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Claiming Her V-Card (Alphalicious Billionaires Book 6)

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by Lindsey Hart




  Alphalicious Billionaires

  Lindsey Hart





























  Why the hell did I ask my boss to pop my cherry!?

  Somebody do me a favor, kill me right here, right now.

  Because it seems like my nerdy brain with an IQ of 140 must have short-circuited briefly while I was all alone with him in his office.

  And truth be told, everyone knew just how “skilled” he was … in and outside the bedroom.

  I mean his other name is Mr. Sex-on-two-legs after all.

  So, I’ll be honest … I might have wondered a teeny tiny little bit what it would be like to take said skills on a small test drive.

  STILL, how could I have wanted him to be my first … the one I’m going to have to remember for the rest of my life!

  And all this after having spent all of the past two years hating and ignoring his smart sexy ass.

  If I could have kicked his godly buns for every single word I heard out of his dirty mouth without getting fired, I totally have done that already, like six trillion times over.

  So, why the hell did I have to go and offer him my V-Card?

  What was I thinking?!! Seriously, someone please put me out of my misery and embarrassment.

  BUT you know what’s even worse, he actually accepted - with a big fat evil smirk.

  And he stipulated, no turning back.

  I was now his to de-flower.

  I know … I’m so screwed - like literally.

  Hey Loves, come meet those sexy men loaded with more than just that cash package and so ready to claim their not-so-reluctant heroine.

  The Alphalicious Billionaires series:

  - Married by Mistake

  - Faking It

  - Baby Mistake

  - Seducing My Best Friend

  - The Dating Game

  - Claiming Her V-Card

  Can be read in any order.


  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, or transmitted by email without permission in writing from the publisher. While all attempts and efforts have been made to verify the information held within this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or opposing interpretations of the content herein. The book is for entertainment purposes only. The views expressed are those of the author alone and should not be taken as expert instruction or commands.

  Copyright © Passion House Publishing Ltd 2019

  All rights reserved.

  You can contact the team at



  If there was a dick of the year award, Blaze Hanson would win it. First of all, who the hell names their kid Blaze. It has to be fake. Everyone in the office knew it was fake, but so far, no one had been able to prove it. Second, Blaze would win the award because he probably did have the dick of the year. There were enough rumors swirling around the office about one-night stands, random girls showing up in the boss’ office and strange noises issuing out, angry arguments and those thumps sure as heck weren’t stacks of paper or binders being dropped on the floor.

  Then there was the fact that his secretary, Betty-Anne, wouldn’t confirm the details, but walked around with a strange blush on her face for a week after she’d disappeared inside said office for a few hours one afternoon.

  Blaze Hanson would also win ass of the year award.

  Because he had a nice one of those too.


  He also had a business partner who detested the fact that Blaze was basically a walking, talking sexual harassment suit waiting to happen. How the company hadn’t actually been sued yet was a mystery. Or maybe it had, and Blaze and Matt kept it on the DL. Big time.

  While rumors swirled around the office, most of them pertaining to Blaze’s groin region, the size, the layout, and the debated fabulousness of said area, there was no hard proof that the boss every single female and a few of the male employees had a crush on, actually was a man-whore.

  He was like a unicorn. Or at least, his sexuality was.

  If he’d messed around with any of his staff, he’d either paid them to keep their mouths shut or they spent so much time pining after a man that was clearly a one night stand, or more like a few hours stand, that they couldn’t quite put their heartbreak into words. Maybe they didn’t want to betray him.

  Either way.

  When Blaze dropped the bomb on the office, a challenge to the entire place to pick up flagging sales and come up with new, innovative ideas, a challenge that offered the mysterious prize of anything the winner wanted, within reason- though that reason was far from defined or specifically laid out and fell into a huge grey area- Colette got to work.

  It was bad enough that she was considered the office baby, a term that Blaze effing Hanson had actually dubbed her, and it stuck.

  It was extra shitty that she was still a virgin, and everyone seemed to know it.

  Which was why she put every single ounce of her energy, every molecule, every cell, every neuron, every muscle, every minute and every hour of every single day, for three sleepless weeks, into finishing her app. She did the artwork herself. All the graphics. The coding. Everything from start to finish.

  The idea wasn’t exactly revolutionary. It was a game where the main character traveled around planting trees. Through it, the user was able to identify all sorts of different trees, learn their growing time, how many years it would take for them to reach maturity, what habitat they grew best in, temperature, climate, what threats they faced- disease, insects, predators- the whole deal. The best part about the game, in Colette’s humble opinion, which she’d been told was not at all humble, was that the little characters in the game were all animals that depended on those trees for life. You could pick your choice of northern animals, like beavers, squirrels, or owls, or to something more tropical and exotic, like monkeys or koalas.

  The game itself was fun enough. It was a do-good, warm and fuzzies kind of thing while addressing very real issues about climate change and deforestation and also taught the end-user a ton about plant life. It was a sneaky kind of learning, though. Fun and educational.

  Colette knew that if she’d pitched the idea at one of the staff meetings, Will, the head of development and Phil, head of marketing, would have shut her down. Will would have said the idea was boring, Phil would have called it pretentious.

  They w
ould have said it wouldn’t have sold. That it would be hard to market. Farfetched. That no one gave a shit about trees and that she was a granola hippie who missed the boat on what they were trying to do as a company, which was design fun apps that people actually wanted to buy. Education wasn’t exactly high up on the priorities list.

  Her colleague Del’s game, with his big breasted, skimpily clad characters who got to engage in mud fights in twelve different stunning locations, was far more up Hanson and Blakley Apps & Development’s alley.

  After weeks of development, the apps were launched, and it turned out, a bit of healthy competition never really did hurt anyone. At least anyone at HBAD, because apparently, Anna in sales, let it slip the week before that the company was doing better than it had in months.

  Turned out that the vague prize of almost anything within reason lit a real fire under everyone’s smoldering, burned out, bored ass.

  Moment of truth day dawned bright and clear. And hot as well. Which wasn’t exactly a surprise for Orlando, Florida. It was pretty much always sunny, bright, and hot. Or at least, hot only.

  Colette made sure she wasn’t the first one into the board room because she didn’t want to be labeled a keener, if people still used that term. She also didn’t want to be last because that wasn’t the kind of thing she wanted to put out into the world. She didn’t want anyone to think that she was lazy or that she dragged her ass. As the youngest employee at HBAD, she’d worked hard to prove herself over the past two years and she didn’t want it all to go to shit by rolling in nearly late to every meeting.

  She made sure she was always the third or fourth one into the boardroom, out of fifteen. Nick and Lance were already there, as were Sue and Amy. Pretty soon, the rest of the staff from marketing and development crept in.

  As usual, Blaze entered last. He presided over most of the meetings himself, always at the head of the table, looking like the classy, silver spoon, asshole douchebag that he was.

  Honestly. Who wore thousand-dollar suits and still managed not to be able to get a good haircut? He’d worn his hair the same way for two years. Shaved short at the sides, long on top, gelled back stylishly, like a magazine model.

  Colette was just sure that the upcut or whatever it was called, was getting old. It reminded her of bowl cuts that were popular when her mom was a kid. In short. Horrible.

  She stacked her hands on top of each other in her lap and tried not to look at Blaze as he took his seat. Mr. King Hot Shit looked as good as usual, and for some reason, it always rubbed her the wrong way. Like it should be illegal to look that good. She was pretty sure that just by existing with his perfect bronze complexion, square angular jaw, high slashed cheekbones, pretty blue eyes, full lips made just for sin, and a body that women would happily bow down and worship as the next new religion, that it was doing women all around the world an injustice.

  Because men like Blaze just weren’t fair.

  They had natural power, in that they were men and born rich. Rich enough to start their own company and head it and make millions, which was then in turn invested into other organizations to make billions. It wasn’t fair that just by walking by, panties either started soaking or smoking.

  It wasn’t fair that Colette had to rub her thighs together against the ache gnawing up her thighs or that she was thankful that she’d worn panties. The ugly, thick, unimpressive, granny-style cotton panties that were probably boner proof because every guy would instantly lose their arousal when they stripped off her pants and found a set of those waiting. At least they were thick. Thick enough to soak up the pooling wetness between her legs.

  Effing Blaze Handsome Hanson. Mr. Sex. Whatever.

  A buzz of electricity filled the air in the room, and everyone shut up with the whispers when Blaze’s far too perfect, toned, gorgeous male ass hit the chair.

  He surveyed everyone in attendance with his cool blue-eyed gaze.

  It never failed to make Colette shiver. Those eyes were like the ocean. Calm. Cool. Inviting. Tranquil on a hot day. At least the ocean at a nice beach. She knew from experience that anything related to Blaze could be mercurial and dangerous. Without warning, those eyes could change, could sweep a person out and drown them in storm-tossed, angry gray waves.

  She’d seen Blaze rage a time or two, and no, it wasn’t pretty.

  Hot as sin. Yes. Pretty. Well- maybe it was a little pretty as long as you weren’t on the receiving end of his wrath, which always, always, led to being fired.

  Beside Colette, Ashley, a blue-eyed, stacked blonde in her flirty, sexual prime, let out a little sigh as her eyes flicked to Blaze. Oh yeah. Ashley’s panties were definitely smoking and soaking, in that order. The smoking first, the soaking to put out the flames so no garments combusted in the office setting off enough sprinklers and crap to douse and ruin hundreds and thousands of dollars of equipment.

  “So…” Blaze slowly surveyed the room with his placid blue eyes. His gorgeous lips curled into a self-satisfied smirk. The kind of thing that said he was exceptionally proud of himself for pitting fifteen of his employees against each other for the past month and reaping all the benefits in the form of mega profit.



  Ashley let out another sigh and nearly died beside Colette. It made her want to barf, seeing how women turned into wilted flowers the second Blaze walked by.

  It wasn’t like he filled up the room with his spicy, manly scent, even though it was a scent-free zone. No. That didn’t have anything to do with it at all. His expensive designer suits, tailored to fit his god-like body- nope. That wasn’t it either.

  Because Colette had definitely not noticed.

  Blaze’s jaw ticks for a second when the room remained absolutely quiet. Nearly everyone leaned forward in their seats, awaiting the results, which had been kept secret in the accounting and marketing department.

  Anyone who had an app in the running had to surrender control to Susan, an eighty-year-old accountant, who tallied up the results. She was the equivalent of the mean old granny who would rather shoot you than serve you cookies, so it was a good choice.

  “This is it. The results. I’m sure you’ve all been waiting anxiously to find out which one of you takes the prize. I must say, before we get to that, that we should do this every single year. Maybe twice a year. It’s been very good for business.”

  Colette bit down on her tongue. She wanted to snipe that it was good for his business maybe, but none of them, well- maybe the winner, were likely to see a raise anytime soon.

  Not that they weren’t well paid. HBAD was generous. And it wasn’t like it was New York. At twenty, she really couldn’t complain about her salary or her apartment. Still though. She wasn’t any billionaire, like Mr. Hot Shot at the table. She didn’t own like six million cars and a penthouse. Not that she knew that’s where he lived. She just imagined. Or tried not to. Because thinking about Blaze’s penthouse made her think about what his bedroom looked like, which made her think about his reputation as being a man slut, and she didn’t want to think about that.

  Nope, she didn’t even notice him. Ever. Not one bit. Only as a boss who was an asshole at worst, sub-tolerable at best.

  The entire room was so quiet that you could have heard a fart. The tiny, squeaky kind. And it was pretty much a guarantee that first thing in the morning, they wouldn’t get by without someone squeezing one off. They were generally silent, though, and so far, the culprit had yet to be identified even after multiple meetings with silent but violent offenders filling up the room.

  “Let me first say that you all did very well. You came up with some exceptionally unique apps and as a company, we are very proud that our name is on all the work. I know that these past few weeks haven’t been easy, so we’re planning a staff party outside work hours to help you all unwind, as our little reward for everyone’s hard work.”

  A chorus of exclamations and hard releases of breath echoed through the room.

e. Even at twenty, Colette could smell bribery a mile away. The staff party was just a bullshit excuse to get them all to bust their asses without a bonus while assholes at the top raked in all the rewards.

  #corporatebullshit and all that.

  “Does it involve free drinks?” Del pipes up. Of course he’d wonder about drinks, free or otherwise.

  If there was a position for an office perv, Del definitely would take the prize. He loved to draw big breasted women with almost no clothes, nipples sticking out through tight-fitting tops, girls with teeny tiny waists, massive hips and big butts. Essentially, shit that was basically cartoon porn without being actual cartoon porn. He developed adult apps and it was obvious to see why. Cover your eyes kids. He was also single, surprise, surprise, and was constantly yammering on about his smoking hot social life, while everyone knew he sat at home on Friday nights, downed a case of beer, and probably jacked it to his own drawings.


  “That’s to be decided. We might be convinced to offer a toonie bar, so things don’t get out of control.”

  Another buzz ripped through the room, and when Blaze’s eyes sweep around, the electricity that snapped and crackled raised the hairs on the back of Colette’s arms for absolutely no reason other than that it was completely contagious. She was just in the path of that current. What could she do to avoid it? It wasn’t like it meant anything.

  Because it didn’t.

  So, when that electric blue gaze landed on her, Colette convinced herself real fast that she wasn’t indeed having a heart attack. That it was just minor indigestion from the fact that she’d been too nervous to eat that morning and her stomach acids were crawling up her throat.

  Not because Blaze effing Hanson was looking at her.

  His eyes narrowed and her heart slammed against her ribcage hard enough to bruise, if bones could be bruised. Tha-thump. Tha-thump. Tha-thump.

  She gave herself a mental shake to keep from losing herself in those flat blue eyes with the little grey flecks. It didn’t hurt to remind herself, that if the rumors were true, Blaze probably would win dick of the year award, until his dick fell off. Gross.


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