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Dragon Masters of Limea: Books 1 and 2

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by Baker, Tamsin

  Dragon Masters of Limea

  Books 1 and 2

  Tamsin Baker


  Tamsin Baker

  Princess Tattiena

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Tamsin Baker

  Warrior Nakeeri

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  About the Author

  Princess Tattiena

  Book 1 in The Dragon Masters of Limea

  Tamsin Baker


  Just like the flames of her Dragon’s breath, fire whirled around her. Inside and out. Her dreams had taunted her for months, but even as she fought their erotic pull with all her strength, they grew in power.

  This night was no exception.

  Shudders coursed through her body as another violent orgasm crashed into her. A moan rolled from her lips. The cold touch of the marble bench against her breasts aroused her to even greater heights. She pressed her palms and face closer to the cold surface, allowing parts of her burning body some relief.

  The grunting, big man behind her pulled away, having already cum inside her and another stepped up.

  More. Please more.

  Rough hands grabbed her hips, nudged her swollen, aching pussy lips open with the spear shaped head of his cock, then thrust inside. Hard.

  “Argh!” She called out as her tender walls clamped down on him, welcoming his thrusts like the greedy whore she was. She began to pant, feeling him grow harder inside her. Tendrils of heat and desire swirled and grew inside of her.

  His moans grew louder, his warrior body moving harder and faster. His thighs slapped against hers, making her fist her fingers against the marble.

  Her nipples tightened and she squeezed her eyes shut as her body shivered in excitement, ready for the release to come.

  First his, then hers.

  His movements became less smooth, jerkier and she gasped, her stomach fluttering with need. His guttural cry rang out in the room around her as he thrust once more into her, his seed flooding her womb in hot streaming pulses. His orgasm called on her own, her insatiable body milking his cock of every last drop of seed.

  He fell onto her back for a moment, his sweaty chest dripping onto her burning skin in a rare moment of intimacy, and then he too stepped away.

  Her core ached. She needed more.

  The next man stepped up and she...

  Tattiena came awake on a violent wave of orgasm. It ploughed into her like a Dragon’s breath, heat exploding over her body in wave after wave of delight. She screamed out her unwilling pleasure and rolled onto her side, curling into a ball to ride out the powerful pulses still clenching inside her womb.

  As they began to subside, she uncurled her body, her tingling pussy mocking her. She squeezed her hands into tight fists, a frustrated cry replacing the screams of pleasure.

  The dreams were getting worse, and no amount of praying was making them any better. She’d have to speak to the healer.

  “Gah.” She sat up and swung her legs off her bed. It was time to get up before her mind threw up any more of those erotic images. She tugged at her silk night gown as she walked through her personal quarters.

  As the Dragon rider, and because of her relationship with the King, she lived within the castle walls away from the rest of the royal family.

  Plush carpet cushioned her feet, reminding her of the expensive lifestyle she lived within her father’s castle. Yet, she would much prefer to be in the stables with her one and only love.


  Tattiena tugged the wispy material from her body with difficulty, the sweat on her skin clinging to the silk.

  Ripping resounded in the large bathroom as she removed it with a yank, then turned on the water facilities with a push of a button.

  She’d lived in the castle since her mother’s death, over twenty years ago now. The tech knew what water temperature she liked, though that sort of intelligence in a machine baffled her.

  She stepped beneath the spray, hissing out her breath as the hot water cascaded over her overly sensitive skin. Her nipples peaked, her pussy pulsed, and yet she refused to give in to such basic urges.

  She was in control of her destiny, not some stupid heat in her blood. Nothing and nobody was going to make her mate with any damn…man.

  No fricken’ way.

  She poured some flower gel into her palm and scrubbed her long hair. She’d cut it all off if she was allowed, but the stupid elders liked her to look feminine. Something about her power making men nervous. Why should she care about that sort of thing?

  She rinsed the sweet-smelling muck from her hair, hit the button that shut down the water and pulled a thick comb through her tangled locks. The tug of the brush caused pain to prickle in her head, making the memories of last night’s dreams flood her mind.

  So much fucking… So much cum…

  “Grrr… No!” She towel dried herself, something they preferred she didn’t do. There was hot air puffing machines for that, but she’d already had enough orgasms for today thank you very much.

  Tattiena marched to the closet, filled with more clothes than she could ever wear. She pulled her favorite training pants from the drawer, tugging on the comfortable leather and grabbing a purple top that hugged her body and covered her arms.

  Nargoya’s tail and scales could cut her arms so easily without even meaning to while they were training together. She needed the protection.

  Tattiena headed out of her room, nodding at the guard standing by her door, rigid as a Cullen tree back home. She walked through the castle and made her way outside, heading straight for the stables where they kept her precious.

  As she stepped closer, her heart thudded faster in her chest, excited to see her love. She opened the huge wooden door and stepped into the most extravagant stables she’d ever seen. It had heat, running water, and automatic food machines for her Dragon.

  Not to mention two bedrooms for when the stable hands or herself wanted to sleep close to the castle’s number one defense.

  Tattiena’s eyes met with Nargoya’s, the purple iris’s that matched her wing tips so beautiful it never failed to make Tattiena smile.

  “Hello, my beautiful girl.” She stepped up close and lifted her hand, running her palm over the warm, smooth scales that covered Nargoya’s neck.

  “How did she sleep?” Tattiena asked the stable master, who stood quietly nearby.

  He was an odd little man, but Tattiena had no objections to his work with Nargoya so she kept her opinions to herself. As long as her Dragon was happy, then so was she.

  “Well. I believe. She ate her whole breakfast and seems a little excited for her morning training session. She’s been pacing quite a bit.”


  Dragons of Nargoya’s age were about five times the size of a normal human, but she would grow bigger as she aged. Dragons on Limea were rare indeed. They were hunted to the verge of extinction a hundred years ago, and now, with only a few left in existence, Tattiena’s beloved companion was protected at all costs. Though she was also a useful weapon for the kingdom.

  Nargoya was revered and worshipped, for the protection she gave the castle and the inhabitants of the town surrounding. And as her rider, and protector, so was Tattiena.

  “Let’s go then,
girl, shall we?”

  Her Dragon made a snorting sound and flicked out her wings to show she was ready to go. No one knew how much Dragons understood human speech, but Nargoya had an uncanny ability to not only do everything Tattiena asked of her, but also anticipated things that Tattiena did not see.

  She stepped onto the bony ridge of Nargoya’s wing, the only safe place to place her foot, and pushed up with her strong thighs, rock hard from years of riding.

  She swung up onto her Dragon’s back, sliding into the comfortable saddle that had been made for her. A tremble ran through the Dragon, beneath her hands she felt every ripple. Something was different with Nargoya this morning. The stable master was right. Did she too feel the heat as Tattiena did?

  A heat designed to force them both into mating. To produce the next line of Dragon and Dragon rider.

  “To the sky.”

  The roof opened slowly, a mechanical device designed to allow immediate flight for her Dragon.

  Nargoya’s silvery black wings extended to their full, magnificent length. She crouched lower to the ground, coiling the powerful spring in her legs and Tattiena grab hold of the reins, looking up toward the blue sky.

  Her powerful Dragon launched off from the ground and Tattiena leaned forward in the saddle, balancing herself as Nargoya’s wings flapped harder and harder. She’d fallen off many times when she’d learnt to ride as a child. But she could practically do it in her sleep now, thankfully. Broken bones took too long to heal.

  The ground grew further and further away and then they were soaring. Tattiena could finally breathe again, her ribs relaxing and her shoulders dropping down from their tightened position. She took several calm, deep breaths, her heart pounding out a heavy, steady rhythm.

  This was where she was most at home. This was where she was meant to be. In this crystal blue ocean of air, surrounding her with nothing. No walls, no restraints, no expectations.

  She tilted to the right and Nargoya turned, soaring through the air.

  She leaned back in the saddle, extending her arms to parallel her Dragon’s wing span, and let her mind go. No matter what troubles were there for her on the ground, up here, she was free.

  * * *

  Prince Leonide Axxele wiped the sweat from his brow. His body undulated with the movement of the horse he rode. They were travelling along the road to Gregorick, one of the richest cities on Limea.

  Although his reason for visiting the King was under his father’s instructions—to make better relations with their nearest neighbor—he’d also heard they owned a Dragon. Though little else was known about them.

  “Sire. Look. Up in the sky.”

  Leo stopped his horse and tilted his head back as far as it would go. He couldn’t believe his eyes, and his mouth dropped open. Up until today, this very moment, he’d never seen such a thing.

  “Dear Goddess in Halla.”

  A Dragon. With wings tipped with the deepest purple.

  His heart skipped a beat, then thudded loudly in his chest as though recognizing the beauty and power as a known friend.

  He let his head drop down. What a strange reaction. His skin tightened uncomfortably and he urged his horse on.

  Yes, he had to meet that Dragon and its rider. What wonderful things could he learn from them? He surged forward, the castle where the King of Gregorick lived, standing before him in all its glory.

  A massive stone wall encircled the town at the base. It wasn’t quite what he’d expected. No turrets adorned the castle, but a large rise in the center of the city hinted at the home of the king. Perhaps the true castle remained well hidden? An unusual and intriguing trick.

  They rode up to the large, locked gates, he and his party of twenty men. Mostly warriors. He’d also brought with him some of their scholars. Those who had a thirst for knowledge as he did.

  “Who goes there?” a man on the tower called down.

  Leo pulled back his dark cloak and dropped it around him on his horse, exposing his rich, colored clothes that bespoke his heritage.

  “I am Prince Leonide Axxele of Davuno. I am here to request an audience with your king.”

  The heavy doors creaked for a moment, then they opened with clean precision.

  Satisfaction filled him. The guards had heard of him. They were in.

  He squeezed his horse’s sides with his legs and the stallion surged forward, walking into a new town that his father bragged would be richer than anything Leo had ever seen. His father was not far wrong, though it was very different than what he had expected.

  He’d been told he would see riches. A flagrant display of wealth. That was simply not the case. Everywhere he looked, the town was clean and well maintained. There were small, neat houses lining the streets and people bustled about in royally-colored robes.

  He passed small shops and stalls, and even the men selling fruit and fish wore shirts made of purples and blues.


  Was there no hierarchy and order in this town?

  He followed the streets up the slight incline, assuming of course that the king would live at the top of the city grounds. The safest place and also a sure sign of power.

  A woman with dark, short hair stepped out in front of him, her pink flowing dress as pretty as he had seen his town’s wealthiest women wear. He pulled his horse to a stop.

  She was young, but unafraid as she stared up into his eyes. “My lord. Would you like help finding the king’s palace?”

  Her polite question gave him pause. Perhaps it would not be as easy as he had assumed to find the king in his own castle?

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “This way.” She nodded as though she had expected that answer, turned, and began walking quickly along the streets.

  Leo glanced to his side where he shared a confused look with one of his seconds, and together, they followed her. Leo took note of the towns people’s interest as they rode further into the town. Their apparent good health and vitality was such as he had never seen. Even the children were richly dressed and well fed.

  I have to find out what they are doing so differently here.

  The woman drew to a halt outside of a rather normal looking home. A large, well-made entrance, but nothing like he would expect of the king’s palace.

  “Here you are, Sir.”

  “The king lives here?”

  She nodded and left, seemingly unfazed by the confusion whirling through Leo. Where was the huge steel doors? The guards? He didn’t understand.

  He swung his leg off his horse and approached the gates with caution, the hairs on his arms pricking. Were they walking into a trap? Were a legion of soldiers about to jump out and slaughter them before they even made it inside.

  His gut twisted and he put a hand on the hilt of his sword.

  No. That was not happening today. He reached out and pressed a button that seemed to be attached to an intercom.

  “Yes?” came a polite female voice from the speaker box.

  This was new. They didn’t have this sort of tech in Davuno. “Prince Axxele to see the King of Gregorick.”

  “Please wait.”

  He looked up at the clear blue sky, searching for any sightings of the Dragon or its rider. Nothing. He’d never seen them before, though he studied the skies often. They both must stay close to the city.

  “Please enter. The king will see you now.”

  The large double doors swung open and Leo turned to his men. “Pat and Ari, come with me. The rest of you stay close. I won’t be long.”

  He handed his horses reins to a younger boy in his party and took his two best warriors inside with him. Pat and Ari at his shoulders, he stepped into the home of the king. There was a large reception room that contained shining surfaces and a flower arrangement that gave a lovely, subtle scent. Nothing unusual so far.

  A small, dark-skinned woman with a long knife at her waist approached them and bowed deeply. She wore tight leather pants and a black shirt that gave her a streng
th and masculine style, despite the cascading brown hair.

  “Greetings. I am Saray. There are no weapons in the king’s home, gentlemen. Please leave them here and you may pick them up on the way out.”

  Leo glanced at the large baskets available for their swords and long knives. There was no way he was going anywhere unarmed, not to mention the fact that his sword was worth more than most people made in a year.

  “I don’t leave my sword anywhere.”

  Saray smiled with understanding. “Our king does not carry a weapon in his home, so no one else is permitted to either. I am the only one, as I am the King’s body guard. You have no reason to protect yourself here.”

  Although her tones were gentle and seemingly understanding, there was steel beneath the words.

  “Do you guarantee they will still be here when we get back?”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Of course.”

  Leo opened his mouth to explain once again that he did not want to follow protocol, and as a prince, he shouldn’t need to. But he did not want to appear aggressive before his first introduction, and he could see there was no compromise here. If he wanted an audience with the king, which he did, for the future safety and betterment of his own kingdom, he knew he would have to do it, unarmed.

  Against his better judgement, he pulled his sword from its sheath and lay it on the first softly woven basket.

  Saray nodded at Ari and Pat. “Your men also.”

  He turned to his body guards and nodded.

  They did as they were asked, although Leo could feel the nervousness coursing through them. This was most unusual. Not to mention, a strange experience for a warrior. To be unarmed in a foreign land. Every protective nerve ending tingled with alarm.


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