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Beauty and the Billionaire (A Once Upon a Billionaire Novel)

Page 8

by Cidney West

  Mira tentatively dropped the pieces in her hand onto the pile. The weight pushed more of it to the side. It stopped near a photo frame, one of the only ones Mira had seen in the entire mansion. She recognized Hunter in the photo, in a tux, smiling, his arm on the shoulders of someone she thought she’d seen online too.

  “Is that a friend?” she asked, pointing to the blonde man next to Hunter.

  “It’s Cedric.” He seemed confused, glancing around.

  “I guess you guys were at an event.” Mira picked up the photo, noticing how relaxed Hunter looked. She imagined he hadn’t felt that way in years.

  “I guess.” He looked over her shoulder. “I honestly don’t remember. We did a lot of things at that point.”

  “Does he ever visit? It seems like you were close.”

  Hunter’s eyes flicked away. “Not for a while.”

  Mira dropped it, not wanting to back Hunter into a corner. He’d volunteered some about his past and she didn’t want to pry about the rest. If he wanted to tell her, then he would. She set the photo back down, then settled back on the mail pile.

  Mira shooed him away and opened the drawers until she found a letter opener. She picked up an envelope and slapped it against his chest. His bare chest, which she tried not to think about. “Get opening.” She smiled sweetly, slicing an envelope open.

  Hunter glanced at the letter opener, and after a side-eye from Mira, tore open his envelope with his fingers. “Don’t you have anything else to take care of?” he mumbled.

  “This won’t take long.” She pulled a trash can and a shredder over and in no time, they’d decimated the mail pile. Mira brushed her hands off, satisfied at the clear desk. Apparently, he didn’t use it. “See, not so bad. And look at the results.” She swept her hand over the empty surface.

  Hunter smiled, digging his hands in his pockets. They faced each other, and Mira was struck by his shirtless upper half all over again. She cleared her throat. “Thank you…I should get back downstairs…”

  Hunter smirked as she backed out of the room. In case he wanted to watch her blush some more, she took the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.

  Mira bumped into Penny at the bottom. “Did you find the office?” Penny asked, surveying her.

  “Just fine.” Mira took deeper breaths than seemed necessary for that short walk. And her heart raced. “I bumped into Hunter and he showed me.”

  “Oh…” Penny nodded slowly, some knowledge passing in her blue eyes. “At least you know where it is now.”

  “Yeah…” Mira huffed out another breath. “Well, I should check the laundry.” She side-stepped Penny, now watching her with interest, and as soon as she could, ran to the basement level and the laundry room.

  She folded towels and linens, nice, mindless work, which she enjoyed sometimes because she could think about whatever she wanted in the process. The problem right now was she wanted to think about Hunter and that was probably the last thing she should focus on. And she didn’t want to think about him only because of his amazing physique. Though it didn’t help.

  When they weren’t working together, Mira would think about what they talked about or did earlier. When they were together, she mentally cataloged what to think about later when she was alone. She knew it was a dangerous cycle, but she was having a hard time breaking it.

  Mira exhaled, slapping another towel out, folding it, and laying it on the growing stack. She could think about the art inventory, but that only made her think of Hunter’s lack of a collection. She could dwell on the beauty of the roses growing in and out of crevices in the stone ruins. But that only made her think about getting her hair tangled in the thorns and how close Hunter was as he pried her loose. Even focusing on the housekeeping tasks brought Hunter to mind.

  It was hopeless.

  Hunter had to admit he enjoyed the way Mira had looked at him just now. And not in the same way he would have years ago. Then it just seemed like par for the course. Winning that look from Mira, though…it left him wanting more.

  He’d also been surprised by finding the photo on the desk. After the attempted kidnapping, he’d destroyed some photographs until they started disappearing, probably the work of Penny. Last time he’d been in the office, that photo wasn’t there. But it didn’t bother him the way it would have before. Maybe that was positive.

  Hunter pulled a shirt on and went to find Mira. Even if she didn’t need his help, he’d figure out some excuse to hang around. Penny directed him to the laundry room, where he found Mira folding towels. “Hey,” he said, coming up behind her.

  Mira jumped and spun around, gripping a towel with both hands. Her eyes flicked over him and he thought maybe, just maybe, she looked disappointed he’d put more clothes on. “Hi.” She pushed hair behind her ear, then glanced at the towel she’d just undone and started over.

  “Can I help?” Hunter pointed to the laundry basket.

  Mira narrowed her eyes. “I thought you’d be happy having a day off.”

  “Some day off. You just made me sort through the mail. And I didn’t get to use the letter opener, either.” He tugged a couple of sheets apart and put the one with the elastic sides back in the basket. He’d let an expert try and fold that.

  Mira rolled her eyes playfully. “That wasn’t even remotely difficult.”

  “I got a papercut.” He held up a finger.

  “Yes, well, working at the museum, I had loads of them. When you get sliced open by cardboard, maybe we can talk.” She smiled, smacking a column of folded towels.

  Hunter smirked, though the words of his kidnappers floated through his head: vain and selfish. Mira didn’t have the option to let other people do all this for her. And it made him feel guilty, probably for the first time in his life.

  Hunter smoothed out the sheet on the high table, jutting his chin at the stool on the other side. “Why don’t you sit down for a minute? I can finish these.”

  “I’m here to do this, Hunter, not sit and watch my boss do my work for me.”

  “Well, as your boss, it’s my prerogative to give you time off. So…sit down.”

  After staring him down a second, Mira obeyed and took the seat, watching him try and mimic how she’d folded the towels. He did reasonably well, even if they weren’t as perfect, but then he came to the last thing to fold, the bottom sheet.

  Hunter held it midair, staring at it to figure out a folding strategy. He went through five strategies before wadding it up and shoving it back into the basket. “How are you supposed to fold something without straight corners?” he shouted, pushing the basket away from him.

  Mira covered her mouth, muffling laughter.

  “What?” he said.

  Mira got up and came around to his side, pulling out the wadded-up bottom sheet. “I don’t know if this is how you’re technically supposed to fold these, but this is my own solution.” She slid her hands into two corners, pushing them inside out and then nesting one inside the other. She did the same with the other corners, then smoothed it out on the table, folding it up into a neat rectangle. She tilted her head, appraising her work.

  “Bravo. Did you learn that from your mother?” Hunter was positive his mother had never folded a sheet in her life.

  Mira glanced away, placing the folded items in laundry baskets. “Not really. She died when I was a teenager and I wasn’t that worried about learning how to fold bottom sheets at the time. I figured it out myself.”

  Hunter picked at the table. “Sorry…I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay. I miss her still, but…it’s kind of faded. She’s been gone such a long time…” She slid her hand across a towel, her face wistful.

  “I know what you mean.”

  Her round eyes snapped back to him, suddenly pained. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to remind you–” She stopped. “I’m not complaining. I can’t imagine losing both parents at the same time.”

  He half smiled, taking her hand, its warmth coursing through him. “Don’
t be sorry. I told you, I didn’t know my parents that well. Most of the time, we were on opposite sides of the planet.”

  Mira leaned into the table, leaving her hand under his. “That must have been strange.”

  “Honestly, it seemed normal at the time.” He shrugged. “I didn’t know any different. And Penny, Jimmy, and Courtland were always around, so it didn’t seem so bad. I knew them better than my parents.”

  Mira’s face softened. “They really care about you, you know.”

  Hunter snorted.

  “I’m serious.” Mira placed her other hand on his arm.

  “I know…” Hunter gazed down at her, her eyes wide and searching. “I honestly don’t know why, though.”

  “Neither do I.”

  Hunter gave her a look and Mira smiled. “I’m teasing,” she said. “They care about you because they know who you really are.”

  Vain and selfish? Useless?

  Next thing he knew, Mira’s fingers slid along his jawline, drawing his eyes back to her. Her hand lingered there, and he was afraid to move and scare her off. “And what am I–really?”

  Mira’s pink lips curved up, her blue-gray eyes swirling in thought. “Surprising.”

  That was…enigmatic. Mira’s hand fell, but her touch still left his skin tingling. “I hope that’s a good thing.”

  She hefted a laundry basket off the table, throwing him a look over her shoulder as she sashayed out. “We’ll see.”


  Mira’s heart palpitated as she delivered towels to different bathrooms. What was she thinking touching his face like that? They weren’t together. She wasn’t even sure she could rightfully call him a friend. Hunter was her boss. A boss with cut abs and enchanting brown eyes, but he was still her employer. Not to mention he was in another stratosphere financially. He was probably starved for company and she was…convenient.

  She went ahead with the rest of her tasks by herself. The best game she could play right now was solitaire. But, in the end, she couldn’t avoid him completely. They had dinner together and he’d join her during the day to help with various tasks, including attempting to clean the dining hall chandelier. Then, of course, they worked on the art inventory at off times. They’d hang out in the library after dinner sometimes or watch a movie in his private theater.

  Every minute together made it harder for Mira to view Hunter as only her boss. And as days turned into weeks, a little ache grew deeper in the pit of her stomach. Penny’s foot would heel, and then Mira would be out of a job. And not just any job. This job. With Hunter. They’d go their separate ways and he would no doubt forget all about her. He’d return to his fancy life with his supermodel girlfriends and Mira Harding would be a thing of his past.

  Those thoughts battled it out with her happiness at having dinner with him again one night, and she had trouble focusing on what Hunter was saying. He swung his spoon in the air, relating some story about Cedric. The reminder of what his life used to be only made her feel more distracted. As she dipped into her soup, Hunter stopped, his deep brown eyes studying her.

  “Is something wrong?” he said, setting his spoon down. “You seem a little distracted. Is it your dad? Is he doing okay?”

  Mira swallowed, trying to think of a way to answer him without her true feelings flooding out. “My dad’s just fine.” She hesitated. “I’m fine. I was just thinking about all the…the laundry I need to do tomorrow.”

  Hunter’s eyes twinkled. “My story was so boring you’re thinking about doing the laundry?”

  “No…that’s not what I meant…”

  Hunter reached over and took her arm and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Mira retracted, gripping her napkin in her lap. Hunter’s face darkened and he slowly pulled his arm away. “What’s wrong then?”

  “I…I just…” She couldn’t control herself anymore and pushed up and ran out as tears welled in her eyes and spilled over.

  “Mira!” Hunter shouted behind her.

  She couldn’t sob in front of him, especially for these silly, silly reasons. But he caught up with her down a hallway, forcing her to stop.

  “I don’t understand,” he said, sounding panicked. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Mira couldn’t articulate, shaking her head, trying to hide her face in the napkin she’d stolen.

  “Then what is it?” Hunter gently drew her toward him, his hands firmly on her shoulders so she couldn’t retreat. When she relaxed a little, he pulled the napkin from her white knuckles, dabbing at her eyes. “Please tell me what’s upset you. I can’t read your mind.” Though from the intensity in his eyes, he was trying.

  “It’s stupid,” she blubbered out, looking anywhere but at Hunter’s face.

  “Of course it’s not stupid.” Hunter’s chest rose up and down, his eyes scanning her. What was she supposed to do now? He’d cornered her.

  Mira inhaled a shaky breath, dabbing at her face with the napkin. She was stuck and had to tell him the truth. Whatever the consequences. It might mean she’d look like a fool, but it was too late. “I…” She gulped. “I think I’m falling for you.” She couldn’t meet his eyes, her heart practically stopping in its tracks. She knew she was shaking, and she couldn’t stop.

  This could be the end of everything. What was wrong with her?

  Hunter heaved a sigh, his chest falling. When she dared to look up, he looked…relieved. He cupped one side of her face, wiping a tear away. “Thank goodness. I wasn’t sure…” He paused, like collecting his thoughts, then said softly, “I’m falling for you too. But I wasn’t sure you could feel that way about me.”

  Mira glanced up in shock as Hunter wiped another tear that slipped down her cheek. “You are? But I’m…and you’re…”

  “I’m what?” His eyebrows creased quizzically.

  She rested her hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating as fast as hers. “Rich…and my boss…” She sniffed, trying to clean the mess that must be her face with the napkin.

  Hunter’s lips curved in a smile. “The first has nothing to do with my choice. As for the second…I won’t be forever.”

  “I suppose not…” She wondered if she was actually having this conversation or dreaming it.

  “You suppose right.” His voice was raspy as he caressed her cheek with his thumb.

  Mira sunk into him, relief and exhaustion turning her legs into wet noodles. Hunter supported her, his strong arm firmly around her waist. He brushed hair from her forehead with his free hand, his lips parting. Mira tilted her head back as he bent closer, their lips melting together in the middle. She shut her eyes tight, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  They finally parted, Mira’s eyes fluttering open. “I guess we should get back to the dining hall before they miss us.”

  Hunter smiled, still holding her tightly. “You’re probably right.” He didn’t loosen his grip, though, and Mira didn’t object as he kissed her again, until they heard footsteps behind them.

  Mira wiped at her face as he slowly released her. “I’ll meet you back in the dining hall.” She started to walk away but he pulled her back, his eyes intense.

  “Promise you’re not running away again.”

  Mira smiled, stroking his cheek. “Never.”


  The carpet runner felt like clouds as Hunter hurried back toward the dining hall. He could only take shallow breaths, his heart thumping out of rhythm. Mira had kissed him. She had kissed him and told him she was falling for him. He’d never felt so relieved in his life. When she ran like that, he was convinced she wanted to leave.

  Then all of that happened, and he felt the lightest he had in years. He caught up to Jimmy and Courtland, who jogged his way, worry creasing around their eyes. “We heard shouting,” Courtland gasped.

  “Is Mira all right?” Jimmy looked panicked, probably thinking she might have made another run for it.

  Hunter smiled, clamping his hand on Jimmy’s shoulder. “Mira’s fine. She’ll be back d
own in a minute.”

  Jimmy’s eyes searched his face, his expression slowly changing from worry to amusement, his blue eyes starting to dance. “That color suits you, if I may say so.”

  Hunter’s eyes squinted up in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  Jimmy motioned to his own lips, forming a small circle with his finger. Hunter still didn’t know what he was talking about but ran his hand across the side of his mouth. When he looked down, he had a pink smear on his hand. Mira’s lipstick.

  “If you wanted to be alone…” Jimmy and Courtland exchanged knowing glances.

  Hunter rolled his eyes, wiping the rest of the lipstick from his mouth, though he could feel his neck growing warm. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt embarrassed about a girl. If he ever had. But he reminded himself, this wasn’t just anyone. This was Mira.

  The next morning, after the best dinner of his life, he flew downstairs, unaware of anything in the room except Mira, who gave him shy glances across the table. He spied Penny giving them looks and Jimmy winked at him as Hunter and Mira left. At least they all kept quiet and didn’t embarrass her.

  As soon as they were far enough away, Hunter grabbed Mira’s hand, dragging her into an alcove in the grand entryway. He gripped her shoulders, pressing his lips to hers. Mira surrendered, then slowly pulled away. “Someone will see…”

  “They already know.” Hunter leaned back in, but Mira placed her fingers on his lips. He gazed down at her, disappointed.

  Mira smiled, combing her fingers through his hair. “I have work to do,” she said. “And so do you.”

  Hunter sighed. He’d been commissioned to work on searching the archives for art receipts, so they wouldn’t even be in the same room. “I could help you instead.”

  She draped her hand over his shoulder, shaking her head. “I can handle cleaning the bathrooms on my own.” Though she made a face after saying so. “And I’ll see you for lunch.”

  “Lunch is a long time from now.” He hugged her closer, hoping he still had some charm left in him. She allowed him to kiss her again, then wriggled free.


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