Back to Us (Cameron Falls: A Small Town Romance Book 2)

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Back to Us (Cameron Falls: A Small Town Romance Book 2) Page 4

by TC Matson

  “Thanks,” I say.

  “When are you going back home?” He sneers, sounding as if I was in his way on purpose. The question feels like a punch in the gut and I flinch back.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Seeing you this much is starting to piss me off.”

  “What the hell is your problem?” I snap.

  “Just told you, city girl. Seeing you is pissing me off.”

  My mouth drops open. “Wow, Blake. Seriously?”

  Chuckling darkly, he shoulders past me and leaves me to stare after him. For a second, I think about marching in behind him and giving him a piece of my mind, but I don’t. It’ll remind me why I want to run away from family and go back to California and right now, I want nothing of it. I’ve missed eleven years because of him. I’m not giving him any more power.

  Chapter Seven


  It’s been a long day. A hot one at that. A few more months and fall will be here, offering up cooler weather, and I can’t wait. As I slam the hammer down, driving the nail deeper into the wooden post, my phone rings.


  “Blake!” Leo shouts into the phone. “I’m having a party tonight… and by party, I mean you, me, a few beers, and some time away from the fuck all people in this damn town.”

  Pulling the bandana from my back pocket, I wipe the sweat off my forehead. “Oh yeah? Take it you’ve had a bad day?”

  “Man, like you wouldn’t believe. We had to repair a water line on Holly Street and what could go wrong went fucking wrong. So beers are in order. Now the only question is my place, yours, or would you rather hit up Tapps?”

  I chuckle, tucking the bandana back in my pocket and pulling my hat over my head. “You just said you wanted to get away from the people in this town. Tapps would be the opposite.”

  “That’s before I thought about food. You want to eat or just drink?”

  “It’s your party, man,” I say shaking my head with a smile. “You tell me where and I’ll be there.”

  “Food at Tapps and then we’ll figure out the rest later. Be there at seven, loser.” And he hangs up.

  I bark a laugh, tucking my phone back into my pocket. Leo’s a character and one of the best friends I could ever ask for. Sure, he’s a little wild, but damn if he doesn’t mean well. Doesn’t matter what’s going on in his life, the man carries a smile on him like most people carry their wallets. He doesn’t leave home without it.

  Freshly showered and changed, I walk into Tapps in search of Leo. The music isn’t too loud and the chatter is low. Typical for this place. People come to eat, drink, and socialize… it’s the only bar in the town. Although it’s always busy, it’s also always chill.

  Leo’s sitting at a table along the side, and the moment I spot him, he raises a beer up with a whistle.

  “The party has arrived.” I grin like a bastard, holding out my hands before taking the seat opposite of him.

  Leo laughs as he slides the beer to me. “Thank fuck for that. Today’s been the bottom side of a hog’s belly.”

  “Come on. I’d trade ya.”

  His head shakes before he speaks. “Nope. I’d rather stay where I’m at and bitch about it to you than work your hard ass job and bitch about it with you.”

  “Wimp,” I mutter loudly enough for him to hear.

  Lifting his beer, he tips it toward me. “You’re right. You’re built special for all those long ass hours and hard work. Me? I prefer slow days here and there.”

  “Hey, guys!” Laney, our waitress, approaches us with her big smile and blonde hair braided on both sides falling over her shoulders. She’s a pretty girl, sweet as could be. “You guys want the usual or are you feeling adventurous today?”

  “Usual,” I order. Nothing beats a Tapps bacon cheeseburger.

  Just as Laney scurries off, Brody slides a chair out beside me and drops into it. “Why didn’t anyone let me know y’all were having drinks here tonight?”

  I hit him with a devilish grin stretching from ear to ear. “He said I was enough of a party for him.” I tip my head toward Leo.

  Brody’s gaze slides to Leo and he laughs. “Damn. I remember the time I was the favorite.”

  “That was before your wife’s pregnancy hormones. Now we’re scared she’ll kill us all after a night out.”

  “She ain’t that bad.” He bounces his head from shoulder to shoulder looking up at the ceiling. “Anymore,” he adds and it makes us laugh.

  Leo leans forward. “Are you hiding from her? Do we need to come up with a cover plan?” he jokes.

  “She’s been craving their animal fries. Figured I’d be the awesome husband and make sure she’s happy.”

  “Or you’re trying to find the excuse to get away from those hormones,” Leo tacks on.

  “Every chance I can get without causing a war,” Brody chuckles and then reaches over and grabs my beer, taking a huge swallow.

  “Man, I do not envy you at all,” Leo says.

  “Sure you do. You can’t find a soul who would lie in the bed with you, let alone decide to have a family with your ugly ass,” Brody burns Leo with a shit-eating grin.

  “I’m a fucking catch,” Leo puffs up his chest. “I’ll have you know I’ve been told I’m a wonderful lover.”

  “One woman telling you that while she’s drunk doesn’t count.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

  His finger bounces at me as he tries to hide his smile. “One more word from you and I’ll kick you out of my party.”

  My restraint breaks and I crack up, holding up my hands. “Sorry. Sorry. I can’t miss this incredible party of yours.”

  “Damn right.” Leo gives a sharp nod. “So, Brodster. What’s poppin with you?”

  Brody looks at Leo like he’s from another planet. “You drunk?”

  “Nah. Gotta drive tonight. Possibly find a pretty lady to take home.”

  Brody tosses his thumb at me. “You calling Blake pretty?” When he glances to me, he spots something over my shoulder and all the fun and laughter falls off his face. He’s gone from jovial to anxious in a split second. “So, uh. Blake. How’s the ranch? Heard Hunter keeps you pretty busy?” he rushes out, eyes wide as hell.

  One glance to Leo and I see even he looks ruffled.

  “Ranch is good.” I look between the two of them. “Hunter’s a hard-working kid, clumsy as hell, but he’ll get it.” Both guys pretend to be listening with the occasional head nod, but whatever is happening behind me has them distracted. “What’s got y’all’s panties in a twist?” I go to turn around, but Brody is quick to shove me in the shoulder.

  “That’s good. A hard worker is what every ranch needs,” he rambles with a nervous chuckle.

  What the fuck?

  Ignoring their attempts to keep my focus on them, I turn, instantly regretting it. Anger and burning jealousy roars through me like wildfire, searing and scorching. Willow, Delaney, and Dakota are sitting at a table on the other side of the room and none other than Tucker fucking Jones is all in Dakota’s personal space. He sits beside her with his arm draped over the back of her chair, looking content as fuck.

  Back in high school, I kicked the guy’s ass when he couldn’t keep his flirtiness to himself. He didn’t respect that she was with me and he made sure Dakota knew he had the hots for her. Now it seems he’s forgotten my warning all those years ago to stay the fuck away from her.

  A smile plays at the edges of my lips when I spot Dakota’s fingers drumming the side of her leg. It’s her telltale at how uncomfortable she is. Looking more closely, I see her smile is forced, and so is the way she’s laughing.

  “How about we leave?” Leo says, a nervous tic in his tone.

  “If you think I’m going to make a scene, forget about it.” I turn back around. “She’s fair game. Not mine anymore.” My chest tightens like a vise grip. I take a swig of my beer, swallowing down the acid around the words.

  “I just don’t want you to be—”
  “I’m fine.” I’m not. “Let’s drink and eat. Nothing can ruin our party.” I bite my smile.

  “What the hell happened to her?” Brody asks. “She used to be all boots and braids. Now she’s all designer clothes and heels. No one dresses like that in Cameron Falls.”

  “She lives in the city and has a white-collar job,” I remind him, fighting the urge to get another glimpse of her.

  Laney sets our food in front of us and slides a white Styrofoam box to Brody. “I put a little something special in there for Nora.” She winks. “I’ll be back in a little bit. Holler if you need anything.”

  Even food doesn’t help the urge to look. I’m wound up tightly as I force myself not to get creative—like drop my napkin—just to glance at her. No matter the amount of anger and hurt I have bottled up, that girl still has a part of my heart. And I fucking hate her for it. Doesn’t help she’s a damn bombshell now.

  Leo’s trying his best to keep me distracted. He’s talking about all types of random shit from tedious descriptions about his job to the damn weather. He’s trying to keep me engaged, but truthfully, I’m barely listening. Not for lack of trying…

  “Well, isn’t this a sight,” a female voice says from my left.

  Cindy stands beside me wearing her obnoxiously red lipstick, the same shade she wore in high school. I flash a smile. “I am a pretty good sight. Aren’t I?”

  When she giggles, her entire face screws up and it causes her top lip to completely disappear. She glances to her right, where I know Dakota is sitting, before dragging her gaze back to me. “Blake and Dakota under the same roof again. Never thought we’d see the day. Wonder if Johnson’s pigs are flying?”

  “Heard Mrs. Smith talkin’ ’bout knittin’ some capes the other day. You should run outside and check.” Annoyance drips from my tone.

  Cindy narrows her eyes. “No need to be rude.”

  “No need to bring up nonsense,” I counter.

  She huffs and opens her mouth to say something, but then she thinks better of it and takes the hint to leave.

  “If you want to leave, we can,” Leo leans toward me. “Place is getting busy and y’all are catching a lot of people’s attention.”

  “Let ’em look,” I say, bristling. “They act like two people from the past can’t be in the same room, like we’re some fucking scandal.”

  “It’s just… the town knows the history between you two. She’s been gone and now, well, all eyes are on y’all.”

  “It’s history. It’s time for them to move on.”

  “I agree, but—”

  “Drop it, man. I’m good.”

  Leo takes a quick swallow of his beer.

  “I’m heading out before Nora sends a search crew out for me,” Brody stands up. He slaps me on the back of my shoulder and then tips his chin at Leo. “Call me if you need me.”

  Leo chuckles. “No can do, Brodster. I’m scared of your wife. Remember?”

  Brody grabs Nora’s fries while chuckling and then leaves.

  Chapter Eight


  When Delaney invited me out for a girls’ night with her and Willow, I couldn’t have been more excited. It’s been years since we all went out and grabbed something to eat, but this time, we can drink. We used to dream of the days we could do grown-up things, like have a drink at Tapps. We all wanted to try Sex on the Beach because the name made us giggle. Ah, to be a kid again.

  I thought it would be a quiet night out. What I didn’t expect is everyone in this damn town to come bebopping in all at once. I’m starting to feel like a zoo attraction. People I haven’t seen in years have stopped by the table to talk to me. Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful they have. I’ve missed a lot of them. But with all the excitement comes the guilt. I left them, all of them, behind. I’ve missed marriages, divorces, business, and children by people I considered friends. No one has seemed mad, but I’m not sure if it’s because of the surprise of me being back in town or if they’ve let bygones be bygones.

  Everyone has also pointed out that Blake is across the room. They didn’t have to tell me though. I knew the moment I walked in he was here. My body wanted to move to his lap and snuggle into his arms just like I used to. The pull he’s always had on my body is still burned into my memory. Willow and Delaney offered to go somewhere else, but I insisted we stay. It’s been our dream to do this for years and I’m not letting anything get in the way. Even Blake.

  Willow is telling us about the time she went with “her brother”—aka, Blake—a few hours away to buy some cattle and met a guy at the auction. Apparently, he was insanely sexy. So sexy that she had a little rendezvous with him in his truck in the parking lot while everyone was still inside. She never got his name and the sex was mind-blowing.

  I feel a tap on my shoulder just as Willow’s getting into the nitty gritty. I hold back my frustrated sigh and twist to find Ashley—my closest friend in high school—and behind her several of the girls from my old cheerleading squad.

  Unable to contain my excitement, I let out a little squeak and leap to my feet, slamming a hug into Ashley. “Oh my god!” I babble, fighting off the emotions bubbling up my throat. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  She squeezes me back. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

  If I wasn’t with Blake, you’d find me with Ashley. We’ve been friends since we were babies.

  She pulls away and punches me in the arm. “How fucking dare you leave me,” she scolds. Anger’s in her tone, but her green eyes are filled with love.


  She yanks me back into a hug. “I get it. I’m madder than hell at you, but I get it. And I’m so sorry about your granny.”

  Tears begin to sting my eyes and right now, I don’t have the strength to hold them back.

  “Quit hogging all the hugs,” Amanda says, slinging her arms around us.

  She and I weren’t really close, but we weren’t enemies either. We were a team. “How’s California?” she asks as her eyes rake over me. “It’s definitely treating you well. You’re hot.”

  Laughing, I wipe the tears off my cheeks. “It’s great. Look at you, though.”

  She cups her breasts and squeezes. “Best nine grand I’ve ever spent.”

  “You always said you were going to get them,” I remember.

  Jessica, another girl from the squad bumps me with her hip. “How about a line dance for old time’s sake? You still know how to move. Don’t you?”

  My grin explodes. “You better believe it.”

  Ashley’s brows hike high as she points toward my heels. “You good in those, Miss Priss?”

  “Oh, girl. I can do a lot in these.”

  Amanda strides over to the bartender and leans over the bar to talk to him. Not one minute later, the music gets turned down as Laney hops up onto the bar and shouts, “Can I have your attention?” The place falls silent, and all chatter dies on everyone’s tongues as they turn their attention to her. “We have a special surprise for you. We haven’t had the Cameron Falls Broncs cheer squad together in over a decade, but tonight, several of them are here and they’re going to bless us with a line dance!”

  Whistles, hoots, and hollers rise up from the silence and echo through the room. I drop my head into my hands, blazing with embarrassment. I haven’t done a line dance in forever, let alone a choreographed one we perfected a hundred years ago.

  “When I get done with this, I’m going to kill you,” I quip at a grinning Ashley.

  She tips her head back and laughs as she grabs my hand, pulling me toward the empty dance floor. “Come on, Captain. Let’s show them we may be old, but we still have moves.”

  My heart beat is in every limb, pulsing in my toes, my fingertips, and my entire body. When the first few beats of “Redneck Woman” by Gretchen Wilson starts, a sweat breaks out over my skin. It feels like the first time I ever had to cheer in front of people at our games.

  I’m frozen stiff until Ashley b
umps me with her hips. It forces me to move, my feet falling in step with the rest of the girls in a routine we’ve done so much the muscle memory kicks in. We move with the beat of the music, stomps and steps, crisscrosses and ass shakes, mirroring each other.

  It’s not long and my anxieties are long forgotten, replaced with exuberance and laughter as we break into the chorus, belting out the words and shaking our asses. The crowd around us claps and when we shout, they shout back. I’m grinning from ear to ear, exhilaration filtering through me. I’ve forgotten how good this feels, how alive it makes me.

  Spinning around to start the next block, I lock eyes with Blake. He’s turned his chair to face us and is watching me intently. The iciness that’s been in his eyes is replaced with something heated, almost reminiscent. A tic plays at the corner of his mouth and there’s a small quirk on his left brow. That look used to drive me wild when I’d practice this dance, more times than not with him ending up doing it with me. He’d never keep his hands off me either…

  Seconds before the part where we sway our hips, I watch his gaze slide down to them. And just because, I give them an extra push before having to turn and give him my side profile for the next block. Knowing he’s watching me makes me push harder, and admittedly, I dance a little sexier. My body rolls are smooth, my moves on point and sharp, and of course, my ass and hips have more umph.

  As the song ends and the place lights up with people cheering, clapping and whistling, heat rushes back to my face. I’m on fire as I drop my head in embarrassment again.

  “Girl!” Ashley slams into me with an excited hug, rocking us from side to side. “I haven’t done that in years,” she says breathlessly. She wipes her hair from her face and then points to my heels. “Those made the rest of us look pretty bad. You were smoking hot!”

  Still winded, I blow a laugh. “You were all badass.”

  Amanda hands me a bottled water. “We need to do that again before you leave. And next time I’m bringing Michael. He’d shit himself if he saw us preforming together again. You remember Michael, don’t you?”


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