The Cowboy’s Targeted Bride

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The Cowboy’s Targeted Bride Page 16

by Carla Cassidy

  “I’ll always worry about you,” he replied.

  A soft heat swirled in the pit of her stomach at his words. He always knew what to say to make her feel cared for and loved. She pulled her hand back to her lap. For just a few moments, she didn’t try to analyze if he meant it or not—she merely basked in the warmth of feeling loved.

  By the time they got home and ate dinner, it was time for Lily to start getting ready for her evening out. She pulled on a pair of black slacks and then a bright pink blouse that she saved for more dressy occasions than work. The blouse had a generous scoop neck and fit tight around her body.

  Once she was dressed, she went into the bathroom and put on her makeup, adding a bit more eye makeup than usual. Even though she was a married woman, she still wanted to look her best when she was out and about.

  Out and about. The more she thought about the evening to come, the more confident she felt about her own safety. The only time she would be vulnerable at all was driving into town and then coming home. But she had agreed to drive Jerod’s truck, and she’d have her cell phone with her if she saw any issues.

  In fact, she was feeling good about going out. Let whoever tried to kill her in the school parking lot see her out and enjoying time with her friends. She’d show that person she wasn’t going to hide away in fear. He or she didn’t get to win.

  When she was dressed, she walked out into the living room, where Jerod and the boys were playing cards. Jerod immediately stood from the sofa, a soft smile curving his lips.

  “Lily, you look really pretty,” he said. “I wish I was the one taking you out to the Watering Hole for some dancing.”

  “Next time,” she said, half breathless by the way he was looking at her.

  She took a black suede jacket from the closet and then grabbed her purse. He pulled his truck keys from his pocket. “I’ll walk you out.” He turned to Caleb and Henry. “Don’t look at my cards while I’m gone.”

  Caleb giggled. “We’ll try not to. Right, Henry?”

  Lily and Jerod walked outside to the boys still giggling. When they reached Jerod’s truck, she turned to look at him. “I want you to understand that having drinks with girlfriends is something I don’t usually do. But I need this tonight, Jerod. I just feel like I need to take back a piece of myself.”

  “I know. Just watch your surroundings and be aware of the people around you,” he replied. He reached out and pushed her stubborn, errant strand of hair away from the side of her face. “Just come home safe and sound to me.”

  She smiled. “That’s the plan.”

  “Do you have any idea what time you’ll be home?”

  “It’s almost seven now. I’ll probably be home between nine and nine thirty,” she replied. “I don’t intend to stay too late.”

  He handed her the truck keys and then leaned forward and kissed her softly on her cheek. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  She nodded, the lump rising in back of her throat making it impossible for her to speak. She got into his truck, started the engine and then headed down the lane toward the road that would take her into town.

  When he kissed her, when he touched her so softly, so sweetly, it sent a soaring yearning sweeping through her. She yearned for his love. She wanted to hear him tell her he loved her madly...passionately. But she feared that she would never be enough for him. He might respect and care for her, but she worried that the kind of love she wanted from him would forever remain elusive.

  As she drove toward the Watering Hole, the most popular bar in Bitterroot, she kept an eye on the rearview mirror. Nobody appeared to be following her, and she began to relax.

  She didn’t want to think about love tonight. She just wanted to have a few laughs with good friends. She had to stop obsessing about Jerod’s feelings for her. It didn’t matter whether Jerod loved her or not. Cody had made her realize she would never be enough to keep a man happy. She just hoped that she would be enough to keep Jerod in the marriage and he would continue to love her son.

  The Watering Hole was a large, flat building with lighted beer signs blinking in the windows and a large neon sign on the roof. Even though it was relatively early in the evening for the true drinkers and dancers to arrive, the parking lot was already half filled with cars and trucks.

  She parked as close to the front door as she could, right next to Krista’s car. Krista was in the driver’s seat and waved to her. Lily got out of the truck, and Krista got out of her car.

  “Regina and Carol aren’t here yet,” she said. “I was just waiting for somebody to get here before I went inside. Should we go on in and grab a table?”

  “Definitely,” Lily replied. She certainly didn’t want to stand around in a dark parking lot.

  The two entered the building, and instantly Lily’s nose was assailed by the scents of greasy bar food and beer, of peanuts and dozens of different perfumes and colognes all trying to compete with each other.

  Tall tables and booths surrounded a large dance floor, and a live band was setting up on the stage while the jukebox played a rousing country song overhead.

  They snagged a booth, and Lily slid in, pleased to feel protected with the high leather at her back and Krista across from her. “How are you doing?” Lily asked her friend. “I don’t feel like we’ve really had a chance to talk for weeks.”

  “That’s because Jerod seems to be keeping a pretty tight leash on you,” Krista replied.

  “He’s just been worried about me since the attack,” Lily replied. “So, what’s going on with you?”

  “Not much... I’ve got some things on my mind right now, but I’m not quite ready to share.”

  “Are you seeing somebody?” Lily asked.

  “Maybe,” Krista replied coyly. “But like I said, I’m not ready to share anything about it right now.”

  “Okay, but you know you can always talk to me about anything,” Lily replied.

  “I know.” Krista gave her a bright smile.

  At that time Carol and Regina arrived, and then waitress Janis Quincy showed up at the table to take drink orders. Lily ordered a diet soda and the other three ordered cocktails and made fun of Lily for being a lightweight.

  As they all caught up on each other’s lives, Lily began to truly relax for the first time in weeks. There was a lot of laughter among the four. They had all been friends for years, and there was a real comradery between them.

  At eight the live band began to play, and one by one the other women got up to dance.

  Lily didn’t want to join them on the dance floor. The next time she danced, she hoped it would be in her husband’s arms. Instead she was just happy to sit and nurse her soda and watch all the people on the floor.

  “Hey, Lily.” Brad appeared by the side of her booth. “I didn’t know you were planning on coming out tonight. Marriage in trouble?”

  “Definitely not,” Lily replied and slid to the middle of the booth seat so it was impossible for the man to scoot in next to her. “I just decided to have a few drinks with some of the other ladies from school.”

  “You know if this marriage thing doesn’t work out with Jerod, I’m still around and available.” His pale blue eyes lingered on her for several uncomfortable moments.

  “Thank you, Brad. But as I’ve told you before, I’m very happy in my marriage.”

  She couldn’t help but wonder if it had been Brad who had attacked her in the parking lot. Maybe he secretly hated her for the constant rejections she’d given him.

  Carol appeared at the booth and scooted in next to Lily. “Hey, Brad,” she said. “Are you harassing Lily again?” Her tone was light and teasing, but she looked at Lily as if to assure herself that her friend was okay.

  “I’m not harassing her,” Brad protested. “I just stopped by to say hello.”

  “Okay, hello and goodbye,” Carol replied flippantly.
  “Okay then, I’ll see you both Monday morning at school,” Brad said and then headed across the room toward the long polished bar on the opposite side of the room.

  “I can’t decide if he’s really creepy or just a pathetic loser,” Carol said when he was gone. “But he’s definitely obsessed with you.”

  “I’ve wondered if he was the one who attacked me that night?”

  Carol’s eyes widened. “Do you really think it might have been him? I can’t imagine him going that far and actually wanting you dead just because you didn’t want to be with him.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve tried to think of anyone who might have a problem with me, and Brad has been the only one I could think of,” Lily replied and then smiled as Regina and Krista came back to the booth.

  “Whoo, two dances and I’m exhausted,” Krista exclaimed. She sank down in the booth and then sucked on the straw in her drink.

  Lily laughed. “That’s because when you dance, you really dance.”

  “That’s for sure,” Regina replied. “She can wiggle her butt faster than anyone in the entire place.”

  “Yeah, but it still hasn’t gotten me a second husband,” Krista replied.

  “Speaking of husbands, I’m sure my husband is ready for me to get home and rescue him from our little munchkin,” Regina said.

  Lily looked at her watch. It was a quarter till nine, and she was ready to call it a night. Hanging out at the Watering Hole had never been her thing, and tonight just reminded her of that.

  “I think I’m ready to head home,” Carol said.

  “Me, too,” Lily agreed.

  “Well, I’m not hanging around here by myself,” Krista said. “In another hour or so, all the men here will just be drunk and stupid.”

  They settled up their tabs and then walked outside together. “We’ll see you two Monday morning,” Carol said and then she and Regina headed in the opposite direction of where Krista and Lily were parked.

  Before Lily could get into Jerod’s truck, Krista grabbed hold of her forearm. “Lily, I really need to talk to somebody. Take a quick ride with me.” She looked at her pleadingly. “Please, you know I always think better when I’m driving.”

  Lily looked at her hesitantly. She really just wanted to get home, but she thought about all the times in the past Krista had helped her through a crisis, and she couldn’t ignore it if Krista needed her now.

  “Please, Lily. Fifteen minutes, that’s all I need. I don’t have anyone else I can trust.”

  “Okay, fifteen minutes, but then you need to get me back here so I can get home,” Lily replied.

  “I promise,” Krista replied.

  Within minutes Lily was in Krista’s passenger seat and they left the Watering Hole parking lot behind. For a couple of minutes Krista drove in silence, but Lily knew her friend was gathering her thoughts. She’d been on these little drives with Krista dozens of times before.

  “I’ve been having an affair with a married man,” she finally blurted out. “And I know I need to break it off, but I love him.”

  Lily stared at her friend in shocked surprise. Krista’s pretty features looked tortured in the dim light coming from the dashboard. “Uh...who? Who is the man?”

  “I don’t want to say right now. He’s told me how much he loves me, how much he wants me, but he hasn’t said anything about leaving his wife and family for me.”

  “Oh, Krista, you deserve so much better than this,” Lily said softly.

  “I know, but I love him so much, Lily. I... I can’t imagine not having him in my life.” Tears began to glisten on Krista’s cheeks.

  “How long have you been seeing him?” Lily asked.

  “Four months and two days,” Krista replied. “I’m taking you to where we meet.”

  Lily looked out the car window and realized they had left the town of Bitterroot behind and were now traveling on a country road. “Where? There’s nothing out this way.”

  “There’s an old shed,” Krista replied.

  “A shed? That’s where you would meet up with this man? Krista, what’s happened to your dignity?” Lily was appalled by what Krista had told her.

  “Dignity? I have none with him, and that’s why I want you to go to the shed with me. I’m going to destroy everything in there. I’ve got to stop seeing him.” Her voice raised an octave with her emotion. “Please, Lily...this won’t take long. I just need you to help me.”

  “I’m here and of course I’ll help you,” Lily replied. She was definitely curious about who the married man might be, but apparently Krista still wasn’t ready to share that particular information.

  Krista turned once again on a narrow lane that led through a treed area. The old shed was nestled among the trees. The wood was weatherworn, and the entire structure leaned slightly to the left. From the outside it definitely looked like one of the many abandoned outbuildings that dotted the landscape of farming communities everywhere.

  “This won’t take long,” Krista said. “I promise I’ll have you back to your truck in fifteen minutes or so.” She left the car running, the headlights bright on the shed as she and Lily got out.

  The weeds were tall, and Lily couldn’t believe this was where Krista met her mystery married man. They certainly didn’t have to worry about anyone finding them together here.

  Krista picked up a lantern that was hidden in the tall grass at the side of the shed. She turned it on. “Can you hold this for me?”

  “Sure.” Lily took the lantern.

  Krista produced a key to unlock the padlock that held the door. She unlocked it and pulled the door open. “You can go first with the light.”

  Lily stepped into the shed. The first thing she saw was the twin bed that took up half the space. The single sheet was twisted and an old blanket made the rest of the bedding. It made her positively sick to think of Krista coming here to meet a married man who probably only saw her as a booty call.

  She raised the lantern higher and froze. Pictures of Jerod were nailed to the wall. What in the heck...? She whirled around to look at Krista, who immediately came at her with a knife.

  For a moment Lily didn’t react. She couldn’t. She was frozen in utter disbelief. This was her very best friend. What was happening right now? And then the knife plunged into her shoulder. She dropped the lantern to the floor, where it continued to shine of the walls.

  “Krista,” she managed to gasp. “Wh-what are you doing?” The woman stood in front of the door so Lily couldn’t get out of the shed. She looked almost demonic with resentment shining from her eyes and her mouth twisted in grim determination.

  “You’re in my way, Lily. I want Jerod, and I’ll get him once you’re gone.” She raised the knife again, and Lily half turned in an effort to protect herself. The knife stabbed into her back and almost immediately stabbed her again.

  She screamed and turned back to Krista. She swung a fist and connected with Krista’s chin. She tried to hit her again, but Krista flew into a frenzied rage, slashing and stabbing Lily in the arms, in the thigh and God knew where else.

  Lily backed up, her heart banging hard and her breaths coming out in painful gasps. “Krista, please stop this now.” It was death by a thousand cuts, and Lily could scarcely think with all the pain that sizzled and screamed through her.

  Krista backed up a step. “It’s done, Lily. And it won’t be long before Jerod is all mine.” She stepped out of the shed and slammed the door shut.

  Lily immediately ran to the door and pushed hard against it. Locked. She banged on it. “Krista, please let me out. Let’s talk, I know we can work this out.”

  “I’ve already worked it out,” Krista replied, her voice barely audible through the shed’s wood. “You’ve told me what a wonderful husband Jerod is to you and what an awesome father he is to Caleb. Henry needs an awesome father, and I deserve a
wonderful husband.”

  “Krista, this will never work,” Lily replied.

  “Yes, it will. Jerod will mourn you, and I intend to be right by his side, helping him to get over you, and in that process he’s going to fall madly in love with me. Lily, you’re plain and boring. Jerod deserves much better than you.”

  Lily couldn’t believe this was happening. Of all the people in her life, the last person she would have suspected was Krista. “Did you hang the bride doll off my porch and leave those boxers in the mailbox?”

  “Yeah, and you probably know I tried to kill you the night of the science fair. Lily, I’ve stabbed you enough times tonight that you’ll probably die from blood loss. And if that doesn’t happen you’re going to starve to death, because nobody will ever find you out here. Goodbye, Lily. It was great having you as a friend, but I really need Jerod in my life more than I need you.”

  Lily banged on the door in sheer panic. “Krista, please just let me out. Please, we can talk about all this.”

  There was no reply. Lily banged on the door as hard as she could. “Krista!” She screamed the woman’s name over and over again. She pressed her ear against the door and heard nothing. There was no car engine running, and she knew Krista had left her here to die.

  * * *

  “Ha... I win,” Caleb crowed as he won the hand of poker. The boys and Jerod had been playing for the last hour or so. The coffee table was not only littered with matchsticks and cards, but also bowls of tortilla chips and salsa and soft drink cans.

  “One more hand and then it’s time for you two to head to bed,” Jerod said. It was approaching nine o’clock, and he wanted the boys settled in before Lily got home.

  Even though he’d tuck both boys into bed, he knew they’d probably stay up whispering to each other for at least another hour or so. Earlier they had pulled out a blow-up mattress for Henry to sleep on next to Caleb’s bed.

  Jerod won the last hand and then, as the boys changed into their pajamas, he picked up everything off the coffee table and then cleaned it and placed the flower arrangement that belonged there back in place.


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