The Nameless One

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The Nameless One Page 6

by Lily Adile Lamb

  “I am ready to go back home now.” She spoke softly as she watched him with her intense eyes. Although he felt his heart almost burst with joy and impatience to get close to Faine, the nameless one politely nodded his head.

  “Then we shall leave right now, my lady.” When he saw her smile with knowing eyes, he was aware that she knew what was in his heart at the moment.

  The nameless one flew her to the edge of the forest where he had picked her up. The trees moaned and whispered as if she had been gone for ages, but what made him smile was the way Sylvonna squealed as she opened her arms toward the trees. Knowing she was back safe and sound, he did not waste his time, and opened his wings to return to Faine.

  “Wait!” The fairy of the forest called out. The nameless one turned with his wings still open, gently making motions as if they couldn’t wait to lift him up.

  “If you ever need me, just come here and call out for me.” She smiled at him before she turned and walked into the forest. Once she disappeared, the nameless one flew back to the mountain as fast as possible.

  He watched over Faine all through the night, listening to the wind outside, while Faine slept without waking up. The blizzard stopped by the morning, and the man seemed more comfortable, for he no longer thrashed and tried to push away his felt cape. It took just over a day for him to wake up. When the nameless one heard Faine’s whimpers, he walked to the man, who was rubbing his forehead. It was dark in the cave as the fireflies had gone away and the fire burnt out long ago. The nameless one could see Faine clearly in the dark, but he knew the human was totally lost in the cave as it was very dark. He watched as Faine sat up hesitantly and tried to see his surroundings.

  “Are you here?” Faine whispered loudly, making the nameless one smile for the first time since he found him unconscious.

  “Yes, I am here. Lift your hand to your left. Sylvonna left berries for you. You were very sick so I had to rush to the forest to ask for Sylvonna’s help.”

  He heard Faine gasped with worry, so he interrupted the human. “But she left a long time ago. It seemed all you needed was for her to make a poultice for the lump on your head. You are fine now,” he reassured the human quickly.

  The whole time the nameless one spoke, he watched Faine reach to his left and find the berries with tentative movements. As he ate them, the nameless one watched him quietly.

  “Want some water?” he asked. Faine shook his head. He could see the human already looked tired.

  “Lie down. You need to rest,” he murmured to put the man at ease. When he saw Faine nodding off and laying on his side, the nameless one stood silent, watching him sleep, but this time the human slept peacefully.

  The nameless one cared for the human quietly, always making sure the man had his water and meals Sylvonna prepared for him. Every night the trees called him to pick up stews, berries and nuts for Faine. He didn’t mind the awkward flights to carry the warm pots of stew, tightly wrapped in a blanket, along with leaves to brew tea for Faine.

  Each day, Faine woke up looking stronger, able to stay awake longer and always asking questions about the mountain, the surviving sheep or anything that piqued his curiosity.

  “Are you happy here, nameless?”

  “Nameless, I am bored, talk to me…”

  “Nameless, do you want to hear something funny?”

  The nameless one never lost his patience, always answering the man’s questions. The man had a naturally cheerful soul, always looking for reasons to laugh and always noticing the goodness in things. However, the nameless one could see Faine was slowly becoming frustrated at not being able to see the nameless one, for he was always careful to hide his body from him. He made sure the fireflies never revealed him to Faine. He wanted to show himself but he was worried that the man would be scared of his looks. His heart was heavy with worry that the man would be bored and leave him one day.

  “Can I see you now?” Faine asked as he tilted his head to one side, with eyes wide open as if by some miracle he could start seeing the nameless one in the dark.

  The nameless one felt his heart skip a beat, so he quickly asked Faine, “Do you want more nuts? I can bring some to you. I know I can go to Sylvonna and ask for your flute. Would you like that Faine,” But he grimaced when he saw the man bite his lip as he frowned, almost as if he knew what the nameless one’s attempt to distract him was intended to do.

  Faine’s voice lost his hopeful chirpy tone as he responded, “Oh. Okay. If it’s not too much of a bother… Yes, please.”

  Even though he knew the human was disappointed at the way the conversation changed, the nameless one was desperate, so he clung to his last hope and flew to the forest.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was cold outside with heavy snow drifting down. It wasn’t in his nature to like the cold but the nameless one accepted the cold almost freezing his wings. He took this as a punishment for hiding from what the trees said that Faine was his mate.

  For so long he was alone, the human was the first one who showed interest in him and seemed to enjoy his company. He knew humans liked comfort, and the caves offered minimal comfort for a human. He had no power other than that over the fire…. He was a creature of fire. It was the brass bottle that gave him the power to grant wishes. This was the first time he wished he had the power to make the cave more like what he thought would make Faine happy.

  He couldn’t change what he was or who he was, nor did he ever want that. For the nameless one, to deny your very nature was like rejecting your very existence, just like the Elders did. He wouldn’t do that… Never! I am who I am and what I am.

  By the time he reached the forest, the trees were quiet, as if they sensed his despair. He thought, maybe the forest knew what happened up in the mountain. He realized both the mountain and the forest were connected, ever since he brought Sylvonna into the cave the day Faine was injured.

  He was too upset and worried to talk, but never too unhappy to forget his manners.

  “Greetings” he said quietly, bowing to the forest and showing his respect.

  He heard the warm whisper, which reached his ears. “Welcome, nameless. Sylvonna is waiting for you.” He watched the poison ivy open a path for him as the trees greeted him.

  He sighed with concern while he walked to Sylvonna’s cottage.

  He saw the door was already open with Sylvonna waiting for him. The nameless one watched how she serenely stood waiting for him, folding her hands at her front.

  As he reached her door, she stood aside to let him in.

  “Thank you, my lady. I came to ask for Faine’s flute.” He spoke respectfully with his hands resting on his side and head down. He couldn’t look at her face for fear that she would sense his hopelessness. He didn’t want to talk… he just wanted to fly back to the cave and hide.

  She dropped her head a little sideways as she asked softly, “I’ll bring one of his flutes, Nameless, but I can see you need to talk. Tell me why you look so sad.”

  “I am guessing you already know why, my lady.” He answered as he lifted his head to see her face.

  Her gentle smile almost made his aching heart burst in flames. “It isn’t my trouble to voice. It is yours, nameless one.”

  He watched her close the door and turn to him. He spoke in a gravelly voice, “Faine wants me to show my face to him.”

  Sylvonna smiled. “It’s natural that he wants to see the face of his savior.”

  He sighed impatiently. “Yes, true but he probably expects to see the face of a human…not this face.”

  “Ahh… Have you ever considered that Faine may not care whether you are a human or beast, that he may love you for having a kind heart and mind? Maybe he won’t care that you are either? You being who you are, may be enough for him?”

  The nameless one felt choked up at what she said. “I don’t know, Sylvonna. My heart is full of fears.”

  She walked closer to him. “What if he is falling in love with the kindness and goodness fro
m your heart? Don’t his eyes light up when you come close to him and talk to him?”

  He had to clear his throat several times before he whispered in shame, “But I’m not good, am I? You know I was a slave to a bottle, and had to grant vile wishes as well as kind ones.”

  When he felt her hand touching his arm, he shivered at the power passing through his body as, if she wanted to wash away his hurt. The soothing but strong power travelled through his body before it went to the earth. “Dear one, you had no power to change anything until you had the opportunity. You were the victim and they were the perpetrators of their own crimes. Do you love him with all his humanly frailties?”

  The nameless one tried to keep his wings cool, as they wanted to go up in flames along with his rising hope. All he could do was watch her and listen to what she was trying to tell him. “Nameless one, genuine love is unconditional and it does not judge. True loving is about finding the equilibrium of letting go and moving forward. Are you ready to move forward and show him who you truly are? Your aching heart wants to be healed. You can free yourself too by accepting what life is about.”

  He couldn’t help feeling a single hot tear roll down his cheek and drop to the ground. The tear sizzled on the earthen ground and turned to a small pebble. “I want a home where love waits for me… where I am accepted.”

  Sylvonna stood on her toes to reach the nameless one’s cheeks. “Boy, don’t you know you are already home?” She then tapped where his heart beat. “You are home. Everything you seek you already have. You are loved and, on top of that, he loves you too. Help him to see you and love you more. Take away the barriers and meet him with total openness.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The nameless one held on to the precious flute as he flew back. He was shaken… he was happy… he was frightened. He was ready to let go and embrace life as it was now. He had his freedom, his love and home, all within himself and extended to Faine and the mountain.

  As he entered the cave, he saw Faine sitting in the dark and biting his nails.

  “I don’t want to frighten you… I am not like you. I don’t want you to turn away in fright or disgust.” He tried to sound confident but his voice came out croaky.

  The shepherd spoke in hurt. “How do you know I would be scared or disgusted? We have been talking for days and days. Have I ever given you any reason to doubt me? When I held your hand, I felt something between us…I thought you felt it, too,”

  The nameless one shook his head to soothe Faine’s hurt.

  “What if I tell you I resemble a giant bat that could blaze itself?” he asked.

  “What if I told you, I don’t care?” the shepherd whispered, his eyes wide open in another attempt to see the nameless one.

  “What if I told you I am frightened in case you asked to leave immediately?” the nameless hit back, flittering his wings to give the human a hint.

  “What’s that?” The human stood suddenly in fear.

  “My wings…” The nameless one whispered shakily when he saw Faine’s reaction.

  “Oh. That’s okay, then. I thought we were not alone.” The human was wide-eyed, as if the more he opened his eyes, the more he might see everything in the pitch dark.

  “We are alone,” the nameless one whispered as he watched the human with interest.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “Close to you,” he whispered at the human. He watched him hugging his cape as tightly as possible for a while, and then saw him sighing.

  The shepherd patted the place on his right. “Come closer, I’m cold again.” The nameless one doubted that the man was cold, but when he saw the small smile on his face, he opened his eyes wide in surprise. He wondered whether the man was using an excuse to have him close. He walked carefully toward Faine, letting his wings gently scrape the ground.

  “Hang on. How come I am not in pain?” Faine asked, as he touched his upper torso to feel his wounds, that were already healing.

  “I know I was bitten many times and I thought I was about to die. What did you do to me?”

  “I helped you to heal faster,” he murmured, his eyes following Faine’s every move.

  “How?” the man asked outright.

  The nameless one stood uncertain, not knowing how to explain to the human, so in the end, he sighed and answered, “I licked your wounds.”

  His jaw nearly dropped when he heard Faine laughing loudly. “You licked me?”

  “Yes. I licked you, human. Remember I am a beast of some sort,” he answered almost petulantly, nursing his bruised pride.

  “Tell me what kind of beast of sorts you are, then?” Faine asked softly, still trying to see the nameless one. “You’re in front of me, aren’t you? Can I touch you, please?” the shepherd asked when the nameless one did not answer.

  He heard the human’s loud gulp and he took a step closer. He felt the earth under his feet shift as if to bring him closer to the human. His heart beat faster, but he also trusted his friend’s judgment, so he stood still to give time and opportunity to the human.

  He watched the human drop his cape and rub his chest as if to calm his nerves, and then lick his lips. This was a nervous habit, because the nameless one had seen him doing it before many times. He had generous lips worthy of kissing and adoring, he thought.

  When the human took a step closer to him, this time it was the nameless one who gulped. The man’s first tentative touch reached his chest, which was coated with light and soft hair. Ohh…the touch of another to his body shook him to his core. It was a warm hand, albeit a tentative and curious one, rather than a passionate one.

  “You have fine and slight fur,” he whispered in wonder, making the nameless one nod, totally forgetting that the human could not see him in the dark.

  The next touch came to his arm, sliding from his wrist to his shoulder, far higher than the human’s.

  “You have a wing made of soft skin.” He lifted the nameless one’s arm to touch the thin layer of skin that attached itself to his back, separated from his arms. The human’s fingertips slid slowly down the nameless one’s arms to his hands. “And I know your hands are like mine, only with little long sharp nails. It’s almost like a cape but a live, warm and velvety one.”

  The nameless one saw the human’s first tentative smile, making him sigh softly and relax. He leaned forward slightly and took a small breath to smell him. The human smelt fresh and clean. His body odor had a lemon scent, making him wonder whether Faine bathed in lemon infused soap.

  “I’m just a creature with a power over fire….” he answered in a hoarse tone of voice.

  “A creature with a power over fire, huh. You have a voice that soothes my soul and warmth that feels warmer than fire in the stove, yet it does not burn me.” Both of Faine’s hands roamed all over the nameless one’s body, until his hand brushed the creature’s crotch, making him jump in surprise.

  Both stood frozen, fully realizing the cock that Faine touched was an erect cock and the meaning of it was obvious.

  “You desire me?” he asked as he tried to see the nameless one, particularly his hardened member. The nameless one’s wings shook in fear and shame that the man had touched him so intimately. He took a step back.

  “No! Don’t go! Stay, please!” Faine took a quick step forward, misjudging the nameless one’s step. When he collided with the creature’s tall muscular body, Faine stood frozen.

  “Stay…I want to touch you more,” the human commanded as he rubbed the nameless one’s upper body. The nameless one’s insides melted. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t move, as his body refused to obey him. He stood awaiting the human’s next soft but inquisitive touches, filling the nameless one’s heart with boundless hope.

  The nameless one watched the human stand on his tiptoes as he reached to touch the nameless one’s face. “Your face is almost like my face, with only a hint of a down-like surface.” he spoke with wide eyes. Obviously, he was still trying to see what he touched. The tentative fi
ngers touched his lips. “Your lips are like my own, only yours are thin and wider …and you have tiny fangs,” the human said as his thumbs brushed against the nameless one’s canines. “And I know you don’t eat flesh, but only fruit and some nuts.” He smiled as his fingers stroked the nameless one’s bottom lips. As he watched the man’s expression, the nameless one touched Faine’s finger with his tongue.

  Faine gasped, but didn’t pull his finger back.

  “Your tongue is smooth but the tip is thinner. It almost tickles my finger.” Faine grinned as the creature kept prodding the finger with his tongue, enjoying it as he watched the man’s wondrous expression.

  The nameless one almost whimpered when the human stood higher, bringing both their lips closer, embracing in a way that they had never done before. The nameless one’s heart hammered as the tingles travelled all over his body. Hearing the human’s heart beating furiously encouraged the nameless one to touch the generously soft lips without moving for a few seconds. When he saw Faine closing his eyes upon their lips touching, the nameless one’s cock jumped.

  No one ever kissed him before, but he saw his masters kissing and doing more, so he knew what it meant. Faine’s lips felt warm, damp and soft against his own. As the human kissed his lips softly, the nameless one breathed Faine’s arousal. When he pushed his long and thinner tongue into the human’s mouth, he even tasted the sweet and fruity saliva from what the shepherd had eaten earlier, making him moan at the level of the intimacy. Both kissed each other tentatively without touching one another for a short while. He was sure the mountain heard their soft breaths and small whimpers but did nothing in response, which he took it as their way of showing approval to him.

  When the human stepped back he let him go, respecting the shepherd’s decision, thinking he changed his mind.


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