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SCORCH: An Incubus versus Succubus Demon Romance

Page 11

by Carlisle, Lisa

  Parts of my body lit with awareness. “Ooh, you do like to indulge, don’t you?”

  “Especially when it comes to a hot succubus with a smart mouth that I love to kiss.” He lowered his head and captured my lips.


  Shit. My cock was urging me to lift her onto the counter and jump right to dessert without us even having dinner. Damn, it was difficult not to devour her right then. After forcing myself to separate us, I said, “Dinner is almost ready. I better serve it up before it burns.”

  I poured the wine and served our food on two white ceramic plates I found in the cabinet. We sat at the small round wooden table in the area that separated the kitchen from living room. Too small to be called a dining room, but functioning as one in the tight space. I waited like an eager puppy for Selena to take the first bite.

  “Mmm. This is incredible.” She fixed her gaze on me. “I haven’t had a home-cooked meal like this since…” Her expression darkened. “Well, a long time.”

  Something tightened in my chest. Her memories pained her, and I hated seeing her in distress of any kind. What could I do to take that away?

  “I love to cook. I’m happy to do so for you again.”

  She moaned and rubbed her belly. “I may have to take advantage of that offer while you’re here. I did not know what I was missing. How did I not know you can cook like this?”

  “Because we’ve spent most of our time either bickering or screwing.”

  She laughed. “Oh yes, that’s right. Let’s cut down on the former so we have more time to eat.”

  My cock twitched, ready to act on command. “And the latter?”

  She opened her mouth. “I’m not a fool to deny us that pleasure. Let the sextravaganza roll on!”

  I chuckled and then took a bite of the chicken cordon bleu, pleased that it had come out well. As someone who liked to experiment in the kitchen, I’d whipped up variations of classic dishes that had been disastrous. It wasn’t the time to try anything new and risk that. Tried and true classics were key.

  I smiled to myself. We’d save the experimenting for the bedroom.

  “We’ll have to find other things to keep us occupied. Even two sex demons can’t screw all day long.”

  She tilted her head with half a nod. “Body parts would get sore.”

  “True. I picked dinner tonight. You should choose something next. What are some things you like to do?”

  She put her fork down and appeared to concentrate while she chewed. After she swallowed, she squinted. “You want me to come up with an activity that’s not sex?”

  “Yes. What do you do when you’re not looking to feed?”

  She groaned. “I play far too many video games for one.”

  “Do you?” I had no idea about that. I’m sure there were plenty of other things I didn’t know about her.

  She pointed at the TV in the living room with a console beneath. “It sucks far too many hours out of my days sometimes. Then again, I’m immortal. Killing time is necessary.”

  “Do you play at home, or whatever safehouse you’re in?”

  “Sure. I have a gaming laptop. Or, I go to those big arcade venues. Or…”

  “Or, what?”

  Her cheeks reddened. “It’s too geeky.”

  I leaned forward. Fancy me intrigued. “What is?”

  She paused and pursed her lips. “I have a thing for trivia nights. Love them.”

  A smile spread across my face, ending with a low chuckle. “No kidding. That wasn’t what I’d expect. Why do you think that would sound weird?”

  She shrugged. “It doesn’t fit the style of a sex demon.”

  “So what? We’re more than what we need to do to survive.”

  She tilted her head and bit her bottom lip. “True. What else do you like to do besides cook half-naked while singing to Frank Sinatra?”

  I laughed. “Hiking. Sometimes camping outdoors under the stars. Reading. Traveling. Stuff like that.”

  “Total loner stuff.”

  “That’s been a constant in my life. I like to find some comforting basics to return to as I move from city to city. Don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Her expression soured. “But I also do one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Make sure no one’s tracking me.”

  * * *


  “Who are you afraid of?” Daron’s eyes were gentle, his tone concerned.

  Ugh, why did I go there and reveal that? What was wrong with me? Talk about killing the mood.

  We were having a grand ol’ time at dinner and then I had to almost ruin it by admitting the fear that haunted me every day. With my big mouth and the cautious cat out of the bag, I might as well fess up.

  “Hunters. I’m always worried about them,” I admitted. “A part of me is always terrified that one day they’re going to catch up with me. So I’m running. Always running.”

  He eyed me for long enough to make me squirm. I broke the gaze and searched for something else to focus on. My wine glass. I reached for it and took a huge gulp.

  Bad idea. Wine was not intended to be chugged.

  I put the glass down and bit my lip before raising my gaze back to his.

  “Have you ever thought about stopping?”

  Stop running? That meant I was giving up. Letting them win. After all these years on the run, trying to survive, it did have a morbid appeal to an immortal, yet I wasn’t ready to give up yet.

  “And do what, Daron? Wait for them to kill me? Why not send them an invitation with my location to speed up my inevitable end?” Damn, my sarcastic tone was back.

  “No.” He raised his hand and pulled it into a fist. “Fight.”

  “Fight? Are you crazy? The last time I saw them in New Orleans, there were three of them. That might not seem like much, but they outnumbered me. I only have two arms to fight with. They have six.”

  “You’re immortal and they’re human. No matter their numbers and their weapons, you have that advantage.”

  It didn’t help my mother. Or my aunt. Or any of the others who were slaughtered by hunters.

  I stared down at my plate. I needed to steer us away from my fears.

  “Daron, talking about this is going to kill my appetite. I don’t want to ruin it when you’ve put so much into preparing this wonderful meal.”

  “Okay. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t.” I reached over and squeezed his hand. “I shouldn’t snap and be sarcastic, especially after how thoughtful you’ve been tonight.”

  He stared at my hand wrapped over his and then pulled his gaze to meet mine. “It’s all right. I sense you do that when you’re on the defensive. It was my fault to push you there.”

  Shit, yes that was true about my defensive reaction. I pulled my hand back. “How do you know that already? We don’t know each other that well.”

  He didn’t answer right away. When he took a sip of wine, I thought he wouldn’t at all, but then he said, “I pay attention. Especially when it comes to you.”

  I averted my gaze once again as a blush warmed my cheeks. What should I do with my hands? I reached for the glass, but then pulled my hand back and forced them onto my lap. Why was I squirming so much from his compliment? What was I, twelve?

  After smoothing invisible wrinkles from my dress, I resolved to act like an adult. My gaze rose to meet his. “Thanks for dinner. It means a lot to me.”

  “I enjoyed doing so.” The warmth in his expressive eyes touched me.

  What was it about tonight? Something in the air seemed different.

  It wasn’t the mystical magic like we experienced the night we’d bonded. It was something more with—us. It went beyond that usual attraction where we basically eye-fucked each other until we tore each other’s clothes off and continued fucking with our remaining body parts.

  Whenever we slipped into our typical sexual banter, Daron pulled back, like he was trying not to rush things, and r
eturned to conversation. It was somewhat romantic.

  I knew little about that. Sure, I knew how to please a man, but beyond setting a scene for seduction, I was clueless.

  What was this—intimacy? If so, did I want it?

  The tone had turned too serious, making me twitchy. I wasn’t used to—to—any of this. Revealing the secrets that haunted me made me feel vulnerable.

  Too vulnerable.

  “Before this conversation gets too heavy, how about we lighten it up with dessert?” I flashed a coy smile.

  Daron eyed me in that studious way of his and then winked. “On it.”

  He appeared to understand my need to tone down the intensity. I kept the conversation light and flirtatious as we drank wine and ate both desserts. He caught on to cue and returned to wicked incubus mode, eying me like a predator about to capture prey.

  After we cleaned off the plates, Daron scooped me up and I squealed.

  He carried me to bed and his eyes twinkled with hedonistic promise. “The tiramisu and chocolate cake were delicious. But not as tasty as you. And now for the dessert I’ve been looking forward to all night.”

  Every part of my body burned and melted. For once, I shut my mouth before it ruined where we were headed and let him take the lead.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I woke before Selena the next morning. Although I couldn’t imagine a better way to start the day than kissing her all over before I buried myself deep inside her again, she remained in a deep sleep. Her expression appeared relaxed and her chest rose and fell in a slow, rhythmic manner. Breathing in her scent, I wrapped myself in her fragrance. Intoxicating. I watched her for a minute or two before climbing out of bed.

  Since demanding too much of her time would cramp her style, my plan was to give her plenty of space during the day and plenty of orgasms at night. No need to push her to regret her decision to give us a go.

  I prepared a quick breakfast with some coffee, eggs, and toast. While I ate, I packed some snacks to keep me fortified for the day.

  “Where are you going?” Selena stepped into the kitchen.

  “Sorry, was I too loud? I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “No. I—uh.” She ran her hand through her mussed-up hair. “I don’t know. I sensed you left the bed.” With her sleepy expression, she looked temptingly adorable. My body responded as it usually did around her and that meant one organ in general rose to the occasion.

  “I’m heading out for a hike.”

  “Oh.” Her face dropped. Was she disappointed?

  “I figured I’d get out of your hair. Too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing.” I winked and then grinned.

  “Right.” Her voice came out low and unconvincing.

  I studied her body language. She didn’t want to join me, did she? “Do you want to come?”

  She shook her head. “Um, just waking up. It’s too early to make decisions.”

  “It’s not too early for coffee, though.” I poured her a mug and handed it to her.

  “Thanks.” She took a sip. “Good stuff.”

  “I can make you breakfast before I go.”

  “No, thanks, Daron. I’ll be fine.” After taking another sip, she put the mug on the counter. “Hiking, no. Not today, at least.” She rubbed her hands through her mussed-up hair.

  “Let’s do something later.”

  “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll take a shower.” She twisted her silky black hair into a messy bun.

  The motion mesmerized me. “Something more your style.”

  She lowered her hands and glanced at me from inquisitive eyes. “Like what?”

  I searched my mental catalog for what she told me she enjoyed and came up with something. “A surprise.”

  “Watch out for any sasquatch out there,” she teased.

  I walked over to her and kissed her cheek. “See you tonight, Sweetness.”

  An hour later, I was on a trail in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, breathing in the cool, earthy scent perfumed with pines in the New England forest. After teleporting there, I chose a moderate trail that would keep me challenged for half the day. Hiking gave me the break I needed from the world. I rarely passed any humans on the trails and used the time to clear my head.

  The patterns mesmerized me. The dappled design of sunlight on lacy fern. The smooth curves of moss around the base of trees and over rocks. The crunch of fallen leaves underfoot. I needed regular escapes into nature. Sometimes it was for a mental break. Other times, it was to help figure things out. With the drastic change in my life since I met Selena, it was definitely time to get my head sorted.

  Although the dense thicket of trees provided plenty of shade to conceal the brunt of the sunlight, the heat of a late summer’s day and ascent affected me. I stripped off my T-shirt, so I was only down to a pair of shorts and shoes.

  The thing about this bond was as much of a mystery to me, as any of those in the universe, in the same vein of the whole who are we and why are we here questions. One thing we didn’t know was how we were connected and why. Would we ever know? Or would it remain as much of a conundrum as the other mysteries of life?

  What I did know was that one week together wasn’t enough. I didn’t want it to end yet. Why would I, when things had been so great between us?

  As an incubus, I thought I was doomed to be like my father. One who roamed from place to place, feeding from a different partner each night. A demon who wouldn’t even stick around to meet his son. After such a short time with Selena, I wondered if we could build a relationship.

  Now, if I could only convince Selena to give us a go.

  Was there any chance of that happening? Not likely. It had taken much anguish on both our parts just to convince her to tolerate me for less than a week. Didn’t she see it? We could be so good together.

  After a couple of hours climbing, I teleported back to Selena’s place.

  “How was the hike?” she asked.

  “The usual. Trees. Streams. Insects.”

  “Sounds dreadful.” She laughed. “I’m glad I didn’t do something foolish like agree to go along.”

  “But you did agree to do something foolish like go out with me tonight.”

  Her demure smile hit me square in the gut. “Do you have someplace in particular in mind?”

  I cleared my throat. “Yes.”

  “And?” she prodded.

  “It’s a surprise. You'll have to wait till we get there.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “I’m all for surprises, but I do need to know how to dress. This dress might not cut it in some fancy-schmancy place.”

  I scanned her in the black rockabilly dress with red cherries, looking delicious enough to feast on. “What you're wearing is perfect. You look stunning as always.”

  She bent with an exaggerated bow. “It comes with the territory.”

  “What territory?”

  “You know. The lure to draw humans since we thirst for their essence.”

  “Indeed.” Yet, our demon form wasn’t as alluring to humankind. If they saw us that way, they’d destroy us without hesitation. “Are you ready to go?”

  After she agreed, we walked under a blue sky with pillow-like clouds over to Salem Willows. The oceanside attraction offered plenty of options I thought she’d enjoy.

  One side of the strip was lined with shops selling ice cream, pizza, subs, fried seafood, or Chinese food, interspersed with amusements. The park along the ocean was filled with willow trees that swayed with late summer laziness beneath the cool ocean breeze. Boats dotted the rocky coast and a few humans waded into the ocean up to their calves. Some kids climbed on rocks while others tossed a football. A toddler chased a seagull until her parents intervened. Many humans walked dogs; one older couple pushed a small one in a carriage.

  “It’s a happening night,” she pointed out.

  “Indeed.” It was a perfect September day, not scalding with summer sun, but comfortable with a se
a breeze, and I couldn’t think of a more enjoyable way to spend it—or whom to spend it with.

  Sea birds called overhead, waiting with eagle-eye focus to scoop up a toddler’s fallen French fry. The scent of fried food and popcorn wafted around us. I led Selena into an old-school video arcade. The flashing lights and sounds of pinging games grew louder.

  She laughed and strode over to a game with a dance pad. “You must know me well, Daron. You nailed it.”

  “Good. Have you come here yet?”

  “No. I’ve been meaning to. This makes me sound like a twelve-year-old, but I’ll take it. Look at all those games.” She oohed as she scanned the lineup of machines. “They even have the classics, like Pac-Man and Centipede.” She turned to me. “How about something to eat first? The smell of all this food made me instantly hungry.”

  “Let me guess—pizza?”

  “Maybe. Let’s see our choices.”

  We wandered by our options and the scent of fried seafood won us over. After picking up some clam rolls, we strolled into the park shaded by the canopy of willow trees and sat at a picnic table.

  She took a bite and oohed. “This is good.”

  I agreed. After we ate a few more bites, I asked, “What did you do today?”

  “Worked a bit outside a cafe.”

  “Work? What type?”

  “Freelance gigs online. Mostly multimedia design and testing for video games.”

  Funny, we’d never talked about things like that, what we did for a living to survive in the human realm. “How did you get into that?”

  “Took some online classes. Watched videos on YouTube. You can learn so many things online. Then I got some gigs. With the way I’m often on the move, I needed to find a way to make a living while I roamed. What about you?”

  “I have some real estate investments that pay my expenses.”

  “Like what?”

  “A few condos. One apartment building.”

  She’d picked up her clam roll to take a bite, but then lowered it. “You own a freakin’ apartment building? How did you manage that?”


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