NY State Trooper- The Complete Box Set
Page 3
She’d always been strong and stubborn, and deep down he’d known she would make it. Determination should’ve been her middle name. A trait that scared the crap out of him. When she wanted something, she went for it, both barrels loaded.
He pounded on her door, then turned his back and waited. But no one answered. “Ryan?” He banged one last time before taking out his key. It was early for a Saturday morning, but he’d never known her to sleep past eight.
The key didn’t slip in easily, but when he turned it, the lock clicked. He pushed back the door, but something stopped it. He chuckled. At least she’d used the chain. “Ryan,” he said into the small crack. “It’s me, Jared.”
“Damn you.” She scurried from the hallway in her robe, with a towel on her head. “You scared me.”
She almost shut the door in his face when she released the chain, then pulled back the door. “I had started dialing 911 when I heard your voice.”
“Sorry, but I wanted to let you know what George had to say.”
She tightened the red terrycloth that covered her damp, creamy flesh. When her eyes locked with his, blood rushed throughout his body.
“And?” She lifted the towel from her head, releasing her hair. She ran her hands through the wet, light brown strands, letting it fall past her shoulders, before she tossed the towel on a kitchen chair. “Are you going to stand there and stare at me, or tell me what George had to say?”
“Sorry,” he said, forcing his gaze to her face. “George claims he didn’t even know it was your birthday.”
“Yeah, right. You want some coffee?” she offered with a forced smile. The slight tremble in her voice hadn’t gone unnoticed.
For months after George had attacked her, she’d been withdrawn, and Jared feared she’d be forever tainted. “I’d love some.” He pulled a chair out, spun it around, and straddled it. “He can’t hurt you anymore.”
She rested her hand on his shoulder. “I know.” Briefly, her eyes caught his. “I won’t let him get to me.”
“That’s the spirit.”
“You hungry?” Her sparkling blue eyes couldn’t hide the internal scars her stepfather had left behind. She might have the drive and determination of a pit bull, but he knew her better than anyone, and she still hurt. He understood that pain, more than he cared to admit. He also understood how important it was for her to be seen as a strong, independent woman. Well, no denying the woman part anymore.
“Nope.” She’d turned her back to him, and his eyes automatically darted to her toned legs. “Damn,” he whispered.
“Damn, what?”
“Damn legs,” he admitted, unable to look at anything else.
“Excuse me?” She twisted and turned, looking down at her legs. The robe barely reached the middle of her thighs and when she moved, so did the robe.
“You realize you’re serving me coffee practically naked.” He tried to line his voice with a hint of sarcasm, but it didn’t work.
“You realize you’re an ass.” She adjusted the robe high around her neck before lifting two mugs, setting one down in front of him.
“Just trying to make you laugh.” He sipped the strong black liquid.
“Thanks.” She graced him with a broad grin, then laughed.
“When do you want to go the cemetery?” Visiting her mother’s grave every year had become a ritual. One he would miss after he moved.
“I need about half an hour. Does that work for you?”
“Sure.” He glanced at her, annoyed that he couldn’t keep his mind from wondering what she looked like under that damn robe. “You do have nice legs.” He scowled. This certainly wasn’t the time or place.
“Thanks.” She eyed him suspiciously.
“Just thought you should know.” Forgetting the world around him, he rose and strode over to her. “I think you’re beautiful.”
“I’m fine, really.” She leaned back, tilting her head and looked at him with a puzzled expression. “You don’t have to keep trying to distract me.”
Only he was the one who was distracted. He lifted her hand and kissed the hollow of her palm, then placed it on his shoulder. “You sure opened an interesting can of worms the other night.” She smelled like a combination of soap and exotic fruit. The room spun and he couldn’t see past her.
“I did?” she questioned with wide eyes. Her breath sounded raspy and he felt her wild pulse beat against his chest. Her pink tongue peeked out and smoothed over her full lips. He moistened his own, while her radiant sky-blue eyes rolled closed in anticipation. Then the phone rang, and she jumped, knocking him in the nose with her forehead.
He stumbled backward, his eyes watering. “Damn. That hurt.”
“Sorry.” She winced and reached for the phone. “Hello?”
He stepped away, rubbing his nose and giving himself a mental lecture. Since when didn’t he know how to charm the pants off a woman? Since when did he want to with this woman?
“Hello?” she repeated loudly. “Who is this?”
He glanced up from her sexy, bare legs and frowned. “What’s the matter?”
She stared at the phone and shook her head. “I hate hang-ups. This is about the tenth one this week. Even if you dial the wrong number, you should apologize before you hang up.” She slapped the phone on the wall cradle, and it rattled. “People can be so rude.”
“Don’t you have caller ID?”
“Blocked number.” Once again, she adjusted her robe, and then inched toward him.
The closer she got, the stronger the smell of peaches affected his already tense body.
“Sorry about your nose.”
“Sorry I scared you,” he said.
“You don’t scare me.”
“Don’t tease a man when you’re wearing nothing but a robe,” he whispered. The cold countertop pressed into his back.
She lifted herself up on tiptoes, leaning into him. “You started it, and who says I’m teasing?”
His gaze dipped below her luscious mouth, to the red material puckering open across her chest. She didn’t have cleavage, just a sexy space between two perfectly rounded breasts. “You’re playing with fire, babe.” He toyed with the belt holding her robe closed, easing her closer, their mouths a half-inch apart.
Her feminine curves pressed against his body in all the right places. A single spark ignited the moment his lips brushed against hers, shocking him in an erotic dance he couldn’t resist. He darted his tongue into her mouth and let the purest form of passion take over.
She tasted of coffee and sugar, and she smelled like heaven. He ached to find out how her skin felt beneath his fingers. When he cupped her face, her hair tangled in his hand. Releasing a few strands, he glided his fingers down her neck and rested his palm above her breast. Abruptly, he pushed her back. “We shouldn’t do this.”
“Do what?” She narrowed her eyes. “Thought you said I was beautiful?”
“Your beauty has nothing to do with it. You’re much younger than I.”
She glared at him with hurt in her eyes. “I’m not a kid. If you don’t want me, that’s fine. But don’t play games with me. I hate that.” She stepped from his clutches.
“I think you’re the one playing games.” He stumbled toward the door, raking a hand across his head. “I’ll meet you by my truck in a half hour.” With a hand on the door handle, he said, “And I want to know if you get any more hang-ups. Could be the same guy who sent you that rose.”
Once safely outside, he marched toward the lake. He stood at the end of his dock and focused on the waves crashing against the shoreline across the bay. The swirling wind did nothing to cool him off. There was no mistaking how much he wanted her, but having her would be insane. Stupid. He felt responsible for her because he was the one who’d arrested her stepfather. He knew exactly what George had intended to do to her. Jared shook out his hands.
He’d taken on the role of protector. Always making sure she had everything she needed, and then some. Even when her br
other came back to take care of her, Jared couldn’t back away. She’d been just a kid and didn’t deserve what had happened.
She sure as hell didn’t deserve to be used and dumped. And that’s what would happen if he got involved with her. No matter what she said she wanted. A goodbye thing? What the hell was that? Nope, the only thing he planned to do was pack up and get the hell out of town before Ryan unglued him completely. But not before he figured out who’d sent that damn dead rose.
The following evening, Ryan perched herself at a table in the back corner of the Mason Jug. She fiddled with her cell phone and waited for Penny, who was late. Nothing new there. Penny would be late for her own funeral.
Ryan looked around the bar. All the regulars and a few new faces filled the room. A couple of guys she knew from high school waved, then continued with their pool game. The music wasn’t too loud, but it drowned out the voices around her.
She’d worked her butt off to graduate from high school early. Then she crammed a four-year degree in business management into three intense years. She took a full load each semester and every summer, spending what little free time she had waiting tables.
She noticed her brother behind the bar. He gave her a glancing nod, then smiled as a waitress yapped in his ear. Against all odds, she and her brother had come out on top. She was finally in charge of her own life.
She sloshed her water before she looked up, trying not to cringe. “Tom, you scared me.” Going on a date with him the other night had proven to be a huge mistake. One she didn’t plan on repeating. He had been irritable toward her all day at work, no matter how nice she’d been.
“Sorry. Mind?” He tipped his head toward the empty chair.
Oh, she minded all right, but she had to work with the numbskull. “Actually…” Looking around the room, she smiled when Jared stepped through the main door.
He strode across the floor in that cocky, arrogant cop stroll, like he owned the place. She wished she could take her eyes off him. But all she could do was stare at the sexy thing moving effortlessly toward her.
“Hey, babe.” He squeezed her shoulder. “Tom, right?” He extended his hand to Tom.
Must have been quite the handshake considering how Tom’s face scrunched as if he were in pain. She tried not to smile, but gave up as Jared sat down. Normally she hated it when he came to the rescue. Any other day she’d make it perfectly clear it annoyed her. However, considering what she had planned and the short time she had to achieve her goal, she’d put up with his interfering ways.
“I’ll see you at work.” Tom had the nerve to pat her shoulder.
She gave him a slight smile, reminding herself that being nice was always the best way to deal with people like him. “See you later.” Slowly she turned to face Jared, knowing he’d have a huge scowl on his face.
“Something’s off with that guy.” Jared arched a brow. The lines on his face were set and hard.
She gave Jared a knowing nod, but couldn’t respond because his damn greenish eyes caught her attention and now she couldn’t look elsewhere.
“Glad you agree. Now you need to stop being so sweet to guys like that.”
“Being mean is only going to make working with him harder.”
“Dating him is what made working with him a bitch.”
“You’re impossible. Can we stop talking about it, please?”
“Fine. Want a drink?”
“No, thanks. I’m waiting for Penny.” The wild beat of her pulse pounded in her ears. Even when he made her mad, he had this strange ability to make her swoon.
Jared chuckled.
“What’s so funny?”
“I think Penny’s getting it on with some guy in the parking lot. Actually, I think I know the guy.”
“Great.” Ryan snatched up the menu, and hid her blushing face behind it. Damn crazy fantasies of a naked Jared just wouldn’t go away.
Jared gently took the menu from her hands, then touched the emerald necklace he’d given her for her birthday. The green rock fell down toward her breasts. He hesitated for a moment before touching her skin. “Looks real nice on you.” He dropped his hand to his lap, leaving behind a hot pulse trickling to her midriff.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Looking for you.” His eyes sparkled, and a slow grin appeared on his face. “I want to apologize for my rudeness the other day.”
“No need.” She shrugged, but deep down she wanted to jump and shout. Jared apologized to no one.
“Don’t you think this thing with us is weird?”
Weird? No weirder than the rest of her love life. Or lack thereof. She picked either guys who suffocated her or guys who dumped her right after they’d gotten into her pants. She smiled. At least with Jared the dumping would be mutual. “Because we’ve been friends forever?”
“That, and I’ve known you since you were, like, two.” He scrunched his face as if he’d just eaten something sour.
“Okay, so that is weird, but so what.” Tentatively, she rested her hand high on his thigh. “You’re a few years older. Not a big deal.”
“Try close to ten.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re the one who started flirting and telling me how hot you think I am.”
“You’re the one who propositioned me.” His gaze dropped to her hand. He lifted it in his and clasped his fingers through hers. “Why don’t we try and go out on a date? A real date. Flowers and everything.”
Holding her breath, she lifted her free hand and traced a path with her index finger across his jawline. “If you think that will help with whatever problem you’re having.”
He grabbed her hand, and then pressed his lips to her palm. “I don’t have a problem.”
“Then what’s the big deal?”
“Contrary to popular belief, I don’t just jump into bed with anyone, or even on a whim.”
That wasn’t quite what she’d heard about his shenanigans over the years. Not to mention the women that came and went every so often from his house. “I’m not just anyone.”
“Then humor me. Let me take you to a nice restaurant for dinner and maybe some dancing. A goodbye thing.”
She forced a smile. “I’d like that.” And she meant it, but not that he actually called it “a goodbye thing.”
He glanced toward the door and laughed. “Penny’s here.”
Ryan watched Penny give her new boyfriend a wet, passionate kiss. “Oh, now that’s just gross.”
“Really?” Jared leaned in. “Close your eyes,” he whispered.
Ryan sucked in a breath, then let her eyelids drop, but didn’t take her sight off his luscious lips.
He grinned before pressing his mouth against hers. His hot tongue darted inside her mouth and ignited a fire deep in her belly. A rumble rolled from his lips to hers. Instinctively, she ran her hands up his thighs, hips, and fisted in his shirt.
He cupped her cheeks, staring at her for a brief moment before pulling away. “Not so gross,” he whispered, then stood and walked toward the door, not looking back.
Ryan stared across the room. She blinked a few times, but couldn’t focus. The man had kissed her blind.
“Earth to Ryan.” Penny waved her hand in Ryan’s face.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m here.”
“You looked dazed and confused.” Penny sat down with her own look of discomfort as she fiddled with her pinky ring. “Sometimes I’m such a fool.”
“Why?” Ryan said, still breathless. She touched her lips.
“Like an idiot, I told Chuck I loved him.”
Ryan gasped, covering her mouth.
“Don’t look so shocked. It was in the midst of multiple orgasms, so he probably didn’t think much of it.” Penny flapped her arms in her normal dramatic way. She shrugged her shoulders, but Ryan didn’t miss the single tear rolling down Penny’s cheek.
“Oh, my. You really do love him.” Ryan giggled. She never thought she’d see the day Penn
y gave her heart wholly to a man.
“Yeah. I think I do. But I don’t think he loves me.” Penny sighed as she glanced around the room. “Oh, my God. It’s like a freaking high school reunion in here. Doesn’t anybody have anything better to do than hang out in the same old same old?”
Ryan laughed. “Come on.” She pushed back her chair feeling like a new woman. “This calls for an old-fashioned girls’ night out. I’ll get my brother to make us some wings to go with the tequila I got for my birthday.”
“Oh, that so works for me.” Penny stood, adjusting her hair behind her ears. “But now you have to explain the major sucking face with Jared.” Her eyes twinkled.
“Not.” Ryan covered Penny’s mouth with her hand. “Don’t say a word. I know what I’m doing.”
Penny looped her arm over Ryan’s shoulder. “No, you don’t.”
A few hours later Ryan and Penny had sprawled out in the lounge chairs on Jared’s front lawn down by the lake. He had never minded her using the yard. She couldn’t help but wonder if the new owners would allow whoever rented the carriage house full use of the lawn. Somehow she doubted that.
Large shrub hedges lined the lush one-acre spread down both sides of the property for privacy. A few boats hummed by, their wake rolling onto the shoreline.
“Are you going to tell Chuck?” Ryan hiccupped, feeling the effects of the alcohol. “That you meant what you said. That you love him.”
“Nope.” Penny shook her head vigorously. “I don’t think I can drive home. Mind if I crash here?”
“Not at all.” As Ryan pushed herself to her feet, her legs wobbled. “Why do I do this to myself when I have to get up for work?” Pressing her shoulder blades together, she tried to keep herself from stumbling. Drinking had never been one of her strong suits.
“Because I’m such a bad influence.” Penny’s arm crash-landed on Ryan’s shoulder and they nearly fell over.
“Yes, you are,” Ryan said, doing her best to guide them to the carriage house. She gasped when she reached the gaping hole that used to be her front door. “Oh, my, God!” She froze. “What the hell?”