldn’t figure out why I was making such a big deal about this, after all, I requested it. Granted, half the shit he wrote on this ridiculous contract made absolutely no sense. What the hell was open masturbation?

  Figuring Ash wouldn’t actually put me into any kind of danger, or do anything I wasn’t comfortable with, I supposed I should and can trust him. I finally put in my digital signature, hit send and shut the laptop, yawning as I laid my head on top of it. What in the world am I getting myself into? Is this even a smart idea? I sighed as I shut my eyes.

  I jumped at the sound of a door slamming. I looked at my surroundings. I fell asleep at the kitchen table, the pain in my neck reminding me. I groaned as I stretched and looked toward Ash’s door as he walked out fully nude. I quickly faced forward and yelped as the pain in my neck intensified.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as I made a point not to turn my entire body to face him.

  “Did you sleep out here all night?” he asked instead of answering me.

  “I fell asleep reading your ridiculous contract.” I stilled as I felt his warmth come up beside me followed by his hands gently massaging my neck. Slowly, I felt myself relaxing as he concentrated on the knot in my neck. For a moment, I forgot he was nude until I relaxed a little too much and dropped my arm to my side and brushed against his cock.

  I gasped and practically tried to jump out of my seat, but he took his other hand and held me down as he finished his massage. “If we’re going to pretend to be in a relationship for this duration, we need to be comfortable around each other. Not to mention, you agreed to it, remember?”

  Of course, I remembered. I signed the damn agreement a mere five hours ago. Wait, how did he read it so damn fast if he was asleep? It’s like he knew I would agree to everything and question nothing. It was stupidity on my part, no doubt.

  “Eggs and toast okay?”

  I turned around and looked behind me just as Ash was pulling the egg carton out. I jumped up. “None for me, thanks. I have an early work meeting, so I’m just going to jump in the shower really quick and head out.”

  I took maybe two steps toward my room before his voice cut me off like a whip. “You can take your shower, but you will have breakfast with me. Unless you’re terminating your agreement before we even start?” I paused. Crap, I forgot about breakfast. “Better hurry,” he taunted behind me as he cracked eggs into a bowl.

  Twenty minutes later I was at the kitchen table, ready to bash the pan of eggs over his head. I drummed my fingers against the table, hoping he would hear it and go faster.

  “The secret is,” he glanced back at me, clearly ignoring the look of hatred I was giving him, as he went back to stirring the eggs, “to never rush your eggs. They’re quick to turn on you if you do.” He spoke as if it was a hidden secret that only he knew. I was confused. Did people care this much about eggs? Before I had time to ponder that thought, he placed a plate in front of me, but not before lightly sprinkling parsley on top. He sat across from me and smiled as if he just made a full five-course meal.

  “Thanks,” I muttered as I slowly picked up my fork. I pointed to him. “You’re not having any?”

  He looked up from his phone. “Oh, no, I hate eggs.”

  I paused. “Then why did you make me eggs?”

  “Because you like eggs,” he said as if it was completely obvious and I just totally missed the point.

  I put my fork back down, “Wasn’t that part of the agreement? Breakfast?”

  “Yes, it all applied to you, not me.” He went back to his phone, only occasionally looking up at me. I had just taken the last bite as he grabbed my plate away and placed another bag in front of me. “Your lunch. Have a good day.”

  I stared at him as he w
alked away.

  What the hell was that?



  Today was day one of the two-week session with Ash, and let me be the first to say that it was weird as hell. It all started five minutes after I got to work. He had already texted me wanting to know if I made it okay. Then he started asking trivial shit, which stealthily turned sexual.

  Ash: Is your bathroom shared or private?

  Me: Man, you’re nosy.

  Ash: Answer the question.

  Me: Shared. Why?

  Ash: Go. I’ll call you when you get in there, bring your headphones.

  Was he going to sing me a song? Taking a deep breath, I did as I was told. I thought I was in the clear until I saw a few other coworkers in the bathroom as well. My phone rang and I quickly answered it but stopped when I saw he was calling on video. I put my headphones in.

  “Get in a stall.”

  “Well, hi to you, too.” Not looking at any of the other girls, I quickly got in a stall.

  “Sounds busy there.”

  “Yeah, there’s a few people in here,” I whispered. “What do you want?”

  “I want to watch you play with your pussy.” My eyes practically bugged out of my head.


  “You and I both know you heard me. Did you wear panties today?”

  “Of course, I did, I…” I stopped remembering the contract. “I thought that was only for home,” I whispered and he slowly smiled.

  “I’ll let that slide because, actually, they’re going to be mighty useful.” He stared at me a moment. “Well? I’m waiting.”

  I looked through the crack of the stall door as more people entered the bathroom. “Here? Now?” He didn’t say anything as I put my sweater on the lid of the toilet before sitting. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Yet that didn’t stop me.

  “Position your phone… there ya go.”

  I had both legs up, feet resting on the toilet seat. “You’re already wet for me.” I felt myself blush because yeah, that’s what he did to me. “Move the panty piece to the side.” Not even thinking about it, I went for it. He sharply exhaled. “Damn.” Feeling bold, I trailed my fingers down. “Show me what you do to make yourself come.”

  I do exactly what he says, letting my fingers graze my folds before going to my clit which is exactly where I wanted it. I bit my lip to try to stay quiet as I’m fully aware there are more girls outside my door. I hear laughing in the distance but I ignore it. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just me, Ash and my desire to come.

  “I can hear how wet you are,” he groaned. Normally that would have made me self-conscious that if he could hear it, then others could too. But you know what? Who cares? Who fucking cares? “Make that pretty pussy drench for me, Perrie.” I bit my lip harder, the taste of copper on my tongue. “Tell me when.”

  I nodded and managed to whisper out now as I shook and jerked, my orgasm tearing through me. I gasped almost in disbelief of what I just did.

  “Good girl,” Ash taunted. I didn’t say anything as I focused on calming my breathing. “Take your panties off.”

  I froze. “What?”

  “Take. Your. Panties. Off.”

  I briefly hesitated as I slipped the now wet panties off. “You have a courier?”

  “Yeah... why?”

  “Send them to me.” He said it so casually as if he were telling me what he wanted for dinner.


  “Send them to me. I’ll text you an address.”

  Before I could say more, he hung up. A few seconds later an address appeared on the screen. He had to be joking, but since it was Ash, you never could tell. Taking a moment and then flushing the toilet to make it at least seem like I did something other than get myself off, I slowly opened the door and peeked out. There was only one other person at the far end. Heading to the sink, I quickly washed my hands then went back to my desk. When I made sure no one else was around me, I took the panties from my pocket and stuffed them in a manilla envelope and ordered a courier to deliver them to the address he sent me.

  I tried focusing on work, but that was nearly impossible after the day I had. An hour later, I received a picture message from Ash. Not taking any chances, I once again made sure no one was around before viewing the pic.

  A picture of his fully erect dick with my wet panties wrapped tightly around his cock, with his cum now coating the fabric.

  By lunch, I practically rushed out of work, faking an illness I clearly didn’t have just to get home.

  He knew it too because there he was leaning against the kitchen counter, sans shirt and those damn gray sweatpants. The only sound was him biting an apple.

  “How was work?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, stepping closer. “I didn’t get anything done if that’s what you’re asking. I was busy fielding your sexual-innuendo-filled texts.”

  “So,” he slowly walked toward me, and I already knew this was about to be dangerous, “we agree then? You can use my cock all you want, and I’ll use your cunt all I want because we ‘hate’ each other?”

  I frowned. “Do you have to be so crude?”

  “Yes.” Before I could respond, my blouse was ripped open, buttons flying everywhere, and his eyes landed immediately on my chest. My hands flew to cover myself, but he was too quick for me. “Let me see what I hate, Perrie.”



  My eyes peeled open at the sunlight filtering in the room. Shit, I forgot to close the blackout curtains. I stared at the picture next to the window. That’s not mine. I froze. I wasn’t in my bed. Hell, I wasn’t in my room. Ever so slowly, I looked behind me. Ash. Not just Ash, but naked Ash. Before I could decide if I wanted to freak out or not, I took a moment to just look at him. We were doing this. I could not believe we were really doing this, even if it was for just a short amount of time.

  “Stop staring, it’s weird,” he said with his eyes still closed before finally smiling and opening his eyes. “There’s water on the nightstand beside you.” I turned around and grabbed both bottles, handing one to him before draining almost all of mine.

  I started to speak but a knock at the front door halted us both. He looked at me, one eyebrow raised. “If we’re quiet, they’ll go away.” The knock happened again before he groaned. I quickly got out of bed, putting on yesterday’s clothes as I hurried to the door. Upon opening it, I froze.

  “Morning, did I wake you?”

  I stared and blinked a few times before remembering I had a voice. “No. No, you didn’t…” I paused. “I wasn’t expecting you. Or even know you knew where I lived.”

  “I didn’t, I had to ask around.” I nodded at his answer, both of us just standing there. “May I come in?”

  “Yes, of course.” I stepped back and that’s when Ash came out, practically wearing a suit, including a tie. How the hell did he get dressed so fast? He grabbed his phone and walked toward us. I motioned to Ash. “This is my roommate, Ash. Ash, this is my... well this is my moth…” I paused since I never could call her that. “I mean this is—”

  Before I could think of something, Gerald did. “Gerald Lexington, Perrie’s stepfather.” My eyes widened at his introduction. He’s never referred to himself as that before. He held his hand out, which Ash shook. The three of us stood there not really saying anything.

  “I have a few meetings to attend to, so I’ll see you later. It was great meeting you, Mr. Lexington.”

  “Pleasure,” Gerald responded back.

  I didn’t want Ash to leave. I needed an anchor and he would have been it. I motioned to the couch and he sat promptly, the awkwardness just brewing around us. Truth is, I have never been alone in a room with Gerald before. I made us both a cup of coffee, doing my best not to show my nervousness.

  “I won’t take up much of your time. I know you’re very busy, and I know you don’t owe us a damn thing. But you are owed an explanation, if you’ll allow me to give that to you.” I
wanted to lash out, tell him how I was owed an explanation over ten years ago when I showed up on their doorstep practically an orphan. I was owed an explanation when I was kicked out, and more importantly, I was owed an explanation on why a mother abandoned her five-year-old daughter. A five-year-old that did nothing but look up to her and wanted to be like her. But I didn’t say any of that, instead, I simply nodded my head and waited for him to continue.

  “Jacqueline is a wonderful woman that I love very much. I know you don’t believe nor understand but she does indeed love you, too.” I snickered at that statement but he ignored it. “Jacqueline and I met when she was ten years old. I was twenty.” I knew there was an age gap between the two of them but I had no idea it was that great. “It was decided by our families that her and I would marry.”

  I sputtered out my coffee. “She was a child!”

  He held his hand up to stop me. “I know, which is why the idea was absolutely preposterous not to mention absurd that the request was even made.” He paused as he narrowed his eyes and leaned forward. “Do not look at me like that, I’m not a fucking child molester.” I wiped the shocked look off of my face before he continued. “I met her once when I was twenty, then again when I was thirty-five. That’s when we married.”

  “You mean that’s when she left me,” I corrected him.

  “Have you ever met your grandparents, Perrie? Your mother’s family, anyone on that side?”

  Of course, I have... haven’t I? I searched my memory, and even though it had been so long, I couldn’t ever remember meeting my mother’s parents. I think maybe I thought they had passed.


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