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Clipped Wings: A New Orleans Shifters Novel

Page 9

by C. J. Snyder

  “The only thing I can remember is that the bows were high powered and quiet. Black carbon in color – I think to help hide them against the clothing they were wearing.” Shuddering to himself, “The arrows, and only because I pulled one out of my shoulder, are black carbon with red feathered tips.”

  I knew this was hard for him to recount, but we needed to know what caused the group to fire an arrow into what should have appeared to be a normal falcon, “So, what lead up to them shooting you with an arrow?”

  “Well, if you’ll give me a minute, I’ll tell you.” He continued with a sneer, “Next thing I know they pulled a smoke bomb – or what I thought was one at the time – out of a pocket and ignited it directly under me. I didn’t think anything about it until my wings and chest started to tingle. Looking down at my chest, I could see little sparks or – I hate to sound all vampire novel like – glitter – shining off me.”

  Chayton came around and sat down in a camping chair we had in the back and leaned forward on his knees, “The um, glittery substance, got them super excited. Started yelling ‘we found one!’ and ‘let’s bring him down.’ It took me a few seconds to realize that they meant to hunt me.”

  He sat back and then leaned forward again showing his anxiety, “I felt almost stunned like my wings wouldn’t cooperate to take flight. They felt heavy like I had weights tied to both of them.” He stood and paced again, “Finally I was able to move both wings systematically and start to take flight. They were yelling at – what I’m again assuming – was the younger of the bunch to hurry up and take me down. My liftoff was still sluggish even though I had control of my wings again. That’s when the arrow pierced through my wing and made me tilt to the side, which thankfully also allowed me to miss the second arrow that was aimed right for my chest.”

  Gage piped up at this point, “did they pursue you after you flew off?” Chayton nodded “From what I could see because I was trying to fly high enough to not get shot at again and make it far enough away that I could land, shift and dislodge the arrow.”

  Chay took a few shaky breaths and finished up the encounter, “I made it roughly a half-mile from where I was and couldn’t hear them, they must be human because no one was able to super speed to me. I landed, looked around to make sure it was safe and shifted. Getting the arrow out on my own was hell, but I managed. Like an idiot, I tossed it into the bayou and ran like hell back to the house.”

  Gage nodded along with his girl, Presley, “And now we need to figure out who the hell they are and what the fuck they think they are doing hunting shifters.”

  Cora looked up from writing down all the details and tapped her pen on the notebook, “How could you tell they were human?” I figured I’d take this question since Chayton looked like he was all talked out. “We can smell the difference between humans and other paranormal beings, think of it as a body odor, without the grossness and musty.” Her nose still crinkled up at that, but she didn’t quite make sense of it.

  “Well, that’s interesting.” Presley laughed, “What happens if someone is wearing perfume or cologne?” Gage took the lead on this one, “It’s a little trickier, but I was able to tell with you immediately, even though you smelled like Lavender.”

  With what little information as we had, which to be honest, was very little, we decided to end the stressful chat of what happened and focus on what the next steps were.

  “So, carbon black arrows with red feathers, has anyone else seen these lying around the bayou?”

  Everyone at the table shook their heads and frowned. “Ok, then we need to become the hunters and start looking for clues.”

  Just then, mom popped her head outside to let us know that the memorial for Dad would be held in two days. “And Chayton, expect the elders to ask questions.

  They are trying to understand what happened.” He scowled back at her while plopping back down into a patio chair.

  Mom walked over to him with a determined face and quickly grabbed a hold of his ear. That caused him to not only sit up straight but say how much it hurt as she chastised him. “You do not look at me in that tone, boy. I will take your ear clean off; you hear me?”

  Chayton wiggled in an attempt to escape the ‘mom’ grasp, “Yes Ma’am.” After she let go and went back inside, we all mocked his yes ma’am causing a lot of empty threats about whooping all our asses.

  Seriously, what are humans doing hunting our kind? How do they even know we exist? Better yet, what was the smoke grenade they used to determine that Chay was indeed a shifter and not a regular bird and what made them even try? My mind rambles on while the others pick on Chay.

  The trail has probably gone cold by now, but with a wolf shifter and air support; we might be able to pick up something. “Alright guys, we need to go where Chayton was attacked and see if we can pick up a trail.”

  I swear if Gage was in wolf form, his ears would have perked right up, “Good idea! Maybe we should get Claire involved. That would give us two birds, a wolf, and a lynx.”

  As much as I didn’t want to involve that woman, something inside me knew he was right. Sighing in resignation, I gave her a quick call. Amazingly enough, she answered on the first ring, “Hey there sexy birdman, what can I do ya for?”

  She really knows how to get under someone’s skin, “Claire, we have a situation and could use your help.” I heard a little shuffling around before she answered, “I’m listening.”

  Taking another deep breath on my end, and glancing at the others, “I’m sure you’ve heard by now that my father was shot down and Chayton’s life was also put in danger,” She said that she had heard and apologized for the loss of my parent, “We have some clues, but are planning on going back out to the bayou and try to track them down. We would like for you to join us.”

  Her tone went from sympathetic to serious in a heartbeat, “Absolutely. When and where?” I let her know to meet us at the large weeping willow at the riverbank around 6 pm and that we would provide her all the details then. Claire agreed and disconnected the call.

  Walking back toward the group, they all turned to await the answer Claire gave me, “She’s in.” The entire group let out an audible sigh of relief

  Knowing that having two humans with us wasn’t a great idea and that Cora was going to put up a fight, I decided to ask her and Presley to stay behind while we were in front of the group in hopes that Cora wouldn’t protest to badly that way. Yes, I’m a coward when it comes to her, don’t judge me.

  “Ladies, I’m going to ask nicely,” directing a stern look at Cora, “That you stay here while we head out to the bayou.” My entire shoulder region tightened up with anxiety while I waited to see if this was going to cause a fight with my lovely strong girl.

  Surprisingly, she didn’t put up much of a fight. Smiling over at Presley, Cora had the look of a schoolgirl getting ready to spill some very juicy gossip, “That’s fine, I have a ton of questions and I’m sure Presley can keep me in her wonderful company while you guys are gone.”

  Oh, dear God, what was she up to? Narrowing my eyes at her knowing she was up to no good, “Why don’t I trust that answer?” She faked astonishment, “Why Kangee, are you afraid I’m going to learn some deep dark shifter secrets?”

  Laughing at her playfulness, “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.” Waggling a finger at Presley I said, “Don’t let her in on all our secrets. I’d like to leave a few that I can tell her about.” Presley let out a huff, “Oh please, Kangee. It’s not like I know everything.” She said rolling her eyes at me as she lifted her water and took a sip.

  These two women were going to be the death of me. Looking over at Gage for some moral male support, he just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. Gee, thanks, man. Checking the time on my watch, I noted it was time to head out to the willow to meet up with Claire and fill her in.

  “Alright, guys let’s go. Claire will be waiting for us.” Stepping to Cora I leaned down to plant a firm kiss on her full lips. She reached up behi
nd my head and pulled me in for a deeper one, causing a low growl reaction. Laughing she pulled away and swatted me on the ass, “Go. Get out of here before I finish what we started in the bathroom earlier.”

  Oh, the things I’m going to do to that little minx. Nodding at the guys, we took turns shifting into our animal forms and headed toward the bayou where Claire would be waiting.

  It took about ten minutes to arrive at the willow. Shifting back into human form as we walked toward Claire who was already standing under the massive tree, as I thought she would be. She was propped against the trunk in what looked like full military combat gear. Black leather from her shoulders to her toes, including her combat boots. Strapped to her hips, she had two massive hunting knives and in the small of her back, a 9mm pistol.

  “You look like you are prepared for a fight.” Nodding she patted her knives, “I never leave home without them.

  Especially if we are going up against who I think we are.”

  Well, that got everyone’s attention. When I stood in front of her, I could feel the tension radiating off her body like a sound wave, “You know who attacked Chayton and killed my Dad?”

  Claire nodded her head and took a deep breath, “I’m pretty sure it’s the same group who murdered my entire clan a few years ago. Tell me what you already know.”

  I knew Claire had a back story to tell. And I knew she probably never would. She never talked about it, but there was something always in the air when she was around. I filled her in on what Chayton told us and her eyes got darker with anger with every word.

  Her face was red with fury by the time I finished. It took her a few minutes to collect herself then she said, “Yah that sounds like them.

  We need to be careful guys, even though they are human, they are extremely dangerous and know how to take us out.” Pacing back and forth now, as if still trying to calm herself down she said, “It’s getting dark, we should start tracking them before we lose light,” and with a sly smile, “Not all of us have perfect night vision.”

  “And not all of us can fly.” Both Chayton and I chimed in at the same time.

  “You just be careful in there. I want all of us coming out alive.” I said.

  The bayou can be creepy at night if you’re not used to being in it as all of us are. But I gotta say tonight we were all on edge.

  Every little noise or twig snap had us all hesitating, waiting for another sound, turning to look for the bump in the night. With the attack on my dad and brother, and from what Claire had just told us, these guys, whoever there were, they meant business and we could all be in trouble.

  We had to stick together for the sake of all of us.

  But I still wanted to know…. Who are they? And why kill my dad?


  Chapter 13


  After the guys left to meet up with Claire, I wanted to know everything there was to know about paranormal beings and their world. I mean hell, I had been forced to open my mind wide and accept things that were once myth.

  Sitting forward and in an almost whisper like I had to keep the next words a secret from the backyard, “Ok lady, I need you to tell me everything you know about this world.”

  Presley erupted in laughter, “why are you whispering?” more laughter, “I could use some coffee, I know of a great little café close by, you down?” Who isn’t down for coffee and maybe a sweet treat? Nodding my answer to her, she stood and walked over the gate that lead out to the main road and I followed suit.

  She’s a chatty little thing, but adorable. We walked for about five minutes before getting over to the tourist district.

  I must have been so deep in thought; I didn’t hear Presley talking. She reached out and touched my arm, making me flinch back into reality. “Penny for your thoughts?” she said. I smiled over at her, “Yah, I was just thinking about how interesting it is to know that Vamps are real.”

  “Oh, honey. That’s just the tip of the paranormal iceberg.” She gestured for me to follow her into a café and walked up to the counter. The café was small, quaint, and adorable in its own right. Old menu boards with the white letters that stick into black rows hung above the malt bar. Black and white checked stools lined the side of it. On both sides of the bar, were cases of baked goods. The right side had every flavor of cupcakes you could imagine, the left side had doughnuts that were advertised as freshly made every morning.

  The aroma of coffee filled the air and classic rock played soothingly in my ears. We took seats at the malt bar and the server brought us menus and took our drink order. Even though they had coffee drinks that could rival more popular shops, I chose a fat cup of Joe with cream and sugar. Presley decided on a cappuccino.

  The menu boasted of every sweet you could think of. The warm cinnamon roll with homemade icing called my name, so I ordered one of those and Presley decided on a huge blueberry muffin.

  “Think maybe we should get a corner booth, so we are not overheard?” I asked Presley as we were served our order. She got up and walked over to a far booth in the back of the café and sat down with a plop.

  “Before I give you all the secrets of our new world, tell me about yourself, Cora.” I suddenly felt like I was about to be interrogated. Taking a sip of my coffee, it tasted as amazing as it smelled. “What do you want to know?”

  Presley pulled a chunk off her blueberry muffin and popped it into her mouth, “How did you meet our Kangee?” I felt my eyes go wide at the term of ‘our’ Kangee. She was protective of him; I could understand that.

  We spent the next hour talking about how he and I met, what I put him through – which caused more than one laughing fit on Presley’s end of the conversation, and how I came to feel the way I do with him now. I provided enough background on myself to let her know that I was not a psycho or out to hurt him. By the end of the conversation, she felt comfortable enough to start telling me about her and Gage.

  The server came over and asked if we would like refills and we both said yes. She was a petite girl with long brown hair pulled back from her face. I thought it made her look older than she was. When she came back with our drinks, she smiled shyly at us.

  I haven’t had another female to talk with in a long time and found myself really enjoying Presley’s company. According to her, she found out about Gage by accident. Seeing him shift into his wolf form, she was freaked out at first and then had so many questions; she said it took him almost six months to tell her about the life. But that was after they had ‘the most magical sex’ – her words, not mine- that she’s ever had, which isn’t hard, to believe, because she was a virgin before she was with him.

  “You see, when you have sex with a shifter. If you are fated to be his for all time, you bond.” She told me. Not quite understanding what she was saying, I took another sip of my coffee before asking, “What do you mean bond?”

  Presley let out a snicker, “I mean bond. You are theirs, forever. Wolves mate for life. I think ravens might too, but Kangee will have to tell you that.”

  Oh great more to add to the questions list.

  Sometimes there’s a change with your body chemistry, like a certain smell or a mark appears somewhere on your skin.” She stood up and tugged the edge of her jeans down just over her right hip. Centered perfectly between her hip and her thigh, was what looked to me like a brand. It was a red raised circle with a perfect paw print in the center. If anyone outside the paranormal world were to see it, it would just look like a well-placed tattoo.

  “That looks like it may have hurt.” I said as she readjusted her jeans and sat back down. Presley let out a short snort and took another bite of her muffin, “It stung, that’s for sure. But it didn’t appear until close to eight hours after we fucked for the first time.” Surprise filled my head, “Is that normal?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, “I don’t honestly know. But when I showed Gage, his chest puffed up like a peacock showing off his feathers.” That made me laugh. Although I had just met her
and Gage, I could see him walking around proud of his mark. Look what I did expression on his face.

  “You said that other things could happen as well, like a scent change. Are there other things when a bond happens?” I drained the rest of my coffee as I waited for her to answer. Between bites of the last of her muffin she said, “Oh yes, sometimes we gain a supernatural power.” My heart rate sped up, “Does that mean I could be like them?” She had no idea how much I thought I wanted that to be true. Still there was so many questions…. So much more to find out. Doubt grabbed me for a second…. Could I really do this? Giving myself a mental shake, I focused back on Presley and what she was saying.

  Giggling at my innocent question yet shaking her head, “No. but sometimes we can acquire better eyesight or hearing. I’ve heard tales that telekinesis appears as a form of communication between the bonded pair, but Gage says that’s rare.”

  Well, that’s an interesting tidbit of information. I wonder if I am Kangee’s fated mate and if so, what is he going to pass onto me? “You think I could be lucky enough to be his mate?”


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