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The Idle System (A LitRPG series Book 7): Family

Page 28

by Pegaz

  The woman cackled. “As soon as you killed the Transcendents, I felt it. I got here just in time to see you fly off. While you went back in time to help your past, I went back in time and found out everything about you and your wife.

  “The second you returned, I sent someone back to change the past and destroy her. When you disappeared after returning, the past was already changed before you reached your destination.”

  “Haha!” John lifted his head back and laughed hysterically.

  Taken aback by his reaction, the woman’s face turned sour. “What’s so funny? Don’t tell me I’ve broken you already?”

  “No.” John’s expression turned serious as he stared her in the face. “It’s just that, by punishing me, you’ve punished yourself almost as badly.”

  She tilted her head and was just about to ask something, but John continued. “You think Earth is behind that barrier of Chaos Power and that’s why you want to gather a thousand Transcendents. To take their power, break the barrier, and return, right?

  “You’re right! My system allowed me to get through that barrier and return to Earth! After I found out O’Malley forced me to ruin your plans, I was going to help you get past that barrier to make up for it!

  “But now, you can do whatever you want to me, I will never help you. In fact, I’m like you and can kill Transcendents. So really, your only option is to kill me or watch the hundreds of Transcendents you’ve so painstakingly created die one by one.”

  John suddenly travelled at the speed of light past the woman and towards a beastman that was trying to stay hidden. It was a pure coincidence that John had left his Scan on after he searched inside the castle, which let him find fifteen beastmen that were trying to hide around the structure.

  When he came to a stop, there was a large hole in the beastman’s chest and John had its core in his palm, covered in his Chaos Power. He then used brute force to destroy the core completely.

  Around John’s right hand were eight blades facing outwards made out of his threads. They started on his forearm, a few inches below his wrist, and they wrapped around his hand and came to a point a few inches in front of his hand.

  When these blades reached the beastman, they pierced its chest as they spun. When the blades got close to the core in the beastman’s heart, John made the blades open up at the centre, let the core through, and then closed again to carry on slicing the beast’s chest open.

  It all happened in less than a millisecond.

  “I wonder how long you’d have to wait if I kill all beastman Transcendents?” John asked. “After all this time, slowly getting closer to your goal, I bet you’ve grown impatient because you wouldn’t have punished me for delaying your plan if you hadn’t.”

  The woman laughed before shouting, “Everybody return!”

  Within a second, all beastmen in John’s Scan disappeared through wormholes, leaving only him and the woman left in the castle.

  “Ha! You think you can goad me into attacking? I’ve fought and killed more people than there are living beings in this universe.

  “I’ve seen all fighting tactics possible, and before you even moved, I knew what you were going to do thanks to intuition, experience, and logic.”

  As she finished speaking, John launched another attack.

  This time, he used his threads to create guns that floated all around the woman and fired them off using Chaos Power. A single thread five miles in length could create a single gun, and John used all one million threads.

  Unfortunately, he couldn’t create guns in the woman’s line of sight if he wanted to take her by surprise. John pointed most of the guns towards the surrounding area instead, in case the woman moved to those locations while trying to escape the attack.

  Just before he fired the guns, John saw a large cat made from light come from the woman’s legs and she disappeared from sight. Even the Chaos Power travelling at the speed of light missed her.

  She reappeared in front of John and a rhino made from light came from the woman’s body just before she rammed her body into him.

  The physical force that hit him flung John across the universe many times faster than the speed of light. All his threads broke and the guns disappeared.

  It took a long time for him to come to a stop, even with him pushing Chaos Power behind him to slow him down. Thanks to the universal map, he found out he had travelled through an entire galaxy before stopping.

  He was amazed because he didn’t think it was possible to travel faster than the speed of light outside a wormhole, nor did he think he was strong enough to do so.

  The woman had followed him and came to a stop. “How’d you like my system’s skills? It takes an animal’s best properties and multiplies it by how many animals I’ve helped over the years.

  “The multiplied number is too long to have a name anymore, I’ve just been calling it infinite for eons. But no animal in the universe has control over an element, so it took me longer to gain control of the elements to the point where they could rival my system’s skills if used properly.

  “For example, I can do this.”

  The woman lifted her arm and swung it at John, but nothing happened.

  John looked at her and a cackle escaped her lips.

  Knitting his brows, John turned his head to look around. Behind him was a large, blue planet, and it looked like it was moving. A few seconds later, John confirmed the planet was headed straight for him as it was getting larger in his vision.

  Using the space element, John created a wormhole and ran into it. Appearing above where the planet would pass, he watched the planet pass by him, but an ominous feeling washed over him.

  Looking around again, John saw a sun which was hundreds of times larger than the planet was headed straight for him this time.

  Instead of moving, John let the sun hit him because he’s immune to the heat and force elements. The only reason he moved from the first planet’s path was because it would have been destroyed if it had hit him.

  John used a bit of Chaos Power to cover his clothes to protect them from the sun’s embrace only moments before it engulfed him.

  After John emerged from the sun a few minutes later, the woman appeared in front of him again. “I can keep destroying planets, suns, and galaxies like this until there are only Transcendents left in the human and beastmen universe, or you can agree to take me to Earth and I’ll stop.”

  John laughed. “Don’t bother. You can destroy everything and I still wouldn’t do it. Like I said, you’ve punished yourself just as much as me.

  “Your punishment will last just as long as mine does—forever! I will destroy all Transcendents in this universe, no matter how many you create! I will make sure you regret killing Sarah and Kelly for eternity!”

  “That anger you’re feeling, that’s how I feel about someone back on Earth!” the woman shouted. “Everything I’ve done was so that I could get back and kill him!”

  “Then I’ll go back to Earth and make that someone live a life of luxury!” John shouted. “I’ll make their life heaven. They’ll want for nothing! I’ll make sure your revenge can never happen!”

  The woman created the cat figure on her legs once more before appearing in front of John. A figure that looked like a crocodile appeared on the woman’s hand as she grabbed John’s neck and squeezed.

  “I guess I’ll just have to get rid of you and bide my time a little longer until there’s enough Transcendents to complete my plan. No matter how long I have to wait, I’ll kill that bastard that got me killed!”

  “Then kill me!” John scoffed through gritted teeth. “I gained this strength to protect those I loved, but now they’re gone. Even if you don’t kill me now, I’ll eventually kill myself because life isn’t worth anything to me without them! I’ve already been through a life like that!

  “Let me guess what happened to you. You thought you were loved, but the man thought you were disposable. Used you, then abandoned you. You couldn’t take it and tr
ied to get him back, but he got rid of you for good. Am I right?

  “From what I’ve seen, your personality isn’t exactly what a man looks for in a woman. I would’ve done the exact same thing as him.”

  John let out a cocky laugh, causing the woman’s eye to twitch in annoyance.

  “If you must know,” the woman began, “I was a law abiding citizen who was well-loved. I had a job of looking after animals that I loved. I met a man, fell in love, and everything was going perfectly.

  “But I found out he was into some shady business. He tried to leave after I convinced him, but that backfired and it got me killed.”

  John’s eyes widened and his heart sank. The story was far too familiar to be a coincidence. “Lisa?”

  The woman’s gaze locked onto John. “How do you know that name!?”

  “Haha!” John laughed as hard as he could. “Maybe there is such a thing as karma. Who knew my biggest regret in my past life would come back to bite me in the ass in my new life?”

  “It’s you!? I knew you had the same name, but with silver hair, different eyes, and a slimmer body build, I didn’t even consider that you might be the same person.

  “Hmm… I no longer need to get back to Earth to accomplish what I’ve dreamed about for what seems like an eternity.

  “I did feel a little sorry for killing your lover, especially since I was in the same position once. But now… Now, I’m beyond happy that I did it.”

  “She didn’t deserve that!” John shouted. “You want to blame me for what happened back on Earth? Fine, go ahead!

  “But you were the one who convinced me to leave my work which led to what happened! After you were killed, I got revenge by making sure that the culprits were killed! I gave up everything to make it happen!

  “You came to a new universe and had a chance to start a new life, but you couldn’t get rid of the anger you felt for me. You even became a Demon because you regretted being with me that much. That’s on you! Not me!”

  John stared at Lisa with his nose scrunched in anger.

  He then started laughing as hard as he could with his throat being held. “Things haven’t changed for me in this life. The person I loved got killed because of me! Since history wants to repeat itself, then let it! Guess what comes next!”

  John pushed the bottom half of his body towards Lisa and wrapped his legs around her legs. His right hand grabbed Lisa’s arm that was grabbing his throat while his left hand was behind his back.

  Above his left palm, John was mixing elements together. He made sure to reverse how they normally interacted with each other and made them devour each other instead. At the same time, he used the force element to compress the elements as much as he possibly could.

  Pushing Chaos Power to create as many of the elements as he could, an enormous pressure built up, pushing it past its breaking point, and it exploded.

  When the dust and debris had cleared, a black hole floated above his palm, waiting to deliver chaos.

  He pushed millions of units of Chaos Power into the black hole to make it grow. At the same time, he used Chaos Power on his legs to push him and Lisa into it.

  It all happened within a few milliseconds, and by the time Lisa felt John pulling her towards him, it was too late for her to react. Her arm and legs were bound by John, so she pushed Chaos Power out of her mouth, trying to propel herself backwards.

  John managed to move his left hand in time to block the Chaos Power from escaping Lisa’s mouth. If he hadn’t, his head would’ve been blown off. The only thing that her attack managed to do was spin them in place. Their heads spun away from the black hole, but it caused their legs to enter it. Thanks to John’s Chaos Power, the black hole grew in size and it had become too strong for them to escape from.

  When nothing but their heads were left outside the black hole, John couldn’t feel any part of his body and he knew that it was strong enough to kill him, regardless of how many defensive and immunity skills his system gave him.

  I’ve given everything to get revenge for my loved ones, and I still think it’s worth it! If I’m lucky enough to get a third chance, I’ll dedicate that life to finding Sarah and Kelly.

  After the black hole had taken everything besides the top half of his head, John heard the system go off and he opened it as fast as he could.


  Unlocked skill.

  Prestige - Idlers 0/2160, Reset - 0/1

  Thanks to the idle games he played back on Earth, John didn’t need to look at the skills information to figure out what it was. He didn’t have the time to do it anyway as the black hole would kill him in less than two seconds.

  John used the remaining Skill Point he had saved to complete the skill.


  A box showed up less than a second later.

  Do you wish to use Prestige’s Reset skill?

  John looked at the yes button underneath the message. As soon as he did, the black hole went over his eyes and caused him to lose his vision.

  Did I use it in time?

  That was the last thought he could muster as the black hole swallowed him entirely.


  Hello! Thank you for reading the seventh book of The Idle System series! I hope you enjoyed the story.

  Sorry for the small delay, but like many things in the last year, it was due to COVID-19.

  Also, I know I left it on a cliff-hanger and most of you hate that, but I felt that was the best way to end the book, sorry about that, too.

  There’s only one final book left until the series ends and I know a lot of you have already guessed what will happen. I only hope to bring you a surprise when it’s released.

  Until then, take care and stay safe during these troubling times. Remember to wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep social distancing. I know you’re tired of doing it and want lockdowns, etc, to end, but keep it up until we beat this virus!

  I would like to remind people that is still letting people read novels for free. If you’re an aspiring writer or simply want to dip your toe, they let you post your work on there for free and maybe earn a bit of money.

  Please leave a review on Amazon (I’m hoping for five stars) if you enjoyed the story as it helps me more than you can imagine.

  Thanks for reading once again!


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