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The Fae Mage

Page 11

by Whiskey Flowers

  “We do that then you all are captured” Glen said. “If you want to try something that stupid then I am going back to where I was at and you can go on your own.”

  “Glen look at all of these people” Darla said gesturing around.

  “None of them mean anything to me, I don’t remember anyone even regarding me as a friend” Glen replied. “Are you coming or what, we don’t have that much time left.”

  “Yes” Darla said as she stood up.

  Glen led her through the throngs of people to the other side of the tent where the males were, finding Tavin was not that difficult and he was ready to go instantly. Glen couldn’t help but notice Tavin did not ask about anyone other than himself and quickly snuck out of the tent. Glen kept them low to the ground as they ran, the Salsians would have sentries all around them so avoiding them was what Glen needed to do. Getting past them wasn’t too difficult, the men facing away from the kingdom’s forces were sound asleep and Glen took off with his family.

  “We have to stop” Tavin said breathing heavily after a short while running.

  “You stop, I'm gone” Glen replied.

  “We can't just leave him” Darla said.

  “I can” Glen replied. “He either keeps up or he doesn’t. I had to put down three mages to set you free.”

  “What do you mean you put down three mages?” Tavin said. “You are not strong enough.”

  “I didn’t say I fought with them” Glen said. “I said I put them down. How long they will stay that way I don’t know, now let's move.”

  “We all can't run like you” Darla said.

  “Then you should have spent more time running instead of being horrible to me” Glen said. “If both of you want to hang back then do it, I’m leaving.”

  “Wait” Tavin grumbled. “We don’t even have the use of our magic.”

  “Never stopped me before” Glen said.

  “Can we just walk fast for a moment then start back?” Darla asked.

  “Darla if you can run then do so” Glen replied. “Straight down this road. I will stay with your brother until he thinks he can run again. If we are caught then at least you can go free. I think it will take them a moment to realize that anyone is missing. The two I took care of I did it outside and they sent the non-magical guards away. They are bound to be back soon though, I dumped them right inside of the tent and covered them like they were one of you.”

  “I’m scared Glen, we shouldn’t split up” Darla said.

  “We should split up or you are going to be captured” Glen replied. “I don’t have time for this, start running or I am and I will tell our father I tried but you wanted to stay with Tavin who was pretending he couldn’t move.”

  “I’ll run” Darla said as she started jogging down the road.

  “I will leave you” Glen said as he looked at the walking Tavin. “I will leave you here on this road to rot. I want to get that clear between us, I don’t like you and I have taken enough from you and your mother over the years. Say something stupid to me and I am gone right now.”

  Glen wasn’t surprised Tavin didn’t have anything to say. Glen led him down the road for a while and made him do a combination of running and walking to eat up the distance and give him a little rest. The more they traveled the more uncomfortable Glen became. The collar was failing now, that he had no doubt as more energy flooded into him. Glen started walking slower now and was happy to see Darla kept running instead of waiting around. The pressure from the collar was intense enough that Glen laid down and waited for it to subside.

  “You can't rest now” Tavin said. “I hear riders coming up and fast.”

  “Hide then” Glen said as he reached up to grab his collar. The energy flowing in it made it crumble in his hands. Tavin dove into the bushes as two bright lights could be seen traveling down the road. Glen moaned out a little and the lights stopped, directly illuminating him.

  “Look at what I found” Wallace said as he looked down at Glen. “I told you Mage Franklin I didn’t trust his ass. Give me the collar and I’ll put it on him.”

  “Only a mage can do this” Mage Franklin said. “Get off your horse Harold, I think I see another one trying to hide in the bushes. Come out of there you or I will use my magic to come and get you.”

  “This one must be a complete stud to fuck three women into unconsciousness” Mage Harold said as he got off his horse. “Well not anymore, this one should be taken away from Tiffany. You have done good work Wallace, I am going to have you join my team.”

  Glen could see the figures come over closer to him and closed his eyes and cast his own mage light. Through his eyelids he could still see a blinding light like he was looking directly at the sun, Glen let the magic fizzle and felt a little relief from the energy flowing through him. Glen was seeing spots but he was better off than the four men who were now stumbling around. Glen punched Wallace hard in the nose who in turn pulled out his sword and stabbed Harold in the shoulder. The blinded mage cast a strong wind spell which blew Wallace in the air and twenty paces down the road. Glen started picking them off then, heavy well aimed kicks got all of them to stumble and lash out at the nearest person, often one of their comrades. Glen took Harold’s collar and tugged it around Franklin’s neck. It clicked in place loudly as Franklin began to scream.

  “Don’t collar me you idiot” Franklin screamed as Glen pushed him into Harold who blasted a shaken Franklin into a tree where he hit hard and landed harder. Glen eventually grabbed another collar and took Harold’s magic away as well. When everyone’s eyesight started returning Glen had all four men down and tied up and had helped Tavin up on a horse and was leading all four animals they came with away.

  When Glen thought the horses could see he cast mage light and marveled at the size of it as the horses ran. Glen felt like a real mage but could feel the energy draining from him. Glen could hear Darla calling him and stopped, she stepped out of the bushes and Glen had her on a horse quickly as they rode on.

  “We have to go through this town” Glen said. “This is the first place they will look and Salsians are still here.”

  “When are we going to stop” Tavin complained. “We can't travel like this, at least get us a carriage so you can drive us.”

  “I’m done with your brother” Glen said looking at Darla. “If you want to stay with him that is your problem. I’ll see you back home.”

  “Wait Glen” Darla said then looked at Tavin. “Tavin why don’t you shut up? He doesn’t like you and doesn’t care if you die right here. The only reason he agreed to bring you was because of me. I am not going to end up some old man’s plaything because of you.”

  “About time you told him something” Glen said. “We need to get through this town and get some more clothes. We can rest when the sun is up, until then we have to go.”

  “How did you do it?” Tavin asked. “How did you take out the mages? I know your magic, good control and lousy power.”

  “Doesn’t matter” Glen said. “Only thing that does is that we get out of here. Your collar absorbs the magic your body creates, it’s almost like a battery. When it gets full it will start breaking apart. We need to find a safe place until it does then a place to stay safe afterwards.”

  “Our home is overran by the Salsians” Darla said. “The main army moved out but they still have more than enough people there looting, enslaving and killing.”

  “We should go to Salsia” Tavin said. “I heard one of the other mages say that is where he would go. It is the only place we can hide out without becoming slaves, whipped or killed.”

  “That is a horrible idea” Darla said.

  “Maybe not” Glen replied. “If we are discovered in our kingdom, even if none of the Salsians know what we really are we will still be enslaved and even worse could happen to you. In Salsia we can just be poor people, if anything I think I can make enough money to put us up somewhere to wait out the war.”


  Glen took a dee
p breath as he looked over at the building. Glen, Tavin and Darla had been in Salsia for a week now and had no way to get food or take care of themselves. Poor people who became a nuisance were enslaved, Darla had the idea that they could join the army. Glen saw no fault in her plan, the main army was too far away and Glen and Tavin would only help occupy places or do labor, Darla could get on as a cook or laundress. The building they were standing across from was a military building, Darla thought they were in charge of enslaving deserters and recruiting. Glen was just about to walk into the building when two old men came out of it. Having seen Salsian mages it was easy for the three of them to identify what the men were. Both were older and seemed angry about something, Glen was going to let them pass when Tavin walked right over to them and began talking.”

  “You have any work for me and my family?” Tavin said looking behind him. “My brother is a bit slow but he can do any heavy lifting or hard work you have. Me and my sister can do the rest.”

  “You are looking for a job?” the mage with the longer beard asked. “Why aren’t you in the army like the rest of the poor people?”

  “We are a family of fishermen” Tavin lied and took the story Glen had come up with to tell the army people. “My Da left to fight and we were taking care of my mother. She died two weeks ago and we are hungry and looking for work. We were here to join the army but saw two fine gentlemen like yourself so I had to ask if you needed anything dirty done. Like I said my brother is slow in the head but he will do practically anything for money.”

  “We need help anyway” the other mag said. “My name is Giraud, you will address me as Mage Giraud. You are lucky we came out here looking for workers well that and show our class of mages what the border looks like. You can join the other workers in the wagon, follow us.”


  “Glen come here a moment” Giraud said as Glen jogged by his carriage.

  “Mage Giraud” Glen said as he slowed down and kept pace with the carriage.

  “What are you doing out there boy?” Giraud snapped looking out at Glen.

  “I need to run Mage Giraud” Glen said. “All I am doing in the wagon you put me in is sit around and listen to my brother snore. This way at least I get to stretch out my legs even if I get covered in dirt.”

  “That is the problem with young men” Giraud said angrily. “None of them want to do anything except sit on their asses and eat. Carry on then boy, just don’t tire yourself out too much.”

  “Alright Mage Giraud I will try not to” Glen said.

  “Wait” said another voice in Giraud’s carriage. Glen looked in to see the other old mage staring out at him.

  “Where you get those eyes from?” the other mage said.

  “Rolan at least introduce yourself” Giraud said. “No need in being rude like these asses we have to teach.”

  “Mage Rolan” Rolan said. “Now answer my question boy.”

  “Don’t know” Glen replied. “Born this way.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” Rolan snapped. “Your father, what did he look like and his father before him?”

  “Don’t know” Glen said. “He wasn’t around when I was born. Man who took me in never said anything.”

  “And you never asked him?” Rolan snapped again.

  “Mage Rolan” Glen said as he cocked his head. “Why would I care about a man who don’t want anything to do with me when I have one in front of me who said I was his son?”

  “Well you should” Rolan said then stopped. “You would have no damn reason to care about such a man. What about your mother?”

  “Don’t know” Glen replied.

  “Let me guess” Rolan said. “Never met her.”

  “Not the one who pushed me out” Glen said then willed himself to get a glassy eyed look like he was going to cry. “Only mother I know died a few weeks back” Glen said as he wiped away a tear.

  “Go run boy” Giraud said. “Go get everything sorted out in your head you need to sort out. Rolan didn’t mean to bring up anything harmful.”

  Glen nodded and took off at a fast sprint and went around the entire column of carriages. Glen slowed to just outside of Giraud’s carriage’s view. Glen cast a listening spell and was disappointed that he did not have the power he had before.

  “You need to leave that boy alone Rolan” Giraud said. “He is a good boy, a bit simple but a good boy.”

  “I know he is a good boy” Rolan said. “A big simple idiot, too innocent to hurt anyone. I got that by just talking to him. But purple eyes, never seen them on anything but a Fae.”

  “Fae eyes don’t look like that, not even half Fae” Giraud said. “There are a couple of them back at the Cube, ever seen one with eyes like that?”

  “I know what Fae eyes look like, it hasn’t been that long since I have seen a full one” Rolan said. “And the ones we all have at the Cube all have regular human colored brown eyes. None of them are male though and all of them look like normal human girls except for the wings. What if that blood turns up different in the males? I remember all of the full Fae women except for the eyes and wings looking like a cold drink of water to a thirsty man. You mean to tell me that boy doesn’t look like he would fit in with one of those temptresses?”

  “I have met his brother and sister and they all look like each other a little” Giraud said. “Glen though took the looks, him and his sister favor each other a little but she has blue eyes, just like the other brother.”

  “Maybe you are right” Rolan said.

  “What difference would it make really?” Giraud said. “He came to us and only wants food and a place to stay. They wanted to join the army but Glen and his sister are too young and the older brother wouldn’t want them to be separated.”

  “You can't trust Fae folk” Rolan said. “How many of them did we bring out of their lands and how many ran off.”

  “Who would want to stay in slavery?” Giraud said. “I still wonder why they left their babies though. Doesn’t seem very motherly.”

  “Who can understand the dark ones?” Rolan said. “I still didn’t mean to hurt that boy though, I am not like the rest of these idiots that get off on being shitty to people.”

  “I know” Giraud said. “Well enough about that, when are we supposed to be getting the new stock in?”

  “Probably won't” Rolan said. “New change in plans but I bet that was the original plan anyway just needed to get all of the senators on board.”

  “What change in plans?” Giraud asked.

  “They wanted to get rid of undesirables, cull the citizenry so they claim” Rolan said. “They did that, every poor lazy man they could find was tossed into the enemy swords followed by every poor man too old to work. “That leaves a bunch of women out there with no way to make it. A law is going to be passed soon, I heard about it just yesterday from Senator Walls. Every person that can prove they have enough money can marry multiple times. Not many young male mages are coming back from the enemy, nothing but a bunch of young girls. The male mages they will be kill, they don’t want any competition. Young girls though, I expect a bunch of them to come over. Marry them up with some rich mage, put a baby inside of them and they will go nowhere. The crisis with the mage blood pool not being diluted enough is averted and mages don’t have to stoop to visiting brothels. Senators don’t care either, they can marry the woman their family wants them to and marry the pretty young things they have always had their eye on.”

  “No woman is going to go along with that” Giraud said.

  “What are they going to do exactly?” Rolan said. “Poor women will be throwing themselves at rich men by the dozens. There will be an influx of woman mages and few men around, do you think they are going to make some stand and stay unmarried?”

  “We are in a middle of a war” Giraud said. “No way any kingdom let alone our former allies will let us just walk away with their daughters.”

  “They are going to be too worried about rebuilding” Rolan said. �
�All of the people our army are misusing right now will be set free. They will be angry, their homes were destroyed, their cities were destroyed and their women defiled. But at the end of the day the only ones taken will be the mage women. What commoner is going to want to risk another war where they will be sacrificed on the account of a few mage girls? We are leaving them nothing but a bunch of old mage women and young mage men. Not even the mages on the ground in the war know what is happening. Our enemy will be happy they were left something, I don’t see them attacking us for a long time, we have devastated them.”

  “So this is all about women?” Giraud said. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “No this wasn’t about women” Rolan said. “We did want to get rid of our undesirables but for the senate to sign off on a war, certain concessions had to made. Countless fortunes are being taken, women are being taken, ore is being shipped out, weapons are being shipped back, gold, silver, diamonds and other things will find themselves in the hands of the rich. We will be an empire of many resources and hard working people.”

  “I am not getting involved in it” Giraud said. “Now it makes sense why a bunch of our young male mages were sent off to fight. Some of those weren’t even properly trained, idiots all them. All spun up when they were told they could learn to fight in the war. First idiots to die in the war, the older ones really wanted to lessen the competition. Doesn’t matter, like I said I'm not involved. Now why won't they send whatever mages they take to us? They haven't been properly trained, they were probably given that apprentice shit like they do with every craft over there instead of some tried and true hard knowledge like what we have here.”

  “Not our call” Rolan said. “Now you know what I have been suspecting and carrying around with me.”

  Glen dropped his speed and let the carriages pass him by. Glen jumped on his wagon and wanted to say something to Tavin and Darla but couldn’t with the other workers there. The most unnerving was probably the goblin, Oboe. Oboe was in charge of the workers and Glen knew he had suspicions about Glen and his family. Oboe never said much to him but was always looking, always judging. Glen knew goblins had good hearing, whatever he would say would probably be overheard.


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