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Infinity Chronicles Book Four: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Series

Page 3

by Albany Walker

  “It wouldn’t be hard to find it. It’s a matter of public record. Anyone can get that information with a couple of keystrokes. I should have put it under a corporation name, but I didn’t,” Ares answers, his eyes darting to all the mirrors one by one. Ollie falls back, a huff escaping his lips.

  “How are we playing this when we get home?” Dante asks.

  “I’m going to drop you off about a mile before the house. I want you to make sure no one has been there.” What Ares doesn’t say is that he expects Dante to shift so his senses will be much stronger. “If you even think someone is or has been there, meet us at the road before the driveway.” I sit in the front seat, wondering why it has to be like this. I wish I could just pretend my mom went on a little trip, and now she’s back and everything will be fine.

  “I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me,” I mutter, staring out the window. It’s too dark to see anything, except the slight reflection of my shoulder in the glass.

  “No one is going to get hurt, Cara.”

  “You don’t know that. He could—”

  “He couldn’t,” Ares interrupts. “No matter what he tries, if he does, we will be ready.”

  “He’s right, Muenster. Leon isn’t a threat—especially now that we know what to expect,” Ollie confirms.

  I don’t feel any sense of relief. Desperate people do desperate things.

  The car slows to a stop. “I’ll give you five minutes before I head up.” Ares looks at Dante, who’s sitting behind me. “If anything is off, come back here, do not engage. The only danger we’d face would be if he separates us.”

  My heart starts beating harder, and I can’t bring myself to look behind me. Ares directs his attention back to the windshield, obsessively checking his mirrors again as he hits a button for the hazard lights to turn on.

  The rear door opens and Dante steps out. I turn to watch him as he strips out of his shirt, and a wave of longing comes over me. He shouldn’t go alone. I roll down my window. “Dante,” I croak, and his eyes jump to mine. His hands are already at the waistband of his dark pants. I study the lines of his muscles over his torso, the smattering of hair I can barely see in the darkness. “Be safe, come back to me,” I tell him softly. “Promise?”

  Dante steps forward and leans so his forearm is on the top of the car door. “I promise. Don’t worry, five minutes.” A wrinkle mars his forehead as he raises his brows.

  I take a heavy breath and blow it out through my puffed-up cheeks. Dante leans in through the window and seals his lips to mine. I’m usually the instigator with Dante, but this time he dominates my lips as he shoves his tongue right into my mouth. I let out a low groan and nip his tongue in retaliation. He pulls back with a wicked smile on his lips as his tongue leaves a trail of red on his plump bottom lip. If he didn’t have his head halfway in the car, I would have never even seen it.

  Heat coils low in my stomach. Mine echoes in my thoughts. Dante taps the top of the car twice before slipping into the darkness. I can make out his outline as he shucks his pants and socks off, his shoes must still be in the backseat. Then he’s gone, and not even my enhanced vision can find him.

  “We should grab his clothes,” I suggest with a sigh.

  “I’ll do it,” Milo offers, climbing out to the edge of the road. “I didn’t find any boxers, so those are a lost cause unless someone else wants to go searching.”

  “I don’t think he had any.” I let my head tilt against the doorframe, my eyes on the clock on the radio.

  Ollie chuckles. “Free-ballin’ bastard.”

  I’m already antsy and two minutes hasn’t even passed. I’ve rearranged the seat and my body several times.

  Milo settles his hand on my shoulder from the backseat. “Just a little longer, Laura. We would know if there were a problem,” he assures me calmly.

  Three more minutes pass like the seconds have somehow tripled. Ares hits the button for the hazards to shut them off and turns the dial to D. He checks his mirrors again, but I haven’t seen a single headlight since we’ve been parked here.

  Slowly, he merges back into the traffic lane. I can’t stop the bounce of my leg as we get closer to the driveway. The headlights finally shine on the little, florescent-green triangle Milo put up the other day so we could find the drive easily, and I instantly start looking for Dante. “I don’t see him, do you?”

  Ares slows the vehicle, his head lowered to see out the window. As he spins the wheel to turn into the drive, I catch a glimpse of Dante in his tiger form. His head is up as he sniffs the air, and when he lowers it, he yawns. His huge maw opens wide enough to see every single sharp tooth he has glistening in the beams of the headlights. Ares slowly drives up the gravel path with Dante loping up next to us, his fur shifting and swaying with every bound.

  I have my hand on the door handle before we even make it all the way up the driveway. As soon as we roll to a stop, I open the door and hop out. Dante is there to meet me, and he immediately drags the side of his face over my hip and stomach, bobbing his head up and down a few times as he nuzzles me. I drop my hands to his head, digging my fingers into the thick fur around his ears and face.

  “Anything?” Ares asks, as he comes around the car with his eyes focused on the house above us. Dante drops down to a seated position and shakes his head, letting out a big sneeze or chuff. Still stroking my hand over Dante’s head and neck, I glance up at the house. Nothing seems off. I think back to the feeling of wrongness I felt that day back at the camper, how I knew something was wrong as soon as we walked inside.

  “What is Leon’s ability?” I can’t believe I haven’t thought to ask this before.

  “Object manipulation, which makes sense,” Milo answers casually. His hands are loose down at his sides, but I swear the width of his shoulders has somehow grown. He’s staring up at the house too, his eyes narrowed.

  The headlights of the SUV blink off, and I fist my hand in Dante’s fur. He leans his head into my hip, pushing against me and reminding me he’s there. I release my grip but keep my hand on him.

  “The ring box,” I state, remembering how horrible it made the whole RV feel.

  “Yes,” Ares replies.

  “But what does that mean? He can touch something and make it give off bad vibes?” My voice is low, the darkness and quiet making me feel like I need to whisper.

  “You and Dante were the only ones who sensed the bad vibes,” Ares reminds me. “If neither of you had been there and I had picked up the box, I’m not sure what the consequences would have been. Whatever he did to the box might have transferred to me.”

  “Shit,” I hiss.

  “Sums it up pretty well,” Ollie says with forced lightheartedness.

  “So, how we doing this?” Milo tilts his head from left to right.

  “We all go in together. We all stay together. We check each room.” Ares turns so he’s facing us with his back to the house. “We go in through the garage. Dante, you’re on point. You’ll know if anything has been fucked with. Laura, you’re in the middle. I need you to make sure Dante doesn’t miss anything.”

  I bite the inside of my lip, and my breathing is already heavy considering I’m just standing here. “Ollie, your abilities are a last resort, especially once we’re inside.” Milo cracks his knuckles once Ares focuses on him. “No holding back, Milo. You take the rear.” That’s all he tells him, but he’s saying so much more.

  We fall into a line with Dante in front and Ares behind him, while I’m tucked between him and Ollie, with Milo in position behind us. Ares points the garage door opener at the house and the door rumbles to life, lifting to reveal even more inky darkness. Reaching forward, I grip the waistband of the back of Ares’s pants, since his shirt is tucked in without any extra fabric to hold.

  The urge to pee hits me hard. One good scare and I’ll probably piss myself. Luckily, I’m distracted from that thought as Dante’s nose lifts to scent the air. After a long second, he moves forward, his head now
low as he prowls closer to the house. If I weren’t so scared, it would be amazing to watch him.

  We make our way through the garage to the steep stairs that lead up to the kitchen. Ares holds his hand up with his fist closed tight. We freeze.

  I sense the moment his essence leaves his body. A chilled breeze lifts my hair and wraps around my neck, before sweeping past me and up the stairs. Is that how he always knows when I’m watching him?

  In seconds he’s back, the heat of his body warming with his return. He jerks his head toward us, and says, “No one is in the house. Same protocol. Dante and Laura, clear each room.”

  My shoulders relax now that I know there isn’t an ambush waiting for us. “Why didn’t you say you were going to do that?” I try to pinch Ares’s side, but I end up just digging my fingers into his tight obliques.

  “Take every advantage, Cara. I don’t want anyone knowing what I’m truly capable of until it’s too late for them.” I think back to the first time I saw him emerging from the shadows. Dangerous was my first thought, and it’s still very true.

  Chapter 3

  “What are we going to do? We can’t live like this.” I’m tucked between Ollie and Milo in our upstairs bedroom. Dante and Ares are downstairs keeping an eye on the house.

  “Ares will have his security team here tomorrow.” Ollie presses his lips to my forehead.

  I tug the blanket higher up on my chest. Ollie is throwing off enough heat to warm the whole house, but I still feel chilled.

  Milo turns on his side and faces me, his eyes searching my face. I watch as he licks over his bottom lip and swallows heavily. “I’m sorry I let you go alone.” A little piece of my heart cracks at the regret in his voice.

  “Milo, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.” I turn onto my side to look at him, scooting a little closer in the process.

  “He never would have gotten you as far as he did if I would have been with you.”

  My lips tighten into a hard line. “Yes, but then we still wouldn’t know he was after me. He could have grabbed me when I was at school or work, too far away from you guys. You’d never have known. But now we can be prepared.”

  “I still fucked up.” He closes his eyes and his jaw clenches.

  I lean forward and place my lips over his in a soft caress. Pulling back, I tell him, “Milo, I’m here because you came for me. You found me before he could do anything.”

  Milo’s hand comes up, and his palm cradles my cheek. I can feel the calluses on his fingers as he skates them over my face. His dark blue eyes search mine before he bites his bottom lip, releasing it gently.

  Leaning in ever so slowly, he kisses me. It’s sweet and gentle—just like he is. My heart thuds, then speeds up as he licks the seam of my lips. I open my mouth, my tongue reaching for his the second he enters.

  I’d all but forgotten that Ollie is next to me until I feel the bed shift. He wraps his body behind mine, keeping his hand low on my thigh. Milo’s kisses get more urgent—still sweet—but his lips are pressed firmly against mine as his hand moves down until he reaches my hip. His fingertips flex over my butt, and his thumb digs into the hollow of my hip. A low moan escapes me, it’s the first time his touch has ever felt unguarded.

  Ollie hooks his hand under my knee and lifts my leg so it goes over Milo’s waist. I feel his tongue make a long, lazy swipe up the back of my neck, and my inner muscles clench with need.

  Milo tilts his head, taking the kiss even deeper, and he rocks his hips forward, but I’m not close enough to feel him the way I need to. Wrapping my calf around his butt, I pull myself closer, and when our bodies line up, Milo lets out a long groan. He throws his head back, and his eyes close as his lips part. I swivel my hips until I can feel the blunt tip of his erection right where I need it.

  Ollie sighs into my ear, his breaths short and panting. Milo meets my hips, rolling against me. Pushing my lips against Milo’s throat, I lick and suck as we rock together. Ollie’s heat disappears, but I don’t have a chance to wonder where he’s gone before he’s back, lining himself up right behind me.

  I brush my hands over Milo’s chest until I reach the hem of his shirt. I walk the tips of my fingers under the fabric, pressing my fingertips into each groove between the slabs of his muscles. When I reach his chest, my thumb brushes against his pebbled nipple. It’s small compared to mine, but fascinating.

  Milo’s hips jerk, and he drags me closer. I let out a shaky breath. This is the Milo I need, the one who feels instead of thinks. I stroke down his side until I reach the loose gym shorts at his waist. He makes a sound close to a whimper when I guide my hand inside the front of his shorts.

  He’s hot, burning, when I feel his hardness in my hand. Reaching down farther, I gasp as I feel all of him, he’s not nearly as long as Ares but, damn, he’s thick. Wrapping my fingers around him, I squeeze. Milo slams his lips onto mine. Any reservations about how much he wants me are gone when his hand lands on my ass, forcing my hips forward and grinding into my palm between our bodies.

  I take my hand off him long enough to push his shorts down, and Milo hastily removes them from his legs, kicking them the rest of the way off. He leans up on his elbow and freezes. I know it’s the moment he sees Ollie, remembering he’s right behind me.

  “Milo,” I coo his name, begging him not to stop.

  With his eyes still on Ollie, he reaches for the hem of my shirt. I help him get it the rest of the way off and lie back down between them.

  With shaking hands, Ollie slides his fingers into my sleep shorts and pushes them down my hips, taking my underwear with them. Once they’re gone, he lifts a foil packet, extending his hand in Milo’s direction. Milo looks down at me with a deep hunger in his eyes.

  “Are you sure?” Milo’s voice is thick.

  I jerk my chin up and down, looking right into his eyes. Ollie opens the packet, then mutters to Milo, “Lay down.”

  Milo drops his torso back to the mattress, his breathing erratic as his chest heaves. My knee is still over Milo’s hip, and I feel Ollie’s hands between my legs as he reaches for Milo.

  Milo screws his eyes tightly shut, but his lips part with a heavy sigh. I feel small touches as Ollie’s fingers brush against me while he rolls the condom onto Milo.

  Once he’s done, he wraps his body around mine again and kisses my shoulder. His hips are pulled back, but I still feel his wrist under my butt. After a few seconds, Milo leans back in and starts again with gentle kisses. I answer him with needy kisses in return. Before long, I’m rocking against him and craving so much more than just his mouth on mine.

  Another brush of Ollie’s fingers, and he’s parting me, the tip of one finger circling around my clit. Just as my hips begin to follow his movements, he pulls back and slides one long finger inside me. I moan into Milo’s mouth, and his grip tightens as he rocks forward.

  Ollie pulls his finger out of me, and I clench my muscles on instinct. I break the kiss with Milo and look down between our bodies to see Ollie’s hand reaching past me to wrap around Milo’s erection. His fingers don’t even meet as he delivers a stroke over the condom. Lust settles low in my stomach. Holy hell, I need them.

  Ollie guides Milo’s erection to my center, sliding it up and down a few times before he puts him near my opening. My heart is beating so fast I feel like I might pass out. Ollie’s hand lowers until I can’t see it anymore, but Milo makes a strangled sound.

  “I’m going to come,” Milo grits out. “I’ve never—this is too much.”

  I slide myself closer to Milo, desperate to feel him inside me. His eyes pop open, and he looks at me. Biting his lip, Milo rolls his hips, and he slides inside of me. My head falls back, and a loud moan drops from my lips as he stretches me. I can still feel Ollie’s fingers alternating between touching me and Milo. After only four strokes, Milo mumbles, “Not gonna last. So, fucking good.” His arm comes around my back, and he squeezes our chests together so tightly, I can barely breathe, but I don’t even care. Olli
e’s fingers are on either side of Milo’s erection and brushing against my clit with each stroke.

  Milo buries his face in my hair and lets out a long groan, his body shoved as deep as possible in mine. I can actually feel him jerking as he comes.

  “Holy fuck,” Ollie mutters, as his fingers push against my clit. My orgasm hits me just as a heavy weight crashes into my bones.

  I jerk, and then I freeze as my body grows impossibly heavy. The taste of iron fills my mouth as my back bows clear off the bed. Milo slips from my body. My eyes are open, but I can’t see anything as my entire universe shifts. In the blink of an eye, every lingering doubt about our Infinity vanishes. Our bond is Infinite. We are complete. I’m out cold before my back hits the mattress.

  I rouse to hear Ares’s strained voice. “What do you mean you don’t know what happened?” I lift my eyelids, though they seem heavy.

  “Don’t yell at them, Dark Lord.” My words are slurred, but understandable.

  “Cara, are you okay?”

  I stretch, only now realizing I’m still naked. I peek my eyes open again, a flush covering my cheeks. “May I have the sheet?” I blurt, as all four of them stare down at me.

  Milo, in only his loose shorts, throws the sheet over me. “Sorry,” he mumbles when it even covers my head.

  “It’s okay.” I poke my head out and use my hands to tame my hair. Ollie coughs or, more likely, covers a laugh with a cough. When I look over at him, he holds his hands out near his head and mouths, “Pillow perm,” to me while nodding his head, obviously proud of himself. I huff and roll my eyes.

  “What happened?” Dante asks, not even noticing Ollie.

  “I bonded to Milo. Our Infinity is complete,” I answer, just as confused as they are.

  “We know that—we all felt it—but you’ve been out for twenty minutes,” Ares counters.

  I shrug, keeping the sheet to my chest as I move to sit up. “I don’t know, nothing bad happened, although my body feels different, heavy.” I wince as I try to scoot my back to the wall, a simple movement I’d normally do without a thought.


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