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Devilish Mate: Claimed By Lucifer Book Two

Page 20

by Briggs, Elizabeth;

  I nodded and grabbed a bottle of water. As I sipped it, my stomach settled a little, but the movement of the car from the backseat made me feel sick again. I wanted to yell at my body to get it together. This was so not the time.

  “Hungry?” Lucifer asked, then turned to Einial. "Do we have anything to eat?"

  "Yes, of course." She opened up a backpack full of an assortment of savory and sweet snacks.

  I nearly gagged but stopped myself in time as I shook my head. Then I spied a pack of plain crackers and snatched them before Einial closed it up again. “Thanks,” I muttered. “Just feeling all this stress, I guess.”

  Lucifer squeezed my leg as I opened the crackers. I nibbled them slowly, trying hard not to think about the whole eating thing. Just auto-pilot chew, chew, chew, swallow. Holy crap. A baby would be an insane complication. Huge. At the worst possible time in my life. But I couldn’t keep my hand from drifting towards my stomach. An insane complication, but also ours.

  As we left the city and drove along a highway flanked by thick greenery, I pushed the nausea to the back of my mind. It was nearly gone now, and really might’ve just been lingering effects from Pestilence’s power. A baby, no matter how incredible it would be, just wasn’t an option during this fight. Just to be safe, I’d take a pregnancy test as soon as this was over though.

  “Where is everyone?” I asked as we pulled up in front of the old ruins of the ancient city of Chichen Itza. I wasn't sure if I'd ever been here before, but it was obvious there should’ve been tourists everywhere. Yet nobody was waiting at the base of the long Mayan staircase or taking pictures of the ancient structures. “This place should be packed.”

  “I pulled some strings.” Lucifer made his influence sound like child’s play, but even now his reach still had the power to amaze me. “We have the site to ourselves today.”

  We parked the cars and got out, and I glanced around, taking it all in. There was a huge, flat, open area where the city had once stood, and thick greenery surrounded it on all sides, making this the perfect place to gather our allies and prepare for battle. The immense pyramid stood out in the distance, but there were other structures too, including an area with hundreds of stone columns lined up in rows. My love of history and mythology made me wish I could spend the day here like a tourist, learning everything about it.

  "That used to be a market," Lucifer said, nodding toward the rows of pillars. "This city was truly spectacular long ago."

  We approached the pyramid as everyone else got out of the cars and began to follow us. It was huge, with tens of thousands of limestone blocks, and the stones seemed to glow with an ethereal light as the sun sank in the horizon. I stared at the steep steps, and noticed serpent heads at the base. It was magnificent, and this close to it I felt a low thrum of power, like a subtle vibration in the air around me.

  "You feel it, don't you?" Lucifer asked, watching me closely.

  I nodded. "What is it? I felt the same thing at Stonehenge."

  “This pyramid exists in multiple realms,” Lucifer said. “As do many other old structures that humans consider wonders of the world. Like Stonehenge or the Tower of Jericho. The Great Pyramid of Giza. The World’s Biggest Ball of Twine.”

  “Twine?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “The imps.”

  Ah. That explained it.

  He ran his fingers along one of the ancient stones. "In the old days, these locations acted as bridges between the realms, and they were ruled by angels, demons, or fae. Back when the humans worshipped us as gods."

  The sun lowered behind the pyramid, bathing the world in a rainbow of reds and oranges, while we walked back toward the large, flat area of grass. Others had begun to gather in large numbers. Olivia and her mates, of course. Samael and Azazel and other loyal Fallen. Our surprise allies the gargoyles, led by their new Archdemon, Romana. Plus a large contingent of angels, including a group of Malakim healers that Archangel Raphael had brought.

  Archangel Gabriel stood among them. He was a handsome man with sand-colored hair and a welcoming face, the rare angel who looked more like a human than an immortal. We'd met multiple times back when I was Haniel, and I'd always liked him. I'd known Raphael a bit too, although more by reputation than anything—he was a huge flirt with dozens of children, all from different women over the years. He was also ridiculously handsome and charming, with shiny dark locks, olive skin, and a captivating smile.

  Everyone was busy preparing for battle, wielding weapons and wearing armor, while their leaders barked out orders. I felt completely underdressed, wearing something akin to my workout gear, and Lucifer had on one of his signature black suits. Armor wouldn't protect us from Pestilence's powers anyway. Better to be comfortable and able to move around with ease, I figured.

  While Lucifer conferred with Einial, I gazed across our impressive force, made up of both angels and demons—people who I'd never expect to fight side-by-side. An impending apocalypse brought together strange allies indeed.

  I walked over to Kassiel, my heart aching at the sight of him in his sleek, black battle gear. One son, going to fight another. We hugged each other tight, knowing this might be the end for one or both of us, and I prayed to whatever god might be listening to protect him.

  "Do you think we can save him?" Kassiel asked, and I knew he was speaking of his brother.

  "I don't know, but I won't stop trying." I took Kassiel's face in my hands and looked upon him, my heart overflowing with love, and then kissed him on the forehead. "I love you. Be safe out there."

  "Love you too, Mom."

  He had a few quiet words with Lucifer next, while Zel came over and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Remember everything I taught you and you'll be fine," she said.

  I hugged her close. "Don't die out there. I need you to watch my back."

  She huffed as she hugged me back. "As if anything could stop me from doing that."

  All around us people said what could be their final words to those they loved. Everyone here knew this was a battle many of us would not walk away from. If any of us did.

  Lucifer turned toward Gabriel, "Are we ready?"

  "Yes, we're all set." Gabriel pulled out his own key, a clear gem about the size of his palm and already glowing faintly. But then he paused and an expression that looked almost sad came over his face.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  Gabriel drew in a long breath as he stared at the gem. "I haven't been to Heaven in over thirty years. Some of the angels here have never even seen it."

  Lucifer rested a hand on his shoulder. "I know exactly how you feel."

  Gabriel shook himself out of his thoughts, then held the gem out in front of him. Bright light burst out of it, opening a huge, shimmering portal to another world. My breath caught at the sight of it, and the idea that Heaven was on the other side.

  Angels and demons alike began to stream into the portal, vanishing as soon as they stepped inside. I longed to follow them, and yet I was apprehensive about it too. What waited for us on the other side?

  Lucifer turned to me and met my eyes, silently asking if I was ready. I nodded at him and took his hand. We stood together, ready to face whatever was on the other side of that portal.

  Then we stepped through.



  As soon as we were on the other side, my powers heightened, and the boost soothed my soul. Coming home—there was nothing else like it. Breathing deep, I closed my eyes and soaked in the warm light and influx of energy from simply being in this realm. It was truly Heaven. Pun intended.

  Every angel that had been here before had a look on their faces like they’d come home at last, while the younger angels were completely awestruck at visiting Heaven for the first time. Meanwhile, the demons squinted and grumbled, their powers diminished in the land of light.

  The sky was that deep coral color that I remembered being the closest Heaven ever got to night. Here, the sun met the horizon, but never went any lower. I
t sank and the light dimmed, but it never went out. I could only imagine what it would feel like during the middle of the day with the sun high in the sky.

  Beside me, Lucifer's grip on my hand tightened as he looked up at the sky. Unlike other demons, he could also feed on light, a remnant of when he was an angel. I wondered when he had last been here.

  "How does it feel being back?" I asked.

  He dropped his eyes to me, his expression bittersweet. "Like being both home and homesick, all at the same time."

  Somehow I knew what he meant, because even though this body had been born here, it wasn't truly home anymore, any more than Hell or Faerie was. Home was Earth.

  No. Home was wherever Lucifer was.

  Our fighters took to the sky, spreading wings of white, black, and every shade in between. We flew toward the pyramid, which was just a pile of crumbled ruins here in Heaven, unlike on Earth. A sad result of the war. There were so many things that were gone or destroyed in this realm, casualties of the horrible fighting between Heaven and Hell that had lasted for thousands of years. I was sure Hell looked much the same.

  As we approached in the sky, I saw a large group standing in the ruins of the pyramid below, and a great gaping hole in the center of it. A tomb had been pulled out of it, and Callan stood beside it, flanked by Belial and Nemesis. Nemesis sliced Callan's hand, and his blood sprayed across the black tomb, making the symbols on it glow.

  "No!" I yelled, knowing we were too late.

  War erupted from the tomb with a huge roar, sending out a blast of energy that knocked everyone back, including those of us in the air. He rose up like a red cloud of fury, his spirit radiating anger and hatred, as he grew so huge he blocked the last sliver of sun that rested on the far-off horizon.

  "Stick to the plan," Gabriel called out, as we all reeled from the shock of seeing him already freed.

  The plan. Right. Distract Pestilence. Get War back in his tomb. We could do this. We had to. Or this would be the end for all of us.

  Our forces slowly recovered and flew toward the pyramid ruins. Toward two of the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse. Our group was led by some of the Malakim healers, who created an aura of healing magic to block his powers. Pestilence flew in front of us on sickly gray wings, and below him was the green-haired fae Philomelus, along with a black wolf about the size of a truck. Fenrir, my memories supplied—Archdemon of shifters. There was also an assortment of imps and shifters around the ruins too, and they began to fight with our varied group of allies.

  Chaos broke out as magic and weapons clashed, but then Adam released his magic, and it quickly burned through the healing wall the Malakim had put up, forcing us to retreat. There was no way we could get closer or stop War with Pestilence's magic blocking us, making us sick and weak.

  Adam lifted his hand, a manic grin creasing his swollen and pus-filled face as he prepared to unleash a wave of sickness upon us that would probably end the battle. But then Callan stood up from beside the tomb, clutching his side as if in pain, and launched into the air.

  “Callan!” Olivia screamed as he flew forward and knocked into Adam, knocking him back. But my nephew was too late. A rush of Pestilence’s power vaulted toward us.

  Then a wall of pure, strong light appeared out of nowhere, blocking Adam with a magical shield. Callan held up a hand as he flew in the air near Pestilence, keeping the monster's sickness contained.

  Damn. He really was strong. Heightened by the light and power here in Heaven, Callan’s shield held steady against every onslaught Adam sent our way, allowing us to press forward. Olivia and her mates, along with a small group of gargoyles, quickly surrounded Callan, protecting him so he could keep us shielded. I spotted Kassiel among them, and I was hit with a wave of pride and fear, but knew he was capable of defending himself. It was his brother I needed to worry about.

  There were so many of us that our sheer number would’ve overwhelmed any other enemy in any battle, but Adam continued to sicken anyone who pressed through Callan’s protective shield to attack. Adam slowed under the constant barrage of the attack, but wouldn't fall. Philomelus helped him by throwing huge stones and other parts of the ruins at our forces, but Samael and Azazel swooped down to stop him.

  Lucifer and I battled our way through the chaos, his hellfire and darkness taking out anyone who dared stand against him. I used everything I'd learned over the past few weeks about light and darkness to fight alongside him, as we flew to the center of the ruins, where Belial stood with Nemesis.

  Before Lucifer and I could reach our son, Fenrir suddenly leaped into the air and smacked us both with his clawed paws. I managed to twist and roll, flapping my silver wings rapidly, but Lucifer recovered faster. He shot hellfire at Fenrir, who fought it off with something like lava bursting out of his fanged mouth. I blasted Fenrir with blinding white light, making him stumble back and shake his head, while Lucifer chained him with darkness. Fenrir burst free of the shadow bonds with a great shake and a roar that shook the earth, and I wished more than anything that I had Morningstar.

  Maybe I could improvise. I created two huge daggers made of shadow, a trick I remembered from my years as Lenore, and then wove light around them. While Fenrir tried to snap at Lucifer's wings, I launched myself onto his large back, settling into the thick fur. Then I stabbed each blade into his shoulders, making him scream and rear back. Just enough for Lucifer to hit him with a direct shot of hellfire.

  Fenrir bucked me off him and I went flying, but Lucifer caught me in his arms. When I looked back, Fenrir had shrunk to a normal size wolf, and he stumbled into his group of shifters and disappeared amongst them. Turning tail and running away.

  "Nice thinking," Lucifer said, nodding to my twin blades. "Now let's put War back where he belongs."

  The path had cleared before us, and we flew as quickly as we could. War's enormous, rageful spirit hovered mid-air over his tomb, his burning red eyes watching Nemesis and Belial below.

  "This Horseman is mine," Nemesis yelled, shoving my son back, her sharp black nails extended for battle.

  "You can't handle that kind of power," Belial snapped. He held Morningstar in his hands and it glowed with bright white light. His wings were out, and they were beautiful—black at the top, then fading to gray, then white at the bottom.

  "And you can't make the required sacrifice." Nemesis laughed, the sound cruel. "Or did you forget what happened at Stonehenge?"

  War’s horrid laughter filled the air. "Yes, fight little ones. Your anger and hatred only make me stronger. Fight to the death, and I will claim the victor as my prize."

  The closer I got to War, the angrier I felt, but I was able to shake it off, my Ofanim senses allowing me to feel the emotion as a lie. I landed beside Belial, hoping to reason with my son. I didn’t know if I’d get this opportunity again.

  Before I could try anything, Belial slashed Nemesis with Morningstar and roared. As she hit the ground, the look in his eyes terrified me. My son had been inflicted with War's madness. There wasn’t anything I could do. Not with him in this berserker state.

  But I had to try.

  I cast the light of truth on him, hoping to free him from War's grasp. "Belial, stop!"

  "War is mine." He turned toward me, his eyes seeing me a little clearer, thanks to my magic. "It's the only way."

  “Please don’t do this!” I ran forward, making it halfway to him before Lucifer stopped me by grabbing me around the waist and hauling me back.

  "Hannah, no!"

  “Let me go! We can't let him become a monster!” I fought Lucifer off, desperate to get to my son, but his grip held tight. If Belial became War, we'd either have to kill him, lock him away...or watch as he destroyed everything we loved. "Belial!"

  "I won't let that happen to him," Lucifer said in a voice so confident it made me stop struggling. “Do you trust me?”

  "Yes," I said, without hesitation. Despite his harsh words before, he loved our son. He’d do whatever he could to protect him.
  He glanced quickly at Belial, who was approaching War, then looked back at me. “I don't have time to explain, but I think I can stop this and save our son. Maybe take out Adam at the same time. But you're not going to like it."

  "Do it," I said, even as my heart broke at his words. "Whatever it takes."

  Lucifer nodded grimly. "Whatever it takes."

  "I love you," I said, fearing it might be the last time I ever had a chance to say those words to him.

  "I love you too.” He pulled me close and pressed a hard, passionate kiss to my lips. “With all my heart.”

  A huge piece of stone suddenly came crashing down beside us. Philomelus approached us, no doubt trying to stop us from interfering with Belial and War. "Go," I said, pushing back from Lucifer. "I'll take care of this. Just save our son."

  "I will." He gave me one last lingering look, before spreading his shadowy wings and launching toward War and Belial.

  I held my breath and fought back the fear and worry for two of the men I loved most, before turning to defend them from another threat.



  I landed hard in front of Belial, blocking him from War. “Stop!”

  "Get out of the way," Belial yelled.

  He'd been arguing with War over the required sacrifice as I approached, still unable to take the life of one he loved. I saw it as a sign that there was still some small goodness left in my son's heart. If War got a hold of him, that tiny shred of light would be snuffed out forever. I couldn't let that happen—even if it meant sacrificing myself to save him. And if I got control of War, I might be able to defeat Pestilence at the same time. I had to try, anyway.

  “Take me.” My command boomed forcefully across Heaven, loud enough that War paused. “I’m far more powerful than my son in every way.”

  "Are you?" War asked, his voice cracking the air like thunder.

  I stood taller, spreading darkness around me like a cloak. “Need I count the ways? I’m older and stronger. I have more magic. I'm the king of all demons. You'll never find a better vessel."


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