Hidden and Visible Realms
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14. Du Yu 杜預, a famous general of Western Jin and Governor of Jingzhou.
15. Both CXJ 5 and TPYL 39 quote this piece from SSXY. Yet Lu Xun notes, “The present edition of Shishuo does not include this tale. When the collectanea of the Tang and Song quote from the Youming lu, they sometimes also say that this is from Shishuo.” See his GXSGC, #63. 370.
16. Zheng Wanqing made a mistake in punctuation, so he took xianguan (immortal residence) as xianguan fu (a man of immortal residence). See his YML, 24–25. The correct punctuation should be as follows: 此仙館,夫所飲者玉漿 instead of 此仙館夫,所飲者玉漿。
1 AGM 186. 107–08; CCT 40. 137
2 CCT 43. 143–44; ST 278–81
3 CCT 44. 145–46; ST 292–95
4 CCT 47. 149–50; ST 296–97
6 CCT 42. 141–43; ST 282–87
9 CCT 45. 146–47; ST 266–69
11 AGM 207. 119
14 CCT 41.139–40; ST 262–65
17 AGM 205. 118
26 AGM 189. 110
46 AGM 200. 116
57 AGM 206. 118–19
59 AGM 191. 111
64 AGM 193. 112–13
65 AGM 203. 117
74 AGM 201. 116
81 AGM 208. 119–20
90 AGM 196. 114–15
91 ST 274–77
113 AGM 192. 111–12
114 ST 298–303
115 AGM 197. 115
136 AGM 194. 113–14
139 ST 188–91
170 CCT 46. 147–49
180 AGM 187. 109
181 AGM 195. 114
182 ST 270–73
187 AGM 204. 117–18
194 AGM 202. 117
206 AGM 190. 110–11
209 AGM 188. 110
226 AGM 198. 115
253 AGM 184. 107
254 AGM 185. 107
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