Scandalous Box Set

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Scandalous Box Set Page 63

by Layla Valentine

  “I really rocked your world, didn’t I?” she said on a laugh.

  God, he loved her smug little grin. He hesitated to add to the pleasure he could already see building up in her head while he squirmed, having unintentionally revealed himself.

  “You were…unexpected,” he said.

  “Fair enough. I wasn’t expecting for you to save my life either.”

  “So you only slept with me because I saved your life?” he teased. “Well that seems a bit much for my ability to be a decent human being.”

  She tossed her napkin at him across the table and he laughed, catching it before it hit the floor.

  “Manners, now, manners. This is a fine establishment,” he mock-chastised her as she gave him a look of playful fury. “You don’t want us to get kicked out before we get the dessert menu, trust me.”

  “Fine,” she said, still wearing a smile that she was clearly doing her best to suppress. “But there won’t be any opportunities to save my life tonight, so don’t get any ideas.”

  Sean sensed one side of his mouth quirk up in a roguish smile. That’s not what tonight was about—at all. But if cheering Emma up involved a trip to his place? It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. He hadn’t stopped thinking about her since the implantation procedure and the compulsive need to call her at all times to check on her had nearly driven him insane.

  “I will be only the most serious of serious, cross my heart.”

  Even as he did it, he couldn’t keep a straight face while the waiter moved to clear their plates.

  “Will there be any dessert tonight?” the waiter asked.

  “Maybe, if he plays his cards right,” Emma teased, looking back and forth between the waiter and Sean with a knowing look in her eyes.

  “Lady’s choice.” Sean winked.

  Chapter 17


  Emma wound up ordering the cheesecake for her, and the pears soaked in brandy for Sean. He didn’t seem too keen on her choice for him, but he said he would muddle through as, if nothing else, he had her dessert to fall back on.

  “It’s good to try new things every once in a while, you know, it won’t hurt you.”

  “I was the guy who used to host lavish parties on my boat for leagues of strangers every night—I know all about trying new things, Emma. Now I tend to stick to what works for me.”

  “So…you’re boring now?” she quipped, enjoying the fire her comment lit behind his eyes as he stumbled for a response. “It sounds to me like you got complacent.”

  “Oh yeah? Let me look at the planner that’s bulging out of the side of your purse and we’ll see the last time you did something off the books, shall we?” Sean smirked, crossing his arms. “I’ve caught you there, haven’t I?”

  Emma’s lips pursed and she assessed her opponent. Their verbal sparring had her pulse racing, and Sean was still completely sexy as he lounged back in his chair, his plate of brandy pears untouched.

  She made sure to make her moan extra loud and oh-so teasing as she went for another bite of creamy, delicious cheesecake. Having closed her eyes in exaggerated bliss, she opened them just the smallest bit to watch his reaction.

  The man sitting across from her all but flinched at her heavenly noises. He was eating out of the palm of her hand.

  “That’s not playing fair and you know it,” Sean said. “I don’t have the lips or the ability to eat my dessert in any way that comes close to sensual, Emma. You’re playing dirty.”

  “So what if I am?” she goaded softly, licking her lips, the wine having gone to her head.

  Nothing in the world made more sense to her right now than wiping the slate clean and going back to square one with Sean. Few things could erase the past ten years; hell, even the last twenty-four hours, when she had gotten her devastating news. But there was nothing more comforting or distracting in the world than the connection of two bodies between the sheets. And she wanted nothing more than to rekindle that connection with the good doctor—tonight.

  Sean certainly didn’t seem opposed to the idea. Emma had noticed him scoping her out from the second she had gotten to the restaurant and their whole dinner had been a whirlwind of flirting, exposure, and fanning an old flame that had never truly died for either of them. Ten years ago, Sean had made it abundantly clear that things between them were beyond over. So if it was up to her to make the first move this time? That was A-okay.

  She started things off right by slipping her foot out of her high heel and running it delicately up his foot, his ankle, and up past his calf until she was flirting with his thigh. She could sense his muscles tensing even through his khakis and she loved the power building through her system. For the first time in a solid day, she felt in control of something in her body again. She was navigating these hot waters and her body was along for the ride. Sex? That was something she and her body could agree on.

  “Time to see if the second time is as memorable as the first,” she murmured, easing her foot in between his legs while Sean went rigid, his eyes wide.

  “Excuse me?” he said thickly. “I didn’t quite catch that.”

  “Oh, nothing.” Emma grinned, continuing her little game of footsie under the table.

  “Meet me by the bathrooms in two minutes.” Sean grinned, wolfish, as he squeezed her foot and gently led her back to the ground. “We’ll continue this there.”

  His confident tone drove a wedge of deep desire into her abdomen and she licked her lips as he stood up from the table.

  Eager to follow him, she more than enjoyed the view as Sean walked away leading the way back toward the restrooms. A million and one ideas crossed her mind over what he had in his head to do with her once she got there, but she didn’t have to wait long as she counted in her head, placed her napkin on the table, and subtly made her way towards the back hallway that led to the restrooms.

  She made it halfway down the hallway before his arms wrapped around her waist and he guided her up against the back wall with enough force to drive her breath out in a sharp gasp.

  “Is this what you had in mind?” he whispered against her ear, leaving a trail of small, teasing kisses along her neck that made her shudder with delight. “We shouldn’t even be doing this, you know. I could get my license stripped away from me.”

  “No, I’m no longer your patient until the next consultation, if there is one. I don’t see any gray or even blurry lines in any of this, and I should know—I’m a lawyer.”

  He laughed against her sensitive skin. A low, sexy rumble that tightened things down below as goosebumps climbed her arms and legs, her fingers working their way under his coat, greedy for more of him. His flesh was hot, hard muscle and she couldn’t get enough.

  “I’ve been wanting to do this since you first walked in my practice and I realized who you were, do you know that? To finally have my hands on you again…fuck, it feels too good to be true.” He groaned low in her ear, capturing her lobe between his teeth. “I want you, Emma.”

  She bit back a moan and dug her nails into the flesh of his back, arching into his kiss and undeniably hungry for whatever was on their plate for the rest of the night.

  “Take me home. Take me anywhere. I need you. Now.”

  He laughed, low, dark and full of promise. The seductive sound sent a pleasurable shudder down her spine as he licked down the column of her neck before giving her one last chaste kiss on the lips.

  “Your wish is my command, my lady.”

  He grabbed her hand and she noticed they were both trembling. The knowledge made her melt inside as her legs trembled from the fast and dirty make-out session.

  As Sean led her through the restaurant to pay their bill, Emma knew that tonight would be one for the memory bank. Clearly, the chemistry between them was as strong as it had ever been.

  Every second they waited for the receipt and then a cab felt like a lifetime. Especially as he caressed her hand with his thumb in delicate, teasingly slow strokes that told her exactly what h
e planned on doing to the rest of her body as soon they got to his house.

  “After you.” Sean held open the cab door and she slid into the smooth leather interior as he gave the driver the address. “There’s an extra twenty in it for you if you make it quick.”

  Emma giggled and leaned her head back on the seat, smiling at his audacity. “You really can’t wait that long?”

  His hand squeezed around hers where it had rested since he pulled her away from the hallway in the restaurant. “What? You’re telling me that after ten years you’re full of boundless patience?”

  He tried to keep a straight face, but there was no way. His hazel eyes gleaned with mirth as he dipped down to meet her lips in another passionate kiss. A kiss that seemed to wipe out everything else in existence.

  Emma’s head became a rush of hormones and carnal instincts, launching her rational thought somewhere into the stratosphere. It wasn’t until the cab came to a jerky stop that threw them both against their seat belts that she reluctantly drew apart from him.

  “Here we are, lovebirds. That’ll be an extra twenty, pal.”

  After paying the driver, Sean ushered her up to his penthouse apartment so fast that she barely had time to take in the view of the place. One moment she was standing in the foyer as he slipped of her coat and the next she was in his arms as she linked her thighs around his waist, his large hands cupping her bottom as he moved them both into what she assumed was his bedroom. By the time he had laid her out on the bed, his heavy and delicious weight anchoring their midsections together, she could barely breathe for wanting him.

  “You’re sure this is what you want?” he whispered, nose to nose, as he looked into her eyes. “Today has been rough for both of us. I understand if…”

  Emma’s eyes widened as he started to pull away, doubts clearly clouding his mind. But she wouldn’t let him go far as she tugged him down again, covering his protests with her mouth, her teeth, her tongue. As she drew back, both breathing heavy, he still had questions swirling in the back of his eyes.

  “I want you, Sean. I’m absolutely sure of it. I need this, don’t you?”

  “Absolutely,” he moaned, all masculine hunger and greedy promise. “I’ve waited ten long years to taste you again, and I fully intend to savor every moment.”

  Chapter 18


  The next morning was a déjà vu as Emma woke up on her side of the bed and rolled over, pressing the sheets against her chest. No Sean.

  She swallowed and closed her eyes, summoning the courage to check and see if his side of the bed was cool to the touch. As her hands skimmed over the rumpled, still-warm sheets, she let out a sigh she hadn’t known she had been holding inside. God, they really had to have a conversation about leaving a note or something before he left the morning after; making the same mistake twice was ridiculous.

  Emma took the moment to fall back to the pillows, basking in the memories of the night they had together. Every moment had truly been something to be savored, from the first time to the fourth time, and all the little talks, naps, and naughty fun in between. She’d barely slept, but she didn’t regret a bit of the lost sleep. Even if, judging by the bright light streaming through the curtains, she would be late to work for the first time in her entire career.

  A loud bang sounded somewhere outside the bedroom and she startled, coming out of her silken cocoon of bedsheets.

  “Sean? Are you okay out there?”

  “How did you know it was me and not some intruder stalking my penthouse?” he teased, his footsteps drawing closer to the half-closed door before he stuck his head in the room. “I’m sorry I woke you. I tried to stay as quiet as possible so you could get your rest.”

  “It’s no big deal, although you could take to leaving a note or something. Just a thought.”

  “Mmm, I’ll remember that for next time.” He came into the room and kissed her with a confidence that stole her breath before he pulled back, his eyes still roving every inch of her body.

  “Oh, a next time, huh?” she said cheekily. “So we’re not playing by the same rules as ten years ago where you feed me a last meal and kick me out?”

  “How could I pull that off again? You know my last name and where I work now,” he teased as she threatened him with a pillow. “Ah-ah, play rough and you’ll distract me from my culinary masterpiece.”

  “So you don’t think after this morning we’ll be parting ways for another ten years?” Emma asked tentatively, suddenly pensive as she idly played with the blanket in her lap. She was unable to look at him, remembering the way it had felt back then to leave the yacht knowing she was leaving behind something special. “I don’t want to…”

  “I’m sorry, Emma. I was young and an ass and I didn’t know what I was doing, only that I was trying not to hurt you in the process. But by trying not to hurt you at all, I hurt you even more, which wasn’t my intent.”

  His hand underneath her chin, he tipped up her head until he locked eyes with her, a warm, slightly sad smile on his face. “I never would have hurt you if I didn’t think I had a good reason for doing it. Please believe me.”

  Emma nodded, quietly digesting his long overdue apology, and she realized the emotions she was holding onto didn’t hold a candle to the bridges the two of them had forged since meeting again. The Sean and Emma they were now were so changed from the past, they had come so far, that to worry over the same set of events transpiring wasn’t realistic.

  “I know,” she said softly. “We both needed to grow on our own before coming back together. You weren’t ready and if we had entertained anything like last night back then, it would have been an utter disaster. Consider the slate wiped clean, okay?”

  “Perfect. Come here, baby.” Sean leaned in and kissed her lips, nose, forehead, and cheeks, making her squirm underneath all of the attention. “What do you have on your plate today?”

  “Um…” Emma looked toward her planner, still tucked in her purse in the corner of his room where she had carelessly dropped it the night before. “I don’t know without consulting a few things.”

  “Well, you consult and clear as much from your schedule as you can while I finish making breakfast. I have a surprise for you and I think you’re going to love it.”

  “Sean? You can’t spring something like that on me with no notice!” She looked up at him, incredulous as he shrugged his shoulders, clearly not concerned in the least about what she had to do to make things happen for them.

  “Trust me. It’ll be worth it. Try and clear the next two weeks, if you can.”

  “You’re out of your mind.” Emma scoffed, crossing her arms as she got out of bed and collected her planner, flipping through it as her mind worked overtime trying to juggle everything she would have to move around to make this happen. “You get me for this morning and then that’s it.”

  She put her foot down, staring at him over the rim of her planner, uncaring that the sheet had fallen off her naked body and he was staring at her as if she was a steak he wanted to devour.

  “Don’t even—”

  There was no time to get the words out. Not before he had swept her up in his arms, making her drop her planner to the floor before he laid her out on the bed again and quickly started shedding his own clothes.

  “What about the food? Your culinary masterpiece?” she protested lightly, even as his mouth traveled from her collarbone to her chest.

  “We’ll get takeout. This is much more important, don’t you agree?”

  His muffled voice made her shudder and pretty soon nothing else mattered as logic left and her hands clamped in his hair.

  Some two hours later, Sean was on his phone ordering brunch from the restaurant down the street while Emma lay basking in the sweet afterglow that was quickly turning into bemused puzzlement as to what they were doing together that required her to take the next two weeks off work. No matter how much she badgered him, she hadn’t been able to get Sean to give her the answers she needed. He
was uncrackable.

  “When was the last time you had a vacation? I bet I can guess, and I’m betting that it was the last time you were with me, am I right?” he asked after he hung up the phone and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “You deserve a break, Emma. Anything else you have going on can take a breather until you get back, rejuvenated and ready to take on the world, right?”

  She relished the hard, comforting weight of his chest as she toyed with the idea he was dangling in front of her. He did have a point. She could hardly be blamed for taking her first break in almost ten years, especially after what had happened between them. It made sense to get away for a while, escape the everyday stresses—especially when the idea of going back to her apartment nearly made her blink back tears again.

  She wasn’t ready to be alone. As much as logic dictated that she should get back into the swing of things as soon as possible, there would be plenty of time to relive and digest the horrors of her loss in the old, familiar places. At least with Sean at her side, in a possibly beautiful location, perhaps the wound would have time to seal over faster and with a little less lasting hurt. As the rightness of the vacation soaked through her thoughts, Emma turned to Sean and lightly kissed him.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” He looked bemused, his eyebrows reaching toward the sky. “What did I do in the last five minutes that warranted a thank-you?”

  “A lot of things, you just didn’t know it.” She smiled softly and leaned her head back on his shoulder with a small, content sigh. “I’ll go on vacation with you, on one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  “Absolutely no canoes this time.”

  Sean broke out in a surprised bark of laughter that vibrated through her back against his chest.

  “You have my word, no canoes.”

  “Will there be any boats at all? Where are we going, anyway?”


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