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War of the Gods

Page 7

by Erich von Daniken

  Any geologist can confirm that the pyramid plateau, along with the (alleged) Pyramid of Cheops, must have been submerged under water for a long time. I wrote about this in an earlier book and included pictures.58

  The veil dance around the Great Pyramid, the discoveries of spaces that had been suspected for the longest time, the chatter about pseudo relieving chambers and the claims that there are no secrets is a disgrace to our civilization. A group of professionals who are either bona fide naive or do not want to see the long-known facts make fools out of us. Our present technology certainly has the ability to illuminate some of the identified spaces with state-of-the-art geo-radar systems and drill into others, then push endoscopes and cameras through the holes to find out what's going on. Obviously, a small group of people want to prevent others from obtaining this knowledge. They call this “responsibility.” It is probably not even stupidity that is behind it but simply the naivety of the professionals involved who do not want to see what is quite obvious.

  Geologists clearly prove that Giza with its pyramids and temples was standing underwater for a long time.

  “Nothing but nonsensical conspiracy theories,” so mutter the “sensible ones.” After all, you cannot deceive hundreds of millions of people. Sorry, but our story proves the opposite. About two billion people call themselves Christians, another billion are Muslims and a few million people belong to the Jewish faith. Each group earnestly invokes so-called “holy scriptures.” The fact remains: Christians do not believe in the “scriptures” of Jews or Muslims, the Jews do not believe in those of Muslims or Christians, and Muslims do not believe those of other groups. At least two of the groups with billions or millions of people were misled. It could be that just one group is correct, or none at all. Each group contradicts the other angrily, despite the fact that each of the conflicting groups has brilliant thinkers who warned in their writings and speeches against all the absurdities and subjugations of religions. But few heard the warnings. After all, religious dogmatism remains the main reason for the most terrible wars throughout millennia to the present day. Mankind did not learn anything from it.

  That's how we humans are. Once something is stuck in our brain, we defend it, even if it is utter nonsense. And the assumption that the Fourth Dynasty in the eighty years of the reign of its most important rulers would have processed a total of 8,974,000 cubic meters of rock (including the so-called Cheops Pyramid) is certifiable nonsense.


  The Exploded Planet

  IN 1949, A BOOK WAS PUBLISHED in New York, and even a quarter of a century later it was still one of the bestsellers in the world: Worlds in Collision. The author, Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky (1895–1979), was originally a physician who delved with fervor into ancient philology and ancient history. In Berlin, he founded the scientific journal Scripta Universitatis atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymitanarum, to which Albert Einstein (1879–1955) contributed. In 1939, Velikovsky traveled to New York. The plan was to stay for a short while, but the beginning of World War II kept him from returning to Europe. So, he stayed in the United States, moved to Princeton and, until his death, kept a close, friendly relationship with Albert Einstein.

  In his brilliant work Welten im Zusammenstoβ (Worlds in Collision) he claimed, “that a planet, namely Venus, used to be a comet and only became a planet with the arrival of human kind . . .”

  He hypothesized that the comet Venus had its origin in the planet Jupiter. In support of his theory, Velikovsky cited a wealth of mythologies of various peoples, which in his opinion all pointed to a catastrophe in our solar system. The drama probably played out around 680 BC. At that time, the sun, moon, and stars darkened, the Earth shook and was in disarray, and the poles shifted. “There was more than one world conflagration, but it was worst during the days of the Exodus from Egypt. In hundreds of Bible passages these events are described by the ancient Jews.”1

  The scientific establishment tore up Velikovsky's theories. Neither the astronomers nor the archaeologists were willing to follow him. Exuberant approvals were followed by unobjective and malicious rejections. The sensitive Immanuel Velikovsky suffered under it very much until his death in 1979.

  Was he right? Did a catastrophe once occur in our solar system that led to both the Great Flood and the Pole shift? Was that planetary drama the reason for the apocalypses described by Plato, Herodotus, and other ancient historians? I meticulously checked about half of the quotations published by Velikovsky in ancient writings. They all reported a global doomsday. But was the cause actually a comet that people later called “Venus”? Or had Venus long been a planet in 680 BC? Even if that was true, the traditional history wouldn't change. Something terrible must have happened in early human history that affected the whole Earth. Was it a war of the gods? Wouldn't there be traces of it on our planet as well as in the solar system? And do those elongated skulls that have neither been deformed by humans nor can be explained by mutations come from the survivors of a star war?

  Undeniably, all the planets and moons of our solar system are littered with craters. Now, it is generally known that debris from outer space is repeatedly pulled toward planets and strikes their surfaces. Once upon a time, an incredible barrage of boulders must have raced through our solar system. And these would not have been just fragments of mini-meteorites that slowly made their way. At some point, regular missiles must have hit the planets. The impact craters on the moons in our solar system prove it. For example, the craters of Mars's moons Phobos and Deimos have no gravitational power to catch slowly passing meteorites. Phobos has a diameter of 27 kilometers, Deimos is only 15 kilometers in diameter. But both moons are littered with large and small craters. It doesn't matter if these moons have flown into our solar system “from somewhere” because at that “somewhere else,” they were not bigger before and their powers of attraction weren't stronger. And between Mars and Jupiter lies the unnatural, planet-free gap we call the asteroid or planetoid belt: hundreds of thousands of larger and smaller boulders are there. How did they get into their orbits?

  Fifty years ago, the then leading space scientists still stated in Weltraumatlas (Outer Space Atlas): “The formation of planetoids is unclear. Either they represent fragments left behind after the formation of the planets, that is, matter that could never combine into a large body because of the destructive influence of Jupiter, or they are remnants of one or more previous planets that existed in the distant past and were torn apart by some fateful process.”2

  Modern astronomy sees it differently: they could be chunks of a planet that was yet to be formed. But the attraction of nearby Jupiter would have prevented this new planet formation. I beg your pardon? If Jupiter's gravitational forces were so strong, then it would have attracted the rocks that were wandering around. And the planetoid belt would not exist because the debris would have been incorporated into Jupiter. Another opinion holds that the total mass of all planetoids is less than that of our moon. That means a planet could not have formed from the existing fragments. What do we actually know about this planetoid belt?

  During the night of New Year's Day, 1800, Italian astronomer and monk Giuseppe Piazzi (1746–1826), director of the Palermo observatory, sat behind his telescope working on a new star catalog. A small object suddenly appeared in his field of vision that he had never seen before. He called it “Ceres Ferdinandae.” The Roman goddess Ceres is the patron saint of Sicily, and King Ferdinand IV was then the ruler of Italy. Giuseppe Piazzi lost the foreign celestial body, but he had reported his discovery, so other astronomers went in search of it. During the New Year's Eve night of 1801, the German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers (1758–1840) rediscovered the object. Today, the asteroid is simply called Ceres and is around 970 kilometers in diameter, the largest object between Mars and Jupiter. In the following years, further discoveries followed in quick succession. At 560 kilometers in diameter, Pallas became the second largest asteroid, followed by Juno, Vesta, and others. By February 2018, a total of 755,0
17 asteroids had been registered and cataloged. But there are a variety of asteroids. There are the Amor asteroids. Their paths run between Earth and Mars. The Apohele asteroids have their orbits around Earth. The Atens asteroids orbit the Sun. The Trojan asteroids orbit Jupiter. There are also the Floras, the Nysian, and others. There are even interstellar asteroids that include, for example, Oumuamua, which was discovered in the spring of 2017. At first, our astronomers feared Oumuamua might collide with Earth. The object is quite large—about 400 meters long—and would have caused a global catastrophe upon impact. But exact measurements showed a deviation of the orbit through the gravitation of our sun. Finally, on October 14, 2017, Oumuamua flew past Earth at a distance of about 23,000,000 kilometers. We were quite lucky, human children.

  The danger of a collision between Earth and an asteroid still exists. Therefore, the orbits of these celestial bodies are tracked very closely. Our astronomers know that most asteroids from the Aten, Apohele, and Amor groups are near-Earth objects (NEOs). The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, which is a division of NASA, runs its own program to track and possibly destroy NEOs. The Mars robots were also developed at the JPL and today search for traces of life. Other research institutions, such as the Spacewatch project at the University of Arizona, are also on the hunt for asteroids that could harm mankind.

  In the meantime, we know the paths of over 750,000 asteroids. Of them, 158,000 could be dangerous to Earth.

  The United States scholar Dr. Nathan Myhrvold, Microsoft's former chief technologist, even claims that the figure of 158,000 is far too low. Countless celestial bodies have been miscalculated and NASA associates misjudged the diameters of many space chunks by a factor of two. In addition, the asteroids themselves are still puzzling. They have different mineral compositions and are in turn littered with craters—where did the chunks that produced them come from?—or they show incomprehensible hues. At the end of June 1997, the United States space probe NEAR photographed asteroid Mathilde from a distance of 1,200 kilometers. Mathilde appeared as a black rock littered with craters. It is believed that the dark coloration is caused by carbon compounds, but surely nobody knows that. Why should only Mathilde be covered with a carbon layer and not all other asteroids? And where do the sixty-seven moons that orbit Jupiter, come from? By the way, among the moon rocks that the United States astronauts brought to Earth, there were also magnetized stones. The moon itself is not magnetic. So where did the magnetic attributes come from? And why should the more than 700,000 bodies of the planetoid belt have in no way come from an exploded planet? Is it because the total mass is smaller than the moon? Does this argument hold up? After all, a planet does not just consist of a compact mass.

  The shell of our earth is very thin. It floats on glowing rock, and in Earth's core, temperatures of around 4,000 degrees Celsius prevail. Nowadays—it's hard to believe!—there are groups that dismiss all these scientifically proven insights as a conspiracy theory and in all seriousness claim that Earth is a disc and that there is no glowing matter in Earth's core. How crazy a society do we live in? The interior of the Earth has been examined several times—ever heard of geothermal energy? And Earth's spherical shape can be proven even without pictures from the moon. (Pictures from Earth's orbit showing the round Earth are even dismissed as fake by some.) What the smart alecs don't know is that at the time of the moon landings, the Americans also installed a small reflective surface on the moon. (Future astronauts will stumble over it; other technical devices also remain on the lunar surface.) As soon as a laser beam fired from the blue planet hits this reflective surface, it is thrown back to Earth in the same hundredth of a second. This makes it possible to measure the exact distance between Earth and the Moon month after month. But now these measurements are made simultaneously from two positions of the globe: from the east and from the west. This results in the ability to measure two angles between Earth and the Moon. If the Earth were a disc, the angles would be different than with a sphere. Easily understood!

  Two-thirds of the Earth's surface consists of water, and the continental shelf contains minerals of different density. After an explosion of our planet—whatever the cause could be—the debris on the continental shelf would be thrown out into the solar system; some of it would crash into planets and the Sun, and some would leave the solar system forever. The Earth's interior would become gas, and forced by the gravitational fields within the solar system, some chunks would gather to build a planetoid belt. Due to the existing mass of this belt, future generations could not deduce that there was ever a planet there. Dr. Harry O. Ruppe (1929–2016), for many years professor of space technology at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, considered it entirely possible that the planetoid belt once formed from a planet “destroyed by a catastrophe,” and he said, “this planet could have been quite large, if in its destruction the bulk of its matter was hurled out of the solar system.”3

  There are other arguments for a planetary explosion. “The asteroid belt has too much of its own energy.”4 If it consisted of chunks that formed themselves over billions of years from cosmic dust, or if they were meteorite shards that flew in from outside our solar system, then those 700,000 pieces would have other orbits than the current components of the planetoid belt. They would move more sluggishly than they do, and Jupiter would have long ago sucked them into its own gravitational field. The extra energy supports the hypothesis of a planetary explosion. But couldn't “a big comet have collided with a smaller planet?”5 The computational probability of such a collision is about zero. Therefore, this variant is no longer seriously discussed by experts.

  In addition, the existence of an exploded planet can even be verified on Earth. On October 6, 2008, the small asteroid Almahata Sitta crashed into the Nubian Desert in northern Sudan. On behalf of NASA, experts were looking for traces of the celestial body, and they found about 300 small pebbles containing ureilite, a meteorite material. Embedded in this ureilite are tiny diamond fragments, which can only be created at a tremendously high pressure. Experts speak of twenty gigapascals or 200,000 times the air pressure on the Earth. Such energy only comes from inside planets.

  Eighty years before Immanuel Velikovsky, a scientist named Dr. A. Frauenholz, at that time geometrician of the Royal Prussian Government in Berlin, proved that once a planet had exploded in our solar system. He published his calculations in the book Das Sonnensystem in der Vorzeit (The Solar System in Prehistory).6 It reads, “Due to a catastrophe that occurred in the solar system in prehistoric times, probably at the time of the Great Flood, this planet had dissolved into thousands and thousands of individual parts . . . the long elliptical orbits of most of the asteroids and the comets as well suggest a violent catastrophe, that is to say: explosion of the aforementioned planet . . . And famous astronomers, especially Olbers, have hypothesized that a large planet must have been destroyed by an explosion between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, from which the asteroids seem to come . . .”

  Even thirty-eight years before Velikovsky, Georg Gerland, who discussed the Great Flood in his book Der Mythus von der Sintflut (The Myth of the Great Flood), commented on the West African tribe of Kanga: “The extermination of the human race did not occur by water but by the collapse of the sky. After all people had been crushed under the rubble of the sky . . .”7

  And in 1925, a quarter of a century before Velikovsky, the astronomer Dr. Johannes Riem came to the same conclusion.8 He wrote about Jewish myths that speak of an ancient cosmic event that threatened to destroy Earth. “The Great Flood,” says Johannes Riem, “was caused by astronomical constellations.” Originally, there was an additional celestial body in our solar system. Dr. Riem refers in this context to the historical accounts of the ancient Persians, according to which “a great, fiery dragon ascended, which devastated everything. The day changed into night, the stars faded, the zodiac was covered by a tremendous tail . . . scalding hot water fell and scorched the trees . . . raindrops the size of human head
s fell while the sky was illuminated by frequent lightening . . .” Dr. Riem also reports about the tribe of Kurnai in southeastern Australia. According to their teachings, once a terrible fire fell from the sky. “Then the sea covered the land and drowned nearly all humans.” Far away from Australia, in North America, the Chiglit tribe on the lower Mackenzie River recorded a similar event: “Everything was frightening. The tents of the people disappeared; the wind tore them away. Several boats were tied together side by side. The waves flooded the Rocky Mountain range. The world and the Earth disappeared. Then came a terrible heat . . . The people lamented, they trembled . . .”

  The Berjosowo district at the mouth of the Sygva River (tributary of the Ob) in Western Siberia is home to the Voguls (also called Mansi). They report a “sacred flood of fire that once fell from the sky . . . wherever there was a mountain tree or forest tree, everything was destroyed together with the soil . . .”9

  According to tradition, the so-called “deluge” must have been closely linked to a cosmic catastrophe. But what caused that destruction? Planets do not simply explode for no reason, and even a real meteor shower originates from somewhere.

  On the west side of the Sacramento River lies the settlement area of the Wintun—a Native American tribe previously without contact with the rest of the world. But since time immemorial they report:

  There once was a world before the one we now live in. This world existed for a long, long time and many peoples lived in it before the present world and we, today's human beings, emerged. In the southern area lived Katichila, a man who, with the help of a magic flint stone, was an exceptional hunter. One day, this ever-present weapon was stolen from him. He told this to his brothers-in-law. To avenge him, these two took off running—the first to the southeast, the second to the southwest—with torches and ran until they reached the point where the sky touched the earth . . . Then they ran around the world and set everything on fire . . ., and all people perished in the fire. The great god Olelbis looked down at the burning world. He could not see anything but flames. The soil burned, the rocks burned, everything burned. Huge clouds of smoke rose up. Fireballs flew from the sky. On his command, a flood began, which rushed over the world in great streams, covering it from the valleys to the mountains, extinguishing the fire.10


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