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The Fae Mage

Page 14

by Whiskey Flowers

  “Is it against the law?” Darla asked.

  “No but it is rude” Mage Giraud said. “Honestly girl hold yourself to a higher standard.”

  “Is this seat taken?” said a blonde haired man that gestured to a seat in front of Darla. Glen thought he looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties.

  “No but I am not interested” Darla said. “Do have a pleasant day.”

  “Excuse me?” the blonde asked.

  “I have a name for men that are not taller than my brother Glen beside you” Darla said as she pointed at Glen.

  “And what is that name?” the blonde asked.

  “I call them friends” Darla replied. “Do have a pleasant day and good luck.”

  “That was curt of you” Mage Giraud said.

  “I didn’t insult the man” Darla said. “You tell me a way to let these people know I am not interested and I will follow it.”

  “You have to put forward at least some names for the senate and you are chasing most of them away” Mage Giraud said. “Look at the other girls here, they are enjoying themselves and you and your family have sour looks on your faces. Well you and Tavin have sour looks on your faces, Glen is just Glen.”

  “No one here fits my description of beautiful” Darla replied. “You think I should pick ugly short old men?”

  “I’m through arguing with you girl” Mage Giraud said. “It is your life and if you keep this up I am sure someone will try and take the choice away from you.”

  “Eventually Mage Giraud, but not today” Darla said.

  “Are you a couple?” said another man from behind Mage Giraud. This man looked in his early twenties and wore so much jewelry Glen could tell he must have been rich and powerful, it took some pull to not go to war and his outfit accentuated how much money he had.

  “They are brother and sister Protector Gregory” Mage Giraud said. “I am a bit shocked to see you here.”

  “The war is winding down quickly and I have done my part” Gregory said. “My father sent me back to enjoy myself and pick out a second wife.”

  “Young Darla is the strongest female student we have here” Mage Giraud boasted. “She is right below the elite tier and her brother is an elite.”

  “You are an elite mage?” Gregory said as he looked down at Glen’s wrist.

  “Her other brother” Mage Giraud said then looked at Darla and fixed her with a stare. “Any lady here would be happy to have a protector show them attention. How is your wife doing?”

  “She is fine” Gregory smiled. “She is home with a babe in her belly, I am hoping for a boy.”

  “And you are not with her?” Darla said disgusted.

  “My wife is taken care of, I have many slaves seeing to her comfort” Gregory said. “Anyone lucky enough to be chosen by me can expect the same luxuries, they will be pampered to no end.”

  “What woman wouldn’t want to be seen with such an accomplished mage?” Mage Giraud said. “You have so much at such a young age, your father must be proud.”

  “He is” Gregory replied. “I distinguished myself during this war even further.”

  “Darla, Gilbert is alone, now is your chance to speak with him” Glen said excitedly looking at their classmate. “Hurry quickly before some other girl snatches him up.”

  Darla flew out of her chair and sat down across from a surprised Gilbert, it was obvious the mage was happy to see her. Gilbert looked similar to his cousin Albert, he was a thin boy with too many pimples on his face. He smiled at Darla and Glen peeked at the man Gregory to see he was in shock, probably wondering what Darla saw in him.

  “I hope she lands him” Glen said with false excitement.

  “Him?” Gregory said confused. “He is a below average mage that hasn’t come into his manhood yet. He looks like any boy that doesn’t train his body or do anything outdoors.”

  “Gilbert is nice to me” Glen said. “Gilbert is nice to Darla too.”

  “Does this Gilbert have a great fortune or something I am missing Giraud?” Gregory asked.

  “No protector” Mage Giraud said.

  “Then why is she throwing herself at him?” Protector Gregory said.

  “Hello Protector Gregory” Natalie said with a shy giggle. “I didn’t know you were going to be here today. Are you looking for a wife?”

  “I am looking for a strong female to bear my seed” Gregory said. “I already married the woman I was supposed to, now I am looking for a woman to make strong sons with.”

  “There are plenty of women here who wouldn’t mind” Natalie said.

  “That may be true but only one of you are in the upper tier” Gregory said looking over at Darla who patted Gilbert’s hand.

  “You are talking about Darla, Protector?” Natalie said disgusted. “Her entire family or what is left of it is here. She doesn’t have any fortune or influence, just look at the way she is dressed.”

  “I have enough influence and my wife is the daughter of a senator” Gregory said. “I also have money, I just need a strong woman.”

  “I don’t think the Protector is interested in you Natalie but he is too much of a gentleman to say so” Mage Giraud said. “But there are plenty of men here than would love someone with your resources, why don’t you go meet a few.”

  “This is ridiculous” Tavin said as he came over and gave Gregory a dismissive look.

  “This is her brother?” Gregory asked looking over Tavin.

  “Her older brother” Mage Giraud said.

  “I want to talk to you about your sister” Gregory said. “I think you will find this talk beneficial for both of us.”

  Glen watched them go and made it a point to never sit down and rescued Darla from Gilbert. Darla pretended to be insulted by something he said and got up angrily leaving Gilbert bewildered. Glen explained to her what was going on and that whoever Protector Gregory was that he was interested in her. As long as Darla stayed standing and talking to Glen no one bothered them. When they had to produce names Darla had put both of her brothers names on the list followed by Mage Giraud who she knew was not in the market for another wife along with Mage Rolan and Gilbert. Glen didn’t put anyone down, people were angry at him but let it go. Tavin was still missing as the night dragged on and did not show up until the next day.


  “Darla we need to talk” Tavin said.

  “Yes we do” Darla said. “Where did you go?”

  “I went with Gregory” Tavin said. “He introduced me to a lot of influential people. My power in magic had many of them impressed, I think I am even better than Gregory based on the sour look he gave me. He wants to take you for his own and has offered me two thousand gold to get me started on my fortune and has a sister that is on the average tier that he said he would be willing to match me with if his father blesses off on it. There is no dowry for second wives so I don’t have to give him a thing, him and his father will give me my own estate and two slaves as a dowry for his sister though. I want you to marry this man so I can get this money.”

  “Are you insane?” Darla asked. “I am not marrying that man so you can be rich.”

  “You would be rich as well” Tavin said.

  “He is looking for someone else to lay with while his wife is at home pregnant” Darla said.

  “Well it’s not like she doesn’t have her own slaves, you will have some as well” Tavin said. “If he was back home he would be considered a high noble Darla. Offers like this do not come around often, now take the deal or I will petition the Senate on his behalf.”

  “You will what?” Darla said narrowing her eyes.

  “Gregory told me if I petition the senate as your oldest male relative that it would be granted based on the benefits” Tavin said. “You are posing as some dumb farm girl, who wouldn’t think you would be better off with the Protector while your family gets thousands in gold. Apparently female mages in the average tier are rare, there are only three Gregory have heard of in the upper tier and only
one in the elite tier. I think you have gotten lucky and can now cash us out.”

  “You sign any petition and I will out us all” Darla threatened.

  “And then what?” Tavin asked. “They will still keep you since you are upper tier, they would not turn away an elite mage. Only person leaving would be the Fae, you have until the school year to marry him.”

  “I will marry anyone else just to spite you” Darla said. “How could you do this to me?”

  “Oh please Darla” Tavin said waving her cries away. “I am nothing here Darla, you saw how those sheep cowed me. I have the chance to be someone just like you do, you are just too stupid to see it. You have been hanging around your Fae brother for too long.”

  “You give your petition then” Darla said. “I will be gone before you can collect one copper.”

  “No you won’t” Tavin replied. “We have nowhere to go.”

  “And what about when that woman you are getting wants another?” Darla said.

  “That is the best part” Tavin said. “She is a bit addled so she has been hard to force off on someone. She can never be considered the head of home, in a few months I can go shopping for another woman. I met her and she finds me attractive, if I wanted to I am sure I could have had her in front of her family. She is not untouched, two slaves have been executed for laying with her which makes her even harder to marry off. I don’t care about her sex life the money and items I will be given supercedes all of that. When her father, Senator Gill gets here everything will be official between me and her and you and Gregory.”

  “Get out” Darla said as Tavin shrugged his shoulders. “Get the pit out of my room, you are no longer my brother.”

  “You have always liked the Fae better than me anyways” Tavin said. “Your tears don’t hurt me at all.”

  “How about this?” Glen said as he swung a broom hard and connected with the back of Tavin’s thighs. Tavin dropped to his knees cursing as Tavin jabbed him in the back of the head with the broom and put Tavin face down on floor unconscious. Glen nudged him with his foot a little to make sure he was out.

  “When do we leave?” Glen asked.

  “I don’t know” Darla said. “It is a crime to leave before we are finished and now people know what we look like.”

  “Someone is coming” Glen said as he heard a knock on the door. Glen sniffed the air and could tell it was the goblin Oboe. Glen opened the door and saw the small green creature standing with all three of the half Fae women. They all had various materials in their hands Glen knew was to make clothing.

  “I am here for clothes” Oboe said never taking his eyes off Glen who opened the door. “They are coming for you.”

  “What?” Glen asked.

  “Mage Giraud he is coming” Oboe said as he walked into the room.

  “What are you talking about?” Darla asked as she towered over Oboe.

  “I come to make clothes for new mages” Oboe said. “Also give warning to Fae boy.”

  “We don’t know what you are talking about” Darla said as she moved over closer to Glen.

  “We know what he is” the taller of the women said. “Soon others will know as well.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Glen asked.

  “No” Oboe said. “You are one of us, you are one of us.”

  “How do you know this?” Glen asked.

  “Your smell, your eyes” Oboe said. “These with me are also Fae, I know Fae. I protect them, others want them but I keep them safe.”

  “Why haven’t you left” Glen said looking around at the foursome.

  “We will not be accepted in the Dark Forest” the taller Fae woman said. “Do you have magic?”

  “I am weak in magic” Glen said.

  “All you need is a spark” Oboe said. “We talk later, Mage Giraud is almost here, he wants to your female now more than ever. Your female has been in wrong place, she is stronger than they thought. She is top mage, Mage Giraud knows this. Strong protector human knows this, they want female.”

  “I am not his female, I am his sister” Darla said. “And what are you talking about?”

  “He is here” Oboe said as he grabbed the string and started measuring Darla.

  “Darla” Mage Giraud said. “My dear it seems a mistake has been made when accessing your skills, you are barely there but you are there. You my dear are in the elite tier. The senate is happy to hear about someone like you, there are many people who want to meet you.”

  “I guess thank you for the information” Darla said.

  “Protector Gregory wants to extend an invitation for you to join him for lunch” Mage Giraud said.

  “I decline” Darla said.

  “You decline?” Mage Giraud said confused. “He is a Protector.”

  “He is not my type” Darla said.

  “He is rich, tall, handsome, keeps himself in shape and is an elite mage” Mage Giraud said. “Every man wishes he was Protector Gregory and every woman wishes she was with him.”

  “Not this one” Darla replied. “He was nowhere on my list.”

  “I saw your list girl” Mage Giraud said with a small laugh. “Me and Mage Rolan had a good laugh about it, two old men not interested in making babies or anything else anymore. You know you can’t be with your brothers either so that leaves poor Gilbert who also has you on the top of his list.”

  “Then it seems decided already” Darla said.

  “Gilbert talks tough but the real world will reach him outside of this cube” Mage Giraud said. “I suppose he will make a good match, I don’t see him ever mistreating you or doing anything to jeopardize the relationship. Farm girl or not, he is beneath you and he knows it. To him you are like a sack of a thousand gold coins to a poor beggar. Protector Gregory though is charged with protecting this empire, you can help bring in the next generation of Protectors. You can live a life only the very wealthy and powerful enjoy with him.”

  “He is trying to buy you like you are a horse” Glen said shocking Mage Giraud.

  “Well no” Mage Giraud said stuttering.

  “They why do you keep talking about money?” Glen asked.

  “Because everyone thinks we are dumb farm people” Darla said. “Dumb people who must think money is better than anything else.”

  “The best thing is eating sweet corn right off the cob with your bare feet in the dirt” Glen said.

  “Yes it is” Darla said.

  “No one is trying to buy you” Mage Giraud said. “I, I will talk to Protector Gregory. Is that Tavin on the ground?”

  “He is sleeping” Glen said.

  “Oh” Mage Giraud said. “Well I will let Oboe and the rest get to their job. Darla despite your attitude you appeared on eight different lists from our visitors and every list of the students here other than your brothers.”

  “None of that means anything to me” Darla said.

  “As you have made clear” Mage Giraud said then looked at Glen. “You turned quite a few heads as well young man. I think even an average level mage has shown interest but I don’t think it will work based on her age. The law is currently being reworked.”

  “What do you mean based on her age?” Darla asked. “Are you saying I am expected to be with some old lecher and not him?”

  “Older women find it hard to have children” Mage Giraud said. “Their bodies just cannot take the stress or refuses to hold a baby. You are young and your body can hold a child, the situation couldn’t be more different. As mages we are supposed to fight wars and birth the next generation. If what I heard is correct, older female mages are going to be exempt from the mage rules. If they are of a certain age then they can marry whoever they want, provided the man is not a mage. But don’t worry about your brother, at least four women can still bear children marked him down.”

  “We are done with string” Oboe said. “We make dress in two days.”

  “Good job Oboe” Mage Giraud said. “You are excused.”


>   “Here we go again” Darla said looking over at Tavin who was walking over towards them. “I can’t wait to leave this place.”

  “I am not worried about him” Glen said.

  “Well you are not always around” Darla said. “You and those others have been spending all of your free time together sneaking around.”

  “They have taught me things” Glen said. “Things about me that I did not know.”

  “Well I don’t trust them” Darla said. “They are uneasy around me.”

  “Because you are human and they normally do not talk to humans” Glen said. “They see me as someone like them.”

  “Darla” Tavin said with a sinister grin. “I want you to know that my petition is being heard today and is expected to go through.”

  “So what” Darla said. “Now go away.”

  “I know you have only been hanging around Gilbert to pass time until you leave here” Tavin said. “But have you noticed Gilbert hasn’t bothered you today? He was paid off. Now you can make things easier on you and me if you want. The war is over and we do not have anything to go back to. You are going to come with me to lunch with Protector Gregory when he gets back in town or I will tell everyone what your Fae really is.”

  “I knew you would” Darla said. “You should look behind you Tavin, I think my message has finally gotten through.”

  “What message is that?” Tavin said looking around as men in armor came pouring into the room. “What did you do Darla? What did you do?”

  “I am getting all three of us tossed in prison for lying” Darla said. “The so-called money and everything you were hoping for will be gone.”

  “You idiot” Tavin screamed. “You will still be with him just without the leverage!”

  Glen smiled at Darla and held his hands out as men roughly put him in shackles. Darla didn’t fight either but Tavin started casting his strongest magics, ten men lay dead before they could get close enough to him to put him down. Darla had come up with the plan when she knew it was inevitable, something about Gregory she didn’t like and didn’t want to get to know. It was the reason she turned herself in and labeled Tavin as the mastermind behind the entire farce. They would eventually all be released, Darla planned on throwing herself at the first weak old man she could find then fleeing before Protector Gregory could hear about anything that is going on. Darla had already memorized a map and had a few coins on her she romanced from Gilbert, getting back home would be hard but not impossible. Glen was sure he was going to be separated, many would wonder about his status as a Fae but no one would let him go to any mundane. Glen smiled as Darla was separated from them and thrown into another part of the prison they were brought to, Tavin now had on a collar and was thrown into a cell with Glen.


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