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Book of the Underground

Page 28

by Cody Hyde



  From a small room somewhere in the castle, Bouldan began to assist his troops. “Army, you will hunt this boy down and every escaped prisoner in the way! Don’t let any out of your hands or you will be punished!”

  “Hooah!” they responded in unison.

  “Now go!”

  They then began to march off down the castle halls towards the sounds of the monsters.

  Bouldan stopped half of them though before they could make their way down the hall. “You half! You will come with me to the Room of Torture!”


  Bouldan then led the other half of the Rock Army towards the Room of Torture with a plan of his own.

  Charlie, Rocky, Sheila, Ted and the escaped monsters rampaged their way through the castle halls, killing every demon follower in their way.

  The red- cloaked demons came from every direction, leaping out from the corners and onto the monsters, digging their claws into their flesh as they fought back.

  Charlie used his sword on a few, using the techniques Ted had taught him during his training. Swing, kick, leap, land, and swing again. He kept repeating the technique. Not one demon follower laid a single claw on him.

  But now was not the time to stand and fight, they had to escape... or find a bigger room to fight in. That’s it!

  “Guys, we need to get to the Room of Torture!” ordered Charlie as he took out another demon.

  “Good thinking, Charlie,” replied Ted, a few feet away from him as he swung at a demon, Rocky throwing a few out of the way.

  Sheila was farther down the room, killing multiple demons with her bare hands.

  The group of various escaped monsters just slashed, kicked, hit, chewed on, and annihilated their victims. They were loving the fact that they were finally free and this was their day of revenge.

  Eventually, they reached the big doors leading to the Room of Torture. “

  In here!” ordered Rocky, opening one of the doors.

  The monsters entered first… the boar-like beast, the gargoyle, the striped monster with the missing eyeballs, a gray scaly creature with long rope-like arms, a tentacle-like monster, and other monsters of different sorts.

  Ted entered next, followed by Sheila, then Charlie and Rocky, closing the door behind them... to discover the surprise waiting for them on the other side.

  “Welcome, you’ve arrived at the right place and at just the right time, too,” spoke Muri from the balcony- like spot high above the Room of Torture.

  “Muri,” responded Charlie, Ted, and Sheila all at once.

  Muri laughed hysterically.

  “You know I’m going to kill you, right?!” shouted Charlie.

  “Oh, really? Well in that case, let’s find out, shall we?”

  The lights around the room then got brighter, and multiple demon followers in red cloaks were revealed to be filling the bleachers.

  They growled demonically in unison.

  And then Charlie remarked, “What do you think we’re here for? To throw a party?”

  Sheila couldn’t resist but to giggle a bit at that line.

  “Aah, KILL THEM!” ordered Muri.

  The demon followers then removed their red hoods to show their horns, their true faces, and prepared to fight.

  Charlie made the first move, making a running start, letting out a war cry. He stabbed one right through the heart, then pulled his sword back out to stab another.

  Sheila shot up into the air and became the beast she was cursed to be.

  Ted immediately went for the bleachers to his left, already taking out demon followers with his sword, slicing and dicing them up crazily.

  Rocky began pummeling them to the ground, body-slamming them as well.

  The monsters had their own ways of killing.

  The gargoyle let out its cry as it began to attack its first victims. It grabbed a hold of one of the demon followers, spread its wings, and flew with him until it was slammed against one of the room walls, digging its claws into the demon, and back out. It then let out its mighty cry again.

  The striped monster with no eyes but able to see in some sort of psychic sense seemed to be teasing a few of the demon followers, swiftly moving from side to side as they tried to attack him. “Over here,” he said to one of them.

  A demon follower leaped at him as he quickly shifted out of its way, the demon missing the striped monster and getting in the way of an armadillo-like beast, which stomped on the demon with its foot.

  Charlie got the idea of throwing the demon followers into the pit of lava, which was the death of the bat-like creature during the torture ceremony. “Go back to hell, demons,” he said to them.

  Bouldan then arrived to the scene. He dropped down from the balcony spot where Muri stood seconds ago. “Kill them, Rock Army!” he ordered.

  The Rock Army members then went charging to the center of the battle and began taking out the escaped monsters as well. One went straight for the armadillo- like beast, which turned around and threw him back into a few Rock Army members, knocking them out.

  Rocky began fist-fighting his own kind. They all had turned against him.

  Sheila continued to kill more of the demon followers bare-handed in the full form of the winged beast she was cursed to be. She left the stronger monsters and Rocky to fight the Rock Army.

  Ted continued to use his sword he acquired from the Black Cave years ago to fight Dultona’s followers, taking them out like they were nothing. It was kill after kill... then he remembered. He needed to find Dultona. He had been dying to put a stop to the Dark Master since he first entered the Underground twenty years ago. And now it was time.

  Dultona, where are you? Ted thought.

  He took out a few more demons and dodged a few Rock Army members, who had now spread across the room along with the rest of the battle, then decided he needed to get to Dultona. He knew he had to be somewhere in the castle. And he was ready to end him once and for all.

  To the door Ted ran, dodging through the midst of the battle.

  Sheila had noticed him. “Ted!” she yelled at him across the room, almost getting attacked by a Rock Army member.

  The black reptile-like monster quickly attacked the rock-built soldier from behind the distracted Sheila. It was a close call.

  Charlie seemed to notice Ted leaving as well. “Ted, where are you going?!”

  “I’m going to put an end to Dultona!”

  Charlie watched as Ted then left the room in temptation to find the Dark Master. But he didn’t follow. Another demon was then pushed in front of Charlie’s way by the boar-like beast.

  Charlie slammed his sword through its chest and ripped it back out. The demon fell to its knees and collapsed.

  The striped monster continued to shift from side to side, throwing the rock soldiers off balance. It was then unfortunately attacked from behind by a leaping demon.

  The gray and scaly monster with rope-like arms threw his arms out and strangled a couple of the demons, who were just about to attack the boar-like beast from behind.

  Rocky continued to annihilate as he threw his fists down on a few demons and fought back at the members of the Rock Army.

  Next to him, Bouldan was furiously pushing aside his own followers and a few demons, trying to get to Charlie. “Oh, you aren’t going to escape this time, boy,” he said to him.

  Bouldan then heard the gargoyle’s cry from behind him. He turned around to notice. Startled, he took a few steps back and then before he knew it the boar- like beast came charging at him from his side. He was now backed up into what was a giant brick wall...

  “HEY, YOU!” yelled out Rocky to Bouldan, who appeared to be up on the balcony spot above the room, holding some sort of giant ball-on-a-chain. />
  Bouldan looked up. And that’s when he realized it was a trap... Rocky came swinging down with the giant ball-and- chain, which was headed straight for the giant brick wall that Bouldan was backed into.

  “NOOO!” cried Bouldan.

  The Rock Army Commander was crushed into bits and pieces of multiple rocks as the ball crashed straight into the wall where he had just stood. A brutal defeat led by Rocky. Now the army has no master.

  It wasn’t long before Charlie decided that it was time to get out of there. “Sheila!” he yelled to her.

  “Yeah?!” she replied, after taking out a demon follower.

  “I think it’s time we get outta here, we need to look for your brother!”

  At the moment Sheila was having a great time fighting off Dultona’s followers along with the escaped monsters. But it was probably a good idea to look for her brother before something bad happened.

  “Good idea, let’s go!” She then spread her wings and flew towards Charlie, grabbed him around his waist and pulled him with her as she flew towards the end of the room.

  On the way out, one of the demon followers tried to leap up and grab Charlie from Sheila’s grip, but Charlie was prepared. He swung his sword out at it, and it immediately fell back to the floor only to be ripped apart by a couple of the monsters, the gargoyle and the creepy gray-haired thing with the yellow eyes that appeared in front of Charlie’s cell the first time he was captured.

  Sheila flew to the exit doors, which were wide open, and was momentarily out. She then continued to fly through the halls with Charlie, eager to find Ted and then leave the Underground.

  “As soon as we find my brother, Charlie, I’ll get you out of here,” Sheila told him.

  “Alright,” he replied. “So you know how to get to Dultona’s throne?”

  “Of course.”

  Then Charlie realized something. “Hey, wait! We can’t leave Rocky behind!”

  “I’m sorry, we--”

  The sound of running footsteps was heard from behind them. They turned and looked back to see who was following them.

  “Charlie!” yelled Rocky, who appeared to be right behind them.

  “Rocky!” Charlie yelled back.

  Sheila smiled back at Rocky. “Hey, big fella, glad to see you’re keeping up with us.”

  The three then hurried through the halls on their way to find Ted.

  Chapter 27


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