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Page 13

by Brittany Dreams

  We found out that Porter moved back to LA and God knew how he’d gotten a teaching job at UCLA. However, Cole’s father, being who he was, had the power to do many things. Including make sure Porter never taught anywhere ever again.

  So the pale-faced look of shock on his face now spoke for itself. He knew full well who Cole was and who his father was too.

  “Looks like we’re on the same page,” Cole pointed out.

  “This has nothing to do with you. You should stay out of it,” Porter snarled and looked from me to Cole. “You, this is who you picked up next? Always and ever the slut, fucking around, screwing every—”

  He didn’t get to finish whatever filth about me he was about to say next.

  I’d never seen Cole move so fast. One punch went straight to Porter’s face that sent him flying backwards, but before he could hit the ground Cole grabbed him and landed another punch to his face, then shoved him hard against the wall.

  My hands flew to my mouth. I had no sympathy for Porter. He deserved it, and truthfully, as I watched Cole with him, I felt some sense of justice. It showed I had someone to defend me and I wasn’t just the weak woman he left behind with no one to fight in her corner. No one to even shout at him for what he did to me.

  No wonder he thought it was okay to waltz into my home after two years and present his shit to me.

  I couldn’t believe he’d stoop so low as to threaten to take my son away. He truly had no heart.

  So I felt nothing as I watched him writhing against Cole’s strong hold on him, gasping from the shock.

  He made the standard mistake of underestimating Cole. I’d seen people do it, make that mistake and he’d right you very quickly.

  “Porter Thomas. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me. Don’t do it,” Cole growled. “Here is what you will do. Your lawyers will submit the appropriate documents to me, and my lawyers will respond on Laila’s behalf based on what she agrees to. I’m pretty certain the judge is going to love your two-year absence.”

  Cole dropped him, took out his business card, and stuck it in Porter’s pocket.

  Triumph surged through me when I saw how scared Porter looked. I’d never seen him look like that before.

  He managed to get up.

  “We clear?” Cole asked him.

  More triumph surged through me when Porter nodded and dabbed at the stream of blood that trickled down the side of his mouth.

  “You can leave now,” Cole told him.

  Porter looked to me and I shook my head at him in complete, utter disgust.

  I watched him go and wished I wouldn’t have to see him again. It was such a shame I had to.

  Cole looked over to me.

  “Thank you,” I breathed.

  He came closer and pulled me into his arms. “You okay, baby?”

  “No. But I think I will be. Cole, he doesn’t deserve to see my boy. I don’t want him to. I know he has the right but it’s just not fair. Peter was barely two when he left. Barely.”

  “I know. Don’t worry about it. I will take care of it and make sure everything is done properly. I think the most you’ll have to sacrifice is a weekend here and there. My lawyers will take care of it. “

  “Cole, I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “You don’t have to. I’m doing it.” He leaned down and kissed me.

  It was a kiss that felt so commonplace. Like we’d always kissed like that.

  Him holding me gave me new strength, and something more.

  Something I’d lost. Something that was missing from my life.



  I stayed the rest of the day and just spent time with Laila and Peter. I didn’t stay over, though. I wanted to take things slow.

  There was that and the fact that I needed to cool off. Meeting Porter rubbed me the wrong way. I’d never come across anybody that I’d wanted to beat senseless before. And that was saying something given the fact I had a raging temper that could go off at any minute.

  The man was vile and I was going to make sure that whatever legal proceedings that would happen next would take into account the full story of what happened. All his actions and omissions. His absence. I didn’t know how a father could just skip out on their own child the way he had. Then come back and try to take the child he abandoned for two years. The judge was just going to love that.


  Last night when Laila came to me I worked fast and contacted the private investigator who’d worked with me before when Ryan was in trouble. She was able to get his details and from the minute she told me where he was working I knew I could use that as serious leverage.

  Mention the name Robert Dawson and it was enough to put the fear of God in many. Especially if you valued your career. I knew a hundred percent that if I hadn’t done that, Porter would have done some shit to tangle Laila up and she probably would lose Peter.

  Just the thought made me crazy. At least it was being taken are of now and honestly I didn’t think Porter would mess with her ever again.

  As soon as I got home, I contacted my lawyers and gave them the heads up that I’d need them.

  What I felt bad for was that Laila was right, the man didn’t deserve to see Peter. Genetics didn’t suddenly make you deserving of a person. But such was the law.

  What I was glad for, however, was that Laila calmed down a lot by the time I’d left, but more than that was the look of appreciation I’d seen on her face after Porter left.

  I was happy to just be there for her in some way.

  With me gone from the hospital yesterday, I swapped the day with today.

  When I’d told Laila that I’d missed being at the hospital, I meant it big time. I really missed it sometimes and lately I missed it a lot.

  I didn’t like the situation with Brad. It was uncomfortable and I sensed he wasn’t happy with the meeting we’d had with Nick. I’d been working at Remington’s for the last two years and this short spell of time had been by far the worst.

  I became a doctor and did medicine because I wanted to enjoy my work. I always knew I’d fall into the profession, even though it was a shocker to many people when I started my career.

  I wanted to get back that excitement I’d felt even a few years back. Basically, when I was at St. Michael’s.

  As I made my way to see Dr. Gregory I found myself looking around, looking at the familiar faces, smiles from people who knew me, places I’d worked for years from intern to physical to head of research.

  But it felt like something was missing.

  I stepped through the door to the center and smiled when I saw my father and Dr. Gregory talking it up.

  Dad didn’t usually venture down here unless he had something important he wanted to discuss. He and Dr. Gregory always ended up talking about all sorts of stuff. The kind of talk you’d have with a friend you hadn’t seen in a while but you get on so well it was like time was irrelevant.

  They both smiled wide when they saw me.

  “Cole, just the guy we wanted to see.” Dad beamed and moved to me to give me a hug.

  “That’s good to hear.”

  “I hope you’ll think so indeed, kid,” Dr. Gregory stated with a nod. He was always calling me kid. It sounded weird to hear it at thirty-six.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “Something new that may be of interest to you,” Dad answered.

  Something new was always of interest to me, especially when Dr. Gregory was nodding the way he was.

  “What is it?” I chuckled.

  “I wasn’t going to say anything yet because the hospital board wanted to focus on the redevelopment of the neonatal unit, but it all worked out exactly as I’d hoped and I managed to secure more funding for the research unit. There’s going to be an expansion and we need someone to lead it.” Dad gave me a pointed stare.

  “Someone who will be the equivalent of me,” Dr. Gregory chimed in. “Basically a different counterpart. The Jekyll to my Hyde. The Bruce Banner to my
inner Hulk.”

  Dad rolled his eyes at him. “Gregory, make it sound better than that, I’m trying to entice my son to come back to work for me.”

  I bit the inside of my lip then sighed. Now what am I supposed to say to that?

  Dad looked back to me with keen eyes. “I need a new lead. I’ll match whatever salary you’re getting at Remington’s. The unit is going to be exactly like this in terms of space and setup. The only difference is that it won’t be as big as Remington’s and you won’t be responsible for a multi-division of staff. Better job title though. Head of Clinical Research and Development. Not to mention, we have a liaison with a bunch of very eager scientists at Princeton. It’s gonna be big Cole.”

  “Damn Dad.” I was blown away, but my interest was definitely piqued.

  “I know. I guess the only other difference would be not working with Brad. You seemed to be more excited about working with him when you got the job at Remington’s than you were to get the actual job.” Dad chuckled.

  I pulled in a steady breath. “I was.”

  That was actually true. I was very excited. It felt like high school again.

  Dad would never believe we were the same two guys who had to make sure we went to the same college and do the same career because the truth of the matter was we couldn’t stand to be apart. It was less than macho to admit it but I was willing to admit it and be clear that was what it was. We were just two friends with the same interests in life. The only time we diverted off course was in recent years where he’d wanted to get more involved with the running of the center and I wanted to hold on to the practical aspects of my medical training. I was a doctor first and everything technological after.

  “And Laila…” Dad added.

  “Yeah there’s her too,” I answered.

  “I have to run, we can talk more in depth over the weekend. No pressure though. None at all. If you’re happy where you are, I’m happy. I just didn’t want to have this opportunity come up and not run it past you. You always seemed happy here and we all miss you.”

  “Thanks, I miss you guys too. Coming in one day a week is different to what it used to be.”

  Dad tapped my shoulder and smiled. “Well, it’s something to consider. We plan to put the wheels in motion in six months. Everything will be ready to go live. I just need the right guy to run it.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  I found myself considering it too.

  Dad left us and Dr. Gregory smiled.

  “Afraid to leave the object of your affection?” he stated with mischief lurking in his gaze. He wasn’t stupid and nothing got past him at all.

  “And who would that be?” I decided to act like I didn’t know.

  “Oh please Cole. You all but looked like you’d incinerate me when I told you I asked Laila to marry me, and that was day one of her coming here. You didn’t even notice I was totally pushing your buttons.”

  I laughed. “Didn’t realize I was that transparent.”

  “You are. Newsflash, she is too. A woman who looks at a man the way she looks at you won’t mind where you work.”

  It was good to hear his opinion and get his take on what Laila and I looked like.

  The truth was I worried for her being at Remington’s without me. That was it. But perhaps it might be better for her if I wasn’t there. I knew how badly she wanted the job and I was still going to help her as best as I could to get it. She deserved it.

  There was another three months left of her trial. Maybe it was best for me to look at it as three months left for me there too.

  It was something to think about.

  Until then the floor had been opened up for opportunity.

  Laila and I were at a point I wanted us to be.

  The point of possibility, and damn was I ever going to seize it. I was going to claim my chance with her and no one would ever dictate to me again what I did in regards to my relationship with her.

  Nobody, as in Brad.

  We hadn’t spoken properly in months, and if my next moves burned the bridge of friendship completely…that was the risk I was willing to take.


  I was so excited, and that by itself was something to feel happy about.

  It had been awhile since I’d had anything to be excited over.

  It was Sunday and usually Peter and I would head out for the day.

  Today though, Cole had something planned for us. Thus the cause for my excitement.

  He messaged early this morning and told me to pack for a picnic and the possibility of getting wet. Also to wear jeans and make sure Peter wore his Indiana Jones costume I’d gotten him.

  I didn’t know what the man had planned, but my son was truly happy to hear he could wear his costume outside and fully believed he was going on some adventure.

  He woke before me and as the doorbell rang he took off like lightening to try and open it.

  He would have too if he could reach the lock.

  I laughed as I opened the door. My laughter receded and my mouth dropped when I looked at Cole standing before me in his leather jacket, dressed like he’d been pulled from the fifties, and behind him was a vintage-looking Harley with a sidecar attached to it.

  Between him and the bike, I could have sworn I was actually in The Last Crusade. We’d certainly watched it enough for me to believe it.

  Peter screamed and started jumping up and down.

  “Yay!” he squealed. What I loved is that he rushed to Cole first to give him a big hug and babbled as many thank yous as he could before he dashed to the bike to look at it. Next to it in his costume he looked like a mini version of Dr. Jones.

  “Wow Cole,” I gasped.

  “You like it?”

  “I don’t know what the hell to say…except thanks,” I answered and gave him a quick kiss.

  It was the first time I’d kissed him around Peter. The surprised look on his face showed he took note of that.

  “You’re welcome,” he chuckled.

  “So…this looks a lot like I have to get on the bike.” Another reminder of the past. He used to ride me around on his motorcycles, much to my parents’ horror.

  When Mom saw us tearing down the street one day, she nearly popped a vessel.

  “Yes, baby, you sure do. Ready to go?”

  “I am.” I was excited for the adventure too.

  I grabbed the bag I’d packed and got settled into the sidecar with Peter. We had on helmets and while he looked cool, and Cole definitely looked off the charts sexy, I wasn’t so sure about myself.

  I felt more like Muttley from Wacky Racers.

  We set off and Peter and I shared the same excitement.

  The best thing about it was forgetting. Having fun and forgetting. Just living and enjoying the thrill of the ride.

  Cole took us to the park we seemed to have gravitated to over the last few months.

  We parked up at the section we were at when we came here the other day to eat ice cream.

  He found a nice little spot near the lake where we could set out the picnic and chill. It was also a perfect spot for him to go crazy with Peter while they did their own reenactment of The Last Crusade.

  I sat by a tree, resting my back against it, and laughed at the two of them running around. Cole was supposed to be the bad guy and the object he’d stolen was a bag of Cheetos. Peter chased him in true Indiana Jones style and they went on like that for close to two hours, neither getting tired. If I’d ran around like that I’d need the paramedics to come and pick me up off the ground.

  They worked off the picnic while I sat and ate, watching.

  When an elderly man came by with a golden retriever the dog joined in too while the man fed the ducks and the swans floating by the bank of the lake.

  Cole came back to me a little while later while Peter played fetch with the dog.

  “Sorry baby, your kid is the best.” He chuckled and threw himself down next to me. He’d abandoned his jacket awhile back when he
got hot and now his t-shirt was soaked with sweat.

  “Aww thank you. He’s going to wear you out. He really doesn’t stop.”

  “No kidding, it’s more like kill me dead. I’m an old man now, I can barely run for three hours before I lose my breath.”

  I burst out laughing. “Cole which old man do you know who can run three hours straight?” I didn’t bother to add the last part about losing breath.

  He started laughing too and grabbed a towel to dab the sides of his face. “That’s true.”

  “And since when is thirty-six old? You are so crazy.”

  “Yeah it turns out I am.” A wicked smile lit up his face. “For Peter’s mama. Come here, you look so sexy in those jeans.” He crooked his finger and like an obedient servant I went straight to his lips. All too willingly.

  We kissed and it didn’t matter who was watching.

  It was the dog barking that pulled us apart and Peter ran back to us, throwing himself into Cole’s arms.

  “You guys were kissing,” he giggled and I couldn’t help but blush.

  “Is it okay if I kiss your mom sometimes?” Cole asked him.

  The blush raced down my neck, but my heart lifted when Peter nodded with a wide smile on his face.

  “Yes, she looks happy,” he answered, then ran off again with the dog.

  “Well it looks like I got the stamp of approval. One last stamp to get.” Cole nodded and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “One more stamp? What’s that?”

  “Yours.” He planted a kiss on my forehead, winked at me, then rushed off to join Peter and the dog, leaving me stunned.

  One more stamp?

  Who was I kidding?

  He didn’t need anything. He always had my everything, but fear made me lock it away. He’d unlocked me again and it looked like he didn’t care who had any complaint against us.



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