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Regency Engagements Box Set

Page 72

by Charlotte Fitzwilliam

  “Lady Jeweliana,” he said quietly. “Forgive me.” She opened her mouth to ask him what he meant, only for Lord Darlington to lean down and press his firm lips to her soft lips, kissing her right there in the middle of the ballroom.

  The entire room fell silent. All of the lace and silk gowns stopped swooshing, all of the thin necks of sparkling jewels turned their way, and then gasps could be heard in varying intervals as time froze for a moment at the ball.


  THE POSH BALLROOM was frozen with all eyes locked on Jeweliana and Joshua while their lips pressed together in a formation fit for the top of a wedding cake. Jeweliana knew not what to do. She was entirely numb. Lord Darlington was looking down at her with an almost sorrowful expression. As she moved her head away, the feeling of his lips were still imprinted on her own.

  HE HAD KISSED HER. It was right in the middle of the ballroom, which could only mean one thing.

  Her fate was sealed. Her future ordered. There could be no escape now.

  “FORGIVE ME,” Lord Darlington said loudly, turning to address the now silent crowd. “I was entirely overcome with love and happiness. Lady Jeweliana has, only this very moment, agreed to be my bride!”

  THERE THEN CAME a mixture of whispers, murmurs, cheers and a short burst of applause. Jeweliana was forced to cling onto Lord Darlington as he led her from the floor, feeling as though her limbs were made of wood.

  “JUST A LITTLE FARTHER,” he murmured in her ear, her glazed eyes seeing various astonished faces in the crowd. “Come now.

  There is a little room at the back of the ballroom where you can sit for a time.”

  JEWELIANA COULD PRACTICALLY FEEL the eyes of every guest pinned on her as she made her way through the crowd. A smile fixed itself to her face, even though she felt like weeping, her years of etiquette training telling her that she had to force herself to appear pleased with the news. It would not do to make the scandal worse than it already was.

  HOW SHE MANAGED to climb the staircase, she did not know. The music began again behind her and, thankfully, she saw couples start to dance once more. There was still a great deal of attention fixed on her, of course, but as she made her way into a small room, the last of the attention drifted away.

  A GLASS of something was pressed into her hands and, without thinking, she took a sip. The fiery liquid shot down her throat and made her gasp but gave strength to her limbs – power she desperately needed.


  THE WORD WAS hoarse and wispy, escaping from her and making its way towards Lord Darlington who was studying her carefully.

  “YOU HAVE every right to be angry with me, Jeweliana,” he said, calmly. “I will explain it all to you but, for now, you will need to accept that we are to be wed after all.”

  THE TRUTH stung tears into her eyes, making her wince.

  “I AM sorry for causing such a scene, but I had no other choice.

  Knowing that Lord Michaels intended to propose to you, I had to force your hand.”

  JEWELIANA SHOOK HER HEAD, setting the glass down on the table with a hand that shook violently. “I do not understand.” She wanted to be angry with Lord Darlington, wanted to be furious with him, but all she felt was numbness.

  IT WAS NOT as though she had been desperately in love with Lord Michaels but, over the last two weeks, he had proven himself to be amiable, companionable, kind and genteel. She did not feel any kind of attraction but, considering that the Season would soon be drawing to a close, she had felt almost an obligation to continue their acquaintance. Knowing that Lord Darlington did not want to wed her and had done all he could to ensure their nuptials never took place, she had almost resigned herself to the fact that she would wed Lord Michaels instead. At least, she had considered, he cared deeply for her. He had spoken to her more than once of the affection he had for her, for the growing fondness in his heart.

  SHE HAD NOT BEEN able to return those feelings but to know that he did care genuinely for her had been a comfort. The last thing she wanted was a marriage of cold civility and requirement.

  “LORD MICHAELS DOES NOT CARE for you, as I said on the dance floor,” Lord Darlington said, softly. “He pretends to so that he might wed you, but that is only for his own calculated reasons.” He shrugged, his expression sad. “That is, he wants a bedmate and an heir. You would not be happy wed to him, Jeweliana. I know that.”

  THE WORDS FELL TOWARDS HER, but she did not accept them.

  Lord Darlington could not know what had passed between herself and Lord Michaels, nor the depths of his affections that he had spoken of to her. A reminder that Lord Darlington only ever did things for his own needs lingered in her mind and, with that thought, she set her gaze on him steadily.

  “I HAVE KNOWN from the start that you are a self-centered man, Lord Darlington,” she said hoarsely, her fingers knotting together tightly. “You wanted to find me a suitable husband so that you would be able to keep your freedom. I have no doubt that this too is for your own good, not for mine. You need not pretend to care for me.”

  HE WAS beside her in an instant, his hands taking her cold one.

  “Oh, but I do care, Jeweliana,” he promised, firmly. “I care so much that I have given up the life of freedom I once thought I wanted in order to be wed to you. I could not let you marry Lord Michaels.”

  “THEN WHY INTRODUCE ME TO HIM?” Jeweliana exclaimed, her heart pounding as she wrenched her hand out of his. “Why suggest that I meet him if only to tell me that he is not suitable?”

  LORD DARLINGTON LOOKED SOMEWHAT SHAMEFACED. “That was my own grave mistake. I thought him suitable, but it was only after you had been introduced that I discovered how much his character had changed. The way he spoke of you, I shall never forget.” He closed his eyes for a moment, his lips tight and thin, his jaw clenched – and Jeweliana felt a niggle of doubt in her mind.

  “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE ME, of course,” he said, calmly, opening his eyes. “Therefore, might I ask a favor? Come out to the gardens with your mother – she will be here very soon, I am sure – and listen to my conversation with Lord Michaels. I must speak to him about what has occurred as you know, and so I shall take him out of doors so that we might speak plainly. Lord Rivers has a small arbor where you and your mother might sit. I will bring him there, and you will know the truth.” JEWELIANA WANTED to cry that it was too much to take in, too overwhelming, but she knew she could do nothing but what he asked. To have to face the crowd of guests again, to have to endure their smiles and murmurs of congratulations whilst whispering about her behind their hands was almost too much to bear but the truth was, she wanted to know whether Lord Darlington was being honest with her.

  “DRINK some more and regain your strength,” he said, getting up and picking up her glass of brandy. “I know this has all been a terrible shock, and I am sorry to be so firm in demanding that you do this, but it is all quite necessary.”

  SHE SWALLOWED ANOTHER TINY SIP, her breath catching. “Why did you not just speak to me of this, Darlington? Why force my hand?” Her voice broke as she spoke, the first sheen of tears springing into her eyes.

  HE SMILED AT HER, his expression rueful. “I could not exactly find a time when you were willing to speak to me, Jeweliana. I did try.”

  THE TRUTH HIT her right between the eyes and she turned away from it, hunkering down into herself. He had tried, and she had pushed him away, making sure to avoid him as best she could.

  The slow-growing affection she’d had for Lord Darlington had been the reason she had rejected him entirely, refusing to meet him and trying her best not to so much as look at him unless she had no other choice.

  AND NOW SHE was to wed him.

  “I SHALL GO in search of your mother,” he said, softly. “I am sure she will be frantically looking for you. Shall we say half an hour, Jeweliana?”

  SHE COULD DO nothing but nod, her heart squeezing with pain and her mind filling with confusion.

  “VERY GOOD,” he said, re
sting his hand gently on her shoulder.

  “I am sorry for all this, Jeweliana. I do hope, in time, you will be able to forgive me.”

  SHE WAS NOT able to answer him, not able to give him the assurance he was looking for. Instead, she sat quietly and waited until the door closed firmly behind him before dissolving into tears.

  “JEWELIANA! My goodness, child! What has occurred?” LADY JEWELIANA WIPED her eyes as her mother sat beside her on the couch, wrapping one arm firmly around Jeweliana’s shoulders.

  “YOUR FATHER WILL BE PERTURBED INDEED,” her mother continued softly, as Jeweliana tried her best to stop her tears from falling, “although not angry, I daresay. I am just surprised at Lord Darlington having such a great affection for you without anyone knowing! Did you know, my dear?”

  LADY JEWELIANA REALIZED that her mother was under the impression that Lord Darlington had meant every word that he had said on the dance floor, declaring himself simply overwhelmed with the joy of knowing that Jeweliana would be his bride.

  “NO, MAMA,” she said, slowly. “I did not know.” “AND YET YOU ACCEPTED HIM REGARDLESS?” her mother queried, as Jeweliana sat up a little straighter. “I am surprised, I must say.

  I thought you were interested in Lord Michaels. I suppose it is just as well you are to be married, for else the scandal of Lord Darlington kissing you in such a way – albeit a very brief one – would have been all the greater.”

  FOR WHATEVER REASON, Jeweliana could not bring herself to explain to her mother the truth about what had gone on. It was not as though she wanted to protect Lord Darlington, but rather that her mind and heart were already so heavy that to repeat it all would be much too painful.

  “YOU ARE UPSET at what he did, I quite understand,” the countess continued, soothingly. “That is to be expected for to bring such a great deal of attention onto you in such an improper manner is not something to be easily accepted.

  However, the notice will be in the paper come tomorrow afternoon, and everything will go on from there. Of course, there will be a few more whispers about what occurred for a few weeks, but I am sure there will be something a great deal more interesting for the old biddies to talk about very soon.” A LITTLE SURPRISED at how calmly her mother was taking it all, Jeweliana looked over at her and saw a small, satisfied smile on her mother’s face. “You think Lord Darlington is a much better match for me than Lord Michaels?”

  THE COUNTESS SHRUGGED, but the small smile remained. “I am just glad you made your choice, Jeweliana. I have seen you grow closer to Lord Darlington, although he has been conspicuously absent for these last two weeks. What is the old saying?

  ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’?” She laughed softly and patted Jeweliana’s hand. “I think Lord Darlington will make you a very excellent husband, Jeweliana dear. A little unorthodox, yes, but you will make him very happy I am sure.

  And he you!”

  SEEING that there was nothing for her to do but nod, Jeweliana did just that and tried her best to smile. “It was something of a shock, that is all.”

  “I QUITE UNDERSTAND,” her mother replied, sitting back. “We could fetch you some tea, if you wish?”

  “I – I THINK I should like to take a short walk in the gardens,” Jeweliana said, haltingly. “I know I shall have to walk through the ballroom to the doors, but I think the night air might do me some good.”

  THE COUNTESS DID NOT SEEM to be particularly worried by the groups of people who would be looking at her daughter, perhaps simply overwhelmed with delight that Jeweliana was to be wed. Getting up, she walked briskly to the door. “Very well.

  Come with me, and I will accompany you.”

  WALKING INTO THE BALLROOM, Jeweliana kept her chin lifted and a smile fixed on her face. She kept her eyes pinned on the doors at the back of the ballroom and, even though her mother walked at an agonizingly slow pace, she finally made it to the doors and stepped outside. The fresh air hit her like a wave, washing over her and bringing with it a great deal of relief.

  “IT WAS NOT ALL that bad now, was it,” her mother murmured, as they walked along the garden path, lit by lanterns that gave off a gentle glow. The quietness of the gardens calmed Jeweliana down entirely, making her sigh heavily with relief.

  “OH, THERE IS LADY RIVERS,” the countess cooed, looking down at Jeweliana. “I hope she is not too upset that such a thing happened at her ball. We must go to speak to her.” SEEING the arbor just to her left, Jeweliana shook her head and ground to a halt. “Mama, I am still rather overcome. Might I go and sit in the arbor over there? You can come and join me when you are ready.”

  HER MOTHER FROWNED, her features lit by the lantern light. “I am not sure, Jeweliana. You will be alone.”

  “BUT YOU WILL BE able to see the alcove from where you stand,” Lady Jeweliana protested, feeling a sudden, desperate urge to hurry there at this very moment. “I will not move, Mama, I promise.”

  THE COUNTESS NODDED SLOWLY. “Very well. Come back to me at once if there is anyone else within,” she said, with a knowing look. “I will not be too long talking to our hostess.” RELIEVED, Jeweliana quickly made her way towards the arbor, glad to discover that there was no-one else within. Sitting down on the wooden bench, which creaked just a little under her weight, Jeweliana knotted her fingers together, her heart clamoring in her chest. Perhaps it had been foolish to come. She did not need to hear what Lord Michaels had to say – it did not matter. She was to wed Lord Darlington, was she not?

  AND YET, she wanted to know whether what Lord Darlington had said about Lord Michaels was true or not. It would affect their future together, either way. To remain in the dark, not knowing one way or the other, would only lead her into frustration.


  LADY JEWELIANA FROZE, hearing Lord Michaels low voice.

  “AND YET, you will not do that,” Lord Darlington said, calmly.

  “You had no claim over Lady Jeweliana as yet, Michaels.” LORD MICHAELS SNORTED. “You knew very well I was courting her. You were the one who introduced her to me as a potential bride!”

  “THAT WAS before I knew just how badly you had been affected by Isabella’s betrayal,” Lord Darlington replied, making Jeweliana frown. “I knew she had broken your heart last Season, Michaels, but I never suspected that you’d let yourself turn so cold.”

  LORD MICHAELS’ harsh laugh rent the air, making Jeweliana’s skin prickle.

  “ISABELLA SHOWED me that thoughts of love meant nothing.

  Fidelity means nothing. A wife to warm my bed and get me an heir is all I require.”

  HER HEART DROPPED LIKE A STONE, one hand pressing hard against her mouth as Jeweliana fought to keep herself from crying out in a sob.

  “I WAS VERY close to getting myself a pretty young thing as my bride, and then you had to step in and snatch her from me,” Lord Michaels growled, clearly upset with what Lord Darlington had done. “I would have proposed to her tonight and no doubt she would have accepted. Had quite given up on you, you know.

  Told me that you’d once been quite good acquaintances but that she had no desire to continue that association any longer. How strange it is to discover that she now supposedly accepted your marriage proposal!”

  HIS HARSH, mocking tone made Lady Jeweliana want to sob, her whole body trembling. Lord Darlington had been correct about Lord Michaels. If only she had let him meet her, if only she had not fought against her feelings and refused to meet him, then she might never have found herself in such a desperate situation!

  THE CONVERSATION outside the arbor continued for a few more minutes, but she did not hear it. Her arms wrapped around her waist, her eyes stinging with tears. It was only when something creaked that she realized she was no longer alone.


  LORD DARLINGTON’S voice was gentle as he came in, managing to make out her form in the darkness.

  HE SAT DOWN, his touch tender as he took her hand. “You heard, then?”

/>   “I DID,” Jeweliana whispered, brokenly.



  SHE SHOOK HER HEAD, brushing her tears away. “Take me home, Darlington, please. Just take me home.”

  HE NODDED and wrapped one arm across her shoulders. “of course, Jeweliana. Come with me.”


  TWO DAYS later and Lady Jeweliana was feeling a great deal better than she had done the night of the ball. Lord Darlington had travelled home with her and her mother, ensuring they reached the townhouse in safety, before promising to call in a few days’ time. Since then, Jeweliana had been left on her own with not so much as a note to inform her where her betrothed might be.

  WANDERING TO THE WINDOW, Lady Jeweliana sighed heavily as she looked down at the crowd below her. She had not yet attempted to emerge back into society since the night Lord Darlington had caused a scandal by kissing her in full view of everyone. She could still feel the whispers of anxiety race through her as she thought of that moment, recalling how horror struck she had been. At least, however, there had been very little rumor spread about her and Lord Darlington.


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