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Omega House Boxset Books 1-5: Alpha Omega Mpreg Romance

Page 16

by Aria Grace

  “Sorry I was late. I’ll stay later tonight to make up for it.” Andy genuinely seems concerned about walking in at a quarter after one.

  I look at him like he’s crazy. “I don’t give a shit about your hours. I don’t punch a clock, and I don’t expect you to either.”

  Andy shrugs. “Well, I’m technically an hourly employee, so I guess I could just dock my hours by fifteen minutes today.”

  “No, don’t do that.” This is exactly why I own my own business. I hated worrying about shit like that.

  “Well…” He looks at me and bites his lip. “Since you’re close to Matt and all, I just don’t want him to think I’m slacking off because this job is really important to me.”

  Now I feel like a dick. “It’s fine, I promise. Matt doesn’t care about that shit either. He didn’t walk me back to the conference room, so he doesn’t know that you weren’t already back. It’s no big deal.”

  “Thanks.” Andy opens his mouth and then closes it quickly before turning back to his laptop.

  I can tell there’s something more he wants to say, so I give him all of one minute to come clean. But when he doesn’t, curiosity gets the best of me and I have to ask. “Was there something else? It looked like you were about to say something.”

  “No, not really.” He gives me a quick glance before that rosy tint is back in his cheeks. “Well…it’s not any of my business.”

  Now I’m really curious. I lean back in the chair and fold my arms over my chest. “What’s none of your business?”

  He finally looks me right in the eye again. “I was just wondering if Matt is your…you know?”

  Now I’m the one with a cocky grin. “No, my what?”

  Andy senses that I’m messing with him and rolls his eyes. “I don’t know. Your boyfriend or whatever…”

  “No, Matt is not my boyfriend or whatever. We’ve been friends since we were kids, and I’m just here to help him with this project.”

  “Oh, I heard someone talking about the boss’s mate, so I wasn’t sure...”

  That’s quite a leap, especially since he’s been to my modest home. But I guess it’s not impossible…if Matt and I had the slightest bit of interest in each other. Which we definitely don’t. “No, Matt has a cute little omega with the attitude of a ten-foot-tall alpha.”

  Andy raises an eyebrow. “You don’t like him?”

  I raise a hand to squelch that rumor before it gets started. “I never said that. Troy is a good guy, I guess. I just don’t know him very well. He likes to keep Matt all to himself, so the only time I ever see him is when we have lunch here.”

  “Oh, I guess that makes sense.” Andy doesn’t seem at all bothered by that. Again, it’s an interesting thing to note.

  Since he was the one to open that door, I take the opportunity to step through it. “I’m sure you can understand that. You’ve probably had some possessive alphas in your past. Or are you usually the needy one?”

  “Neither.” Andy actually laughs. “I don’t have much of a past, but I can imagine wanting to keep my alpha close to home…if I had one.”

  His eyes lock to mine before he turns back to the screen. I don’t know what to say so I turn back to my computer too.

  A moment later, he quietly murmurs, “But as you’ve witnessed, I’m not a very good judge of them.”

  * * *

  Gunnar shows up at my doorstep just in time for the Warriors game. We don’t make official plans but whenever the Warriors are playing, we tend to gravitate to each other. We went to school together in California and became fans, so watching the games together is kind of a given.

  “You’re just in time.” I usher him inside, relieving him of the twelve pack in his arms. “I was about to order a pizza.”

  “Damn, then I’m early.” He stops me long enough to pull two bottles from the box before I take it to the kitchen. “I was hoping it would already be delivered and paid for when I got here.”

  “No such luck, cheap ass.” I put the beers in the fridge and open up the delivery app in my phone. “Large Meatlovers sound good?”

  He laughs as if I’ve said something funny. “Fine by me. I love large or small meat.”

  Gunnar is one of my few friends who dates alphas and omegas equally. I have a feeling he’ll end up with one of each. At least, I think that’s what he’s hoping to find someday.

  As soon as the food is ordered, I turn on the game I’ve already started recording. The Warriors have been on a winning streak so we’re both excited to see it continue.

  Gunnar takes a long drag from his bottle. “So, you still working on that project for Matt?”

  “Yeah, it’s coming along. I’ve probably got another few months there.” I fast forward through the boring intro to get to the game.

  “There? Aren’t you working at home?” Gunnar knows Matt too and was with me when Matt first approached me about the job.

  “I was…” I’m not sure how much to say. Really, there isn’t much to say, but I did mention to him the incident at O-Ring the night we went out. Although, I don’t think it’s my place to connect Andy who works at Matco to Andrew who was raped at the club. “I’m actually working with one of Matt’s interns so I’ve been going in every day. It’s just easier that way.”

  “Is it?” He seems skeptical. “You hate working in an office every day.”

  “It’s not so bad.” I try to keep the slight smile out of my voice and off my face, but Gunnar doesn’t miss it.

  “Oh, shit.” He grabs the remote from my hand and pauses the game. “You’re pulling a Clinton?”

  “No, it’s not like that.” Yet. But I hope it is like that some day. “Nothing’s going on with us.”

  “But…you like him?” Gunnar is like a teenage girl when it comes to other people’s love lives.

  I shrug and take another drink to buy myself a few more seconds. “He’s cool. And really smart.”

  “Here we go.” Gunnar just shakes his head. “You better be careful if you’re this guy’s boss. You don’t want to get Matt involved in some sexual harassment suit.”

  Shit, I didn’t even think about that. “He’s probably not interested in me so it doesn’t matter, but yeah, if anything does happen, I’ll wait until the project is over.”

  “You said a few more months, right?” Gunnar laughs. “Good luck with that, man. You haven’t been laid in forever. I’m impressed you’ve kept your knot in your pants for this long.”

  Yeah, me too. “Well, some people are worth the wait.”



  It’s been three weeks since I started working with Jude and the tension between us is at an all-time high. I don’t know if it’s just because he’s an alpha and I’m an omega and we’ve been locked together in a room all day every day for weeks…but something’s got to give soon. I’m due to start a heat cycle and the suppressants I’ve been taking for a year aren’t working like they usually do. Most of the time, I barely notice my cycle. I might wake up sticky from dirty dreams about faceless alphas or need to double-up on my anti-pheromone deodorant for a few days, but this is ridiculous.

  I’ve had to run to the bathroom twice to clean up when my body went into overdrive, producing slick lubricant to take a knot. Jude is a gentlemen and doing his best to ignore the symptoms, but I know he’s noticed them. As soon as I walk into a room, his entire demeanor changes. He goes from relaxed to completely stiff in a flash. It’s embarrassing as hell and not fair to him because I know he’s not getting any work done.

  I inhale deeply, getting Jude’s attention. Although I’m pretty sure I’ve had it for a few days. “I think I should work from home for the next few days.”

  Jude is breathing through his mouth. “Will you be more comfortable there?”

  I shrug. “I guess. And you’ll definitely be more comfortable with me there.”

  Jude’s eyes soften and he exhales the breath he’s obviously been holding. “Sorry, I’m not doing a very good jo
b of playing it cool.”

  His guilty admission makes me smile…and wet. Dammit. “Well, the feeling’s mutual. I’ve never had my suppressants fail this miserably but I probably need to hole up at home and wait it out.”

  Jude nods. “If you think that’s best, I’ll give you a ride.”

  What? Why would he offer that? “That’s not necessary. I have my car. I’ll be fine.”

  Just when I think Jude is about to acquiesce, Xander steps into the room, taking a deep breath as he does. His eyes lock on mine and his pupils visibly enlarge…as does the bulge in his slacks. “Andy?”

  Awesome. Now two co-workers have witnessed my humiliation. “Hey, Xander. How’s it going?”

  He takes a step forward, closing his eyes as he inhales my scent again. “Just wanted to invite you out. Um, to lunch. Are you ready?”

  A low growl from my left catches my attention and I turn to Jude. He’s shooting daggers at Xander with just his eyes, but a nervous glance to Xander proves he hasn’t even noticed. He hasn’t looked away from me since he walked in.

  “Thanks, Xander, but I’m heading home. Maybe next week would be better.”

  Jude’s shoulders drop an inch or two but he doesn’t look away from Xander.

  “I’ll take you home.” Xander takes another step toward me with his arm extended.

  Jude stands up at the same time, blocking me from Xander’s approach in two lightning steps. “He’s got a ride. He’ll talk to you next week.”

  Xander finally looks at Jude as if just realizing he’s there and the lust in his eyes turns to rage. “And who the fuck are you to decide when I can talk to him?”

  Jude actually fists his hand and slightly cocks his arm back as if he’s gonna take a swing at Xander when Matt pops in. And my trifecta of mortification is complete. I slump lower in my chair, wishing I could melt into it so I’d never have to face any of these men again.

  “What the hell—” Matt steps between Jude and Xander, pushing his friend back into the conference room.

  And then he smells it.


  And he almost sways on his feet.

  He turns to me and instantly understands what’s going on. “Oh, shit. Are you okay, Andy?”

  I nod. “Sorry about this. I’ll go home until it passes.” I save the files I have open and begin to gather my stuff.

  “I’m about to take him home,” Jude says to both Matt and Xander but his eyes haven’t strayed from Xander’s.

  Matt turns to me. “Is that alright with you? I can ask one of the omegas to give you a lift.”

  “I have my car.” I close the lid to my laptop. “I’ll be fine.”

  Jude growls again and finally looks at me. “You’re not safe alone like that. I’ll take you home.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat and clench my ass, hoping to hold in the new shot of slick threatening to seep out. “Um, yeah, okay.”

  Matt takes a few steps toward Xander, forcing him out of the conference room. “Sounds like we’ve got everything under control, Xan. I’ll see ya later.”

  Xander flashes a furious look at Jude before turning and walking down the hallway toward the elevator. That’s good because there’s no way I can risk stinking up a little elevator car. I’ll definitely be taking the stairs down.

  “A word, Jude?” Matt takes Jude out into the hall while I finish gathering my work for the day.

  I can’t hear what they’re saying but I can tell that it’s an intense conversation by the way they’re looking at each other and back at me through the glass wall. After waiting awkwardly for a minute, I open the door and step out. “I should be fine. I’ll go straight home.”

  Jude gives Matt a firm look before turning back to me. “I’ll see you home. I can go in your car with you and Uber back here for mine. Or I can follow behind you in my car. It’s no trouble either way.”

  Matt keeps his eyes on Jude for another moment before turning back to me with a smile. “You’re in good hands, Andy. Take as much time as you need.”

  “Thanks.” I tuck my chin, embarrassed to be having this conversation. “And I’m so sorry about this. It’s never happened before but I’ll get a new prescription and make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

  “Nonsense.” Matt pats my shoulder as he steps back to leave. “I know how those can mess with your cycle. It you want to just work at home whenever this comes up, you’re welcome to. I’d rather you keep yourself healthy than worrying about making the rest of us comfortable.”

  “Thanks, Matt. I really appreciate it.”

  “Well, Jude says you’re doing a great job. I want you to be comfortable here so just let us know if there’s anything else you need.” He turns down the hall. “Take care.”

  As soon as we’re alone, Jude turns to me with his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry about that,” he says quietly.

  “About what?”

  “Being such an ass to your friend, but I just don’t trust him with you.”

  Something about that makes my stomach flutter in a good way…and my dick harden in a bad way. “No problem, but I do need to get going.”

  “Yeah, of course.” Jude rushes to get packed up. Before his computer is fully in his bag, he stops and looks me in the eye. “Are you comfortable with me knowing where you live?”

  I’m surprised by the question but quickly realize he’s referring to how we met in the first place. “Of course.” I smile and pray my body doesn’t betray me again. “I trust you completely.”



  Holy shit!

  I’ve never been trapped in a room with an omega in heat before, and I can see how dangerous it would be for someone like Andy to be alone in a time like this. It’s bad enough that he has an intoxicating odor wafting off his body, but the spikes of his arousal are killing me. They aren’t constant, but a few times, they got bad enough that he excused himself to the restroom to deal with it.

  Thank god!

  Because I was gripping the edge of the desk just to keep from lunging at him. I might have cracked it or him if he’d stayed in the room any longer. And then that fuckwad Xander had to show up. I know it wasn’t cool to take away Andy’s choice when it came to a ride home, but I don’t trust that guy. I could see in his eyes that he was not going to leave Andy untouched.

  Although, now that we’re walking down the stairwell together, I’m not sure I’ll be able to either. It’s taking every ounce of self-control I have to stay five steps behind him when I really want to be inside him.

  When we get to his car, Andy hesitates at the passenger door, contemplating his next move.

  “Everything okay? Are you in pain or anything?” Andy gives me a half grin. “No, I’m not exactly in pain. I’m just wondering if I should go to a hotel or something…”

  “Why?” I stay near the hood of his car, forcing some distance between us. “You don’t want to go home?”

  “I can, but I don’t want to make my brother uncomfortable.” Andy looks embarrassed again but I’m happy he’s being honest with me. “It’s not like he would do anything, but mated or not, I don’t think he’ll be able to relax in his own house until this is over.”

  Before I can talk myself out of it, I blurt out the words I absolutely should not be saying. “Do you want to stay with me?”

  Andy barely considers it before nodding emphatically. “Yes, please.”

  I almost ask him to repeat himself when he agrees. But I have the wherewithal to keep it cool. “Okay, well, are you okay to drive or do you want me to?”

  He bites his lip then takes a deep breath. “I’ll follow you.”

  “Okay.” I point to my truck on the other side of the lot. “The white Tacoma is me. I’ll go get it and be back in a minute.”

  I wait for Andy to get inside his SUV and lock the doors before I jog across the lot and hop in my truck. He pulls out behind me and follows me all the way to my house. When I get home, I open the garage door and pull to the far
left, waving Andy in to park beside me. He parks behind my car, just outside of the garage and gets out. With a small twinge of disappointment, I get out and head inside, closing the garage door behind me.

  Andy walks out behind me with his phone pressed to his ear. I can hear one side of his conversation and smile as I imagine what the other person is saying to him.

  “It’s fine, Freddie. I promise.” He holds up one finger to indicate he needs a minute.

  I open the side door to my kitchen and leave it open while he stands just outside.

  “I’ll call later tonight and tomorrow morning. And you have the address, so if Ethan freaks, tell him to come by. But, it’s not necessary. I’m fine.”

  Something inside my belly flutters and my grin grows at the level of trust Andy has in me after just a few weeks. Especially considering what he thought of me the last time he was in my house.

  He steps inside a minute later. “Sorry about that. My brother-in-law is a little paranoid.”

  “Don’t apologize. He should be.” I pull a bottle of water from the fridge and offer it to Andy.

  A moment of fear flashes in his eyes as he reaches for the bottle. “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, not me.” I smile and guide Andy into the living room. “I’ll never hurt you…or anyone…but it’s smart to be paranoid about alphas when you’re in heat.”

  As soon as the word is out of my mouth, the reason Andy’s in my home comes to the forefront of my mind and seems to do the same to him. “Oh.”

  “So, um…” I look down the hall at my bedroom, all thoughts of hanging out and watching TV gone. “Do you want to camp out in my room? There’s a TV in there and you’ll have as much privacy as you want.”

  He nods and crosses his ankles as another burst of arousal floods the air between us. “Yeah, maybe a shower would help.”

  “Of course. Let me get you something more comfortable to change into.” I grab a few towels from the hall closet and dig around in my dresser for some clothes he can wear while I wash his.


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