Page 13
“Yes father, your sources are correct ...”,
“And you didn’t deem it fit to inform me?” Vincent Owoh cut in.
“I don’t think I need to inform you about every little thing that goes on in my life, I am an adult and can take decisions that affect my life directly” Valentine added.
Senator Vincent Owoh was a quick-tempered man and the way he twitched his neck frequently, a habit he shared with his son, showed that his temper was rising.
“Look here, you will talk to me with respect. When it comes to decisions that will affect the rest of the family, I have to be in the know of whatever move you make. Have you forgotten whose son you are, where you come from and the people you represent just by your surname? I will not let you tarnish the image of this family by engaging yourself in a tug of war over a bastard!”
“My son is not a bastard”, Valentine said between his teeth. It was evident he was struggling to keep his temper in check. “I would appreciate if this meeting is carried on without any form of name-calling. That boy is my son and my blood and yours too flows through his veins, so instead of creating unnecessary tension help me claim my son”.
“We found out that this case you have is with the Adegbola family. We have not had a direct link with that family but there is an existence of a cordial relationship and I want it to remain that way”, Barr Clement declared. When nobody spoke it served as a cue for him to continue, “The boy in question was legally adopted by Mr. Alfred Richardson and he married the mother of the boy before the child was born. I have been informed from a trusted source that he has settled the issue traditionally by going through the necessary rites for the boy...”
“I am aware of all that” Valentine cut in, “but I never gave up my legal right over that boy. I am his biological father and I know still have a case in court”, Valentine stated emphatically. “There is something you must know”, Dr.Felicia Owoh, Valentine’s mother spoke up. All through the course of the meeting, Valentine’s mother was quiet but like every other quiet person, her quietness was not a sign of weakness. She was a calm and a cool woman on the exterior but she was almost sinister and very determined.
Valentine’s father was the one quick to shout, give orders and throw his weight about but what nobody knew, according to close friends and family members, was that Dr. Mrs. Felicia Owoh was the one making most of the decisions.
“That girl came to us seventeen years ago and claimed you got her pregnant. At that time your father was running for Senatorial position in the Government.
So we just solved that issue. Little did we know that like a mule it would creep up again”, Felicia said.
Valentine sprang up from his seat, “You solved that little issue?”, he asked, and before Dr. Felicia Owoh could answer he cut in, “I can’t believe this. You mean that Valerie contacted you and daddy seventeen years ago?”
The anger that was blaring from Valentine’s eyes didn’t seem to affect his mother because she was as cool as a cucumber, “we offered her money to back off and when she didn’t, we made her”. Her answer did not pacify Valentine because he insisted, “Mother please stop being vague can you explicitly relate to me what happened when Valerie came to you seventeen years ago”.
They had just finished a quick meeting with his campaign manager, the family lawyer and King Mba. After the manager and the lawyer had been escorted out, King broached the topic he has been dreading. As his personal assistant, King had always solved all of such issues but he had a feeling that they had to know about it.
“I had to bring this up because I feel you should know”, King started. Barr. looked up from the table, “A woman has been coming here almost everyday with her pregnant daughter asking to see you. I have repeatedly denied them access to you but they have been relentless”. Both husband and wife remained quiet and focused their attention on King. They both knew that it must be serious for King to bring the case to their knowledge. “The girl is pregnant and she is claiming that your son, Valentine, got her pregnant”.
Felicia burst into laughter, “You mean Valentine, the book worm, got a girl pregnant?”, she asked, wiping tears from her eyes. “Dearest, this your political opponents, they think up new strategies every day”, she said to her husband. When she didn’t see any sign of humour on anyone’s face, she asked, “am I the only one seeing the folly in all these? it is obvious that it is a lie!” she exclaimed. “King please can you excuse me”, Vincent spoke in a very calm voice, “I want to speak to my wife in private”.
“So what happened?”, Valentine asked. “Your mother and I decided to settle them”, Valentine’s father answered. “How do you mean?”, Valentine asked. Valentine’s mother answered, “we offered them money but they refused so we killed the issue”, she said.
“I am pleading that you stop dancing around the issue. What did you do to Valerie and the mother when they came to you seventeen years ago?”, Valentine said.
“Your father was in the middle of his senatorial campaign and we didn’t want any of that to get to the press”, she said. “When our monetary offer didn’t end the issue we cooked up a phone call supposedly from you, denying the pregnancy or knowledge of the girl”.
“Wow”, Valentine exclaimed. “Both of you just succeeded in making this case more difficult for me. This sort of behaviour is expected of Mummy, but Dad I least expected this from you. You could have at least asked me about the girl. How could you have just taken such an important decision for me!” Valentine asked his father. “I’m sorry my son, I had no other choice at the time”, Senator Owoh pleaded.
“You have nothing to be sorry for “, Dr Felicia Owoh said. “That woman must be possessed because anytime she comes into your life she brings troubles with her. I can’t believe you walked out of a marriage of more than ten years. You left such a wonderful and well-cultured woman for a mirage”, she exclaimed. “Mother, if you must say something, please let it be positive”, he pleaded. “Valentine”, his father called, “ I know you are now a man and you are capable of making your own decisions, but you have to also put other people’s feelings into consideration and the effect your actions will have on them. You are not the only child I have. You are my last son and you have four brothers, three are politicians and have their names to protect. You have three sisters, and Nonye your sister is a commissioner and has a promising career ahead of her. You can’t get yourself involved in scandals and forget that this can be linked to your siblings that don’t need any form of bad press”.
The tension and stress was getting to Valentine because it was evident in the way he squeezed his forehead with his left hand; “Dad, please excuse me”, Valentine walked out of the room and came back with a file.
“Dad, I am well aware of the effect all this might have on the rest of the family, but this is my son, my life and I am deeply sorry if I am hurting anyone of you. Nonetheless, I have to do this. Before both of you paint me as a monster, I want you to take a look at this folder. I didn’t just blindly embark on this venture, even I could have sworn before I had a DNA test on that boy that he is my son. The day I set my eyes on him, any doubt that I had evaporated. I know the circumstance is difficult and a lot of hearts might be broken by my actions but I don’t want to live the rest of my life in regrets”, he placed the file in front of them and took his seat.
“Valentine”, his father exclaimed, “it’s almost as if we are going in circles. I want this case...”, his words were cut off by the headshot he saw in front of him. It was the first thing that was seen when his wife opened the file.Valentine’s mother and father both stared at the picture.
“Barrister”, Valentine’s mother called out, her voice heavy with emotion, “I want you to brief us on how you intend to gain full custody of my grandson”.
Valerie was tired of the forced hibernation she was made to undergo at her mother’s house. It's been two days since she threw some of her toiletries and clothes into a small box and contact
ed her mother. Valerie had called Alfred twice and gotten his voice mail, all she could say after the beep was ‘sorry’. It was evident that going to the hospital to see him was a bad idea but she felt it was safe to meet with him at a public place than at home. After parking at her reserved spot, she alighted and inhaled the fresh air into her lungs, it didn’t ease the tension she felt but it reduced the nauseatic feeling she had a bit.
Valerie closed her car door and turned to walk into the hospital when she saw her and immediately noticed her growing bud and smiled. The smile Valerie had on her face was not echoed on her friend’s face. When the woman was standing a few inches from her, Valerie opened her mouth to speak when the woman raised her hand. It happened so fast. It was the sound she heard and the pain she felt that made it really sink in that she had just been slapped. In a few seconds, she received another slap on her right cheek. Valerie staggered back. She held her two cheeks but the burning sensation she felt didn’t ease. “What is wrong with you”, Valerie asked. By this time, the scene had attracted quite a crowd. It was when she looked at her again that Valerie realized that she was being restrained by security. “How dare you ask me such a stupid question” she yelled trying to break free. A tall and hefty man had her wrists secured firmly in his grip at her back.
“Can you at least tell me what I have done?”, Valerie asked. Now aware of her surroundings, she didn’t recollect when she had dropped her handbag. Security men came out to disperse the crowd which constituted some hospital staff and some visitors that were still at the parking lot when the incident started.
“I thought you were a friend. I can’t believe I was so naïve”, she said. The security men let go of her. She was calm and it was obvious that the fight had gone out of her.
“Mrs Owoh, I really don’t know what you are going on about, just calm down and tell me how I have erred you”, Valerie said as she picked up her bag and dusted it. “I didn’t understand it either when I was confronted by the reporters asking me how I felt about working for the woman who was having an affair with my husband. I was astounded when I saw pictures of both of you. The way he looked at you, he has never looked at me like that in all the years I married him”, Mrs Owoh said. All the pieces finally fell into place, “I’m so sorry”, was all Valerie could mutter. “How would that word you just uttered mend my broken marriage or give my unborn child a father?
“You know what, I am also sorry. I am sorry I married Valentine...”,
“Please don’t say that”, Valerie pleaded.
“Let me finish!”, she screamed.
“I am sorry I fell in love with him ,you have always been the third party in our relationship. When he told me that he wanted a divorce because he has to be part of his son’s life, I honestly thought I was going to die”, she said, as she walked over to Valerie’s car and leaned on it beside her. “Even when we were at California, I always felt as though I was fighting a lost battle. He didn’t want a child and even though he didn’t say it out, I knew it was because you left him and took in for another man. I had to terminate three pregnancies and after that, I had to use contraceptives. I wanted to tell him when I got pregnant because I felt his attitude to life had changed, little did I know that you were back in his life and you were responsible for the change. You know what? I give up!
I have finally come to terms with the fact that it was never meant to be. I am going to forge ahead with my child. “Good luck”. With that, Sussane walked away. The bile rose to her throat and if she didn’t rush fast enough to a gutter, she would have vomited at the parking lot.
When she felt better, she got to the car took out a bottle of water, took a swig, gurgled it and spat it out.
With everything that was happening, her pregnancy had taken a back seat in her mind. She remembered the DNA test she had ordered for. Not feeling in the mood for another public confrontation, Valerie got into the car and drove away.
When she got to her mother’s house, her Personal Assistant handed her the envelopes. Opening the envelope containing the DNA test results, what her eyes saw made her knees weak. Valerie sank to the floor. Valerie’s assistant excused her, she stretched her legs, picked the result and looked at it again, “unbelievable”, she muttered, “not again”.
Alfred had sent his son a text, telling him he wanted to see him. By the time he got to his private parlour, Zeal was already seated. He took his seat on the cushion directly opposite Zeal. “Welcome Dad”, Zeal greeted. “Thank you, Son”, Alfred answered. Alfred sat up in the chair and started, “I am sorry that I hid from you when everything blew up, I just didn’t know how to face you, but I have to’.
Alfred’s livingroom was soundproof so they could talk freely. “I am sorry that you had to learn from the press that I am not your biological father but I love you just like a biological father would. I loved you even before you were born and I would never lead you down a wrong path”. Zeal’s gentle sniffle made him realize that he was sobbing. Alfred kept quiet and let the young man cry out his heart. “I don’t want to leave you, Father, I want our family back”, Zeal said between sobs. “I know, Son, I don’t know how the case would go but if it gets to the point where you are asked to make a choice, I don’t want you to make a decision based on an emotional standpoint.
I want you to make that decision with the knowledge that it will affect the rest of your life. In as much as I want you with me and I will fight for you, your biological father never gave up his rights over you. I don’t know if your mother has told you what you need to know but he is also affected by the situation of things. I may not like the man or his approach to the situation we are in, but he is your biological father. I apologize that you had to find out this way. Your mother and I never really discussed when and how the truth about your paternity should be disclosed to you”, Alfred said.
“I was a little angry”, Zeal said. Alfred heard a sigh of relief that his son has finally said something. “I was a bit angry and I felt trapped by everything. I felt as though I was dreaming. The news was everywhere I wished so many times that this is some kind of dream and I would wake up soon”.
Alfred and Zeal did not share any physical resemblance but they shared a remarkable bond that was being put to the test.
“How about a game of tennis, Son”, Alfred asked and immediately Zeal’s face lit up, “I will meet you at the court in ten minutes, Dad, and get ready because I’m going to win”.
Valentine opened the letter to see that it was an invitation letter from the Ministry of Justice for a mediation. His father’s lawyer was right. He knew this was their next move. Valentine knew without any doubt in his mind that no matter the move. Dr. Alfred Adegbola makes, he will best him. Fate will not cheat me twice, he said to himself, not again. They all arrived at the Ministry of Justice almost at the same time. Valerie saw her father and mother-in-law alight from their car. They had two cars on their convoy and they were escorted in by their guards. Then she saw her, Dr Mrs. Owoh, was looking as beautiful as ever. She was an elegant woman and was about six feet tall. From the first day she saw her, Valerie felt the woman behaved like a cobra. She walks like she talks, slowly but straight to the point.
Valentine’s mother passed by her and Valerie could swear she heard the hissing sound of a snake and goosebumps spread all over her. The woman looked straight into her eyes and looked away as she walked past. It all came rushing back. They were woke up so abruptly that the disorientation they felt was so obvious combined with the shock of finding six armed men in their room. One of them was concealing her face from them, but when she removed the hood Valerie and her mother realized that they were both in a serious fix.
Dr. Mrs. Owoh was not in the starched brocade trousers and shirt they saw her wear that day at her house. She was in her mother's bedroom and fully armed. “I can smell trouble from a mile away and I know both of you are one”, she spoke up in her still but chilling voice, “just like you are holding your daughter protectively” she gestured to her mother
, “I protect my family whatever way I can. I can smell poverty even faster than I can smell danger and both of you reek of it. My husband is about to take a huge step in his political career and nothing will stop that from happening not even an ignorant rat like you. I know my son, I know all my children more than they think I do. So if you have refused the monetary offer my husband has made to you then let your association with us stop here and now. I came at this time of night and to your bedroom to have this talk with you to show you how nice and determined I can be. If I ever have to revisit this issue with you again, I promise you it will not be pleasant. I trust you know what to do”, she said to us and they left as quietly as they came.
The cold Valerie felt that night ran through her spine at the Ministry of Justice parking area. Valerie closed her car door and walked into the building. She unconsciously crossed herself. In one of the conference rooms, everyone was already seated and both lawyers had already presented the case to the listening of everyone and all through the proceedings, the Magistrate listened attentively and spoke only when it was necessary. In attendance was Valentine, and his parents, Alfred and his parents, Valerie was the only one that didn’t come with any family member but her lawyer was present. For the first time, the Magistrate addressed them. He was an elderly man in his early 60’s. He had a deep voice that carried a lot of authority and power, “I know this is a very difficult situation. All through my years as a Lawyer and as a Magistrate, I have seen peculiar cases but none like this.
It is good that all of you opted for a private settlement because this case could have turned into a disgraceful show. I admire the maturity and understanding you are all showing but I know behind the cool exterior you are going through a lot of difficulties and emotional crisis. The child in question is the person in the worst situation, so I would implore all of you here to keep that in mind. Having heard the presentations of your legal representatives I will like to hear from some of you here, starting from Dr Alfred”.