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Jordan's Purrfect Mate

Page 6

by Jess Buffett

  “What do you need me to do?” his mate asked.

  Colton shrugged. “Make sure the pricks don’t find me while I’m playing with their system?”

  “On it.”

  Damn this felt good. Having Jordan beside him, working with him, was a heady feeling. Separate they were great, but together they were unstoppable. Each time he came up against a wall, Jordan knocked it down within seconds. Adrenaline pumped through him, exciting him further.

  It was like a hacker’s virtual version of an orgasm.

  “Got it!” he shouted, unable to contain his excitement. “I’m bringing up a map on the screen, entering in all the data, it should tell us where the warehouses are positioned.”

  The map came up, and soon, a dot here and there lit up the screen.

  I did it!

  His joy didn’t last for long though as more and more spots appeared. “What the fuck?”

  Behind him, Jake growled. “Please tell me that’s a fucking glitch.”

  All Colton could do was shake his head as the entire screen began to look like a child’s version of join the dots. They were everywhere, lighting up the screen in a series of red explosions. How was this even possible?

  “We are so fucking screwed.”

  * * * *


  Gaping at the screen in front of him, an overwhelming sense of dread filled Jordan.

  “How long have they been setting this up?” he asked no one in particular.

  There were too many for this to have been recent. Planning of this magnitude would have taken a long time.

  Jake growled. “Right now, I’m not certain they ever stopped. Whoever is running this show may very well have been involved with the original Potestas.”

  “They have to be, though how, I have no idea,” Xander agreed. The powerful Dragon Anax’s entire frame vibrated with the piercing fury Jordan could see in his eyes. “All this time, and they’ve been right under our noses. I’d say it was impossible, if I wasn’t staring at the proof myself.”

  “But that was thousands of years ago,” he exclaimed.

  “I know,” Xander grunted. “I was there.”

  Shit. How old was the dude?

  The very thought that this had been in the works all that time was making him feel sick. He turned to his friend, and Kayan, needing…something. “How are we supposed to fight this, Jake?”

  A look of steely determination etched the leader’s features. “We don’t do it alone. We have treaties with the Vampires and the Dragons, but we need to push for more with other species. The Witches, the Fae, any and all Shifters.”

  “I think it’s time we call him, Jake,” Dmitri said quietly, giving Jake a look he couldn’t decipher.

  Jordan frowned. “Call who?”

  “Tor,” they answered in unison.

  Oh fuck.

  “Are you sure?” That was bringing in some pretty damn heavy duty and volatile power there. “Do we even know how to reach him? Hell, do we even know where he is anymore? The man never stays in one spot too long.”

  “Maybe not, but I have a way of contacting him,” Jake answered cryptically.

  “As do I,” Xander injected.

  Of course they did.

  “Who the hell is Tor?” Colton asked, his gaze swinging from him to Jake and then back again. “And why the hell do you look like they just said we were inviting the devil to dinner?”

  “Torio is a Phoenix Shifter, one of the last,” he answered his mate. “He is a good guy, don’t get me wrong. But you don’t want to be anywhere near him when he finally loses his temper.”

  He gave a dramatic shiver, attempting to lighten the mood. The tension in Colton worried him. His mate had only just had a life altering conversation with his brother, and now this. What more could happen?

  “Fuck, look at that,” Dmitri blurted out, pointing at the screen. “There is a spot in Bondi. That’s right near the Vaucluse Coven. Ten minutes tops.”

  “Dammit,” Jake growled, his hands clenching into fists. “I’ve got to call Jonas, now.”

  The Kayan left the room, leaving everyone in dead silence. Jordan couldn’t tear his gaze away from the red dot that sat only half an hour away from the Vaucluse Coven. That shit was too damn close.

  When Jake walked in moments later, a phone attached to his ear, they all turned to him. “We need to get this information to Jonas, but I don’t trust sending it online.” Jordan went to protest. They could easily encode it. But Jake held his hand up to stop him. “I know there are precautions, but I’m not willing to take the chance. I need you to take it to him. You’re my Ishad, and you know how to do all this,” he explained, waving his hand at the bank of computers.

  He knew his friend was right, but…“I’m not leaving without Colton.”

  “I never expected you to,” Jake assured him.

  Oh, well, okay then. “When do we leave?”

  “Now. Pack your things and head out,” Jake ordered. “I’ll send some people with you. You won’t be alone.”

  Jordan couldn’t help but think he was putting his mate in danger. Was it fair that he’d made that decision for both of them?

  “Colton, you don—”

  He didn’t get to finish what he was about to say. Colton growled, then climbed onto his lap, planting a searing kiss on his lips. Pulling back, he raised a brow. “I sure as hell hope you weren’t about to say something stupid like you don’t have to come with me. Otherwise I might just kick your arse.”

  The men around them sniggered, but Jordan paid them no attention. “Now, would I be that stupid?”


  The resounding answer from everyone in the room shocked him into silence. Damn, that was a little harsh.

  Colton nipped at his bottom lip. “Don’t mind them. We have more pressing things to worry about.”

  “Yeah, we should get ready,” he said quietly, the weight of what they were about to face heavy on his mind.

  Two hours later, he and Colton stood in the main entrance. They had both grabbed the necessities, assured that anything they may need would be supplied. Apparently the Vampires had a wicked technical setup. If it weren’t for the severity of the situation, and the information they were about to deliver, Jordan would have been excited.

  When they reached the entrance, he saw Caleb and Riley standing by the door. A nervous looking Sawyer and a quiet Derrick stood to the left of the Kayan. Sawyer was talking in low voices with his twin. Jordan suddenly realised that Caleb and Riley would be joining them. Which made sense given Caleb was the Prinț, or prince, of the Vaucluse Coven.

  No wonder Sawyer looked beside himself. This had to be this first time the twins would be separated since the day their Guild had been wiped out by Potestas. The twins had never parted, having survived on the streets together, even finding jobs at the same small café.

  Jordan remembered the day he had met the brothers. He would never forget the look of pure terror on Riley’s face as he ran into Jake, begging the Kayan to save his twin. None of them could have realised in that moment how much their lives would change. It felt like a lifetime ago.

  Beside him, Colton tugged on his hand, tilting his head in the twin’s direction.

  “Do you have to go?” a nervous looking Derrick asked.

  The big man fidgeted, tugging on the sleeve of his T-shirt, as he nibbled on his bottom lip.

  “I have to, big brother. Caleb needs to, and I can’t let my mate go without me. But I promise to call when I get there,” Riley reassured him. “Honestly, it’s not that big a deal. Nothing to worry about. Hell, I’ll probably be bored out of my mind the whole time I’m there.”

  Jordan thought the Mage was laying it on a bit thick, not to mention the blatant lie he had just told Derrick. By the scowl on Derrick’s face, Jordan didn’t think he believed Riley either.

  “I’m slow, Riley.” Derrick growled, pulling at his long, blond hair. “Not stupid. Don’t lie.”

  The air ar
ound them began to stir, like a wind tunnel suddenly sweeping through the room.

  Holding his hands up to soothe his brother, Riley said, “Okay, okay. Calm down, Derrick. You’re losing control again. We need you to calm down.”

  The Wind Mage seemed to snap out of his anger, realising the damage he’d nearly caused. Damn. Just the thought of the danger they would all be in, if Derrick lost complete control made Jordan shiver. You did not want to piss off a Wind Mage…you know, if you wanted to breathe.

  “Sorry,” Derrick mumbled.

  Riley sighed, shame playing on his features. “No, I’m sorry, Derrick. I just didn’t want you to worry. I know you’re not stupid. I love you, brother.”

  “Fine,” Derrick mumbled. “Promise you’ll call. Like, a lot.”

  “Yeah, I promise.”

  The brothers embraced, Derrick’s larger frame practically enveloping Riley’s much smaller one.

  Beside him, Colton worried on his lip ring, watching the siblings’ interaction.

  “As grateful as I am that Caleb and Riley will be coming with us, is it really fair to ask Riley to come with everything that is going on? I mean, his family is slowly coming together, they are still helping his brother Derrick recover…and Sawyer doesn’t look like he wants his twin out of his sight,” Colton asked in concern.

  He smiled at his mate. “Trust me, no one can make Riley do anything he doesn’t want to…not even Caleb. It’s a tough choice, but he is choosing his mate, as it should be. It’s the same reason why Morgan won’t be coming with me. He needs to stay here with Lily.”

  Jordan grimaced. His brother was going through hell right now. Lily was only sixteen, granted she would turn seventeen soon, but that was still way too young. To be so close and yet so far from having your mate, Jordan knew how gut wrenching that could be.

  “Let’s go. No point in stalling,” Micah said, coming to stand beside them.

  Jordan saw his mate frown. “What are you doing?”

  Micah smirked. “You didn’t really think I’d let you take off without me, did you?”

  Not waiting for Colton to respond, the Wolf headed for the door.

  When Colton glanced up him, Jordan shrugged. “I kind of expected him to come once he found out you were. You didn’t?”

  Colton blinked at him. “But he hates Vampires. I mean, like seriously hates them. The only one I’ve seen him act fine around is Caleb, and even then I think it’s mostly just tolerance.”

  Yeah, Jordan had sensed that too, but if Micah was determined to have his friends back, then who was Jordan to argue? One more person to make sure his mate was safe…yeah, Jordan was good with that.

  And besides, for his faults, Jordan could tell that Micah was an honourable man. He would never cause a scene, or provoke an incident, simply because he had a personal distaste for Vampires. He also felt certain that Jonas would be aware of this fact. The Rege would make sure Micah was comfortable in his home.

  Jordan led Colton outside and to the vehicle waiting.

  Piling in, a heavy silence fell in the car.

  “Well, aren’t well all just a bucket of sunshine,” Riley drawled, his eyes moving from one man to the next. “I mean, seriously, I know Vampires have been called, ‘the undead,’ but we aren’t really going to a funeral, you know?”

  “Oh jeez,” Caleb muttered, burying his head in his hands. “Yep. You’re going to be a hit, my mate. I can just see it.”

  Colton sniggered, as Jordan threw his head back and laughed. Leave it to Riley to know how to fix an uncomfortable situation.

  Just over an hour later, they were pulling into the estate of the Vaucluse Coven, a little lighter in the heart.

  Slipping out of the car, he watched his mate’s reaction as Colton’s jaw dropped.

  “Seriously? This is where the Vampires live?” he asked, waving his hand in the direction of the enormous, state-of-the-art house. “I mean, what’s with all the glass. It’s like they watched Twilight and designed their house like the Cullens’.”

  Jordan chuckled. His mate had a point. Glass walls lined the multistory home, steel panels breaking up the mirrored look. Two words came to mind whenever he saw the Vampire estate. Modern and expensive.

  “I assure you, it looked like this long before that movie came out…or those damn books,” Caleb grumbled, stomping of towards the house. Ooops. “And I sure as hell don’t sparkle.”

  “Except for his sparkling personality, that is.” Riley snickered, following after his mate.

  “Smooth, dude.” Micah chuckled, slapping Colton on the back as he walked past them.

  Colton bit his lip. “I didn’t mean to insult him, it just kind of came out.”

  “Don’t worry, honey.” Jordan laughed, wrapping an arm around his Panther. “With Riley as a mate, I’m sure he has heard, and been on the receiving end, of a lot worse.”

  “True.” Colton took a deep breath, staring up at him. “All right, let’s do this. The sooner we fill Jonas in and get organised, the sooner we can find the nearest flat surface and have our wicked ways with each other.”

  Jordan stared after his mate, his jaw hanging low at Colton’s bold statement. It didn’t last long though, as a grin suddenly formed on his face and he trailed hastily behind his sexy little Panther.

  Well, damn. He was all for that plan.

  Chapter 6


  Colton tried to hide his amusement at the look of shock that had been on Jordan’s face. He knew he was being a shit. They still needed to debrief Jonas, but he hadn’t been able to help himself. His damn filter never did work very well, and around his mate, it seemed to be permanently switched off.

  Entering through the massive doorway, he couldn’t help gawking as they made their way inside. The place was so luxurious, so extravagant, as if a king lived there. And he supposed one did. Jonas was the Rege…Vampire King.

  “Damn,” he whispered in awe.

  He felt more than heard his mate come to stand behind him, Jordan’s large arms encasing him.

  “Tell me about it,” Jordan whispered into his ear, causing him to shiver. “I’m afraid to touch anything in case I break it.”

  Caleb chuckled as they caught up, his previous ire gone. “My family has always had a flair for old and shiny things. Jonas has kept the tradition going as you can see.” The Vampire shook his head. “I never really understood it myself. I prefer the way we have things back home.”

  He frowned at the Vampire. “But isn’t this your home, too?”

  Caleb shrugged. “Not so much anymore. My home is the one I make with my mate.” The other man smiled down at Riley. “After coming to the Hunter Clan, and meeting Riley, I knew I’d never live here again…unless something happened to Jonas and then I’d have to take over.”

  Crap. Colton was so used to having Caleb around, that sometimes he forgot that the man was frigging royalty. If anything ever happened to his brother Jonas, then Caleb would become Rege. Then another thought hit him. If Caleb became Rege…then Riley would become Rege soț. Oh, shit. He’d pay to see his fellow smartarse ruling a Vampire Coven.

  He must have laughed out loud because they all turned to him. However, the smirk Riley wore suggested he knew what Colton had been thinking. Then his words confirmed it.

  “Thinking about me ruling the Coven with Caleb?”

  He sniggered. “Yep.”

  “But think of the fun we could have.” Riley’s laugh was almost maniacal.

  Caleb eyed rolled his eyes. “Oh, jeez. Don’t get him started on that.”

  Colton saw the grin that spread across Riley’s face, the way the Mage stood on tiptoes to brush his lips over his mate’s cheek before whispering something low into Caleb’s ear. It was all very subtle… right up until Caleb growled and bent down to throw Riley over his shoulder.

  “We’re going to go to my rooms. Jonas will be here any minute,” Caleb mumbled to them, taking off up the grand staircase.

  “Was it someth
ing I said?” Riley laughed, throwing them a wicked grin as they disappeared at the top of the stairs.

  Colton shook his head, laughing at the other troublemaker’s antics. Flicking his gaze to his own mate, he couldn’t help but wonder if he and Jordan would ever be that comfortable and playful around one another. He hadn’t seemed to mind Colton’s remark earlier.

  As if reading his mind, Jordan waggled his brows. “Now, there is an idea.”

  He opened his mouth to reply, when a throat cleared.

  “I’m afraid that’s going to have to wait.” Colton peeked around Jordan’s wide shoulders to see Jonas standing at the entrance to the foyer, amusement sparkling in his hazel eyes. “I’m not sure how any of you get stuff done over at the Clan.”

  “Me either,” Micah muttered. “Thanks for interrupting them.”

  Jordan chuckled, ignoring Micah and walking over to greet Jonas. “We struggle.”

  Both men embraced, slapping each other on the back. Colton frowned. He hadn’t known his mate was actually friends with the Rege.

  “Jonas, I’d like you to meet my mate, Colton.” Jordan turned to face him, a huge smile on his face as he introduced Colton to Jonas.

  “Hi,” he said lamely, holding his hand out to shake the Vampire’s hand.

  Exactly what was the protocol for meeting royalty? Especially when said royalty had just hugged your mate.

  “Nice to meet you, Colton. I’ve heard”—he paused, shooting a look at Jordan—“interesting things about you.”

  Colton bristled at the comment. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he hissed.

  “Jonas,” Jordan warned. “My mate doesn’t appreciate your brand of humour.”

  The Rege chuckled. “I can see that. There is no need to get defensive. I was actually one of the ones who had been telling your mate to pull his head out of his arse. It’s good to see he finally listened.”


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