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The Idle System (A LitRPG series Book 7): Family

Page 24

by Pegaz

  So, by using his time element, he went to the orphanage and bought the girls that were for sale for the nobles. He made sure they were safe, but he also brainwashed everybody involved so the future wouldn’t change.

  The nobles’ sins were quite high and I thought it had something to do with human trafficking, but now that I’ve saved the girls, I know that’s not the case.

  I’m not curious enough to find out what sins they committed, though.

  After manipulating a few rich people to foster the girls he saved, he watched his past self go on holiday, catch the slob of the lake, then head towards the Adventurers’ Guild to buy the maps.

  Using his future knowledge again, he watched a worker add a few maps to the pile.

  Those are the ones O’Malley bribed the guild to add. They’re the maps of the original planet which I’ll visit later.

  He waited a bit longer to make sure there wasn’t anything else that happened that O’Malley didn’t tell him.

  John then went to the auction to see if he missed anything back then. He was sitting inside a VIP area opposite his past self’s location. The person who occupied the room before him was standing in the corner, quietly counting to a million thanks to the Manipulate All skill.

  His past self won the herbs, and the other items weren’t anything special.

  The Death Sect’s elder blew up the booth he was in after his past self placed a higher bid and the events didn’t need John to help in any way.

  John remembered his past self was going to disguise himself as Jonathan and kill the sinners in this city soon, but that the fire elementals would also attack.

  Before that happened, John flew to the inactive volcano, turned on his Scan, and created a few threads to get inside the volcano without disturbing it too much.

  During this fight in the past, John learned that the smaller fire elementals were under the control of the higher ranked elemental, so he targeted the highest elemental that his past self would eventually kill.

  His thread touched the fire elemental and he commanded it to order the smaller elementals to attack the town.

  The volcano erupted not long after. The city shook, but in his Scan, John saw that only a few old buildings collapsed. Luckily, nobody was inside those houses either.

  John watched the lava flow down, heading towards the city. Low-ranked fire elementals started walking on the lava a few minutes later.

  The first batch of immortals started fighting the fire elementals but were being pushed back because they couldn’t use the water element.

  In his Scan, he watched Owen check the Adventurers’ Guild's vault which his past self would borrow the books out of after the fight. He watched the meeting of the immortals while his past self charged towards the volcano.

  His past self dove inside the volcano, and in his Scan, John watched how his past self was struggling. After that, he watched the fight play out until the fire elemental boss was thrown out of the lava and landed inside the city before it died.

  While all this happened, John made sure no innocent people were hurt or killed during the whole thing.

  His past self then went to the immortal meeting again, where Owen eventually showed up and started talking to his past self, causing John to begin thinking.

  The reason why my future self did this, I think, was because of Owen.

  It was after my past self defeated the boss that Owen approached and handed over his token. That’s how Sarah and I got a meeting with Frank, the sect master, which led to us joining the Sword Sect easier.

  It was also because my past self told Owen about Jonathan during this meeting that led to Sarah being able to tell the Adventurers’ Guild the lie I came up with when they tried to interrogate her about the destruction of the Anti-assassin’s planet.

  If I remember right, the next step is the planet where I met Sarah for the third time. Nothing happened between now and then, though, since my past self would be travelling.

  John opened his universal map and teleported to the planet where he met Sarah. He then used the time element to fast forward until his past self showed up.

  That was when he found the Rank 6 Rogue Sect member that his past self was about to kill outside the city.

  To make sure it went right, John used his threads and used the Manipulate All skill to force him to stand still.

  As the man was standing there, his past self teleported above him while holding a great sword made out of threads and sliced the man in half. His past self then disappeared after a giant crater was formed in the earth due to the attack.

  Again, I always thought that was a little too easy, and it was my future self doing all the work!

  His past self then went and killed all the sinners inside the city before meeting up with a group of Rogue Sect members.

  After that, his past self pretended to be an assassin on the same side before betraying them.

  It doesn’t look like Sarah knows what’s happening. She needs to head to where my past self is!

  John found Sarah in his Scan. He teleported close to her, stood around the corner of a building and shouted, “Assassins at the Gibson family!”

  He then teleported to his past self and waited.

  Not long after the group of assassins were killed, Sarah showed up at the Gibson family estate and started fighting his past self.

  John created a large soap bubble barrier around the estate, so when his past self and Sarah asked if the other was a Sider, O’Malley’s spying screen couldn’t see it.

  I think it’s time to go and help Sarah’s past.

  Chapter 43: Jason Hendrix

  John opened the universal map and looked for the Anti-assassin Sect’s planet. He was amazed to find that it was actually there.

  Does this map update to my current time period? Is this planet only showing up now for this time period? It must update based on what the system knows. It knows when the planet got destroyed because I was the one who did it.

  There’s no way a planet would disappear on the map if someone else destroyed it because the system wouldn’t know, would it? If that does happen, then the system is communicating with the universe somehow.

  Coming out of his thoughts, John clicked on the tiny green area on the planet for his teleport skill to work.

  When he arrived, he opened up his world map to see where he was. He was outside the capital city where his past self would eventually come and hunt Chris Han down.

  If I remember right, Sarah said she woke up in a forest a mile away from a small village.

  He tried remembering which village it was, which took longer than he thought. When he remembered, he flew to the village and looked around.

  The village was much smaller than the one they raised Kelly in. There were only twenty houses and no fences or any kind of defence to stop any animal or bandit attacks.

  However, unlike the villagers in the unnamed town, the villagers in this town weren’t malnourished at all. From what John could see, they had an excess of food that was being stored inside a warehouse.

  He could even see villagers hanging meat, fish, and fruits to dry them while a fire was underneath the food to keep insects away before sealing them inside a clay jar and storing them in the warehouse.

  The village was just like how Sarah described it, but more importantly, there wasn’t an Adventurers’ Guild branch there.

  Sarah can’t register as an adventurer or else O’Malley would figure out she’s a Sider. While helping the past, that’s got to be near the top of the list to watch out for.

  John flew a mile away from the village and landed inside the forest. He then used the time element to go back to the same day his body was made back on the Rogue Sect’s planet.

  Moving a thread, he took the hair that he took from Sarah’s body back on Earth and used the cloning technique to create her body.

  Using the time element, he did the same trick to make Sarah’s body fifteen years old. He moved the threads that wrapped around Sa
rah’s soul and pushed the soul inside Sarah’s body before flying into the air.

  After all this is over, I’ve got to see how Siders are born in the universe without my help. I didn’t get Luke’s soul on Earth and I know when and where he’ll wake up, so I’ll get my answers there.

  It took almost ten minutes for Sarah’s body and soul to fuse together. Inside his Scan, he could see that Sarah had a full set of clothes wrapped around her as soon as the soul and body merged.

  He then watched as she woke up, looked around a little panicked, and wandered about a bit.

  John used his wood element to make a poisonous vine near Sarah to try to grab her leg. When it touched her, it withered instantly. John remembered Sarah telling him that it was the vine’s poison that caused her system to wake up.

  He watched her stand still for a while and assumed that she was going through the system. After a while, Sarah continued walking in a random direction, but luckily it was towards the small village.

  John used the time element to go forward a few years until Sarah was twenty. He then flew to the village and used the Manipulate All skill on a woman.

  Giving the woman a few silver coins, he told her to ask Sarah to look for a plant inside a cave a few miles away.

  John flew to that cave and used his earth and metal elements to search deep underground. After a few minutes, he found what he was looking for, brought it to the surface of the cave, and left it there for Sarah to find.

  Afterwards, he used his wood element to create the plant that the woman asked for not far away from the crystal.

  She did tell me that she learned about immortals at eighteen and wanted to become one since. But then at twenty, she went to a cave and found the age test crystal which she held onto until her twenty-first birthday and that let her become an immortal.

  Who knew that it was me who made it happen? I thought it was because she was a doctor who saved thousands of lives back on Earth and fate, karma, or whatever was paying her back.

  He waited until Sarah entered the cave and watched what happened inside his Scan. He made sure Sarah found the age test crystal before turning his Scan off and flying towards the village.

  What happened next? Oh yeah, I remember.

  John’s flight path changed to the capital city.

  When he arrived, he turned his Scan back on and surveyed the main building of the Anti-assassin Sect for a few days.

  After he was one hundred percent sure he had the right area, he walked through a door and into a large empty room.

  Using the light element, he made himself visible again before walking over to a large sofa and laying down to get comfy.

  He then waited for the owner of the room to return.

  A few hours later, John saw a man walking towards the door in his Scan.

  The man was around five and a half feet tall, bald with dark-green eyes and a long black beard that reached his chest.

  When the man opened the door, he didn’t notice John as he walked towards a desk on the other side of the room. He sat down at the desk, which made him face towards the large sofa, making him finally notice John lying down there.

  The man jumped out of his chair, causing John to laugh a little.

  “Who’re you?” the man shouted. “Do you know where you are?”

  John used his Immortal Eye skill on the man.

  Jason Hendrix

  Rank: 9

  Level: 4

  Sin: 42,983,546

  If I remember right, when my past self found this man later on, he was a Rank 9, level 5, so he should have a breakthrough soon.

  “My name is John. This is inside the Anti-assassin Sect’s main building that’s located on its planet,” John answered. “Now that I’ve answered two of your questions, I have one for you. Have you ever heard of divination?”

  “You mean those techniques where people try to guess what happens next after asking twenty questions? Or the ones where you get a feeling of what happens next, but you’re not quite sure?” Jason asked.

  “I’ve heard of them and even tried them before,” he continued. “They’re all fake techniques for people who’ve got no talent in cultivating but want to scam talented people out of resources.”

  John laughed. “Nope, not those. I’m talking about real divination. One where the technique shows you exactly what happens next, as long as you don’t do anything to change the future that you saw.”

  Jason walked around the desk and towards John while saying, “Then no, I’ve not seen any technique like that and if you’re trying to tell me you have that technique, then I don’t believe you. I won’t fall for a scam!”

  Jason grabbed a knife from a holster on his back and lunged towards John with it.

  John used the space element at the tip of his finger and moved his finger to the knife’s point. No noise was made as the knife was stopped in its tracks.

  John could see Jason had used all his strength and when the knife was stopped, Jason was staring at his finger, clearly shocked at what he had just witnessed.

  While keeping the space element where it was, John used a bit of the force element to push Jason back. John hadn’t had time to get used to his strength while using the elements and Jason flew back into the wall and only stopped after being embedded into it by a few inches.

  John stood up and walked towards Jason. “I’m much stronger than you, and your little sect has nothing to offer that would make me interested in helping you personally. However, I do have the real divination technique and if you listen to me, you will have the strongest disciple in the universe.

  “At the same time, I’ve seen the future where the assassins—that you’ve been fighting for countless years—will get destroyed. Now tell me, do those things not interest you to take a leap of faith and listen to me to make this future come true?”

  Chapter 44: Convincing Jason

  John reached out and grabbed Jason’s clothes before pulling him out of the wall and threw him back into the seat next to the desk.

  To John’s surprise, Jason wasn’t panicking after being tossed about.

  Jason looked at John and asked, “If you’ve seen the future and know that this person will become the strongest disciple in the universe, why don’t you go and accept them as your disciple, then?”

  Smiling, John shook his head. “Unlike those fake techniques, there are real restrictions and consequences to this divination technique. I can’t personally get involved in any future I see, and even if the universe is going to get destroyed, I can’t personally interfere.

  “When I saw this disciple become the strongest in my divination, I can’t go and accept them as my disciple to change the future, or else something terrible will happen to me and anyone involved in the future I’ve seen. What I can do is tell the people involved to make that future come true.

  “I can’t tell you any more than that, otherwise the future will change and we’ll both be punished.”

  The room became silent for a few minutes.

  “How do I know this isn’t some ploy to destroy my sect from within?” Jason questioned.

  John laughed and released a little Chaos Power. The whole building started shaking, but John ignored it and released a little more, causing cracks to form on the walls while dust and pieces of the ceiling fell on the floor.

  John used the light element in his eyes to make them shine, the dark element to make the room grow darker, the lightning element to create thunder noises, and the ice element to drop the temperature of the room.

  After all the visual and sound effects were done, John spoke again. “If I wanted to destroy your little sect, why would I need some roundabout way? I can simply erase everything and everyone this instant.

  “You fail to realise that to me, a Rank 9 like yourself is the same as how you see mortals. Insignificant, trivial, inferior, worthless, and not worth mentioning.

  “If I didn’t see the divination, I wouldn’t even bother wasting my time, effort, or breath tal
king to somebody like you. You are tempting me to just destroy this sect, kill everybody inside it, find someone else who will listen to me to take in the disciple and accept the consequences for interfering.”

  Jason was panicking now and stuttering, “You’re a Tran… Trans… Transcendent!”

  Jason’s body shook as he slowly got out of the chair, dropped on his knees, and slammed his head against the floor a few times. His head started bleeding, but Jason didn’t stop.

  John stopped using the elements and Chaos Power, causing the building to stabilize again.

  I wish I could use the Manipulate All skill on Jason, but I know my past self will use the Immortal Eye skill when he comes here for revenge. If the status Controlled or Manipulated shows up, it’ll screw up the entire timeline.

  Looking at Jason, John asked, “Are you willing to do what I say now?”

  “Yes, yes, yes!” Jason shouted. “I’m sorry for doubting you!”

  Nodding his head, John replied, “Good. Now, have you got a map of the surrounding area?”

  Jason nodded and went into a drawer inside his desk, took out a map, and laid it out on the desk before he stepped backwards to let John come and see it.

  Looking at the map, John took out a pen and circled the village that Sarah was at. “Go to this village twenty days from now. You’ll find a red-headed woman who has green eyes. She’s the one that will become the strongest disciple in this universe.”

  “A woman?” Jason asked.

  John didn’t answer him and teleported away. He then used the time element to skip twenty days before he watched Jason fly to Sarah’s village.

  Sarah was brought back into the sect as Jason’s disciple. John turned invisible and listened in on their conversations. She didn’t tell him about her reincarnation or system, but she did say she needed to collect poisonous plants.

  A few days later, when Jason was alone in his room, John turned visible inside his office.

  John smiled at Jason before speaking. “It’s time to let Sarah go meet her adversary.”


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