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Dragon Masters of Limea: Books 1 and 2

Page 15

by Baker, Tamsin

  “Really?” Tumurk didn’t have such things for anyone who lived outside of the castle’s gates.

  “Absolutely. Our king is a very good man.”

  Tattiena smiled with true love in her gaze and Nakeeri’s memory reminded her who the king was.

  “Your father?”

  Tattiena nodded and stopped outside a door.

  “Yes. But we don’t speak of it. I am not the legitimate heir to Gregorick, although the king is going to make my son the next in line after his own son.”

  She shuddered and Nakeeri wondered how bad the prince of Gregorick truly was.

  “You ready for this?” She asked, quirking one eyebrow.

  “I’ve fought many battles. How bad could this be?” Nakeeri asked forcing a bravado she did not feel.

  Tattiena laughed. “That’s the spirit!” She swiped her hand across a panel and the doors opened wide.

  The cacophony of noise crested, then stopped as though someone had pulled the cork on it.

  Tattiena took her arm and pulled her forward into the melee. There was a long table, full of people sitting, talking and eating.

  The princess dragged her up to the far end of the table.

  “My King. I present Nakeeri. Dragon rider of Teramessi. Faithful to the kingdom of Tumurk. She’s come to visit us for a few days at my behest.”

  An older man with no crown, and dressed only as richly as everyone else at the table, stood up and walked over to them.

  Nakeeri’s knees trembled and she pushed back to lock them. Her stomach tightened and she clenched her jaw. She had got through much worse moments in her life. Life threatening, terrible moments. There was no reason to buckle now.

  The man with greying hair and kind, blue eyes stopped and greeted her.

  “Nakeeri. It is wonderful to meet you. I am Taneel. King of Gregorick. And you are very welcome.”

  A part of Nakeeri’s heart melted as the king smiled at her. She had never met a man in power who didn’t make her want to reach for her sword and thrust it into his heart.

  This king was very different.

  “Thank you, your highness.” She bowed deeply and he chuckled.

  “It’s Taneel. Please. Come sit and eat. You will need your strength for the up and coming days. If I know Tattiena, she will have you training by her side as soon as our healer clears her to be outside in the yard once again.”

  “I certainly will!” Tattiena agreed with a smile as they moved back to the table.

  Tattiena pushed Nakeeri into a seat at the head of the table and the king waved his hand.

  “Please continue.”

  They all sat and began chatting again.

  The king turned to her and indicated the man next to him at the head of the table. “Nakeeri, this is my son, Nellid. You already know Leo of course, and our captain of the guard should be here any moment.”

  Awareness tickled at her neck just before the door to the room opened once again. She twisted around to watch as Kalvis strode in, his movements strong and capable. Her belly tightened and her nipples throbbed with remembered pleasure.

  Oh… damn it. Get a grip. You already had him today.

  “I apologise for my lateness, my lord.” Kalvis said, stopping by her shoulder.

  A shiver coursed over Nakeeri and her eyes slid shut while it passed.

  “Not at all Kalvis. Is everything well in the kingdom?”

  “It is now, my lord.” Kalvis replied, his tones suggesting that there had been concerns and he had fixed them.

  “Good. Now sit. Eat. Keep our visiting dragon rider company.”

  She was surprised the king didn’t ask for more information, but the fact that he didn’t, reflected well on Kalvis and Nakeeri found herself smiling at the compliment to him.

  “It would be my pleasure, my lord.”

  Kalvis slid into the seat next to her and Nakeeri had to bite her lip to stop the groan that rose from surfacing. She’d assumed, having had the captain of the guard already, her hunger would have been satisfied.

  She’d been wrong.

  “Eat. Nakeeri. It helps.” Tattiena said across the table and Nakeeri snapped out of the trance.

  She needed to keep her wits about her or she would slide right off the edge of sanity and into a world she could not control.

  “What do you suggest, princess?” She asked, gesturing to the food dishes in front of her. Several of which, she did not recognise.

  A growl rolled out of Tattiena and Nakeeri stared at her in surprise..

  “Oh. Sorry! Tattiena.”

  “This and this.” She pointed to two dishes. One of fragrant meat, the other grains and vegetables.

  “Allow me dragon rider.” Kalvis stood up and served her, scooping much of the bowls onto her plate.

  She gaped at him and looked around. In her town, such a move would be an intent to pursue, or ownership. And done only by a woman. A man would never serve her.

  “Th…thank you.” She stammered out, seeing that no-one except Tattiena was watching or remarking. He served himself then sat down, picked up the fork and began eating like nothing had happened.

  “Eat.” He said under his breath and she grabbed the spoon, scooping up some of the meat and eating it. The flavours exploded across her taste buds and she moaned in appreciation.

  Wow. She’d never tasted anything like it.

  “It’s unique, is it not?” Leo asked her. “When I came here I was surprised by the flavours of the food. The quality of the produce. Everything is superb.”

  She nodded and continued to eat, her stomach growling in appreciation of the heat and its contents. Tattiena’s gaze slid between her and Kalvis as though looking for something.

  Nakeeri raised her eyebrows at the princess and she grinned.

  “How did you find your first work out today? Did the training yard suit you?”

  Nakeeri tried so hard to keep the blush from staining her cheeks. Pushing the images of what had happened at the dragon’s stable out of her mind. Unfortunately she had got very little training done, but tomorrow would be a better day.

  “Ah, yes. You have a great set up there. I didn’t get much time to train today, but I am hoping to spend most of my day there tomorrow.”

  Tattiena nodded at her. “Great. I should be there too.”

  Leo cleared his throat loudly.

  Tattiena rolled her eyes. “Watching, at the very least.”

  Nakeeri wished she had known the princess before she’d become pregnant. How much had such a thing changed her?

  “Do you think you can still be your kingdom’s protector now that you have your babe, Tattiena?”

  The area around them quietened and Nakeeri shrunk back, assuming she had asked an impertinent question.

  “That’s an excellent question, thank you for asking me!”

  Tattiena took a moment to make pointed looks at all the men around her, before addressing Nakeeri again.

  “My mother died when I was young, unmated and weak. She gave up dragon riding after my birth and lost whatever will she had to fight.”

  “That’s terrible.”

  I couldn’t think of anything worse than not being a dragon rider anymore.

  Tattiena continued, “Yes, it was. So I was terrified that if I ever had a child, I would go the same way, and my beautiful Nargoya would suffer the same death my mother’s dragon had.”

  Nakeeri swallowed the lump in her throat. “But that isn’t going to happen, I assume?”

  It couldn’t. The woman before her was obviously aching to go back to her old world.

  “Absolutely not. The difference that we didn’t realise is, that as my fated mate, and husband, Leo can ride Nargoya too. So even with me out of action for a little while, she still has a rider, and as I am loved, and supported, I have no wish to give up my role as protector of this city.”


  It was so much to take in. She’d assumed Tattiena had never experienced loss. That she’d had an
easy life. But that wasn’t the case.

  “Tell us your story, Nakeeri. Was your mother, or your father a dragon rider?” Leo asked.

  Nakeeri took a sip of the wine Kalvis put in front of her and swallowed hard. “No, I don’t think so. My mother died at my birth and I don’t know who my father is.”

  There was shocked silence from their end of the table and Nakeeri saw the skinny prince of Gregorick open his mouth to say something. The King gave him a withering look that soon had the prince standing up and walking to the other end of the table.

  And she hadn’t even got a word with him. Not a loss, she was sure.

  “I’m so sorry.” Kalvis’s words came beside her, soft and heart felt.

  “And I.” Tattiena said.

  Nakeeri shook her head. “Oh please don’t feel sorry for me. It is what it is. I’ve grown up very resilient and strong for such things.”

  “Then how did you come to swear fealty to the king of Tumurk?” The king of Gregorick asked her.

  How much should she tell them? It wasn’t a story she shared, or was proud of.

  “Well…. I found Terramessi when I was barely walking. An egg outside the gates of the castle. We bonded quickly, but she was hard to keep under control. She burnt some buildings down and we were banned from the castle walls. But I was young and we were starving. I was caught…” She swallowed hard, shame gripping her throat like a vice. “Stealing food one day and sentenced to death.”

  “Death? For stealing food!” Tattiena’s voice was outraged.

  Nakeeri glanced between the king and the princess, their horror evident.

  “That doesn’t happen here?”

  “No.” Was all the king said, and Nakeeri’s curiosity was peaked to perhaps look into the way this city operated.

  “My king…” Tattiena urged and her father held up his hand.

  “Every king has the right to run his kingdom how he sees fit, Tattiena.”

  The princess grunted and looked back at Nakeeri. “I’m sorry, continue.”

  “Well, that’s it really. The king took pity on me and we struck a bargain. I swore loyalty and protection to the king and his kingdom, and he spared my life and has made sure since then that we have enough food.”

  Not like the food she had in front of her, of course. Theirs wasn’t even cooked most of the time. But it kept them alive with the hunting and gathering she now did.

  “For how long?” Kalvis asked beside her.

  “What do you mean?”

  Kalvis turned his body so that he now looked into her eyes, and the fierce emotion burning there was enough to make her body ache with longing.

  “For how long must you serve that… king.”

  She blinked. There was no end to such a thing. “Forever.”

  “What?!” Her end of the table exploded.

  She shrunk back again and Kalvis’s hand went onto her arm to steady her.

  “We apologise. Do not be afraid.”

  She held her breath as the warmth of his touch radiated down her arm, taking with it the tingles of arousal and longing.

  He withdrew his hand and she could breathe again.

  “Thank you.”

  The king cleared his throat and turned towards her, and for the first time Nakeeri saw the warrior beneath the robes. The shift of strong sinew and muscle in his arms. The scars on his face and hands.

  What sort of place was this that had no poverty and a man of war at its head?

  “Nakeeri. I don’t believe that such a crime should hold a lifelong punishment. If you ever want to leave Tumurk, please know you have a home here.”

  He bent forward and whispered to her, “If only for company for my daughter, I ask nothing of you and your dragon.”

  He smiled at her briefly, then sat back in his chair, taking up his cup to drink.

  She was struck speechless for a moment. She’d always known that as a dragon rider she was an asset to any kingdom, but to have that taken off the ledger was quite a compliment to her. And said a lot for the king’s affection for his illegitimate daughter.

  “Thank you sire.” She said quietly, unsure of how else to respond. Her mind swirled with ideas, emotions and pain. She didn’t know what to think or what else to say.

  A few days ago she was alone in her cave, with little to eat and no human company. The never ending capture of her crime hanging over her head like an invisible cloud. And here she was, in Gregorick. Well fed, safe and valued. She was overwhelmed.

  “May I be excused for the evening? I’d like to go back to my dragon.”

  She needed to get out of here.

  “Of course.” The king said.

  “If you’d like to sleep in the castle, you are welcome. Otherwise, the stables have two bedrooms that are warm and comfortable.” Tattiena offered.

  Nakeeri pushed herself to her feet. “The stables will be a luxury. Thank you.”

  Kalvis stood up as well, his eyes asking a question she couldn’t say yes to. Not again.

  “I’ll see you all, tomorrow. Tattiena, the dress?” She indicated to the flowing skirts that she still wore.

  Tattiena smiled at her. “Keep it. Please. It looks much better on you than it would ever look on me. Especially now.”

  Tears burned in her eyes and she blinked them away. “I will repay your kindness one day.”

  She bowed and ignored the way her heart cried out to stay. Kalvis’s very aura was tugging at her to be with him, but despite what Tattiena said, she didn’t want a child. She wasn’t a princess and she didn’t have a prince that was going to step up and marry her.

  “Good night.”

  She retreated to the comfort of the stables and her dragon, sleeping the most sound she had her whole life. Warm, safe and for once her… heat was quiet.


  Kalvis watched in awe as Nakeeri took apart two more of his guards.

  “Well done.” He yelled out as she slid her sword back into its sheath, her face dripping with sweat. A determined and happy smile on her lips.

  She nodded towards him and they shared a look that had him clenching his teeth against the wave of lust that assailed him.

  “How’s she going?” Tattiena asked as she walked up beside him and stood behind the ropes watching the action.

  “Great. I think she’s really enjoying the training.”

  She’d thrown herself into the physical ropes course this morning and had seemed to love every second of the fighting challenge this afternoon.

  “Is she as good as me, Kalvis?”

  He chuckled, loving the envy threaded through his usually overly confident princess.

  “Not quite. She lacks your skill. She’s more cunning though. I’ll give her that.”

  “In what way?”

  “She breaks the rules whenever she feels like it. Will grab a man by the pants if necessary, or scratch and bite if she’s cornered. You don’t do those things.”

  Tattiena stared at him with wide open eyes. “Really? That’s unusual.”

  He chuckled again. “She is a fighter, not a soldier. She will do what ever is necessary to win, and survive. A clear indication of the life she has led.”

  Tattiena heaved out a heavy sigh.

  “I know. What a tragedy it has been so far. I can’t believe that she has been scored by her own people, when she should have been treated like a queen.”

  “Like you?”

  Another heavy sigh left the Dragon rider. “Yes. Ridiculous to think that I used to worry about my future and my place in this kingdom.

  “Yes.” He agreed, having known that Tattiena was fighting her own demons for many years, but being unable to help her. “It was ridiculous.”

  She punched him in the arm and he laughed. “Well, it’s true. Look at you. Married to a future king. Your father’s love and approval, and a baby to boot.”

  A grin spread across her face. “And most importantly, never losing my dragon riding ability.”

  “As if you were eve
r going to lose that.”

  She shrugged and turned back to the training field. “Turns out, you were right.”

  “Nakeeri!” Tattiena yelled out and his warrior woman turned and jogged over to them.

  “Hey. You up for training today?”

  Tattiena nodded. “Definitely. Just don’t tell Leo.”

  “Tattiena…” Kalvis began, knowing that his arse would be the one to get chewed out when they found out he let her over exert herself.

  “Don’t even start captain.” Tattiena said as she pulled off her over coat and revealed her tight training gear.

  “Excellent.” Nakeeri said, her gaze running over Tattiena’s body. “Your work out gear is beautiful.”

  Tattiena looked down on herself then over to her Dragon riding friend. “I’ll get my seamstress to make you some too.”

  Nakeeri nodded but didn’t say anything, but Kalvis could feel the uncomfortable aura she put out when she was out of her depth.

  He stepped in to loosen the tension for her. “So, dragon riders. What do you want to do? Hand to hand combat?”

  Hopefully. That would be less strenuous for Tattiena.

  Nakeeri cocked her head on the side. “If you’d like?”

  “Not a chance. Swords.”

  Nakeeri’s face lit up. “Hell yes.”

  Kalvis shook his head, resigned to whatever fate Leo handed up for this transgression.

  “Well, Tattiena is just back from giving birth, and Nakeeri has already trained for several hours, so this should be a relatively fair fight.”

  The women looked at each other with gleeful expressions.

  Nakeeri headed off for her sword and Tattiena walked over to the training boxes, grabbing up a long sword.

  “What’s happening?” Berre, one of the younger soldiers asked. He’d had his butt whipped by Nakeeri already this morning.

  “Tattiena and Nakeeri are going to train with one another.”

  “The two dragon riders? Yes! Guys, come here!” Berre called out to the other men in the area and Kalvis shook his head, but didn’t say anything.

  He wasn’t going to discourage them from watching the women fight. There would be skills to learn and he wanted his men to respect the women as warriors, and as dragon riders.


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