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Magick and Mischief (Warlocks MacGregor Book 7)

Page 13

by Michelle M. Pillow

  Andrea didn’t give them time to respond as she hurried out of their sight. She hoped they didn’t call her bluff.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Kenneth took a deep breath. He knew his mother meant well and thought she was doing the right thing for her family, but it had been way too long since he’d had fresh air that didn’t come from standing on the top of the mansion roof or an opened window. No amount of arguing had persuaded his ma to let him out of the house. It had taken the determination of an outsider to convince Cait and his ma to lift the spell.

  Margareta was not pleased about them leaving. Euann admitted she’d asked him to put a tracker on their vehicle so she could keep an eye on where they went. If Kenneth was surprised about anything, it was the fact his ma hadn’t put trackers on all of the vehicles before now.

  “It would be so much easier if we could use a portal,” Andrea said as she steered Iain’s SUV down the driveway from the house. She insisted on driving so Kenneth could keep an eye on Jewel in the car seat. They could have flown, but Jewel in the sky seemed like a risky idea.

  “She’s too young. If I asked her to take us to West Virginia we might end up on the moon. She has no concept of geography. I think her bringing ya to us was more of a primal instinct than a conscious one.” Kenneth didn’t want to encourage magickal use one minute and then forbid it in the next. Jewel was too young to understand.

  “So you think the portals are her doing?” Andrea asked. “And not…?”

  Her words trailed off and she gave him a meaningful glance.

  “I’m fairly certain. Jewel has a way of bringing people she needs into her sphere.”

  The vehicle had a tv screen in the back of the driver’s seat and the sound of cartoon voices came from the speakers. Since Jewel did not see a lot of television, it was a treat for her. His only rule was no princess movies. That had not gone well in her last life. She’d magickally forced the entire family to be part of a royal ball and eat nothing but cookies. The fuzzy creature teaching her the alphabet seemed safe enough.

  He glanced back to make sure the bracelets were still sewn onto her pink tights. Jewel giggled at the tv screen. She was such a happy child. In that he’d always been lucky.

  “Since it’s nearly a thirteen-hour drive, not including stops, I thought we’d push through as far as we can today. Maybe staying the night in Indiana,” Andrea said, glancing in the rearview mirror as they neared the highway on-ramp. “Is that your brother following us?”

  Kenneth turned in his seat. He let his eyes shift to better see into the car following them. “Aye. Erik, Euann, and Rory from what I can tell.”

  He reached for his phone on the console between them. Waving his hand over it, he made it dial without touching the screen. Seconds later Rory answered.

  “Before ya get your panties in a twist,” Rory explained stopping Kenneth from talking, “it was either us or Aunt Margareta and my ma. Ya really didn’t think they would let ya travel across the country without backup, did ya?”

  “Road trip!” Euann yelled in the background.

  “Date crashers!” Erik added.

  Both brothers erupted into laughter and teasing.

  “My ma sent them after us,” Kenneth told Andrea.

  “Want me to try to lose them?” She winked at him.

  “Tempting,” he agreed before saying into the phone, “Call if ya need to stop.”

  Kenneth hung up on his cousin.

  “I can’t say I’m shocked,” Andrea said. “I honestly didn’t think she’d let us leave this morning.”

  “Ya made a compelling argument.” Kenneth gave a small laugh and reached a hand to rest on her thigh. “I have never seen anyone stand up to my mother like that. I can’t tell if she likes ya or wants to turn ya into a lawn ornament.”

  “I’m guessing she’d rather see me as a pink flamingo than your girlfriend. She insisted I stay on that cot in Jewel’s room last night. It was most likely to keep me away from you. And, before we left, she did warn me not to be a bad influence on you.”

  Andrea smiled at him. Jewel giggled at her cartoon.

  Kenneth removed his hand from Andrea’s leg. He turned his attention to the field outside his window. A strange feeling came over him. Movement drew his eyes to the road as a car passed. The man driving gave him a small nod while a woman and two kids sang a lively song. It was a tiny movement but there was something to the man’s contented look as he drove with his family.

  This moment with Andrea felt…

  Kenneth felt…


  This felt normal.

  And it terrified him.

  He wondered what it would be like if Andrea were his wife and they were taking a road trip with their daughter. What if the most significant threat was a flat tire or taking a wrong turn? The desire for that brief fantasy gripped him and he wanted it desperately.

  Normal never worked in his family, at least not for long. If he let himself imagine possibilities that could never be, it would only cause severe disappointment later.

  “Looks like it’s going to storm.” Andrea leaned forward to look up at the sky through the windshield. Her hands gripped the wheel, working nervously.

  “I’ll call Erik.” Kenneth grabbed his phone. “He’ll make sure we have clear roads. He has a way with the weather.”

  “He can do that?” Andrea arched a brow. “I see there are some definite perks to dating a warlock.” Suddenly, she began to chuckle.


  “Raibeart called you a bear rug yesterday when you were frozen on the floor.” She laughed harder. “And you turn into a bear. I just got the joke. Bear rug.”

  “I’ve been waiting for ya to ask me about that. I’m glad to see ya can laugh about it.” He put the phone back down, not calling his brother. Upon further consideration, he knew Erik would see the storm and keep it back.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I was scared when you shifted. I didn’t think something like that was possible in real life.” She glanced in his direction several times. “And, by your family’s reaction, I get the impression that wasn’t all Jewel’s magick.”

  “She is powerful enough that in time she could eventually change people into animals, but this time it was easy since my brothers and I carry the ability inside us. Jewel forced it out.”

  “And Murdoch?”

  “She borrowed his magick to amplify her own to get past my protection.” He touched his chest. That was a new trick, and one of the few reasons why Margareta finally caved and let him go. If Jewel didn’t have to listen to her father, then raising her would become all that more difficult.

  “He looked better this morning.” Andrea didn’t sound convinced. Murdoch had been shaky and weak and had stayed far away from Jewel.

  “I think he’s scared of her,” Kenneth glanced back at Jewel. His daughter’s head rested against the side of the car seat as she stared at the screen. “This wouldn’t have happened if I was able to raise her alone like before. She can’t take from me and would never have learned that trick. Now she’s even more dangerous.”

  Andrea reached over, placed her hand on his, and squeezed. “I’ll help you figure this out. I promise. You’re raising a sweet kid.”

  His phone rang and he answered Euann’s call.

  “Rory has to pee,” Euann announced.

  “We haven’t even been on the road for an hour. Tell him to be a big boy and hold it.” Kenneth hung up.

  “Everything all right?” Andrea asked.

  Kenneth chuckled. “Probably not. It’s a MacGregor road trip. There are so many ways this can go sideways on us.”

  The storm clouds churned parallel to them along the road. Erik was doing is part.

  Euann’s car appeared by the driver’s side window. Rory held up a handwritten sign. “Hot dogs?” He pointed forward to a billboard that boasted two-foot hot dogs drenched in Wisconsin cheese sauce.

  Andrea laughed and nodded at Ror
y before giving him a thumbs up. Rory pumped his fist excitedly in the air and then blew her a kiss.

  Kenneth sighed, shook his head, and muttered, “That’s not good.”

  “What? It’s fine,” Andrea said. “We can stock up on road snacks.”

  “That’s not why I’m worried. My sister can materialize food from pictures and well…” He watched the giant hot dogs on the billboard as they drove by them. “I have a feeling Rory is going to steal that sign later. He won’t be able to resist a twenty-foot hot dog.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Andrea was used to long hours on the road, but the time passed much easier with company. There were times she forgot about the storm clouds chasing them. With the binding bracelets, Jewel was forced to behave. Well, at least behave like a normal child. On one of their gas station stops, Jewel tried to bite a lady who stuck her finger in her face after making a snide comment about how the bracelets sewn onto the tights were “an interesting choice for a child.” To be fair, Andrea kind of wanted to bite the rude woman too.

  Kenneth wore jeans, but the others were in kilts. The amount of attention a group of handsome Scots drew didn’t faze them, and the MacGregor charm appeared as natural as breathing. They even posed for pictures.

  “They do realize they’re going to be made into internet memes later and put in private groups where ladies can ogle them, don’t they?” Andrea said to Kenneth as he took the long way around a snack aisle to avoid the camera phones.

  “I’m pretty sure Rory is counting on it,” Kenneth answered. “And what do ya know about these private internet ogling groups?”

  “My sister Annie loves them.”

  “Sure. Annie loves them,” he teased.

  “But seriously, why don’t you wear a kilt?” Andrea gave him a playful look and glanced down to his legs. There was something to be said about the sexy outfit.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t ya?” Kenneth laughed.

  “Uh, yeah. Of course I would.” Andrea nodded.

  Kenneth chuckled. “I stopped when Jewel was born the first time. It tended to draw a lot of unwanted attention. Though, since ya asked, I’ll be happy to pull it out of storage for ya.”

  Besides the cheesy hot dogs, Rory, Euann and Erik bought enough candy throughout the day to fuel a small sugar army. She was glad they were in their own car.

  There were a few times she saw the vehicle swerving in her rearview mirror. Thankfully the highways were clear of other cars for most of the trip. When she’d slowed to check it out, she saw what looked like a playful argument. Kenneth didn’t appear concerned.

  Several times she caught Kenneth staring at her with a questioning expression on his face. She wondered what he was thinking but didn’t ask. Conversation flowed smoothly between them. He told her of living in Oklahoma, and how Jewel in her last life had forced a woman to kidnap her and drive them to Green Vallis. Cora married Euann and opened the local public library, so it had worked out well. Andrea had yet to cross paths with the woman.

  Turning someone into a kidnapper was much more creative than how Jewel compelled Andrea to come to the mansion. Kenneth was right. Jewel’s magick seemed to answer her needs without the child being able to articulate them herself. Was it possible Cecile was merely Jewel’s magick gone awry, and nothing else?

  Andrea told him of her childhood, of her sisters, of the day her parents died and how she’d felt so alone. Without fully realizing it, she’d been searching for something, a missing piece. She didn’t say it out loud, but that feeling hadn’t lessened until she’d come to the MacGregor mansion. Being with Kenneth felt right.

  By the time evening darkened the sky, Jewel was becoming fussy in her car seat. Kenneth had taken over driving and he followed signs to a hotel boasting an on-site restaurant and indoor pool. The storm clouds had not lessened as they made the journey, but they didn’t come closer to the cars.

  “I’ll have Euann grab our bags,” Kenneth said as he pulled into a parking spot. “Are ya all right taking care of Jewel while I check us in?”

  “No problem.” Andrea reached for the handle but the door opened before she could touch it.

  “We should get inside.” Rory reached for her arm to help her out of the car. “Erik is tired from holding back those clouds all day, so he’s going to let the storm run itself out.”

  As if to prove his point, the winds picked up, bringing with it a chill.

  Andrea helped Jewel out of the car seat and carried her into the hotel. Once in the lobby, she set the girl down to let her stretch her legs. Jewel took off running down a long hall. The child’s small feet thudded on the carpet.

  “I got her,” Andrea said, hurrying after Jewel. They left Kenneth by the check-in counter.

  The child stopped at a glass door and pressed her face against it.

  Andrea slowed her pace. “What have you found—?”

  Before she could finish her sentence, Jewel pushed the door open and ran inside, yelling excitedly, “Bat!”

  Andrea saw the indoor pool through the glass door. “No, Jewel, stop!”

  Jewel ran straight off the side of the pool and landed in the deep end with a splash. Andrea’s heart nearly stopped and she jumped in after her. The cold water hit her skin. She managed to grab the sinking child by the waist and pull her back to the top.

  Jewel broke the surface with a cough.

  Andrea gasped for air. She swam them toward the shallow end, only pausing when she could stand. She turned Jewel to get a better hold on her.

  Jewel coughed again, looking stunned that she had not automatically stayed above the surface. One could imagine she was not used to being in the water with her powers bound and had never been taught how to swim on her own.

  “You’re okay,” Andrea whispered, pushing back the child’s hair to see her face. She wasn’t sure if she was soothing the girl or herself. Her heart felt like it was lodged in her throat. “You’re okay.”

  “Jewel?” Kenneth’s panicked voice preceded him as he appeared in the doorway.

  Jewel’s eyes teared and she began to cry. The belated tears seemed to indicate she was reacting to her father’s emotion more than what had happened. Andrea walked her to the edge of the pool. Kenneth grabbed the wet child from her and held her close.

  “I’m here, love, I’m here.” Kenneth carried her away from the pool.

  Andrea walked to the corner steps and climbed out. Water dripped from her soaked clothes and hair. She grabbed two towels from a stack and tried to hand one to Kenneth. His angry eyes met hers and she instantly withdrew her offer.

  “Ya were supposed to watch her,” Kenneth managed.

  “I…” Andrea couldn’t get the words out.

  “Come on.” His tone was hard. He led the way from the pool back to the hall.

  “Is everything all right?” one of the hotel staff started to approach.

  Andrea nodded and politely lifted a hand to keep the man from following.

  The elevator ride was silent except for the soft whimpers of Jewel. Kenneth refused to look at Andrea. She couldn’t blame him for his fear, but it was unfair to take out the child’s actions on her.

  Water dripped on the floor from Jewel’s shoe. Andrea shook out the dry towel and pushed it over the girl’s shoulders, forcing Kenneth to grab hold of it.

  They walked to the room in the same icy silence. Instead of using a room key, Kenneth gestured toward the door. The green lights on the lock lit up and they were able to enter.

  Andrea held the door open as Kenneth and Jewel moved past her. By Andrea’s traveling standards the room was large—two beds, a television, a long desk and extra chairs. However, by the MacGregor standards the room was probably small and cheap. Someone had left the air conditioner running and the cold air against her wet clothing caused her to shiver.

  Once the door closed completely, she said, “I didn’t know she would jump into the pool like that. I’m sorry.”

  “Ya got her out. That’s what mat
ters.” His tight voice didn’t sound like that was all that mattered.

  “I can tell you’re angry,” Andrea insisted. She wasn’t going to spend the rest of the trip with this tension.

  “Of course I’m angry.” He bit his words as he placed Jewel on the floor, keeping his tone even. Her shoes squished and she giggled, rocking back and forth to make the noise again.

  “I promise, I will always do whatever it is in my power to keep her safe,” Andrea insisted.

  “But that’s just it. Ya have no power.”

  The words felt like a slap in the face. She took a deep breath. “Maybe that’s what Jewel needs, someone to teach her how to be normal.”

  “Now, don’t ya—”

  “What happens if we’re successful? If we put the binding bracelets on her permanently and she can’t get out of them? Do you think she understands she can’t jump off a balcony and fly with Uncle Raibeart? Do you think she knows not to touch a hot stove or try to breathe water like a mermaid? She had no fear of the pool, and no skills to get out of it. Yes, she’s a toddler. Yes, she’s playful and sweet. Yes, I know you all think it’s just a magickal kid being a kid when she turns you into animals and wants to pet the giant kitty. What happens when she sees an actual big cat, one who is not Uncle Erik, and decides she wants to reach through the cage to pet it?” Andrea’s hands shook and moisture gathered in her eyes. “This child doesn’t know risk or fear.”

  “Andrea—” he tried to speak but she held up her hand.

  “She could have died.” Tears spilled down her cheeks as the terror of what could have happened overwhelmed her.

  Jewel came across the hotel room and grabbed hold of Andrea’s leg. Hugging it, she said, “It’s okay.”

  Kenneth started to come toward her, but the sound of someone at the door stopped him.

  “Luggage delivery.” Rory poked his head inside. He eyed Jewel and Andrea’s wet clothes. “Couldn’t wait for a swimsuit?”

  “Thanks.” Andrea reached to take her bag while trying to pivot toward the bathroom door with a toddler glued to her leg. “Come on, Jewel. Let’s get out of our wet clothes.”


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