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Regency Engagements Box Set

Page 67

by Charlotte Fitzwilliam

  thoughts of Lord Darlington began to flood her mind. To marry him would be torment indeed!

  “I am afraid I must go to prepare, Miss Cartwright,” she said, heavily, after the hour had passed. “If you recall, I have Lord Darlington coming to call upon me.” The smile faded from her friend’s face. “Oh, yes. I do recall.

  What a shame. Does your mother approve of it?”

  “Oh, yes,” Lady Jeweliana replied, heavily. “She is more delighted than I – in fact, she accepted on my behalf even though I was trying my best to appear entirely unavailable.” “How disappointing and frustrating,” Miss Cartwright murmured, getting to her feet. “Then I only pray that you have a short time with him and that your conversation is limited and boring.” She flashed Jeweliana a smile, taking away her confusion. “Then, at least, he will not ask you for a ride again.” For whatever reason, Jeweliana did not tell Miss Cartwright about what had passed between her mother and Lady Darlington. Perhaps it was because she had not known the lady long, or because it might do her reputation some damage should she be honest with her but, for whatever reason, she simply smiled and nodded, before Miss Cartwright took her leave.

  Flopping back against the seat, Lady Jeweliana wished to goodness her mother had never encountered Lady Darlington again. Then none of this would have happened. Lord Darlington would just be another name, another gentleman she might have known in the passing instead of the man who would be in her future were she not careful.


  Hearing her mother’s frantic voice calling her, Jeweliana tried her best to make some kind of effort to rise from her chair but only managed to sit somewhat straight before her mother entered.

  “Hurry, Jeweliana!” her mother exclaimed at once, her hands flapping. “He will be here within the hour! What are you to wear?”

  Looking down at her cream day dress, Jeweliana shrugged and indicated it. “This.”

  “No, that will not do!” her mother cried, taking Jeweliana’s hand and pulling her out of the room. “We shall have to find you something prettier than that plain old thing. This is Lord Darlington, Jeweliana! You must be seen to be making an effort.” That was precisely what Jeweliana did not want to do. Lord Darlington was the most disagreeable gentleman she had met thus far, and she certainly did not want to give him any impression of favor.

  “In, in!” her mother cajoled, half pushing her into her bedchamber. “I shall send the maid at once to help you. An hour, Jeweliana! Do not be late!”

  “Do not fuss, Mama!”

  Her mother laughed and shook her head as Lady Jeweliana batted her mother’s hands away for the third time.

  “I am well able to tie my bonnet ribbons myself,” Lady Jeweliana finished, looking at herself in the mirror. Besides which, she was quite sure that Lord Darlington would not care whether or not she had tied her bonnet ribbons correctly. The only reason he was taking her on a ride was so that they might talk, and that knowledge filled Jeweliana with horror. Not that she could say as much to her mother, of course, who was still as delighted as ever.

  Since that night when she had been led to where her mother had been conversing with Lady Darlington, Jeweliana had decided to avoid Lord Darlington all the more. She would, of course, be able to find herself a better suitor than he would ever be, so there was very little need for them to interact. Now that she knew of her mother’s intentions, there was more than enough time for her to find another gentleman to court her. Of course, she had always had the ultimatum of “one Season and one Season only” hanging over her head, but now it seemed to place an even heavier burden on her shoulders. She had already agreed the arranged marriage if she could not find a suitable gentleman who came up to scratch by Season’s end, but now the knowledge that it would be none other than Lord Darlington made her feel almost nauseous. She did not want to even have to consider him, but now, it appeared that she had very little choice.

  “You look beautiful, Jeweliana,” the countess cooed, as Jeweliana straightened her hat. “I am sure Lord Darlington will be most appreciative of the effort you have gone to.” Aside from being practically forced into changing her dress, Jeweliana had made very little effort, despite the cajoling of her lady’s maid, Lady Jeweliana shrugged and made to say something, only for there to come a knock at the door.

  “He is here!” her mother squealed, as though she were the one about to embark on a phaeton ride with an eligible gentleman. “Now, Jeweliana, your very best behavior if you please.” “Of course, Mama,” Jeweliana replied automatically. “You need not worry.”

  The countess smiled and nodded for the butler to open the door and, within a few seconds, Lady Jeweliana was in the presence of Lord Darlington.

  He bowed, and she curtsied, only for the countess to exclaim how good it was to see him and then engage him for a few moments in conversation, all the while moving slowly towards the door.

  Jeweliana felt heat climb into her cheeks as Lord Darlington offered her his arm, although there was no hint of a smile in his expression. The tiger climbed onto the back of the phaeton and, in a few minutes, she was sitting next to Lord Darlington – careful not to touch him, of course, - and they were off.

  A tense awkwardness settled over them both as they drove to Hyde Park, although it was much too early for the fashionable hour. Lady Jeweliana folded her hands in her lap, hoping that she was giving the appearance of calmness and grace even though, all the while, she was filled with anxiety.

  “My lady,” the marquess began, as they turned into the park, “Thank you for coming out with me today, despite your unwillingness.”

  Coloring, Lady Jeweliana sniffed and turned her face away from him, far too aware that every word he spoke was true.

  “You need not pretend, Lady Jeweliana,” he continued, quietly. “I am aware that you dislike me.”

  “You are being more than blunt, Lord Darlington,” Jeweliana replied, calmly, “And, as such, I will not deny it. The truth is, I

  have found very little to like.”

  Much to her surprise, he did not appear to be upset by her remark. Instead, he laughed aloud and shook his head, as though astonished that she would admit to such a thing.

  “And the conversation we overheard, then, must have terrified you all the more,” he said, after a moment of mirth. “I imagine that you have every intention of finding yourself a more suitable gentleman than I before the Season is out.”

  Lady Jeweliana nodded, her heart beginning to quicken its pace. “That is true, Lord Darlington. My parents have promised me one Season so that I can have the opportunity to find a suitable match before they find one for me.” Feeling a sharp stab of anger in her chest, she turned to him, one eyebrow raised. “I would say my urgency in the matter has risen somewhat since I am now to contemplate a future with you as my husband. I suppose you cannot find a way out of it?”

  His expression darkened. “My mother is somewhat of a manipulative shrew,” he muttered, shocking her completely.

  “Even if I wanted to refuse, she would find a way to get me to do as she wished. On top of which, my father’s will is steadfast. I am not to have a single penny more of my fortune until the day I marry. I had thought to put it off for a year or two since I am by no means a spendthrift. There has always been an intention to wed, but such a thing will be of my own choice and my own determination.”

  The fierceness in his voice took her aback, her eyes widening as she saw the anger in his eyes. Clearly, there was not too much love between himself and his mother, Lady Darlington. Was this why he had appeared so cool towards her when they had been first introduced? Had the arrogant disregard been a show towards his mother, to prove that he would not do as she hoped?

  Was he tired of her constantly introducing young ladies to him, in the hope that he might choose one? She could understand why he would find such interference to be unwelcome and frustrating, her mind briefly flitting to each of her brothers and how they had been allowed such freedom in their
choice of bride.

  It was, she was slowly coming to realize, a freedom that not every family was willing to give.

  “You are as unwilling to enter into this as I am,” she murmured, realizing his situation was much the same as her own. “And yet, you feel as though it will be brought about regardless.” “Unless we can find you a suitable gentleman, then yes, I fear it may be so,” he replied, firmly. “Therefore, I propose we work together.”

  Her astonished look had the corner of his mouth curling upwards, a slight gleam in his eye.

  Struggling to comprehend his offer, Lady Jeweliana tried to breathe at a normal pace whilst shaking her head. “My lord, I do

  not require your help, I thank you.” Her cheeks burned as she realized just how he must see her – a foolish, romantic young lady with her eyes full of nothing but the many gentlemen that surrounded her. “I am quite able to discern a gentleman’s character, Lord Darlington.” He chuckled, making her hands clench into fists at his arrogance. How dare he assume that she needed his assistance in such things! It was quite ridiculous.

  “You have a gentleman in mind, then?”

  Turning her head away, Jeweliana simply refused to answer.

  It was an impertinent question and certainly not one she was obliged to answer.

  “You may keep quiet for as long as you wish, Lady Jeweliana, but I know that you have received a few marked attentions from one particular gentleman, Lord Markham.” That made her head spin around so fast she felt a sudden pain shooting from her neck into her head. “That is none of your concern, Lord Darlington,” she said crisply, her eyes watering slightly. “I think it best we return home now.” The chuckle came from his lips again, making her anger boil all the more.

  “My dear Lady Jeweliana, I am only trying to help. Believe me when I saw Lord Markham is not to be touched. He is a man who only seeks only his own pleasures, whilst keeping plenty of willing ladies on the side if you get my meaning.” The heat in her face mounted. “I was already aware of that, Lord Darlington. I had no intention of pursuing that acquaintance.”

  “Is that so?” he murmured, sounding more than a little disbelieving.

  “Yes, that is so,” she stated, firmly. “Miss Cartwright has already spoken to me about him and said that she feels he simply needs the right kind of lady by his side to pull him away from such vices.” The laugh that came from him made her hands curl all the tighter, her jaw clenching as she looked away from him. His conceit, his downright rudeness, made her want to jump out of his phaeton and make her own way home.

  “Oh, my dear lady,” he laughed, shaking his head. “Lord Markham will not give up his vices, not for anyone! What he requires of his wife is a fortune – one you have, and he eagerly desires.” Lady Jeweliana frowned, her fingers slowly loosening. “What do you mean, Lord Darlington?”

  Managing to lift her eyes to his, she saw that he was looking at her steadily, with no hint of either mirth or pity in his eyes. “I mean, Lady Jeweliana, that Lord Markham seeks a fortune from his bride precisely because he has wasted most of his own. He has very little left, yet still, he pursues cards and the like because he simply cannot give them up. Of course, he has done all he can to keep such things hidden from the rest of the ton, so most of us think of him only as a foolish rogue who needs a good woman to set him to rights.” He lifted one eyebrow, his expression thoughtful. “Now, do you not see how we could work together to our equal advantage?”

  It was difficult for Jeweliana not to dig her heels in and proclaim herself to be in the right regardless, determining that she did not need him to aid her. But, yet, she could not allow herself to give in to him simply because he wished it.

  “I do not know if I could stand your arrogance, my lord,” she said, honestly. “I find it more than a little difficult to simply be in your presence.”

  The smile on his face was not mocking but rather one of understanding.

  “I can promise to be less so,” he said, calmly. “I have been rude and abrasive in an attempt to ensure you did not see me as a potential suitor but, now that I know you dislike me intensely and have no wish to marry me, I can drop that mask from my face for a time.” That was something of a relief, and Jeweliana found herself nodding slowly. “Our mothers will see us together, however,” she said, slowly. “They will think –” “Let them,” he interrupted with a shrug. “You will still be being courted by a few particular gentlemen, most of whom I will help you with when it comes to introductions and the like.

  Our respective mothers will think that you and I may have an association and might even pray that it will come to fruition but, sadly, they will be disappointed.” He smiled at her and Jeweliana caught her breath. It was the first genuine smile he had sent her way, and it completely transformed his features. Gone were the angry lines that ran along his forehead, gone was the frustrated look about his eyes.

  He was, in fact, very handsome and appeared even kind in his smile and despite her lingering frustration and doubt, Jeweliana found herself smiling back at him.

  “Then I agree,” she murmured, as his smile broadened all the more. “Let us hope that this plan of yours works.”

  “It is bound to,” he replied, with a grin. “You are going to Lord Miller’s ball tomorrow evening are you not?” When she nodded, he reached across and patted her gloved hand. “Then tomorrow evening shall be our first attempt at finding you at least one suitable gentleman to court you. What say you to that?” Her heart was beating so quickly that Jeweliana struggled to find the words she needed to reply. It was a mixture of extreme excitement and nervousness, wondering whether or not they would truly be able to work together in such a way.

  “I find that acceptable, my lord,” she murmured, nodding slowly. “Tomorrow evening it is.”


  LORD DARLINGTON REMOVED himself from his mother’s side almost as soon as he was able, having greeted Lord and Lady Miller and walked towards the ballroom. His mother had descended the staircase at once, her sharp eyes having already found a great number of her acquaintances but, for himself, Lord Darlington chose to remain away from the crush of guests for a time.

  He was waiting for someone.

  Driving with Lady Jeweliana had been both a frustrating and pleasant experience. During the first part of their conversation, he had been convinced that she would refuse him, finding her angry tone and frustrated looks to be more irritating than anything else. He had been unable to prevent his harsh words and mocking manner, hoping to prove to her that she needed his help and, finally, she had seen that it was so. Miss Cartwright was being as helpful as she could be, of course, but it was not the same as the knowledge he himself had about the gentlemen of the ton. There was a great deal that went on amongst the beau monde that was kept hidden away, either within Whites or within the quieter, darker streets of London and, should word of it get out, Lord Darlington knew that more than one reputation would be ruined.

  It was as though the gentlemen of society had made a silent pact amongst themselves not to speak of anyone’s indiscretions so as to keep everyone’s reputation as pure as they could. It meant that things could be done and said without fear that they would get out to the rest of the beau monde. Of course, there were certain things that were beyond the pale, and in those cases, gentlemen were often called out – and rightly so, as far as Joshua was concerned. He was not the kind of man to take a lady’s innocence or the like, feeling that much too unkind and unfair to the lady in question. Besides which, it put him in line for matrimony, which was the very state he was trying to avoid.

  His eyes roved the crowd, finally landing on his mother.

  Drawing a deep breath, Lord Darlington saw her talk animatedly to Countess Knighton, her eyes wide and mouth in a broad smile. That meant that Lady Jeweliana was bound to be here somewhere. He just had to find her.

  Most of the debutantes were clad in light colors which meant that she would be somewhat indistinct amongst the crowd. Frowning, Lord Darlington co
ntinued to search for her – only for his breath to catch as he saw a young lady with a light, emerald green gown that seemed to shimmer when she moved.

  Her dark tresses were piled up on the back of her head with only a few curls escaping to frame her face. Her eyes were light with laughter, her enjoyment evident.

  She was utterly breathtaking.

  Finding himself fixed to the spot, Lord Darlington tried his utmost to drag his eyes away from Lady Jeweliana but found that he was powerless to do so. She was caught by his gaze, and he simply could not let go of her.

  It was a strange, uncomfortable sensation that ran over him as he realized exactly what he was thinking when it came to the lady. There was a desire slowly beginning to curl its way through him, and he was having a difficult time fighting it.

  Frowning, Lord Darlington dragged his eyes away and, in an effort not to allow himself to return his gaze to her, chose to turn his back on the crowd beneath and faced the wall instead. This was not something he wanted to feel, not something he had expected to feel and still the warmed embers in his heart fought to remain lit. He doused them at once, giving himself a shake and telling himself firmly that he was not to allow any kind of notion to fill him. This was utterly ridiculous. He was not a man who allowed himself to have any type of feeling for any kind of lady, and particularly not for the one lady he was meant to be removing himself from.

  “Get a hold of yourself, man,” he growled, standing up straight and throwing back his shoulders. “A pair of pretty eyes should not distract you like this!” A feeling of foolishness washed over him, sending icy water over the warmth that lingered in his heart. He would not allow his mother to win in this. Lady Jeweliana was meant for another, not for him. The freedom he relished would be his once more, in only a few short weeks, so long as he kept his head and found a suitable gentleman for the lady. He was not about to allow his heart to become entangled in the process.

  Making his way down into the ballroom, he began to edge his way along the side of the room, towards where he knew Lady Jeweliana was. His eyes found her easily, as though he had been desperate to find her. She was busy talking to Miss Cartwright, a gentleman he recognized as Lord Huntly, and another gentleman he did not know.


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