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The Man She'll Marry (Presents Plus)

Page 6

by Carole Mortimer

  ‘Merry, you have so much more than Karen does. Oh, yes, you do,’ he confirmed as she tried to protest. ‘Bullies rarely pick on people they actually consider inferior to them, even though it might seem that they do. It’s invariably someone who really possesses something they wish they had.’

  ‘I can assure you,’ Merry snorted, ‘I have nothing Karen could possibly want!’

  ‘How about independence? You obviously broke away from family ties. And personal success—you couldn’t look and behave the way you do if you weren’t perfectly satisfied with your life exactly as it is—What is it?’ he pounced sharply as she pondered this last comment.

  ‘Nothing.’ She forced a brightness into her smile. ‘None of us can claim to have everything we want.’ She excused her brief moment of regret. She had everything she needed…

  ‘That’s true,’ Zack acknowledged slowly. ‘I thought my life was running along quite nicely—until I met you and realised it had a damned great hole in it!’

  ‘Zack,’ she warned reprovingly.

  ‘Okay, don’t believe me,’ he said. ‘But David is about as close as I’ve ever had to someone I could sit down and talk to the way I do with you. And as we both know, that isn’t the same thing at all!’

  She did know. Close as she and Dani were, friends as well as mother and daughter, that latter relationship precluded her from talking to Dani about some things. Besides, there was a generation gap that wasn’t there between Zack and herself.

  Help again!

  ‘You’re a successful woman in your own right, Merry, through your own endeavours and not through a family connection,’ Zack continued determinedly. ‘You also have something else that Karen and her sister, your sister-in-law do not have.’

  Now Merry was very puzzled. What could she possibly have—Zack? He surely didn’t mean himself?

  Had that intimate hand on his arm meant something, after all? There was no doubting that Karen was a beautiful woman, and—

  ‘I have no idea what you’re thinking now.’ Zack cut in on her racing thoughts. ‘From the expression on your face, I don’t think I want to know, either! I was talking about Dani, Merry,’ he explained as she looked at him uncomprehendingly once again. ‘You have a child.’


  ‘I was watching Roger’s face during that part of the conversation.’ Zack shook his head. ‘Karen may have chosen not to have children; I accept that part of it. But I have a feeling it’s something else completely with your sister-in-law. Roger looked taken aback when Karen claimed her sister didn’t want children either, which leads me to believe that she probably can’t have any… Does that sound feasible to you?’ he asked thoughtfully.

  Merry remembered her mother’s glee when Stephen had married Glenda; her wish had been that the young couple provided her with grandchildren as quickly as possible. And Merry’s brother had always been so dutiful…

  ‘How sad,’ Merry sighed—and sincerely meant it. Glenda was too much like Karen for her and Merry ever to have been friends, but even so she couldn’t help feeling for the other woman, if what Zack suggested was true. It did sound feasible.

  Her own life would have been so much bleaker without Dani in it. Less complicated too, she accepted that, but she wouldn’t change her life for Karen’s or Glenda’s. Which was exactly what Zack had been talking about all the time…

  ‘Will you see any of your family again?’ Zack prompted gently as he watched the emotions flickering across her face.

  Merry gave him a startled look. ‘Why on earth should I? One chance meeting with the sister of my sister-in-law—the first in nineteen years, I might add—’ she told him hurriedly—one step into his life and she had been thrown into the company of people she hadn’t seen since she was a teenager, whom she’d had no wish to see during that time, either! ‘—gives me no interest in seeing again the family who totally rejected me and my unborn child!’ The last came out slightly bitterly, although it came as a surprise to Merry that she should still feel that way.

  She didn’t know what reaction she had expected from her parents on learning of her pregnancy, but it certainly hadn’t been the one she had got. Of course, her brother, Stephen, weak as usual, hadn’t questioned their decision.

  ‘That’s what happened, isn’t it?’ Zack said understandingly. ‘You broke the acceptable code, and so they threw you out.’ His mouth tightened grimly at the thought.

  ‘Oh, I could have stayed,’ Merry informed him with barely concealed distaste. ‘All I had to do to remain part of the Baker family was destroy my own child before it was born! It’s ironic, really,’ she went on. ‘That unwanted grandchild is now the only one they have.’

  ‘Their only heir,’ he confirmed. ‘You didn’t tell me you were that Baker,’ he tacked on playfully, reminding her of her comment when she’d realised he was the Kingston who owned Thorndyke Books.

  But she knew exactly what he meant by his remark; the Baker family were old money—owned property all over the world, had shares in numerous companies. Her father had even been the one to change his surname when he’d married her mother, as the only Baker heir of her generation, her mother had had no intention of relinquishing hers.

  But the name, and all that went with it, had meant nothing to Merry, and she didn’t want the family inheritance for Dani either…

  ‘You didn’t ask,’ she replied. ‘And Dani may be the only heir,’ she added tightly, ‘but she has nothing to do with the family!’

  Zack persisted. ‘She may not feel that way. And Karen strikes me as a troublemaker…’

  He was right, of course; Karen had always liked to stir things up and then sit back and watch the situation develop! To mention this evening’s accidental meeting with Merry to her family would benefit no one. Which was exactly why Karen would do such a thing, of course!

  ‘What a mess,’ Merry muttered irritably.

  ‘And all my fault,’ Zack put in ruefully.

  She looked at him sharply, feeling the colour in her cheeks. ‘I didn’t say that.’

  ‘You didn’t have to,’ he responded, reaching across the table to take one of her hands in his. ‘I can tell exactly what you’re thinking. Merry, I’m really sorry this has happened, but at the same time I suggest you let Dani make her own mind up about this if—or when—the time comes. She’s your daughter, she’ll know the right thing to do.’

  Dani was her daughter, and she hoped that she had been a good mother to her, that she had instilled all the right values in her. It was just that the Baker family could be so powerful if they chose to be.

  Not with her daughter, they couldn’t! Dani might only be eighteen, but she had her own code of moral values, a sense of what was right and what was wrong—though a few days ago Merry had made the erroneous assumption that Dani was pregnant with David Kingston’s child…!

  No! Dani was a sensible young lady, would never do anything to hurt someone else, would never be taken in by the lavish lifestyle the Baker family had to offer. Dani simply wasn’t impetuous.

  Merry wasn’t quite so sure about that when they arrived back at the house a short time later and Dani dreamily greeted her at the front door with the words, ‘Mum, I’ve met the man I’m going to many!’

  Not another one! What was wrong with everyone all of a sudden?

  This was just too much!


  ‘I WAS mistaken.’ Zack’s voice came from behind Merry. ‘David is as impatient as I am!’

  Merry wasn’t in the mood for levity. This whole situation was becoming ridiculous. ‘Dani.’ She spoke firmly to her daughter. ‘I suggest we talk about this once Zack has left’

  ‘Oh, hi, Zack.’ Dani looked at him as he stood in the shadows behind her mother. ‘I didn’t see you there.’ She looked a little embarrassed at having been quite so open in his presence. ‘I’ll leave the two of you to finish your evening,’ she apologised. ‘I just wanted to… Night, Mum.’ She bent to kiss Merry on the cheek. ‘Zac
k.’ She ran up the stairs, not dwelling on her outspokenness.

  Merry didn’t move. What was wrong with everybody. Had they put something in the water? What, for goodness’ sake? Because suddenly everyone around her wanted to get married!

  Zack strolled past her into the house, turning back when Merry still didn’t move. ‘It was David she was talking about, wasn’t it?’ he queried.

  Merry shot him an impatient glance. ‘Unless she met someone else before or after the film—of course it was David!’ She marched determinedly into the house after slamming the door behind her. ‘What is it with your family?’ she demanded accusingly. ‘You have to leave, Zack. You and your nephew. You’re turning our lives upside down. We were fine as we were. We don’t need—I don’t need—’ Where had these tears come from, cascading hotly down her cheeks, making speech impossible, and her whole body tremble with reaction?

  ‘Merry!’ Zack enveloped her in warm, comforting arms, holding her against his chest

  This was exactly what she didn’t want! But she was too upset, too tired, too emotionally fraught to fight against it at this moment. She had been fighting too long, alone against so many obstacles. Right now she simply didn’t have the strength to fight against the protection Zack’s arms gave her against those obstacles. It was all too easy just to give herself up to being the one who was looked after for a change, rather than the one who did the looking after.

  She could barely see Zack as she looked up at him through her tears, had no idea how vulnerable she looked. But she did feel the gentle pressure of Zack’s lips against hers, the way her body melted into his as she returned his kiss, and not gently at all.

  She needed—oh, God, at this moment she needed Zack! To be kissed by him. Not to have to think, if only for a brief time. Bliss!

  She had never been kissed like this in her life before!

  Zack’s lips wreaked havoc on the softness of hers, his arms like steel bands as he moulded her body to the hard contours of his. Once again Merry was amazed at how well their bodies fitted together, even if he was too tall…

  She was babbling again—but in her head this time!

  Her neck arched as Zack’s lips trailed a fiery path to the creamy hollows the black dress left bare, one of his hands lightly caressing the full upthrust of her breast, her nipple pulsating with pleasure beneath the silky material.

  ‘Oh, Zack…!’ she groaned weakly, knowing that if this continued much longer she was going to be completely lost. Dani was upstairs—

  Dear Lord, Dani! She couldn’t behave in this wanton fashion with her daughter only feet away, albeit up the stairs and in her own bedroom with the door firmly closed. Dreaming about David, no doubt!

  Zack released Merry reluctantly as she pulled away. ‘Don’t look so upset, Merry,’ he chided. ‘It was only a kiss.’

  Only a kiss? She didn’t think so! The truth of the matter was, she was falling in love with this man. If she wasn’t already in love with him! And that terrified the life out of her…!

  ‘That isn’t what I’m upset about.’ She retreated into anger. ‘You came here the other day, insisting that my daughter couldn’t marry your nephew; now I suggest you go home and tell him the same thing.’

  As she warmed to the subject, she really did feel angry. Zack had made things worse by coming here two days ago; until that time Dani hadn’t so much as given David a second glance—now it appeared she was in love with him!

  ‘They are both far too young to think about getting married,’ she snapped. ‘And Dani wouldn’t even have thought about taking David seriously if you hadn’t piqued her interest,’ she accused, eyes brightly green.


  ‘Don’t you “Merry” me in that patronising tone!’

  ‘Another fault to add to the long list?’ Zack arched blond brows, his hair falling endearingly onto his forehead.

  But Merry only felt more irritated as she noticed his tousled hair—it had been her fingers running through it that had caused the disarray! ‘Just the truth,’ she bit out coldly. ‘You have only complicated my life—’

  ‘Isn’t that better than just emotionally skimming along the surface?’ he suggested softly.

  She became very still. ‘Exactly what do you mean by that remark?’ But she knew; she knew!

  Zack drew in a deep breath, slowly releasing it again. ‘Merry, I know what you’re trying to do—and I’m not going to fight you,’ he added quickly as she went to speak. ‘I care about you very much, Merry, and I know I’ve been bulldozing you the last few days. I also accept that it isn’t working, that I’m only succeeding in upsetting you. It’s my way. See what I want—and go for it. It probably has something to do with that arrogance you once accused me of,’ he admitted.

  He was trying to lighten up now, and in a way he was succeeding. Because it was his previous remark that had hit her with the force of a sledgehammer. Emotionally skimming on the surface of life… Was that what she had been doing the last nineteen years…?

  The first few years after Dani’s birth had been hard, looking after a small child, working hard on her degree course, living on a small allowance. By the time Dani began school herself, Merry had been ready to begin her teaching career. Since then, the years had simply flown by, filled with Dani and her job, and her personal life put almost on permanent hold; even the few dates she had accepted had always been with men with whom she had a mutual interest, but whom she hadn’t found particular attractive. Emotionally skimming, Zack had called it…

  “Merry, you know that I want you in my life.’ Zack lightly gripped the tops of her arms. ‘But I want you there permanently, as my wife, and I won’t accept anything less.’

  He was so different from Jeff it was difficult to take in. The last thing Jeff had wanted was to marry her; Zack wouldn’t accept anything less…

  ‘I want a white wedding,’ he continued with assurance. ‘The walking down the aisle and the “till death us do part” bits. I would like us to have a child together. But you have to want all those things too. And until you do, perhaps it’s better if I stay out of your way,’ he concluded heavily. ‘I can love and cherish you, but until you love me in return you’re only going to view my actions with suspicion—and great caution. I don’t want that. I don’t want to go on causing you distress, either.’

  He was leaving her life! As quickly as he had come into it, he was leaving!

  ‘I’ll have a chat with David,’ he promised, releasing her, stepping back, the happiness gone from his face now, his expression as grim as the first day he had knocked on her door. ‘See what plans he and Dani have. If any,’ he added self-disgustedly. ‘I won’t jump to any conclusions this time!’

  And neither would Merry! She had totally misjudged the whole situation last time, although common sense—and her knowledge of Dani—had thankfully kicked into action.

  But that was for later, once Zack had gone. Because he was leaving. And he wasn’t coming back. There was nothing she could do or say that would stop him—because she couldn’t say the words he wanted to hear! Maybe it was emotionally skimming, but at least this way no one had been able to hurt her in all these years…

  Once Zack was out of her life again, she would be able to return to that.

  Wouldn’t she…?


  ‘I KNOW I shouldn’t, Mum, but I feel really nervous,’ Dani told Merry as they stood outside the huge oak door that fronted the imposing house.

  Merry shot her daughter a sympathetic glance. She couldn’t claim to be feeling exactly relaxed about this herself. But it wouldn’t do for both of them to admit to feeling nervous!

  Zack had been proved correct in his observation that Karen appeared to him to be a woman who liked to create trouble! He had been right about several other things too, Merry had realised in the week since he’d left her, but those other things she had pushed to the back of her mind, deciding that what they were dealing with now was more important for the moment. After a
ll, tomorrow was another day…

  Not even a day had passed from the time she had met Karen again to when she’d received a telephone call from her father—she had vowed at that moment to become ex-directory! But the call had to come from her father, of course, because, as they all knew, Merry would have simply replaced the receiver on hearing the sound of her mother’s voice. And would have still gone ex-directory!

  Her father was another matter completely; Merry had always been close to him during her childhood, and had received no ultimatums from him when she’d told her parents of her pregnancy. What her mother hadn’t known then, and probably still didn’t know, was that her father had visited Merry shortly after she’d given birth to Dani, that he had helped her financially too, during those first few difficult years of studying and being a single mother. It was as much as he’d been able to do when her mother had refused to even have Merry’s name mentioned in the house.

  She knew her mother had put her father up to the telephone call inviting herself and Dani to dinner; he wouldn’t have dared to do it without her mother’s consent.

  Dinner. Just the four of them, her father had assured her. With no hidden agenda. She had never known her mother not to have one, but this time it wasn’t so hidden; Dani was the only Baker grandchild, and her grandmother wanted to meet her.

  In which case, in total agreement with Zack over this, Merry had felt it was Dani’s choice…

  Which was the reason they were now standing outside the front door of the Baker residence. Merry hadn’t made the same mistake this evening of wearing the classic black dress that had earned her such ridicule from Karen last week! Her dress tonight, newly bought, was the same deep emerald colour of her eyes, and it fitted the tininess of her slender figure perfectly. It might be so in real life, but Merry wouldn’t look like the poor relation this evening!


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