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Broken in Love (Studs in Stetsons Book 2)

Page 14

by Megan Hetherington

  Darn it. This is the type of situation I would usually call on Blue to help with. Sometimes he would turn up himself but more often he would send a tradesman, and I try to recall which plumber he would have used. I search on my phone, but no company springs to mind. I’ll have to call some random. What about Carson? The way he is, he’ll probably be annoyed if I don’t at least call him to ask who he would recommend.

  I light a cigarette and take a couple of drags before putting it out and calling him.

  “Carson. I’m sorry to bother you at work. I’ve got a leak and I don’t know how to turn off the water.” I clench my molars together, annoyed that I’m having to admit to that. “Do you know of a plumber I can call?”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “No, it’s okay, I can…” I trail off, he’s gone.

  With my chin cupped in my hand, I sit in despair on the front step, water now trickling through the air bricks and it weaves around my feet onto the driveway.

  Why didn’t I take a course in plumbing, or DIY, instead of this beautician dream? I hate relying on a man to sort out my shit.

  I shuffle away from the water and scuff my sandals over the dirt burrowed up by ants in between the cracks of the concrete in the path.

  I’m discombobulated. A word my mom used frequently.

  Minutes later, Carson’s meaty patrol car rumbles to a stop and he strides up the driveway in his uniform ready to save the day. “You okay?”


  He marches on, down through the gate he repaired to the back of the house and within seconds is back, wiping his hands on a tissue. “Done.”

  “Thank you.” I stand and dust off my backside. I’m thankful, but also frustrated that I couldn’t sort this for myself.

  “What happened?”

  “The damn washer broke. It jumped all over the place.” I throw my hands up in the air and he laughs.

  “What’s funny?” I almost stomp my foot at him.

  “Just you.” He anchors his finger and thumb onto my chin and leans in to kiss me. I gasp; we’re here on my front yard with the whole world to see him in his uniform kiss me. That’s not what I expected from the police officer who is all about his career. And the guy who stopped me from blurting out how I felt about him last night.

  Oh, to hell with it, if he’s not concerned, neither am I. I squeeze the starchy shirt covering his taut biceps and rub myself against the buttons and belts of his uniform.

  The closeness and endorphins that flood my system blank out the doubts about what we are to each other.

  “You coming in?” I ask breathlessly, a fantasy of him taking me over the kitchen counter in his police uniform forefront in my dirty mind.

  He pulls away with a wry grin. “I know what you’re thinking. But not now. I’ve got to get back.”

  “Okay.” I chew on my bottom lip.

  “You can’t stay here though.”

  I nod. “I’ll call Penny.”

  “No. You’ll move in with me.”

  I pull my chin into my neck at his forceful response.

  “It’s the best option.” He leans in again. “And anyway, I like waking up next to you and I thought you did too.”

  In astonishment, I blurt out. “You didn’t do this, did you?”


  “Make my washer jump around so much it broke the plumbing so I’d have to move in with you?”

  He stands with one arm crossed across his chest and the other balanced at the elbow, so he can scratch at his chin. And for a moment he teases.




  He laughs and shakes his head. “Really. I don’t need to pull a trick to get you to move in with me.”

  “Don’t you now?”

  “No.” He steps in close his eyes dark and full of lust. “I.” He backs me up against the wall, his body flush with mine and his arms cage me in. “Don’t.”

  Hells bells!

  My nipples tingle as they pebble against his hard chest and a throb drums a heavy rhythm between my legs.

  I try to fight against his predatory move, in a fake show of resistance, and turn my mouth away from his. His breath is hot against my cheek as he pulses out. “Don’t pretend you can live without me now.”

  Three heartbeats is all I can hold out for before I turn back and kiss him wildly. He has me. Like a catfish on a hook. And he damn well knows it.

  “Come inside.” I put on a needy tone and bat my eyelashes up at him.

  His thigh burrows in between my legs and pushes up against where I’m soaking wet.

  “Tonight, baby girl.”

  I suck in a breath. “I can’t wait that long.” I bite on my lip, annoyed that he has me pleading for him.

  “I waited ten years. I’m sure you can wait a few hours.” He pulls away, leaving me frustrated. “Grab some clothes, and whatever else you need and I’ll meet you at mine later.” He takes a key from a chain on his belt, handing it over.

  “I’ll be waitin’ on ya.” I wink at him and he growls back.



  The weeks have flown by. Time has a different pace out here at Carson’s cabin. He’s fixed me a space in the corner of the living area for me to study. A desk that is fixed to shelving, filled with old books. I don’t know if they are his or old man Earl’s. But either way, they capture my attention, probably more than they should, as I attempt to focus on my studies. Some days, eight hours go by and I’ve barely skimmed one module. But I passed my first exam, which is good, because failing would have given me the perfect excuse to stop. But what else would I do? The Green Parrot has yet to reopen and Carson works a lot. And even when he’s not working, he takes calls and visits folk. He’s so committed, it’s easy to see why he has got to where he has.

  But today, we are finally going out again. Together. The midweek rodeo at Mountain Park. It’s weeks after he first mentioned it and although I wouldn’t have gone back then, I’m excited for it now.

  I check a text that comes through on my phone. It’s from Carson. He’s on his way home.

  Quickly, I iron a yellow and white checkered blouse and my white Daisy Dukes. Although, Carson’s old-fashioned non-steam iron takes a lot of effort, so it’s fortunate they are both tight and the creases will stretch out. I even polish my boots. I want to look the part and fit in. I haven’t been to the rodeo in a while and I’m kinda excited to go. It’s the first time since that night at Limelight and Stardust in Visalia that we’ve been out on a date. I might even wear my hat today; it’s been stashed in a box for a few years now.

  There’s a lot of things having a boyfriend opens up. I have some good friends but we’d never do stuff couples would, like go to a ball game, or catch an action movie—unless it had Chris Hemsworth in then we’d definitely do that shit—or hell, even go for a simple drive.

  Even though it only cost a few dollars to go to the rodeo as a kid, I would always persuade Carson to sneak under the wire fence with me. I would convince him I had no money, which was usually true, and that he should save his to buy us a hotdog to share.

  His engine rumbles up the dirt track, so I go greet him.

  His footsteps sound out as he hoofs it up the wooden porch steps. I like that noise. In fact, I like the whole idea of someone else being here with me.

  I shimmy my hips into my shorts and when I turn, I catch Carson resting against the back of the couch, staring at my backside. “Is it too much?” I strain my neck to look at my ass. I know these shorts barely cover it, but I have good legs. Or so I’ve been told.

  He smiles, broadly. “Nope, you look sexy as hell. We may not get to the rodeo.” He pulls me onto his lap and nuzzles my neck, rubbing his thumbs around the edge of my shorts, which sends a tingle around my skin.

  “But it would be too much if you kept on your police uniform.”

  He holds onto my shoulders and pushes me back a little. “Why do you say that?”
  I shrug. Annoyed with myself. “Not sure.” I blink to stop the sun, low under the front porch canopy, from making my eyes water.


  I’ve obviously given him something to worry about, which is deeply frustrating.

  He changes into his denims and shirt. His police uniform is put away for the day. I’ll miss it when he becomes sheriff, the cream shirt and beige pants don’t really do it for me like his all black uniform does. But I suppose we’ll see. It might not be my concern.

  * * *

  Even though we’re early, Mountain Park buzzes already. It’s a sea of cowboy hats and leather vests. The announcer calls out the running order for tonight’s events and the riders expecting to compete.

  “Was that our Mitchell Higgins he just announced?”

  Carson nods while he studies the ticket information. “They’ve switched it up. Just general admission now.”

  “Let’s go see Mitch, he’ll make sure we get prime seats.”

  Carson looks up with a puzzled expression and I wonder if he’s embarrassed about that suggestion or was simply not listening to me.

  “Or we could just find a decent place ourselves.”

  “No, that’s fine. But are you okay with that?”

  I look at him, as if to say I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t think it was a good idea.

  “Sure. C’mon.”

  We grab sodas from a concession bar on the way to the riders’ section. Soda’s a necessity to keep the dust from tickling our throats. Carson is well known here and we’re early enough for security to let us in to the rider’s enclosure. Mitchell spots us straight away, waving us through.

  “Hey, guys. What a surprise.” Mitch ditches his vest on a bench, and clasps Carson’s hand and pinches my cheek. We all grew up together, and apart from the issues between Blue and I, we’ve all pretty much stayed friends.

  Mitch is completely hyped. His eyes are wide and his speech fast and loud. He doesn’t even make a comment about Carson and I being here together and it helps make everything seem normal. He’s competing in the bareback ride and, if all goes well, the saddle bronco too. His excitement is infectious and I give him an over-enthusiastic kiss when we leave. I pull away quickly and shoot a worried look Carson’s way. But he doesn’t look jealous, which is a relief; if it was Blue, then he would have given me one of his glares. Carson grabs hold of my hand and interlaces his fingers into mine, pulling it to his mouth and melts a gentle kiss on the back as if he’s actually confirming he’s comfortable with what I’ve just done. It takes a few strides to process what just happened. And my overall conclusion is that I like it.

  We snag seats with an unhindered view of the chute. It’s one of the most intimate places to view a rodeo from, where we can experience the pre-action thrill from seeing a rider’s nervous excitement before all hell breaks loose.

  Carson rushes off to grab me a beer from a vendor wandering through the seats with a crate hung around her neck. I pull my boots up to save his seat and take a quick look at my phone.

  “Hello, darlin’.” A broad guy rests his backside on the railing in front of me. “Waitin’ on someone?”

  I smile politely and roll my eyes as I look away. Jeez, I do attract some jerks.

  “Are you lookin’ for some action?”

  “Oh, please.” I snort. “Look cowboy, I’m here with my boyfriend and not interested in what you’ve got to offer.”

  “Are you sure? Because I measure up kinda well. If you know what I mean?”

  I sigh in a frustrated breath. “Nope I don’t. So, if you’d move along, you’re blocking my view.” I flick my arm at him.

  Carson takes a step behind the big jerk. Two bottles of beer hanging from one hand. “Excuse me, sir.”

  The jerk doesn’t move but looks over his shoulder, a smirk appearing on his face as if he thinks he can handle Carson. Everything inside shrivels. I hate all this posturing.

  Carson looks the jerk squarely in the eyes, leaning in ever so slightly. “I’ve asked you nice and that’s the only time I will.” His voice lowers to a murmur and slowly he says with a firm but deep tone, “Move.”

  For a second, the guy stands firm then huffs and chuckles, walking away. “She’s a hussy anyways.”

  I hold my breath, hoping Carson didn’t hear him, but unfortunately, he did. He sits next to me and hands over my beer. “Asshole,” he mumbles as he sits.

  My heart thumps and I’m so glad Carson didn’t decide to push the guy. I’m happy with the way I dress, it’s how I’ve always dressed, but I know it gets me some unwanted attention and stupid remarks sometimes. I just don’t want Carson to have to deal with that every time we go out. I wriggle the hem of my shorts down a little. Not that it makes much difference.

  “Don’t.” he rumbles around the neck of his bottle.


  “Don’t cover yourself. You wear whatever the hell you want and if dicks like him wanna make you feel guilty ‘bout it, then ignore them. You look gorgeous.”

  He rests his palm on my thigh and with a slight twitch of his finger over my skin, he leans across to kiss me.

  Warmth pulses from my chest cavity. He doesn’t make me feel cheap, grabbing my ass in public every five minutes, but he’s not embarrassed either. It’s the best feeling in the world.

  I settle in to watch the warmup clowns fooling around in the sand and try hard to forget about the incident and the jerk.

  “Anyway.” He leans in as the clowns dust themselves off. “Is that a fantasy of yours?”

  “What?” I pull back my chin, thinking he is referring to the clowns or, even worse, the jerk from earlier.

  “Me wearing my uniform in the bedroom?”

  My face relaxes and I laugh. “Hell, yeah.”

  He leans in to kiss me hard.

  “Do you wanna go home now, stud?” I rub my hand dangerously close to the top of his thigh.

  “You kill me.”

  I fake gasp. “You started this, Police Officer Perrins.”

  * * *

  Mitch has a bad fall and is ruled out of the saddled event later, but at least he’s not injured enough to have to go to the hospital, just a sore back. He joins us when he’s signed clear by the onsite doctor and although he still doesn’t ask what’s going on with Carson and me, Carson doesn’t hold back in his show of affections. It’s as if everything about the two of is normal, to be expected, and I can’t quite get my head around that.

  Carson goes to get some hotdogs.

  “So, you two getting it on?”

  I roll my eyes, mostly because I knew he would be itching to say something, but couldn’t bring himself to in front of Carson. “Kinda.”

  He nods, his teeth looking even whiter than usual against his dusty face.

  “What d’ya think of that?”

  He shrugs. “Sure. Why not. He’s a cool guy. Going places.”

  “Do you not think I’m good enough for him?”

  He huffs. “Jeez, Lemon. You need to stop with your insecurities. Just because you and Blue didn’t work out doesn’t mean every guy is gonna break your heart that way.”


  He cocks his head to one side and looks me up and down. “I suppose the only thing is you can’t be too wild when you’re dating a police officer. They have codes and shit.”

  I huff. “You don’t think I haven’t thought of that? Not that I do anything that is lawbreaking.”

  “No. But the Green Parrot ain’t exactly church, now is it?”

  I shake my head at him. “That’s so hypocritical, Mitchell Higgins. I’ve seen you there plenty of times.”

  He laughs and leans back. “Yeah, well, I’m not dating a police officer, am I?”

  “Hmm.” I get what he means. It’s not the most upstanding of ways to make money. “Well, if Carson has a problem with it, I’m sure he’d tell me.”

  “Yep. Hey, who’s that guy he’s with? Looks like he’s having to get bus
y with him.”

  I follow Mitch’s outstretched arm and groan. “Ugh. Just some jerk from earlier.”

  Mitchell laughs.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Do you remember that time we all went to that deserted mine at Halloween, and Colt and his friends snuck up on us when Carson had gone for a pee behind a rock?”

  “Shit. I’d clean forgotten about that. Yes. Colt’s face was a picture when Carson crept around behind them. Blue shot up in the air and they turned and ran straight into Carson’s trap.”

  “They were like something from Scooby Doo.” Mitchell laughs.

  By the time Carson comes back with the Mountain hotdogs, I’m having to blot at my eyes to stop mascara running down my cheeks.

  Carson looks a little disgruntled and I stop laughing. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. What’s up with you two?”

  I remind him of the scene and he joins in the laughter too.

  I’ve missed this; my jaw aches from the laughter and smiles.

  Eventually, after a promise to catch up again soon, and devouring the delicious hotdogs, Mitch leaves us to it and goes to check in with his rodeo team.

  Carson wraps his arm around my shoulders and leans in to kiss me.

  “What was with the guy?” I ask.

  “Oh, nothing to worry about. Just educating him how to interact with women without acting like a jerk.”

  I stretch my arms around his back and squeeze his backside. “You do know how to make me feel special.”

  “I try to.”

  “Are you gonna take me home and show me how much?”

  He lifts his eyebrows, and with my hand held tightly in his, he turns and strides through the crowd. I have to hold onto my hat as I run to keep up.


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