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Memoirs of the Brightside of the Moon

Page 37

by Ginger Gilmour

  Why this affected me so much was, not only, how it applied to my circumstances regarding the changes occurring in my life, but she also brought to our attention that there was a positive and necessary aspect of anger. Out of all the stages anger seemed to touch me the most. Supposedly, anger gave one the strength to confront. I didn't know how. For me, all anger was negative. I had grown up with the angry eyes of my mother and shouting from my father. I put anger in a bag and said, "NO WAY!"Therefore, what Kübler Ross said explains why I didn't know how to defend myself. Her words rested inside my mind and heart for some time, but soon the seeds started to grow. I started to change. I am sure I had a few accidents along the way, some shaky outbursts. And even some tsunamis, as the suppressed force found its freedom and ultimate purpose with wisdom. To this day, the Tsunamis are still revealed, transformed into a summer breeze so as True Peace will remain.




  After returning from the States, my next adventure with Lily was just a few weeks away. The Theosophical Society in Camberley, Surrey, UK had asked her to give a lecture on Mental Color Therapy. I asked her if she could give me an explanation about their philosophy. It was new to me. Lily explained briefly that Theosophy had no dogmas, no doctrines, no rituals and no initiations. At Camberley, the Theosophical Group explored and discussed new ways of understanding science, philosophy and religion that would bring many spiritual beliefs closer together with modern science. She found it was an open podium to present a wide spectrum of ideas.

  She said that Theosophy was not a religion. Each person was free to believe and practice whatever he or she chooses with the hope to live a spiritual life, both individually and collectively. There were no prescriptive rules or procedures for doing so, which is why, over the years, Lily spoke at their seminars. I believe She was one of the wise elders and a forerunner in the living of true compassion and love. This philosophy suited my way of being at the time. I see now, it gave me freedom to clear the program and allow a new channel to become that would eventually lead to God. There were many lectures. I was fascinated and in many ways felt a child with the grownups. A toddler discovering what was in the cupboard that was now unlocked. One lecturer, Dr. Van Buren, spoke on the origins of Acupuncture. He was the founder and president of the International College of Oriental Medicine based in East Grinstead, which was the town where I had just moved to with the children. My ears stood at attention as he told us a story about our soul's journey to Earth.

  Within the Oriental philosophy, there is a myth about the days before the soul leaves Heaven. God tells the little one to go into Heaven's pharmacy and choose all the things necessary to make its journey to Earth. The little soul with delight filled its baskets with lots of precious treasures. With each, his little light glowed brighter and brighter as they shone like diamonds with the essence of Heaven. Finally, the moment came to descend the golden stairway to fulfil his task in God's plan. He told the little one that an angel would bring his treasure later. Therefore, in Faith, he began his journey. The only problem was, God did not tell him the delivery date and he forgot to ask! I have often wondered what was in my basket. What was my soul task and purpose in the plan since listening to that story? Dr. Van Buren also spoke about his clinic, which was down the road from where I now lived in East Grinstead. I was inspired by his lecture so much that over the weekend I made an appointment. My first experience with acupuncture went on weekly for over a year. What transformed for me was amazing. I discovered that there was a little voice inside crying, saying, "I am soooo VERY tired. Help me, please?"And it did. I was restored and the little voice went away. I still remember that moment when, what seemed like a miracle, my energy returned to me. I was able to walk forward into my future able to be a single Mom.

  Nico Thelman, whom I had met in New Jersey with Lily, was next to give his presentation. He did a demonstration of how connected we all are to each other. He asked me to come up on stage and be his assistant. His presence was very charismatic as he asked me to hold a light bulb while he spoke. I really do not recall much except that at some moment it lit. The audience and I filled with awe and wonder. That is his forte; I was to discover, to reveal the wonder and magic of life beyond all philosophies, religion and science.

  Over the course of those days in Camberley, Nico, his group and I grew closer. They were to stay longer in the UK since they wanted to go to Glastonbury. Apparently, they built an octagonal meditation structure in the Ramala Center a few years ago where they stayed, worked and lived. On our journey, they shared many stories of its creation. I asked if I could come with them because the energy of attraction was getting stronger. I wanted to learn more about the stillness and wonder. I felt God was pointing the way. So I invited them to Brockhurst and I would drive us all to Glastonbury. Annie Rowland, who had returned to be our nanny, prepared dinner for our arrival back home. She cooked a dinner fit for a king and queen. She always did for she was so creative. She was my sous-chef and her food held so much love. It was still daylight, so everyone wandered down to the lake hidden amongst the Rhododendrons, beyond the great lawn, until dinner. Later, throughout the rest of the evening, I put on meditative soothing music as we spoke together.

  Our plan was to leave early, so it was early to bed. Annie and I made places for them to sleep. In the morning, Nico shared how they all thought I had monks chanting in my basement all night. OOPS! I had left on the auto-reverse of my sound system - playing a CD of monks chanting. I apologized. All was forgiven, as it did not really disturb their slumber, in fact, it helped. We did have a chuckle, as we ate our muesli, and for many years into the future. I am not sure if I will EVER live down the night the monks chanted.




  The children were away with David and I was free to go on the adventure to Glastonbury. I had an English equivalent of a SUV, so there was plenty room for us all to travel comfortably. Key was my navigator sitting next to me in the front seat with the map on her lap. Nico sat way in the back, his tall body curled up so he could fit. He liked moments of being by himself. As we drove along, I shared stories with them about Watts Chapel in Compton, Surrey that was on route. Key was a specialist in Art History and loved Angels but had never heard of it.

  Watts Chapel is a Gothic Revival Chapel and Mortuary. It was constructed from 1896 to 1898 with virtually every village resident involved, resulting in creating an interior, which is a magical fusion of art nouveau angels, and Celtic influences. It was the brain storm idea of a local resident artist Mary Fraser-Tytler, the wife of Victorian era painter and sculptor George Frederic Watts. Today there is, also, an Art Gallery containing a large amount of Paintings by the late George Frederic Watts who is known as the Michelangelo of England. His most known is Hope, which is of a woman blind-folded sitting on the Earth holding a lyre. My favorite too! As we walked up the path through the cemetery, towards the chapel, I was transported back to the moment when I organized a surprise birthday experience for one of my dearest friends, Miriam Freedman several years ago. It was early in the morning on the day of her birthday when I sent Hank from Berryhurst cars in a Rolls Royce to pick her up and her husband, Lennie, who knew about the secret adventure.

  Days later Miriam retold the story to me of that day. There was a knock at the door. She wasn't expecting anyone. As she opened the door there stood a very elegant man in a suit. He inquired, "Excuse me, is this the home of Lord and Lady Freedman?" Miriam chuckled with Lennie looking over her shoulder listening. She responded, "Well, there is a Mr. and Mrs. Freedman, who lives here but we are not a Lord or Lady of Royalty!" Hank smiled and said with his deep masculine voice, "Well, you are today, Me Lady! I have been asked to take you out for the day on a birthday adventure. There is your car for the day and I am your Chauffeur." Miriam was shorter than Hank, and had to look past him to see where he was pointing. She had noticed the car parke
d across the street and had wondered which one of her neighbors was having a royal visit. She gasped with surprise, wondering who was behind this as Hank asked, "Are you ready?" She nodded looking back at Lennie who also agreed. So the day began as they entered the car. Hank did ask as he put on his hat and started the car, "Me Lady and Lord Freedman, I would be most grateful if you did not try to engage me with questions about where, who, and when, while we are driving. Agreed?" They nodded in agreement and sat back in the comfort of the back seat.

  Miriam and Lennie lived near Hendon, which was in North London and close to the motorway. As the car turned onto the M25, Miriam's curiosity rose. Lennie was charming and patient as he pretended he did not know where they were going. They approached Heathrow Airport as the thought entered her mind, "PARIS?" but no that was not where they were going. They passed Gatwick Airport and it came again, "PARIS?" but alas, it was not where she was going. She was confused and yet excited. Miriam loved adventures. This one topped them all.

  After about an hour just past Gatwick Airport, Hank pulled over into a car park of a disheveled local pub. It seems there was a cluster of balloons on the door. Miriam looked at Lennie and said, "Have we driven for almost two and a half hours to come to an ordinary pub? There was a better one just around the corner of our home." They got out of the car to stretch their legs while Hank had gone inside. Miriam checked the creases in her dress trying to maintain her composure. When Hank returned thanking them for their patience, for he had needed to go to the gents. In reality, he was phoning me to check if all was ready for their arrival.

  I had arranged for their daughter, Alison, and son, Martin, plus many others from Mrs. Tweedie's group and close friends to meet at the chapel. Hank needed to stall for twenty minutes more for not everyone had arrived yet. Walking out to the car he motioned for them, saying, "May you both get back into the car so our journey can continue?" as he revealed a bottle of champagne and two glasses from behind his back. "But first, let's celebrate!" That brought a heartfelt smile of acceptance to their faces as he opened the bottle with a pop. The bubbles softened Miriam's questioning as Hank reminded her of their initial agreement and praised them for their patience. "You will soon be there,"as they drove away into the rising sun. Finally! The car pulled up at a wooden ancient English gate on a little country road amongst the hedgerows. Hank graciously opened the car door for the Lady and Lord in a royal manner. As her foot stepped onto the gravel she exclaimed, "You have brought me to a cemetery?" Just at that moment I appeared taking photographs of her first expressions. She exclaimed, "I knew it! It was you!" Miriam was still in a daze trying to figure out what was next. Lennie and I escorted her up the path through the cemetery towards the chapel. I told her about the history of how all the villagers had made the bricks and the artwork of the building. She thought it special, but couldn't quite grasp why I had brought her to this place. I guided her further, "You must come inside. It is magnificent!" As we opened the large wooden door, the sunlight blinded us from seeing inside the darkness for the surprise that awaited.

  We entered, me holding Miriam's hand, guiding her into the shadows. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw all of her family and friends standing in a circle holding a candle in front of many angels, on the wall just behind them. Soft tones of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" began as she passed from each person to greet them. Lennie walked close behind his cheeks wet from his tears as well. Joy created temporarily a lump in their hearts. As she stopped before each person, their Love and Gratitude was shared for the day that Miriam was born and walked into their lives.

  I had permission for us to have a picnic on the lawn outside the gallery. We laid down a checkered blanket and colored pillows on the grass. The Rolls Royce had a huge trunk for everything needed to create the final touches of the fantasy. More champagne, cheeses, breads, quiches, pickles, cake and candles kept coming forth from the baskets fit for an affair from the book Alice in Wonderland. It was not an "Unbirthday Party,"but "Hey, it's your Birthday!" The memory lives on in our hearts. We often laugh together, about this Birthday adventure. Miriam always says, "I knew it was you who organized this! Who else had the imagination and the ability to do such a thing for a friend?"



  During the Whole Life Expo, I met up with Elizabeth Fortune again. We shared stories of our lives since our last meeting in San Diego with Lily and the Dolphins. She suggested that I should bring the children to Freeport, in the Grand Bahamas fora "Dolphin Experience." Every December she organized these adventures at the Sanctuary Bay, organized by UNEXSO. Having met and worked together with Horace Dobbs, president of International Dolphin Watch in the UK, I knew the healing powers of Dolphins for the heart and other disharmonies. I decided that she was right and would book a dolphin experience for all of us with her that next December. It would be my Christmas present for the children, Annie (nanny) and myself.

  So we waited with great anticipation for the day to come. A week before, Annie, my four children and I were ready for our next adventure. With suitcases packed, backpacks full of things to do during our journey. We climbed into the limousine waiting in the driveway on our morning of departure. As we got onto the plane, the healing already began, forsmiles and excitement was filling our hearts. We were happy again.

  For years, we had had dreams to swim with dolphins. Every summer in the Mediterranean, we often had close encounters with them, for they would swim alongside our boat as we surfed the waves. They are remarkable creatures. Just their presence brings joy. We often sat on the bow of the boat visualizing for them to come. Calling for them with Love. Each time the children were learning how to speak to the animals with their thoughts. And come they would.

  We stayed in a modest hotel complex near the beach. The balmy sea air brought familiar sounds of the steel drums during the early evening. It was nearly Christmas and it was strange to see Santa Claus and Christmas decorations on the palm trees in the local shopping center. AND it was HOT! Hearing "Oh Come all ye Faithful" and "Little Town of Bethlehem" on steel drums was a bit surreal, a bit out of place. Alice found it too much like Disneyland devoid of the local culture. The West had overtaken another island. She was sixteen and very aware of these things. We had come a few days early so that we could acclimatize to the time change. The children were troupers about this, even knowing not to enter the noonday sun uncovered or without sunblock and hats. Lindos summers had trained them well. Touring had developed less of an expectation of hotel food compared to Mum and Dad's home cookin', if not the Ritz. And the Ritz it was not.

  We walked to a boat ferry, which would take us to the lagoon from our hotel, where we would meet Elizabeth each morning. She was highly qualified in facilitating deeper encounters with dolphins. My first proof of this was back in San Diego with herin an earlier chapter. Where, despite they were captive in a limited space, I was graced to have such an unforgettable union with them just leaning over the edge. So I arranged this trip in the hope that it would go beyond anything so far. How wonderful would it be for us to swim with them, to stroke them, to be pulled along and play with them? I wanted especially for the children to have this opportunity. A dream come true. Our first encounter was with a few Bottlenose dolphins in one of the side pools. We were ready with our wetsuits, flippers and goggles. A local facilitator would attract them with fish before we were to enter. They were HUGE! Apparently, skilled caretakers raised them because they were very human friendly. It was their birth home, but equally, they were set free in the night to be in the deeper waters. They returned to swim with the others and us who came for the "Dolphin Experience,"but most probably, they really came for breakfast, lunch, tea and perhaps "Elevenses"(snacks) like the Hobbits in Lord of the Rings.

  I just watched our DVD last night of our group swims in the Sanctuary Lagoon. I remember Annie was frightened. I had no idea after all our years in Lindos how much she was frightened of the water. Elizabeth was great in working with individuals with
fear, No pressure, only if you want to. Eventually, Annie did go in and touched them with a smile. There is a film so that she doesn't forget the day she transformed the fear and had fun. Despite being a controlled experience, it still was amazing. They are such happy creatures.

  One day the kids and Annie returned for lunch to the hotel while I stayed in the quiet waiting for my private session, which was in the afternoon. Everyone had gone, leaving me alone in the silence for a siesta and a bite to eat, I assume. While I sat on the edge of the wooden pier, eyes closed, feeling the sun upon my face, I decided to practice visualizing for the dolphins to appear. I created dream pictures of them swimming towards me. The water was perfectly flat.

  Except for the occasional bird diving for fish and the sound of a speedboat in the distance, the lagoon seemed deserted. A meditative energy took me inward when suddenly it was broken by the sound of squawking. I opened my eyes, and to my amazement, there were two baby dolphins smiling, joyfully. Their heads were just above the surface of the water, cackling, as though they were saying, "Hello, Hello. You called? Here we are!" One of the attendants approached me as I sat dazzled upon the long wooden pier that reached out into the sunlit waters. He was tall with native dark skin wearing bright colors and the company jacket and hat. Looking down at me, he said, "Mam, you are free to swim, if you want to be with them,"as he pointed at the baby dolphins who were now playing in the distance with their mum. "REALLY? I can swim with them on my own? NOW?" I said, not quite believing what I had heard. He shook his head in affirmation, "Yes Mam. You can. It will be all right. They came to you." My heart lifted in the truth of the moment as I proceeded to put on my flippers and mask. Entering the water, they returned, and swam beside me guiding me out further into the lagoon. We played, diving together, in and out in a parallel rhythmic motion between each other. Then the mother came to join us. She started to push into me then flip away and dive. Again and again, she repeated this until finally I got the hint. I had to swim more like a dolphin! It worked! We swam. We dove in harmony within the crystal rays of the sun. I was a dolphin! Part of our Dolphin Experience was to go out to sea and swim with them in their natural habitat. As we went along the coast, the dolphins followed us as the attendant threw silver gifts of fish into their open mouths. We moored in the shallow crystal blue water over the white sand below. We could stand and play together, smiling from ear to ear. Laughter reflected upon the water.


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