Book Read Free


Page 2

by Kali Hart


  “You haven’t answered my question.” I point to the barrel suspended by four different ropes. If I’m not mistaken, there’s some kind of padding on the top to replicate a saddle. It’s strapped to the barrel with heavy duty tape. “You—you don’t want me to get on that, do you?”

  Hudson removes his hat and places it on my head. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

  My nipples ache at this point. They’re painfully desperate for his touch. All the way out in the country, away from reality, it’s easy to pretend that there’s only Hudson and me. That maybe, just maybe, he could be a one-woman kind of guy. I’m so close to falling for that trap.

  “Does this simulate riding a horse?”

  “Bronc. Or bull. Works for both.”

  I get motion sickness in a canoe. “I’m not getting on that thing.”

  “I’ll be right here the whole time.” The fierce reassurance in his eyes causes my heart to pound in my ears. I want to kiss him. Badly.

  But there’s still a sensible part of me that knows climbing onto a barrel suspended by four measly pieces of rope might not be the wisest decision I ever make. I’m not exactly light as a feather. “I don’t think I should.”

  Hudson’s fingers brush along my cheek, turning my face up toward his. “Trust me, Jillian.”

  “If I fall off this thing—” or cause the damn thing to snap a rope, “—this date is over.”

  “We’re on a date?”

  I push playfully at his shoulder, forcing the desperately needed distance between us. “You know what I mean.” That low, rumbling laughter is going to be the death of me. It’s already the end of these panties for as soaked through as they are.

  “Let me help you up.”

  I want to object, but the barrel comes up to the top of my hip. I’d make a fool of myself trying to mount that thing on my own. Plus, I’m a little giddy at the thought of Hudson’s hands on me. I’m starting to care just a little less about his player status. Maybe I’m the one who’s too uptight.

  He lifts me onto the barrel like it’s nothing. Like I’m light as air. His hands slowly slide from my back, and I think he might kiss me now. Our lips are hardly inches apart. But he steps away toward one of the front ropes and grabs it with his hand.

  “Now, you have to do this the right way. One hand under the rope, the other up in the air.”

  “I’m supposed to stay on this thing one-handed?”

  “That’s the rules. You use two hands, you get disqualified.”

  I’m still not ready to admit I’ve never been to a rodeo. Sonya’s cowboy already promised us VIP tickets for tonight’s show, so I’m sure this little barrel ride will all make more sense in a few hours.

  “Hold on,” Hudson says. “You have to counter your body when the barrel moves.” He gently tugs on the rope, pulling the barrel forward. I’m not ready and my body lurches for the front of the barrel. My breasts brush the cold metal, but I manage to right myself quickly. I’m no quitter.

  “Try it again.”

  This time, I’m ready when he tugs on the rope. I rock my body the opposite direction, keeping my hand in the air. His smile alone makes me feel like a champion barrel rider. I’m sure it’s a thing. At least, in my imagination it is. And I hope Hudson is first prize.

  “You’re doing great, Jilly.”

  In my ornery tone, I say, “This doesn’t seem so hard after all.”

  Hudson yanks harder on the rope this time, and I almost lose my balance. But I squeeze my thighs tight against the barrel and hang on for dear life. “I can up the difficultly level at any time,” he says.

  I almost ask him what else I could ride, but I catch myself before that bold statement slips out. Though I’ve literally thought of nothing else but getting naked with Hudson since we entered the barn, I’m not about to admit that to him.


  “You’re a natural,” I say to Jillian as I help her off the barrel. I know she could slide down on her own without difficulty, but I want the excuse to slide my hands up her sides. Her tits brush against my chest as I lift her.

  “That was fun,” she says to me.

  I should take a step back, create a small barrier of distance between us. But I don’t want to. My gaze keeps dropping to her lips, then her tits. This woman has me so riled up, it’ll be a miracle if I can keep my head clear enough to ride eight seconds later tonight.

  “Do I get a prize or something?” she teases, her eyes darkened by the desire we both feel. “I didn’t fall off.”

  I have to kiss her. It’s the only hope I have.

  Pulling her into my embrace, I drop my lips to hers hungrily, tasting cherry lip gloss. Our mouths fuse together in a passionate exploration. My hands comb over her perfect curves until they reach her ass. I yank her against me, wanting her to feel what this one kiss is doing to me.

  The primal side of me longs to take her right here in this barn. But the reasonable side of me knows she’ll never believe I’m not some player if I do.

  “Wow,” she pants when our lips momentarily break apart. We’re both a little winded from the experience, and I don’t know about Jillian, but my legs are unsteady.

  “Wow is right.” I pull her back against me by the beltloops of her jeans and slide my hands beneath her loose shirt. We should stop, because the further I go, the less control I’ll have to do just that. But I can’t. I’ve longed for Jillian all my life, but I never knew it until I met her today.

  She wraps her hands around the back of my neck and drags me down for another round of steamy kissing as my hands work their way to her lacy bra. I can feel her hardened nipples beneath the thin fabric and I give them a squeeze.

  Jillian moans against my mouth.

  Greedily I work at the clasp of her bra until it pops free, allowing my hands to slide beneath it easily. Her tits feel amazing in my hands. I want to taste them. Suckle them. I want her to moan my name with that sexy, sweet voice of hers.

  I lift her shirt, exposing her erect nipples. Pushing the bra out of my way, I take one in my mouth.

  “Fuck, Hudson.” The dirtiness in her voice has my dick half hard. One simple graze of her soft fingers against it would have me ready to take her in seconds.

  I give the other nipple equal attention, sliding my free hand into the front of her jeans. My fingers tease her swollen bud through the soaked fabric of her panties. I’m hooking the fabric out of the way to touch her wet pussy without any barriers when I hear the creek of the barn door.

  I yank my hand out of her jeans and help her fix her shirt as she works at her bra clasp.

  “Hudson, you better get back to the rodeo,” Natalie calls from the other side of the barn. “You’re going to be late,”

  “Guess we better go, huh?” Jillian says to me, a wicked smile spread across her swollen lips.

  I give her one more quick kiss. “We’re not finished.”



  Sonya’s seat in the VIP section is empty when I sit down. The bronc riders are up before the bull riders, so I’m certain she’s still hanging out with her cowboy. I’m eager to hear how things went, but relieved to have a few more minutes to myself.

  My heart is still racing from that steamy encounter in the barn.

  Hudson didn’t use any typically cheesy womanizer moves to get me to do what he wanted. I’m still shocked, because what happened in the barn has me all jumbled in the head.

  If he didn’t live in another state, I would definitely think we were dating now. The way he held my hand on the drive back and put his arm around my back as we walked toward the rodeo area, like he was prepared to protect me should anyone give me a hard time—Darla included no doubt—made it feel like we are…together.

  “First time?” Natalie’s voice is a surprise, though I should have expected to see her here.

  “Yeah, actually.”

  “I gotta warn you, you’ll get hooked.”

  I’m already hooked on one aspect
of the rodeo, no matter the risk. If I get my heart broken after this weekend is over, well, it is what it is now. “I’m okay with that.”

  “Hudson’s a good guy, just so you know.” Natalie tilts her full bag of popcorn my way in offering. I scoop up a small handful, happy to have an excuse to keep my mouth busy with anything besides a response. “I know what the media says about him. Even what his brothers think, too. But he’s not that guy.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I’ve known Hudson Wilder since he was five years old. He’s always been a social guy. And he has manners that dictate that he be kind to everyone showing him attention. He’s got a pure heart. Spend enough time with him, you’ll see I’m right and the media has got it all wrong.”

  The announcer greets the crowd, and soon the cheering makes conversation nearly impossible. Just as well, because I’m suddenly overwhelmed by this new information. I want to believe that Hudson is a good guy, but I thought it was a fantasy playing in my mind. Now, I think it could be reality.

  Natalie sits by me as one bronc rider after another enters into the arena. She’s kind enough to explain the rules and how the riders score. I’m surprisingly fascinated. Natalie is right. It’s easy to get hooked.

  Though I’m hardly in a position to pack up my life here and move to Montana, I still hazily daydream about a life with Hudson. Living on a ranch, traveling the country with him on most weekends, celebrating all his victories, and being by his side on those hard nights.

  “It’s a tough life,” Natalie says after the announcer lets the crowd know Hudson Wilder is up next. “Very demanding. And it’s hard on the nerves. Every time they ride, they could get hurt. Seriously hurt. To be with a rodeo cowboy is to accept that risk and love them anyway.”

  When the chute opens and Hudson emerges, my breath paralyzes in my lungs. Despite how fast everything is happening, I can see his smooth, calculated movements. It reminds me of the rocking barrel. I feel closer to him than I thought possible. My nipples tighten, looking forward to finishing what we started.

  The buzzer sounds and Hudson jumps off.

  “For the record,” says Natalie as she stands, “I love Hudson like a son. I like you, but please don’t hurt him.”


  I’m pulled away for an interview after my ride. Then by a mob of fans wanting autographs and photos. I give everyone the best smile I can, and politely turn down the few offers for my own private after party.

  Every minute I’m away from Jillian now that my ride is finished feels like an eternity. Though I have one more night to ride, the ticking clock is against us. I don’t want her company for the weekend. I want it for the rest of my life.

  Any of my brothers would call me crazy. But I don’t care.

  Asking someone to live the rodeo circuit life is demanding, but if Jillian really is the one I’ve been waiting for, she’ll be up for the challenge. Hell, with her bold and cunning personality, she’ll make it look easy.

  I miss Colt’s ride by the time I finally make it to the stands to see Jillian. We stay for the remaining riders, but quickly leave when it’s over. The four of us—myself, Jillian, Colt, and Jillian’s best friend, head into town. I’m the after-party guy who always shows up at whatever bar is hosting. It’s good for the local business, and I’m happy to help draw in a crowd. But tonight, I wish I didn’t have to be there at all.

  “We won’t stay long,” I say to Jillian.

  Colt and Jane Harper—I know she’s not a writer either, but who am I to spoil their fun?—leave almost right away.

  After three or four women try to wedge their way between Jillian and me, I decide I’ve had enough. Tomorrow I’ll be expected to stay a little longer, especially if I win. Which I intend to do. But tonight, I want to ravage the woman latched onto my arm. Make her cry out my name as I claim her as my own. “You ready to get out of here?”


  We’re on the way to the door, shuffling through the crowd, when one of the rodeo girls from earlier slices into our escape path. Jillian is tucked behind me, our fingers laced together.

  “You really should reconsider, Hudson.” I don’t remember her name, but she was definitely the more insistent one from earlier today. I thought I had made it clear to her that I wasn’t interested. “Ditch her and come with me. I’ll show you a really good time.”

  Before I can say a single word, Jillian darts out around me. “You can move out of the way, sweetheart, or I’ll move you myself. Your choice. This cowboy is coming home with me tonight.”

  “Excuse me?”

  The last thing I want is a fight to break out between them. I’m firm when I say, “I’m not interested. Have a good night.” I tug on Jillian’s arm to move her through the bar crowd. I have to admit, that fiery side of hers is quite a turn on.

  When we’re finally out in the fresh air and the noise of the bar crowd fades away, I pull Jillian into my arms and kiss her greedily. It’s a kiss intended to show her exactly how much I want her and no one else.

  “Your place or mine?” she asks me in a breathless whisper when our lips finally break apart.

  “Well, I’m staying with Natalie…”

  “My place it is.” We take a couple steps forward before she pulls me to stop with our connected hands. “But we might piss off my neighbors.”

  “Looking forward to it.”



  I’m nervous when the door to my apartment closes. Sonya is spending the night at the hotel with her cowboy, which truly leaves Hudson and me all alone. I’ve wanted him bad since the moment I first laid eyes on him. But it’s been a while since I’ve been with a man.

  “You want a beer or glass of water?” I offer, hoping the shakiness in my voice isn’t too apparent. Usually I’m bold, but tonight I feel like a fragile little flower. It’s the effect Hudson has on me. No one has ever made me feel this way—this vulnerable.

  “No thanks.”

  He clasps my hand in his own and draws me closer. “Jillian, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

  Oh, but I want to. I want to do all the naughty things with him. “I want to, Hudson.” To show him I mean it, I slip my shirt over my head and toss it across the room. It lands on a lampshade, causing us both to laugh.

  The nervous tension eases and a ravenous hunger takes its place.

  Gazes locked, I unclasp my bra and let it drop to the ground. Hudson’s dark eyes drench with desire. He closes the distance between us, his hands cupping and squeezing my breasts. I love the feel of his hands on them. The man could bring me to a climax with this alone.

  “I really like these,” he says before dipping down and teasing my nipples with his teeth.

  I palm the front of his jeans, rubbing my hand against his hardening length. He’s huge. I work at the zipper until it’s down then slip my hand inside his pants. Wrapping my hand around his girth, I slowly stroke his cock. A guttural moan escapes him. Fuck it’s a sexy sound.

  Hudson goes for my neck, nibbling at the sensitive skin. A hand dives into my jeans, searching for my swollen clit. My knees wobble at his touch. “You’re so wet, Jilly. So fucking wet.” He growls the last words as his fingers push aside my panties. The raw contact of his heated skin against my cunt makes me dizzy.

  I shimmy my jeans below my hips to allow him better access. Hudson dips a finger inside me, stroking my nub with his thumb. I cry out his name, not giving a damn if the neighbors pound on the wall before this night is over.

  “That’s it, babe. Come for me.” Hudson quickens his pace, slipping in a second finger. The pressure, the pace, the utter erotic feeling of Hudson pleasuring me in the middle of my living room, still wearing that fucking sexy cowboy hat sends me over the edge.

  “Oh. My. God.” I can’t breathe, and I can barely see straight. Stars. So many stars cloud my vision. My legs topple and I drop onto the couch, jeans still pooled around my ankles.

  “That was the hottest
thing I’ve ever seen.” He sets his hat on the coffee table and sheds his shirt and jeans before joining me on the couch.

  “I—I need a minute. Catching. My. Breath.” I’ve never had an orgasm that took me that hard. I hope this is the first of many to come. I kick the jeans off my ankles.

  “Of course.” Hudson draws me into his arms and kisses my cheek. “But I’m not done with you yet,” he growls against my ear. “Just getting started.”

  My eyes flicker to his massive length pushing against his boxers. I don’t know how the hell it’s going to fit inside me, but I can’t wait to find out. “Bedroom, or?”

  “We’ll get there, eventually.” With another deep, sensual kiss that leaves every nerve ending in my body tingling with desire, Hudson slips my panties off and tosses them away. They join my shirt on the lamp shade.

  He stands, and the last piece of clothing separating us—his boxers—drop to the floor. My eyes widen, taking in the full sight of him for the first time. I lick my lips in anticipation of what’s to come.

  “If you want me to use a condom, I will,” Hudson says.

  I hesitate. I don’t want a thing between us, but what if the media isn’t completely wrong?

  “I haven’t been with a woman in over a year. And never unprotected.”

  I swallow, the gravity of that confession hitting me. I’d be the first to feel him completely.

  “We don’t need a condom.” I spread my legs in invitation and his eyes heat.

  I start to turn my body so he can lie down on the couch above me, but he takes my hand and pulls me up instead. “I have a different idea.” He leads me to the elevated arm of the couch. “Sit down, right on the edge.”

  I scoot my bottom as far as I can before it’ll fall off the side of the couch. Hudson parts my legs and steps between my legs. “Hold on, babe.” He bends his knees, lowering to my center. His hands slide under my thighs to join us together. I arch my back, digging my fingers into the cushion as he enters me.


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