The Elementalist: Journey to Zlorta: Adult Fantasy Paranormal Novel (Elementalist and Guardian Series Book 1)
Page 17
“Angel, get her out of here. Keep her safe.” Micheal yelled.
Angel took off in the opposite direction of the city. Sarah clung to the saddle, her heart racing. Once they were a suitable distance away, Angel turned back to the battle. Micheal had dismounted and stood like an ant in front of the huge plant.
“Isn’t she beautiful, Micheal?” Villosa said as she emerged from a tangle of vines high atop the plant.
Micheal didn’t reply and summoned his sword. Vines grew out of the ground around him and slashed at him. Their thorns glinted in the sunlight and he dodged left then right to keep ahead of them.
The plant roared in pain as he sliced through the vines. Red liquid splashed the surrounding ground. He hacked at the vines, getting closer and closer to the plant. The plant roared in rage and dove its mouth at him. He dodged to the left and rolled across the sands. Its petals scraped against him and it was like sandpaper through his cloak. He slashed at the petals and the red liquid splashed over him. The smell of decay floated in the air around him.
The plant rose above him again. It gnashed its teeth at him and he dodged back. As it rose back up, he grabbed onto a petal and climbed. He knew the plant would attack till it ate him or Villosa was dead. A blue striped tongue came out of its maw and grabbed him, slamming him back to the ground.
Villosa laughed from above him. She grinned wickedly down at him. She blew him a kiss as the tongue lifted him into the air again. Just as the tongue retracted, Villosa screamed. In her left shoulder, an arrow protruded. She looked at it in shock and then glared out into the desert. Micheal slashed his sword through the tongue and fell to the sands.
He looked out into the desert and saw Sarah notching another arrow as she sat on Angel. Her face was set in determination as she let the arrow fly. Villosa fell back into her vines and disappeared. The arrow sunk deep in the vines where she had once stood.
Sarah growled in frustration as she watched the dryad disappear. Angel pranced as the ground shifted under them. Vines grew out of the sands and Villosa stepped out. She snarled at Sarah and charged her. Angel sidestepped her. Sarah grabbed her short sword and dagger. She slid from Angel’s back and faced the dryad.
Villosa turned and looked at her. Anger filled the dryad’s eyes.
“So the little bird has claws. Do you really think you can take me?”
Villosa slashed out at her with razor-sharp claws. Sarah dodged to her left and swung her sword through Villosa’s left claws. The sword cut through them like butter. Villosa howled and jumped back from Sarah.
Sarah watched as the dryad’s claws grew back. Vines grew up around Sarah and she gasped. They formed a cage around her. Angel touched each vine with her horn, the vines withered away and turned to dust. Sarah sliced through the vines as Angel worked to free her.
Sarah rushed out of the cage and kicked Villosa in the chest, knocking the dryad back. She brought her sword down on Villosa’s left side. Villosa blocked it but did not see the dagger that Sarah buried in her right breast. She screamed and backed away.
Sarah didn’t let up though, she continued to slash at Villosa as she retreated. Her short sword hacked at the dryad’s arms and chest. Villosa used her arms to deflect her blows, but the sword cut deep into them. The dryad cried out and fell onto her back. Sarah gripped her sword with both hands, she raised it above her head. She plunged it down, aiming for Villosa’s chest. Just as she was about to make contact, vines grew around the dryad. Sucking her down into the red sands. The sword buried into nothing but earth.
Sarah leapt back and looked around. Villosa was nowhere to be seen. Micheal still fought the plant, but it froze in mid-fight. The roots of the plants turned brown and climbed up the face of it. In a matter of seconds, the plant was all brown. Micheal summoned a spear and tossed it at the center of the flower. On contact, the plant exploded into a million shards of rock.
Sarah mounted Angel and rode toward Micheal. Once she was close, she dismounted and launched herself into his arms. He pulled her close and sighed.
“Never do that again. I almost had a heart attack, thinking of you facing off against her alone.”
Sarah smiled and hugged him tighter.
“Let’s get you in the city before something else happens.”
Sarah watched as the doors closed on Micheal, Lucifer, and Angel. Before entering the city, he had removed her bracelet that blocked her powers. She had worn it for so long, she had forgotten about it. He kissed her wrist and slipped the bracelet into a pocket in his cloak.
Sarah felt an ache spreading in her chest as the gates shut with a resounding boom. She didn’t want to leave him but knew it was necessary. She had to learn her powers to defeat Antony. An arm slung around her shoulder.
“They will be okay. Tabitha will get you trained and you will be reunited again.”
She looked up into the eyes of the old man that had met them. His name was Thibus Adus, and he was friends with Tabitha Mortem. He led her away from the gate and deeper into the city. The further from the gate she got, the heavier her heart felt.
Sneak Peek of the next book in the Elementalist and Guardian Series
The Elmentalist: Allsanore
Chapter One
Micheal stared into Sarah’s eyes as the gate to Zlorta shut. As she was obscured from his gaze, he hung his head and sighed. He closed his eyes and pictured Sarah as she stood on the other side of the massive white and black gate. Her platinum blonde hair blowing in the breeze. Deep green eyes twinkled with unshed tears. Her delicate face in an expression of sadness from having to leave him. He wanted to imprint her image in his memory. He gathered up Lucifer’s reins and nodded to Angel.
Lucifer shook his black mane, the sunlight shining off his black coat, and walked beside Micheal. Nudging his shoulder now and then in comfort. Angel followed slowly behind them, her gait one of sadness and longing. Her iridescent horn sent rainbows across the sands. Her pure white mane and coat bright in the desert sun. He led them back to the oasis that Sarah and he had visited before approaching the city.
Tall palm trees and green brush crowded the banks. The clear teal waters of the pool sparkled in the afternoon sun. Little fish of various colors swam across the surface of the water, seeking food from him. He unsaddled both horses and set up camp. His chest ached as he recalled the time Sarah and he had spent there. Images of her smile and echoes of her laughter filled his mind. He missed her already, and it hurt down to his bones.
“This will be home for a while, guys.” He said sadly as he unpacked.
Angel nudged him with her snout and leaned against his side. He smiled and grabbed a brush from his saddlebag. He brushed her down, then started on Lucifer. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. All centered on the woman he had left at the gate.
“I miss her too. Let’s hope her training is short and she will be with us again soon.”
Micheal laid down on his bedroll. Sarah’s lilac scent still clung to the covers. He took a deep breath and hoped she was doing well. Only casters were allowed in Zlorta and what magic he had came from Sarah. Their link had grown over the time they had spent together. He knew without a doubt that he loved her. He stared up at the grey skies and knew she was hurting.
Her emotions had always affected the weather. Micheal hoped she would not bring down rain. He had no cover out in the crimson sands. Her sorrow flowed down their bond, and he felt a tear escape his eye. He could only hope her training was quick as the sadness filled his heart.
Sarah watched Micheal as the gates closed on him. Tears stung the corner of her eyes and she felt an ache spreading through her. A part of her wanted to run back through the gates and fall into his arms. But the part of her that was more logical, knew she had to train to beat Antony. The knowledge did not help the pain she felt as the gates slammed with a resounding bang. The sound made her flinch in sadness. She swallowed the
lump in her throat and blinked back the tears. Overhead, the sky darkened with grey clouds and thunder rumbled in the distance.
“They will be okay. Tabitha will get you trained and you will be reunited again.”
Thibus Adus had thrown an arm around her shoulders and was steering her away from the gate gently. After introductions, he had explained that Shae had contacted him regarding her training with Tabitha Mortem. She studied him as they walked further into the city. His salt and pepper hair was thinning and wrinkles gathered around his eyes and mouth. He was of average height and wore a long flowing grey robe. His eyes were the color of a clear sky.
“Tabitha would have met you, but she is terribly forgetful and I thought it best if I met you at the gate. She lives in the Evocation District. You will stay with her while you are here.”
Thunder rumbled overhead. She looked up into the sky, seeing the grey clouds in the distance. Micheal had removed the bracelet from around her wrist. She had worn it til now to bind her magic. Without it, her emotions were affecting the weather. Sarah quickly bottled them up. She did not want a downpour to start. She thought of Micheal out in the desert with no shelter. Concentrating hard, she heard the thunder fade.
Sarah looked ahead and saw that the street they walked on was split in half. The right side of the street was a brilliant white. Buildings of matching white stone lined the street. The left side was a mirror image of the right but in a deep matte black.
“White is the Divination District. Black is the Necromancy District. The city can be confusing at first. Give it a few months and you will know it like the back of your hand.”
She nodded, hoping her training would not take that long. She worried about Micheal being away from her for too long. He had his elixir to keep his blood thirst at bay, but how long would it last him. She worried her bottom lip as she thought over the what ifs.
What if he isn’t on the other side when I am done? What will I do then? When I leave, will he have decided he doesn’t want me anymore? Will he decide I am too much trouble?
The street ended at a circular park with trees and bushes. The trees were tall and full. Their bark was smooth and a dark gray. The leaves were of varying shades of green. Their canopies towered over her and blotted out the sun. The grass was a deep green and looked incredibly soft. She had the urge to kick off her shoes and step on it.
The black and white colors curved at her feet and followed the curvature of the park. Red, yellow, grey, green, blue, and purple joined with the black and white. They made a rainbow border around the curb that bordered the park. The paths through the park were all the colors stacked like a rainbow. Every so many feet black metal benches were situated off the paths. Squirrels and birds chittered and chirruped in the trees. Occasionally a bunny could be seen scampering from one bush to another.
“The Fairview park is a neutral area. All sects care for it, and it is a haven from fights between different sects. On the other side of the park is the Free Market. It is neutral as well and all may sell their wares.”
“Is there a lot of fighting in the city? I thought that there was no bloodshed allowed in Zlorta.”
“Bloodshed is strictly forbidden. Occasionally, someone might be transformed into a squirrel or frozen in place. Fights occur, after all we are human. It is usually because of a matter of differing opinions. But blood is never shed.”
He led her around the park and followed the red line in the rainbow road.
“Tabitha is very skilled. She was a transmuter before she studied evocation. Few wizards or witches choose two sects to study. She will be a brilliant teacher.”
“What are the sects and what does each do?”
“Well, there is necromancy. As I said before, it is the black section of the city. They manipulate the life force of things. Most of them just raise the dead and use them as slave labor. Harmless really, but some do more devious things. Steer clear of that area.”
“Divination is the white area. They collect and acquire knowledge. Past, present, and future. They adore their books and really pay attention to anything else. They usually have their heads so far off in the clouds, nothing ever is accomplished.”
He chuckled at his own remark and smiled at her.
“Next to the white section is the grey Conjuration District. They specialize in instantaneous transportation and summoning. I am part of this sect. I hope that you will come visit with me once you are settled, if Tabitha allows it.”
“The Enchantment District is next, marked in purple. Enchanters focus on influencing one’s mind or behavior. This can be through a trinket or a direct spell. They love anything shiny, so keep your valuables hidden when in that district.”
“Illusion is next to the enchantment district. Their chosen color is blue. They specialize in illusions, of course. Their area is the most beautiful of the city. Too bad it is all fake. Strip away the illusion and it is a filthy mess. How they live like that is beyond me.”
He shuddered and continued.
“The green section is the Abjuration District. They make blocking, banishing, and protective spells. They are usually sought after for exorcism. Very self-righteous people. Think they are better than the other sects. Which is not true. Just because you can cast out demons and the like, don’t make you closer to the Gods or Goddesses.”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“Yellow is next to Abjuration. It is the Transmutation District. They change matter. Got a lump of coal, they can change it to gold. Someone pestering you, they can polymorph them. The park is full of rabbits and squirrels because of them.”
Sarah gasped and looked around the park. The animals went about their day without a worry.
“Do they realize that they are polymorphed?”
“Well, yes and no. It depends on how long they have been polymorphed. If it is in the last few days, yes. If it has been a few weeks, months, or years, no. They only know the primal needs that a bunny or squirrel feels. Food, water, reproduce, and sleep. They lose their humanity quickly.”
“Can’t you change them back?”
“Yes, if we know about it. But unfortunately we can’t know which ones are real bunnies and which ones aren’t. If a wizard knows that he has been polymorphed, he can try to get another wizard’s attention. Unfortunately, most spell casters will hold the wizard til he loses his humanity, then release him into the park.”
He tugged her away from the park and led her down a red road. All the surrounding buildings were the same bright red. Occasionally a decoration on a home would be a different color, but mostly the primary color was red.
“The last section is red for Evocation. They manipulate raw magical energy. Lightning, fire, bitter cold, you name it. They can only usually focus on one or two elements, though. Here we are. Tabitha’s humble abode.”
Sarah looked up at the two story red stone house. The building was bigger than most of the others on the street and not at all humble. It took up most of the block it was on. Thibus led her up red steps to the large double doors. He smiled at her and pulled on the cord next to the entrance. She could faintly hear a bell chiming inside the home.
The door flew open, and a disheveled woman stood looking at them. Her hair was grey and hung in a tangled mess around her shoulders. Wrinkles creased her face, and she glared at them both. Her eyes were big and grayish blue. Her lips were thin pink lines that she had compressed in annoyance. She was dressed in a red dress that was wrinkled and looked charred in spots. Over the top of it she wore a yellow apron that hung on her thin frame crookedly. She was a tiny woman, only coming to Sarah’s shoulder.
“What do you want?” She said gruffly.
“Tabitha, it’s Thibus. Put your glasses on.”
“Thibus, what the hell are you doing here? And who is with you? I am in the middle of a very important experiment. Top secret stuff.”
“This is Sarah, the elementalist. The one you said you would train.”
“Sarah... Sarah�
�� Don’t remember a Sarah. Are you sure I said that?” She said as she scratched at her chin.
“Tabitha, let us in. And get your damn glasses on.”
The woman huffed and walked back into the house. Thibus rolled his eyes and motioned for Sarah to proceed into the house. Walking into the foyer, Sarah saw curved staircases on each side of the walls. A chandelier hung far above her. It was covered in cobwebs and dust. All around the room were books. Some stacked higher than the staircase and touched the chandelier. Everything had a thick layer of dust. It looked like a book hoarder’s home.
Noise could be heard further into the house. Thibus gently guided Sarah through a door to her right by her elbow. They had to bend and crouch to get through all the books. They walked through a doorway and Sarah found herself in what looked like a workshop. Tables lined the walls and were piled high with objects and tools. Tools were hung on hooks, some in poor condition. Rust collected on hinges and working parts. Most of it was covered with the same thick dust. Books were scattered all over the floor in disarray. In the middle of the room, a green fire burned under a large black cauldron.
Tabitha was pulling things off a table and tossing all of it into a corner. She grunted and pulled a pair of rather thick glasses out of the pile. She dusted them off on her apron and positioned them on her face. Blinking a few times, she glanced around. The glasses magnified her eyes, and she squinted through them.
“Thibus, what is this all about? Who is this Sarah and why would I train her? I really do not have the time.”
“Tabitha, she is right here! My gods, woman. You drive me to drink. Shae, remember Shae? She asked you to train Sarah. Sarah is King Ronan and Queen Alavara’s daughter. Think, woman, think.”
Tabitha stroked her chin and looked off into the distance. She walked up to Sarah and looked her up and down. She gripped Sarah’s chin, pulled her down and peered into her eyes.