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The Zombie Uprising Series: Books One Through Five

Page 43

by M. A. Robbins

  Mark raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?"

  "One way to find out," Jen said. Mark's eyes widened and he tried to grab the radio from her, but she pulled it away.

  "Command One, this is the civilians. Who am I talking to?"

  "Civilian radio operator, switch to channel thirty-two."

  Jen adjusted the radio. "This is Jen Reed. Who's this?"

  "Miss Reed, this is General Lewis. I arrived on base a short while ago to relieve Colonel Butler of his command. What's your location?"

  "Not so fast. Who sent you?"

  "Dr. Cartwright."

  Jen looked at Mark. He shrugged. "Sorry, General. We've been lied to enough that we're not taking any chances."

  "Jen, Dr. Cartwright sent me. Now give me your location. We have teams in your area that can get you back safely."

  "I'm afraid you'll have to give me more than that, General."

  The radio remained silent. Jen keyed the mic. "General?"

  "Jen, this is Sergeant Howell."

  Mark's eyes went wide. "Well, what do you know?"

  Jen held a hand up. "Go ahead."

  "General Lewis is the real deal. We need you to come in."

  "Damn," Zeke said. "Just when things are heating up."

  Jen keyed the mic. "I still haven't heard the magic phrase."

  "I'll eat a bug if I'm lying," said Howell.

  Gunshots came from below. Men shouted. The staccato sound of automatic weapons came from just outside the elevator doors.

  Jen looked at Zeke and he said, "Them's the code words."

  Mark frowned. "It's the right thing to say, but I'm still hesitant. What if he's under duress?"

  "Cartwright mentioned the other day that she had a meeting with General Lewis," Jen said.

  "Command One to Miss Reed. Did you copy?"

  Mark put his hands up. He's letting me make the decision. She keyed the mic. "General, we're hidden in the same building Colonel Butler landed on."

  "Roger that. Hold tight. A unit is clearing that building now. I'll contact you when it's safe."

  Twenty minutes later, footsteps tromped up and down the hall. Voices murmured.

  "Command One to Jen Reed. Your building is secure. What's your location?"

  Here goes nothing. "Elevator. Third floor."

  She switched the radio back to the default channel just in time to hear Lewis. "Command One to Echo Three."

  "Echo Three here."

  "Roger, Echo Three. The package is in the elevator, third floor."


  Someone banged on the door and yelled, "This is Echo Three. We're opening the doors. The building is clear, so put down your weapons."

  Mark nodded and laid his gun on the floor. "Don't want anyone to accidentally get shot."

  Jen placed her axe in her belt, and Zeke put his gun down.

  The door opened and light streamed in. Jen squinted and shaded her eyes. "You our ride?"

  A soldier offered her a hand and she took it. He pulled her to her feet. "Sergeant Washington, ma'am."

  Another soldier had a radio to his lips. "Echo Three to Command One. We have the civilians and all look healthy."

  "Roger, Echo Three. Get them back here."

  The soldier helped Mark and Zeke up. "Let's go."

  Mark hesitated. "If it's all the same to you, I'd like to keep my weapon."

  "Me, too," Zeke said.

  The soldier nodded. "Agreed. Get 'em and follow us."

  "Hotel One to all units. Reports of Zulu buildup six blocks north of your location. Prepare to advance and engage."

  "Base to all units. Aerial recon reports a horde of one thousand Zulus in sector twenty-three. All units are to advance to that location and engage."

  A smattering of responses followed, then the channel went silent.

  Sergeant Washington jogged to the stairs with two of his men. Zombie bodies and parts lay strewn over the hallway. Jen avoided what she could and tread carefully over what she couldn't.

  They reached the double glass doors and walked outside. Jen nearly gagged and covered her nose and mouth. More bodies littered the landscaping and the streets, and flies hovered over the corpses.

  The rumbling of Humvees and APCs echoed between the buildings as they raced north. An Apache zipped by in the same direction.

  "Looks like a battle brewing," Jen said.

  Washington looked at one of his corporals. "Shit. And we're gonna miss it."

  Jen gave him a smile. "You don't have to."


  Sergeant Washington shook his head. "No motherfucking way. I have my orders. And from a damn general."

  "Your buddies need you," Mark said. "I was army. I know how that feels. We'll just drive the Humvee we took back to the base and you can join the battle."

  The corporal stepped next to Sergeant Washington. "Come on, Wash. The way back's clear. We all just came that way. If any of my friends get wasted out there, I won't be able to handle it if I didn't at least try to help."

  Another corporal nodded. "Same here, Wash. Besides, what's this general know? Probably been a pencil pusher his whole career."

  Sergeant Washington glared at Jen from under a lowered brow. "We have our orders."

  "You're absolutely right, Sergeant." Mark pointed to the Humvee Jen had escaped in the night before. "But we should drive this back out. You can cover our rear. It's safer."

  "Safer how?"

  "If one of the vehicles goes Tango Uniform, then we have another. It also gives us two mounted M60s instead of one."

  Washington scratched his neck. "Then one of my crew will drive it."

  "Not a good idea," Mark said. "You need your team to stay as one cohesive unit. I can drive it. Spent a lot of time doing that a few years back in the sandbox."

  "And if you take off on us, my ass is grass."

  Mark stuck out his hand. "From one soldier to another, you have my word we won't."

  Washington squinted. "I will kick your ass if you fuck me over."

  "I'd expect nothing less."

  "All right," Washington said. "Mount up, everyone."

  The radio came to life.

  "Echo Fourteen to Control. Request immediate assistance in sector twenty-three. We underestimated the enemy strength and are trapped between hordes."

  Washington put his hand up. "Wait a second."

  "Control to Hotel One. Proceed to sector twenty-three and relay sitrep."

  "Hotel One to Control. Already at location. Situation is grim. Four hordes of two thousand Zulus and up are attacking sector twenty-three from different directions. Multiple friendly units are engaging, but have no way to retreat."

  "Roger. All units attack sector twenty-three from the south. Make a hole and get those units free."

  Mark pounded his fist on the Humvee's hood. "They're throwing everything they have at them. They could lose all of their ground forces."

  "It almost sounds like a trap," Zeke said.

  Jen's eyes went wide. "Shit. I think you're right." She jumped into the Humvee and keyed the mic. "Control, order a full retreat."

  "What the hell are you doing?" Washington ran to Jen. "Are you crazy, woman?"

  "Control to unauthorized transmission. Stand down. You're interfering with national security operations."

  "No," Jen yelled into the mic. "The buildup of zombies is a trap."

  "Echo Two to Control. We're attacking the enemy's southern flank, but there's a massive movement on our flank. Large numbers of combatants are pouring out of an underground garage and attacking our rear."

  "Command One to all ground units. Retreat. I say again. Retreat to highway. All air units provide cover."

  Zeke tilted his head. "Something coming."

  Jen strained to listen and picked up the first rumblings of engines. Several Humvees and APCs zoomed past them.

  "Let's get the fuck out of here," Washington yelled. "You people head for the highway and stay with our units until we get there. We'll cover your ass

  Mark jumped into the driver's seat and started the vehicle. Zeke hopped into the back, behind Jen's seat. Mark crushed the accelerator. "Dammit. Wish we had the acceleration of the truck right now."

  They turned onto South Division Street and headed for the highway. Washington's crew were a hundred feet behind.

  "If those other units passed us that fast," Jen said, "the horde can't be far behind."

  Washington's Humvee drove up their ass. Jen glanced back, and Washington waved at them to go faster. Movement farther back caught her eye. "Oh my God."

  A tidal wave of zombies chased them from a few blocks back. The mass of silent monsters ran at full tilt, filling the street, sidewalks, everything.

  Mark had slowed to weave around stalled cars. "No slowing down for anything," he said. The engine growled and he sped up.

  "The on-ramp's there." Jen pointed ahead.

  Mark screeched onto the ramp. The surviving Humvees and APCs had parked in the middle of the road. Soldiers lined the guard rail, their guns aimed to the north.

  Mark pulled beside an APC and stopped. They climbed out of the Humvee and grouped at the guard rail.

  Washington pulled up next to them. "Get back in your vehicle and stay with us. We're going back to base."

  A lieutenant approached them. "Sergeant, I just spoke with Command One on an alternate channel. The civilians are to stay here until this whole convoy goes back to base."

  "Yes, sir," Washington said. "Where do you want us to set up?"

  "Take your unit to our right flank. There's indication of enemy forces gathering in that direction."

  "But, sir, we're supposed to stay with the civilians."

  "We'll take over that responsibility." The lieutenant banged a fist against the side of the Humvee. "Now go."

  Without another word, Washington's crew sped off to the other end of the line.

  The lieutenant pointed at Mark. "You people stay here until and unless you hear different from me."

  "Yes, Lieutenant," Mark said. The lieutenant strode off.

  "Hotel Two to all units. Prepare to engage."

  Jen put a hand out to Zeke. "Give me the rifle."

  He handed it over. "What am I going to use?"

  Jen pointed at the M60 atop their Humvee. Zeke's mouth dropped. "Jen, I love you." He scampered off to the vehicle.

  Jen and Mark knelt behind the guard rail and aimed north. An Apache swooped overhead and back toward base.

  Rumbling came from between the buildings in the distance. It reminded Jen of the sounds in a bowling alley.

  Waves of undead pulsed down the road four blocks away. Jen's heart thudded. She looked from the thousands in the horde to the hundreds of defenders on the highway. This is going to be a slaughter.

  Dozens of radios were on, the voices echoing across them. "Echo One to Alpha Two. Dial in to sector twelve and open fire."

  A deafening boom, like a roll of thunder, came from somewhere in the distance behind Jen. The horde saw their prey. They surged forward, and a whistling came from overhead. The city exploded, the concussion knocking Jen onto her ass.

  She crawled to her knees and slapped her hands over her ears. Oranges, yellows, and reds burned into her retinas. Black smoke rose and the blistering artillery attacks seemed to go on forever.

  Until it didn't. Buildings were flattened and others stood in ruins, their remains ablaze. Thick black smoke curled into the sky.

  Jen glanced back. Zeke raised his hands in victory, yelling something she couldn't hear. He stopped, his eyes widening, and pointed into the city. Jen turned back around. The black smoke had parted and thousands more figures poured though it and toward the highway.

  Soldiers fired. Jen hadn't heard an order, but fired anyway. The mounted .50 cal behind her boomed as it tore into the wave of undead.

  But still the horde gained ground. We'd need double or triple our number to keep them back.

  A jet fighter streaked low over the city, dropping canisters over the horde. They broke open and burst into hellfire as they spread across the landscape.

  Mark yelled into her ear. "Napalm. It'll stop them."

  Jen shook her head. She remembered the zombies at Point Wallace. They caught on fire, sure, but it didn't stop them.

  As if to prove her case, the fires died down, but the flaming figures pressed forward. She glanced at Mark and his face held sheer terror.

  Voices came over the radio, but she couldn't make them out. She dialed the radio to maximum volume and pressed it to her ear.

  "All units. Take cover. Bombers coming in close."

  Far above, the outline of several B52s swept across the sky like ghosts. Again the whistling sound seemed all around her.

  She grabbed Mark's arm and he looked at her. Pulling him toward the ground, she pointed upward. He got the message and flattened next to her on the asphalt. She covered her ears just before the ground shook.

  A flash of heat hit her side and she thought she'd burst into flame. Her teeth rattled as bomb after bomb exploded several hundred yards away. When the explosions stopped twenty minutes later, Jen used the rail to pull herself to her feet.

  For a mile in front of her, the ground was flattened. Buildings burned and black smoke roiled into the sky, blotting out the sun. Mark stood next to her. "Looks like we got them."

  Jen nodded. "What I don't get is why they charged right at us."

  "What do you mean?"

  "If they're getting smarter leaders," she said, "then you'd think they'd be a bit more tactical than just running their drones into a meat grinder."

  Mark shrugged. "They've got millions more. Guess they can sacrifice a few thousand."

  Shouting came from farther down the line. Jen leaned over the rail to look, but couldn't see a thing.

  "Jen. Mark."

  Jen spun around. Zeke stood on the Humvee's hood, waving wildly. "They're coming up the highway."

  Jen climbed up beside him and shielded her eyes. About a mile past the last military vehicle, an undulating mass pushed forward. "Shit. There's got to be ten thousand of them."

  She caught movement from the corner of her eye and turned. A wave of zombies roared up the highway embankment behind the vehicles. They were outflanked.


  Jen fired to the rear. "Behind us!"

  The soldiers reacted to the scores of zombies leaping over the railing and streaking toward them.

  Zeke jumped into the gunner position and let off three-round bursts from the M60. One zombie went down, its head a stump on its shoulders, and another fell to the side as its knees were blown out.

  "Echo Two to Alpha One. Concentrate fire twenty yards south of our position and fire for effect."

  Mark pulled Jen behind a Humvee. "This is going to be harsh."

  Jen lay beneath the Humvee, firing at the advancing undead. "If we don't take these assholes out quick, the ones running up the highway will be on us."

  Distant thunder boomed. When she heard the whistling, Jen plugged her fingers in her ears.

  The artillery rounds hit the embankment on the other side, throwing chunks of earth and pieces of zombies into the air. The odor of burnt dead flesh became overpowering.

  Four volleys and the artillery ended. Jen pulled herself to her feet. Mark straightened next to her, and Zeke popped his head up in the Humvee's gunner position.

  "Something's definitely pulling strings," Jen said. "This is all too coordinated."

  The radio crackled. "Echo Seven to Control. Advancing horde is one hundred yards to engagement."

  "Control to all units. Return to base. I say again. Return to base."

  The Humvees were loaded and took off one-by-one. Jen looked around for Washington and his crew. She elbowed Mark. "Where's Washington?"

  Mark pointed down the road. "There."

  Washington and two of his crew sprinted up the highway toward them, the tidal wave of undead at their heels.

  Jen jumped into the driver's seat and started
the Humvee. Mark slid in next to her. "What the hell are you doing?"

  Zeke called down. "There are still some of those flanking zombies. They're going to cut those soldiers off."

  "Like hell." Jen threw the vehicle into gear and goosed the gas pedal. The three soldiers still ran, but had also noticed the flanking zombies. They shot at them as their paths came closer.

  The chatter of the M60 cut through the air and mixed with Zeke's cries of delight as he cut down zombie after zombie.

  Jen swung the Humvee to the side where the flankers were and knocked several over while running over even more. She brought the Humvee in an arc while Mark threw the back door open. Washington threw one of his men in and dove in behind him. A zombie grabbed the third soldier's shirt collar, yanking him back into the horde.

  Jen gunned the accelerator while Zeke's M60 chattered away and Washington pulled the door shut. The Humvee pulled away from the horde and down the highway toward the base.

  "Shit," Washington said. "You came back for us."

  The corporal clapped Jen on the shoulder. "You guys are lifesavers. We owe you."

  "Sorry about the other two," Jen said.

  Washington's head bowed. "Mitchell and Johnson. Both good soldiers."

  The other vehicles were long gone, but the road was clear and the horde fell back into the distance.

  Zeke called down. "We've got a problem. Look off to the right."

  Jen craned her neck and took in the northern part of the city. Fires still burned to their rear, but the rest remained untouched.

  She steered the Humvee farther to the right to get a better view and her breath hitched. Zombies poured out from between every damn building in sight. "Holy shit."

  Mark's eyes stayed on the extended horde. "There's not just ten thousand of those fuckers out there. There's got to be a million or more."

  Washington leaned forward. "Hand me the mic and keep the pedal down."

  Jen tossed the mic to the sergeant and he keyed it. "Echo Three to Base. We're bringing up the rear on the retreat and there's a huge horde coming in from the north. Estimated number is in the millions."

  "Command One to Echo Three. This is General Lewis. Confirm the number."

  "Yes, sir. The number is estimated to be in the millions, and they're swarming south."


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