The Idle System (A LitRPG series Book 7): Family

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The Idle System (A LitRPG series Book 7): Family Page 18

by Pegaz

  “After the first two Siders transcended, they quickly left the planet because they realised they were destroying it. It wasn’t until much later that they came back after figuring out how to seal their powers, then they helped other people transcend to work for them.

  “When there were twenty of us that transcended, we all went further away from the planet than the first two Siders had gone, but there was nothing there besides a few floating rocks. So, we compressed some Chaos Power and materials into what’s called a planet core.

  “It was that ball you threw out on the battlefield, the one you got from destroying the Anti-assassin Sect’s planet. Just to let you know, that planet was created by a Transcendent named Tyler Conner who’s sleeping inside this castle.

  “We created the planet core so it would pull everything towards itself, and when we created metal and earth out of Chaos Power, it gathered together to form the base of the planet. We then transformed that planet to have an atmosphere, water, air, and everything else that life needed to survive.

  “That planet core will then send out a little bit of Chaos Power out into the planet, but it will be diluted into Life Power as it travels through the planet. The origin planet is the complete opposite since Chaos Power descends from the universe and becomes Life Power before it reaches the surface.

  “After the planet was created, we created a moon to orbit it and a sun for the planet to orbit. Once the first planet was created and we knew how to do it, we split up to create more. We kept a few guidelines when creating them.

  “Ever wonder why every planet in the universe has twenty-eight days in a month? It’s because one of the guidelines is to keep the distance from the planet to the sun the same, only a little difference depending on the size of the planet.

  “Since only Transcendents can travel through space, we placed runes down so other humans can come live on the planets we’ve created. We transferred the animals from the origin planet to other planets, too. That’s why every planet has the same creatures.

  “The only exception was when one of the Transcendents created small planets surrounded by what you call deflection metal and filled it with life forms created from Life Power.

  “We found those planets and instead of destroying them, we simply added a bigger surface for humans to live on.

  “After we created trillions of planets, we reached the edge of the universe and found the white space beyond that.”

  O’Malley then explained what the white space was and the fact that the universe was still growing. He reckoned that from the time they created the trillions of planets until present time, the universe had grown enough to fit ten times the amount of planets. But none of the Transcendents felt like creating any more planets.

  He also explained that Transcendents weren’t willing to explore too far into the white space in case they got lost. It would be the same situation as Jamie would’ve found himself in if O’Malley didn’t save him, so there were still unanswered questions about it.

  “When we were finished, we found a place where Chaos Power is highly concentrated to the point where even us Transcendents can’t enter. After years of trying and observation, we concluded that Earth might be beyond that place.”

  John jumped out of the armchair out of shock and excitement. “You’ve found where Earth is?”

  O’Malley shrugged his shoulders. “We’re not sure. We’ve never been able to get past that barrier made from the concentrated Chaos Power, and we’ve only guessed Earth is there because the first Demon Sider witnessed souls coming into the universe from there.

  “The first Sider followed one of the souls and witnessed a Sider being born, so we came to the conclusion that Earth is beyond there. The rest of us, including me, can’t see other people’s souls, so we could only take the first Sider’s word that it’s true.”

  John sat back down while thinking about trying his luck getting past that barrier.

  He then looked at O’Malley and asked, “Immortals have ranks and levels, what do Transcendents have?”

  “Class,” O’Malley replied. “If you transcend by only using five elements, then you enter Class 9 Transcendent. You can become stronger by being able to use more elements later on, but the elements they didn’t use when transcending will always be weaker compared to those who did use those elements to transcend.”

  John knitted his brows. “How come immortals have ascending numbers to indicate their strength when Transcendents have descending numbers? I thought Class 9 would be the strongest rather than the weakest.”

  “The ascending numbers only go from one to nine and nothing can become stronger than that, but those descending numbers go from nine to zero.”

  “So, if Class 9 is being able to use five elements, that means Class 1 is being able to use all thirteen elements? What’s the difference between Class 1 and Class 0, then?” John asked.

  “Class 0 is being able to transcend by using all thirteen elements. You can get from Class 9 to Class 1 by hard work and time, but Class 0 is only for those who transcend with all thirteen elements.”

  John then used his Immortal Eye on O’Malley.

  Shane O’Malley

  Rank: Transcendent

  Class: 1

  Sin: 30,249,935,294,104

  Now I get why my Immortal Eye didn’t work last time I met him. I was lacking the information. I shouldn’t tell him I’m Class 0 either.

  “Well,” John started, “if you wanted a Sider to become a Demon and transcend, why isn’t there any teleport runes to the origin planet from anywhere else? Any other Sider wouldn’t have reached that planet, so even if you did make another Demonic Sider, they couldn’t transcend.”

  O’Malley shrugged. “The plan was to give you clues on how to get there. I didn’t think you would travel through space on your own. As for why there are no teleport runes, I can’t tell you.”

  John knitted his brows at the last part of the conversation as he wondered why O’Malley wouldn’t tell him, but he couldn’t think of a reason at that moment.

  “I’ve only got one last question that I can think of,” John said, carrying on. “What’s the meaning behind the black star and yellow ring around the eyes of Demons and Saints?”

  O’Malley laughed. “If you know about the yellow ring around a Saint’s left eye, that means you’ve met one. I wonder where you met that saint.”

  John only shrugged his shoulders, but his heart skipped a few beats because he almost let Sarah’s identity slip out.

  “The best theory that we’ve come up with all these years is that the Saint’s yellow ring signifies that they treat everybody equally,” O’Malley answered. “Think about the story of King Arthur and the round table.

  “The best example I can think of is, if a Transcendent asked for a favour and that Saint was busy helping a mortal beggar, they would still make the Transcendent wait their turn.

  “As for the Demon’s seven-sided star, well, we’ve thought that it signifies how it treats people differently. Starting from the top point of the star, you’ve got family, distant relatives, close friends, friends, acquaintances, strangers, and enemies.

  “Demons protect their family, even distant relatives through marriage if there’s any. The Demon might put up with close friends and friends. Acquaintances might live if they annoy the Demon, strangers might die if it serves a purpose to the Demon, while enemies will no doubt be killed if given a chance to strike.”

  John was thinking about what O’Malley had said when he heard his system go off.


  The next second, a small box with two words inside it appeared in his vision.

  Update Complete.

  John couldn’t wait to see what had changed since the update completed. He opened up the system while ignoring O’Malley.

  Chapter 33: Update

  Misc List:

  ??? - Idlers 0/2160, ??? - 0/1 (Unlocks ???)

  John knitted his brows because nothing had changed after the upd
ate had finished.

  Just before he was going to complain, a box popped up.

  System has detected a skill that was created with misinformation.


  Scrambler: Automatically blocks all Divinations about the user.

  Skill will be removed.

  One Skill Point will be given as compensation.

  Below that box, another one showed up with a single line in it.

  The skills needing Life Power have been updated.

  What’s the point in giving me a Skill Point when there’s nothing I can use it on?

  When John’s thought finished, another box popped up to replace the earlier two.

  System has detected three missing skills from version 8.

  One Skill Point for each missing skill will be given as compensation.

  System will now use the new information to create the missing skills.

  John waited for a few seconds before the system made another noise.


  Misc List:

  Share - Idlers 0/2160, Others - 0/1

  Unnatural - Idlers 0/2160, Order - 0/1

  Soul - Idlers 0/2160, Separation - 0/1

  ??? - Idlers 0/2160, ??? - 0/1 (Unlocks ???)

  John looked over each of the new skills for five seconds for the information to come up.


  Others: The skills you received from Siders can be given to other Siders.


  Separation: Separate the soul from the body but keep your senses. When your body is soulless, it will enter hibernation and keep all functions and passive skills active.


  Order: Able to ignore the universe’s natural order and kill Transcendents.

  I got the first skill it created because I was worried that Kelly couldn’t get the Toxin Power from Sarah’s system.

  The third skill is the same thing O’Malley just said about Saints and Demons being able to defy the universe. Why did that skill get created, though?

  I’ve got the Demon title and should be able to defy the universe after transcending, unless that only happens when the split personality takes over.

  Does it mean that I can’t defy the universe even if I’ve got the Demon title? If that’s true and O’Malley finds out, he might go after Sarah and Kelly just to give that split personality a chance to take over. He must not find out!

  What’s with the second skill, though? Why would I need to separate my soul from my body? The skill was created by using the information O’Malley has just given me, but what part of that information would need this skill?

  I can’t think of it right now. I can only wait and see what it’s useful for.

  John went through some of the skills that were inside the Completed List to check what skills were updated and noticed Force’s Master, Force II’s Fuel, Movement’s Teleport, Defence’s Wall and Drain, Recovery’s Idle, Threads Maker, and the Scan skill now all had the ability to use Chaos Power instead of Life Power or Toxin Power.

  The system even showed the differences in usage for each skill. Before the update, the Scan skill’s description said it used 0.8 Life Power per minute, but now it said it used one Chaos Power every 258 years, 4 months, and 5 days of constant use. John assumed the system must take a single unit of Chaos Power to power the Scan rather than taking the unit after the time was up.

  The description of the Thread Maker skill changed, too. It stated that John would have to use a single Chaos Power to create all one million threads which had the same length and strength as before, but unless a majority of the threads got destroyed, he would get the Chaos Power back after he reigned them back inside his body.

  The system’s thought of everything during the update since I can’t use Life Power or Toxin Power anymore.

  John used the new Skill Points to complete all three skills. He had one Skill Point left, but the only skill it could be used on was still locked and he still had no idea how to unlock it.

  The first thing he did was go into his Share tab. He looked at Kelly’s name and gave her all the skills he got from Luke and Sarah. Then he gave Sarah all the skills he got from Luke and Kelly.

  John could only smile as he was thinking.

  I wish I was there to see their faces when they get the notification that their skills were shared with each other.

  When it came to Luke, he didn’t share Sarah and Kelly’s skills. While he was a trusted friend, he was not family. He still couldn’t rule out the possibility of Luke turning on him due to past deeds.

  After he finished, he returned back to the main system when he noticed something.


  Share - On

  Absorb - On

  Hide - On

  When did I turn the Absorb option on? Wait, O’Malley was talking about Transcendents automatically absorbing the elements strong enough to destroy a planet and need a seal to stop it.

  If I turn this option off, will I still need a seal on my powers to stop that from happening? That’s another thing I need to test, then.

  John closed the system and looked at O’Malley. “How do Transcendents seal their power so they can live on planets? The last time I saw you, you had a seal on your powers, too.”

  O’Malley took out a piece of cloth and held it up. “You wrap this around your chest. It has runes on it which blocks all elements within a hundred miles. That stops our powers from being used and also stops the elements in range from moving.

  “Runes have evolved quite a bit since we created them, but at the same time they’ve lost some of their power, so this cloth can’t be duplicated by anyone else besides us Transcendents that have the knowledge.”

  O’Malley is really calculative. He wouldn’t say that last part without some meaning. Is he saying he won’t create a cloth for me without some kind of benefit? I better play along so he doesn’t figure out I might be able to seal my own power with the system.

  “What is it you want to create a cloth for me?”

  “Not much really,” O’Malley replied. “All I want is two promises from you. First, when you gain the ability to defy the universe and kill Transcendents, most of us want you to help us go into eternal rest.

  “The second promise is to not fight any Transcendents until you’re ready to help us.”

  John knitted his brows.

  I get the first thing since he planned all this to create a Demonic Sider that can kill him, but what’s this about not fighting other transcendents until then?

  I can’t think of why he would want me to promise that, but I guess it doesn’t stop me from doing anything I want to do.

  “Fine,” John replied. “But since you want me to promise two things, the cloth isn’t enough. I want you to tell me where that concentrated Chaos Power which might have Earth on the other side is.”

  O’Malley lifted his hand and pointed upwards. “It’s a few billion miles above us. The universe is a giant circle that’s still growing. When it grows, all sides—besides the top of the circle where the barrier is—expand. I like to think that Earth is a higher universe and when we died, we fell to this lower universe.

  “That’s why I think we can’t get past that barrier because it’s almost impossible to go from a lower universe into a higher one.”

  O’Malley then created a strip of cloth and drew the runes on it in front of John. He let the blood dry properly before handing it to him.

  John took the cloth, placed it inside his Storage Space, then checked on the system.

  During his talk with O’Malley, he kept cultivating while using the Life Stones inside his Storage Space.

  Chaos Pool: 1

  After saying goodbye to his master and promising to catch up later, John used the last Chaos Power he had to push himself into outer space, going directly up.

  His speed had increased immensely. Mach 6, or roughly 4,700 miles per hour, was his maximum speed when using Toxin Power and time element, but when travelling at that speed, his e
yes and body couldn’t keep it up for long.

  Now, after he used that single unit of Chaos Power, he felt the difference as he was travelling roughly 400,000 miles per hour and his new Transcendent body felt no drawbacks at all.

  As soon as he left that castle, he could see thin purple mist everywhere.

  This must be the Chaos Power that only transcendents can use. I couldn’t see this Chaos Power when I travelled through space to planet zero, was it because I was an immortal?

  He stopped all of his mind parts from working and began to test a few things.

  First, he used only one mind part for the absorbing technique and waited four minutes. After those minutes were up, he saw that his counter in the system had changed.

  Chaos Pool: 2

  So I get a single unit of Chaos Power every four minutes for each absorbing technique I use when in outer space.

  Next, John tried placing a second mind part to use the absorbing technique without another part merging it and waited a minute.

  He felt no pain when he felt the Chaos Power had met up inside his body. Two minutes later, he checked the counter again.

  Chaos Pool: 3

  This new body is strong enough to withstand the clashes of power? If that’s true, then I don’t have to use any mind parts to carefully merge them together.

  John then used six mind parts for the absorbing technique to test this theory and waited another minute.

  Chaos Pool: 4

  He waited another minute to see if another one of his theories worked.

  Chaos Pool: 6

  John smiled. Both of his theories were right. From that moment on, he didn’t have to use the mind parts for merging or keeping the Storage Space open since the Life Stones weren’t worth using anymore.

  Chaos Power was one hundred million Life Power, and using six mind parts to cultivate will get him one hundred and fifty million Life Power per minute. His other theory was that the counter would only show one Chaos Power in the first minute but add two the next.

  Looking inside the system, he saw that his Scan option was off, so he turned that on.

  It worked!

  John then created the full one million threads from one of his hands and looked at them. The threads were now the same dark-purple colour as his Chaos Power.


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