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Straight on Toward Paradise

Page 24

by Kristin Wallace

  Grayson turned to Layla and held out a hand. “Shall we, my lady?” he asked, tilting his head toward the band and the dancing couples.

  Layla’s eyes sparkled as she reached for him, but then she hesitated, looking at Emma. “I don’t want to leave you alone.”

  Emma waved them off. “Go on, please. I’ll be fine. Have some fun.”

  Layla didn’t protest again. She smiled, kissed Emma’s cheek, and raced off with her man. Emma watched them go. They were already so wrapped up in each other they barely noticed anyone around them. She fought a rising tide of jealousy, which was ridiculous. The last thing Emma wanted was a relationship right now. She’d learned her lesson about trusting men, and no way would she go there again. Still, some pleasant company once in a while wouldn’t hurt. A handsome man who made her feel good.

  “Emma Bertram, right?” a baritone voice said from behind her.

  She spun around to see Jared Latham from Parent-Teacher Night. Well, talk about wish fulfillment. He was just as good-looking as she remembered, and he was smiling with genuine pleasure. “Jared, hi…how are you?”

  His grin widened. “Better now that I’ve found you.”

  She chuckled, drawn in immediately by the teasing warmth in his eyes. “You’re pretty smooth with the opening lines.”

  “As long as they work,” he said.

  She shrugged, even as little bubbles of excitement swept through her. It wouldn’t do to let him know she liked him. “We’ll have to see.”

  “Ah, a challenge.” One brow arched, and his expression turned a bit devilish “If I accept, will you dance with me?”

  A pang of regret leveled off her pleasure in his attention. “I can’t leave the booth unattended.”

  “We can make a dance floor anywhere we want.”

  Jared stepped around the table. He performed a little bow and then took her hand. Emma allowed herself to be led…allowed herself to enjoy the romantic moment. The music, the buzz of voices, children’s laughter, the cool breeze, all created an orchestra to accompany a secluded dance.

  Emma rested her head against Jared’s chest, breathed in his scent, and sighed in contentment. And if his chest didn’t feel exactly like someone else’s, if his scent didn’t make her insides twist and her knees turn to jelly, if he didn’t make her explode with want at the slightest touch…well those things could be dangerous to her mental and emotional well-being.

  “Emma? What are you doing?” a childish voice said from outside the booth.

  “Umm…duh,” another older, more ironic voice chimed in.

  Paige…and Imogene…and if they were here that meant…

  Emma looked over her shoulder. Reece Casings stood about ten feet away, his eyes so dark and stormy, she flinched.

  “I think you really need to have a talk with him about the status of your relationship,” Jared muttered in her ear.

  “I told you, he’s just a family…”

  His head shook. “That is not the look of a family friend. That is the look of a man who wants to flay me alive.”

  Jared took a step back. “Thank you for the dance. I need to go find my ex-wife and trade parental duties. I get Tara for the end of the night.”

  “You don’t have to go.”

  He kissed Emma’s cheek. “Until you figure out what’s going on with your family friend, I think I have to. Good-bye, Emma.”

  Chapter 19

  Emma was installing and setting up an industrial-sized mixer the next morning when Reece showed up. She wasn’t alone as Chester and Mrs. Pringle were helping to put in all the new appliances, while Noah worked on building extra shelves.

  Reece appeared in the doorway a little after nine. He wore his usual suit and tie, this one a charcoal grey that seemed to make his eyes even darker and his shoulders broader. His expression looked remote and utterly calm. He didn’t seem angry. There was no sign of the turmoil she’d seen last night as he’d looked at her and Jared Latham. Nothing to indicate he even remembered the incident.

  “I have some more papers I need you to sign,” he said, in a voice that sounded completely professional.

  Even though he gave no hint anything was wrong, everyone in the kitchen stopped and looked…first at Reece…and then at her.

  Of course, everyone knew Emma had danced with Jared Latham in the booth. Everyone also knew Reece and her sisters had found them. And somehow, even though there had never been a hint of a romance between her and Reece, all of her helpers must have sensed the incoming storm.

  Emma swallowed, for despite his tone, she knew he hadn’t come to get anything signed. She’d avoided a confrontation at the festival simply by refusing to look Reece in the eye or talk to him directly. Looking at him now, she realized stalling tactics wouldn’t put him off anymore.

  “You need some privacy?” Noah asked, breaking the spell. “We can come back.”

  “No…no…keep working.” Emma glanced back at Reece, hoping she imagined the quick flare of heat that rose in his eyes. “We can go to my office.”

  Her office was little more than a broom closet across from the walk-in freezer. In fact, it probably had been a closet at some point. Now there was a battered wooden desk shoved into one corner and a rolling chair with no back. She led Reece inside and closed the door.

  “Okay, where are these papers—”

  She didn’t have a chance to get anything else out, because Reece pushed her up against the door. His hands framed her face, and then he dove in, kissing her like a starving man eating his first meal in a week. Emma might have protested, but the blatant sensual assault short-circuited her defenses.

  She whimpered, and then kissed him back, wrapping her hands around his back to pull him closer. A deep groan rumbled up his chest as their bodies aligned, and somehow the kiss turned even hotter. Emma didn’t think she’d ever been kissed so thoroughly…so desperately…in her life.

  When he pulled away, Emma almost cried from the deprivation. His rested his forehead against hers, his breath coming in quickened gasps. “You need to stay away from Jared Latham.”

  An instant protest sprang to her lips. “You can’t tell me what to—”

  He silenced her with another scorching kiss, and she fell under his spell just as easily. Her arms slid around his neck, and she rose up on her toes to get closer. His lips trailed across to the hollow beneath her ear.

  “You can try to ignore this, Emma, but it won’t work,” he rumbled against her neck. “Flirting with Jared Latham won’t make it go away.”

  “This is crazy,” she gasped out, trying to maintain sense, when all she wanted to do was wrap her legs around his body and ease the ache he’d created.

  Reece pulled away, but only far enough so he could look her in the eye. “Maybe, but we owe it to ourselves to see where it’s going,” he said. “I’m crazy enough to try…are you?”

  He captured her lips once more, and then he pushed her away and opened the door. He disappeared, like some sort of sensual phantom who came in the night and stirred up a riot of sensations only to disappear in the morning. Emma leaned against the door, grateful for the firm surface. Without it she might have slid to the floor.

  When she could finally manage to stand without her limbs quivering, Emma left the office. Reece was already gone, of course. Mrs. Pringle and Chester were busy at work. Neither acted as though they noticed anything amiss, like the fact that Emma’s lips still tingled and her body was primed on a live wire.

  Noah was the only one who looked directly at her. “You okay?”

  “I have no idea what I am,” Emma muttered.

  His lips twitched, and she had a feeling he knew exactly what had just happened in her office. Layla had said he was a soothsayer of some sort, and judging from his expression, Emma believed it. The others probably knew, too; only they weren’t bold enough to ask questions.

  Emma worked at keeping a hectic flush from rising in her cheeks. Or maybe it was residual desire. “Can we just finish putting my k
itchen together?” she snapped.

  Mrs. Pringle and Chester already had their heads down, but of course, Noah took his time getting back to work. Then he tipped an imaginary hat and went about the business of building shelves.

  Thank goodness there was so much to do. Working meant Emma had little time to think about Reece Casings and his devastating kisses. The installations continued throughout the day, until the space began to resemble an actual working kitchen. Noah and Chester left after lunch to work on sets for the show, and Mrs. Pringle went home later in the afternoon, saying she needed to prepare dinner for her husband.

  It was still a couple of hours before the cast members would start arriving for rehearsal, which meant Emma would be alone for way too long. Being on her own meant thinking about Reece Casings and his devastating kisses. Being alone meant she couldn’t ignore his challenge to explore the attraction they felt and…what…start dating?

  The notion was ridiculous, of course. There might be chemistry, but they barely even liked each other. Reece still thought of her as an unfeeling brat who had ignored her family out of childish pique. Emma still thought he was an arrogant jerk who constantly judged her, looking for any mistake.

  Besides, she’d vowed never to give her heart to any man again. They couldn’t be trusted. Look at what had happened to her mother. Left behind after seventeen years of marriage. Joseph had confirmed Emma’s poor opinion of men and the likelihood of a lasting relationship.

  Happily ever after simply didn’t happen anymore.

  With a whimper of distress, Emma laid her head against the first of her newly built shelves.

  “Everything all right in here?”

  Emma gasped and spun to see Layla had appeared. “Hey! Yes, everything is fine. I’m just worn out,” she said, hoping her friend didn’t recognize the blatant lie.

  If Layla did sense the Pinocchio-worthy fib, she didn’t let on. “I’m not surprised. I’ve been hearing the noise in here since the crack of dawn.” Layla glanced around with interest, and her eyes went wide. “Wow, you’ve really gotten a lot done. I almost don’t recognize the place.”

  Emma smiled. She was pleasantly surprised, too, by how much had been accomplished. Now that Layla was here, Emma was glad for a chance to visit with her friend. They’d both been so busy getting The Paradise ready they’d barely had any time to talk since their road trip.

  “I think we might actually be up and running by our debut night,” Emma said.

  “That’s good, because ticket sales for the soft opening are already starting,” Layla said, her eyes shining with excitement. “We’ve had dozens of calls today, and I’m sure it’s due to the Harvest Festival this weekend. Between your glorious pies and the performance by Annaliese and Brent, curiosity and enthusiasm are through the roof.”

  Grayson Kendall had suggested they do a “soft” opening of the show before the holidays, with the true debut season starting after the first of the year. It would be a limited run of a couple weeks, primarily to work out the kinks and get the mostly amateur cast used to performing in front of a live audience. It would also give Emma a chance to ensure the kitchen and dining room operations were in sync. There was so much that had to happen on a show night, beyond just the quality of food. The dinner service needed to be over by a certain time so the show could start on schedule.

  “I’m just glad the dustup with Tammy-Lynn didn’t put people off,” Emma said, remembering the tense confrontation.

  Layla rolled her eyes. “Oh, I think that only made everyone more curious. It was like another mini-drama right in front of their eyes. We should have sold tickets.”

  “I hope my outburst doesn’t do anything to hurt you or The Paradise,” Emma said as she recalled threatening the other woman. “She really seems to have it out for you, now.”

  Layla’s green eyes darkened, and her jaw tightened. “Tammy-Lynn hated me long before you came back.”

  “I remember she used to bully you when we were younger,” Emma said. “I’m guessing it’s gotten worse since then.”

  “I have no idea what I did to earn Tammy-Lynn’s undying enmity, other than simply exist. Noah Johnson thinks she’s probably jealous of something, although honestly what could she have to be jealous about? She’s practically the queen of Shellwater Key, and always has been.”

  “I can think of a few things that might make her envious,” Emma said, taking in her friend’s voluptuous figure, golden hair, and green eyes. “If I didn't love you, I’d probably hate you, too.”

  Layla made a face. “I don’t want to compete with her.”

  “You compete just by breathing,” Emma said in a dry tone. “I bet all the guys wanted you in high school, and that killed her.”

  Layla glanced away as if uncomfortable with the observation. “I don't know about that,” she said in a strained voice.

  “I heard she’s now married to that jerk T.J. Jennings,” Emma said. “I remember him, too. He was such a creep.”

  A visible stiffness overtook Layla. “Yes, and I think that’s made her even more insufferable. T.J.’s family is almost as important as hers, so it’s made them some sort of local royalty. They think they can get away with anything because of their names.”

  “They’re raising their daughter the same way,” Emma said. “I ran into Tammy-Lynn and Angelica at Parent-Teacher Night, and the little one is on the road to being a snot, too.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Layla gave a delicate snort. “Another generation of insufferable jerks.”

  “There is only one kid, right?” Emma asked, worried there might be another Jennings she didn’t know about.

  “Yes, and thankfully they had a girl,” Layla’s gaze darkened with an unnamed turmoil. “At least she won’t go around attacking women, refusing to take no for an answer.”

  Unease ripped through her and Emma straightened. “Layla, what are you saying? Did T.J. attack you?”

  Layla bit her lip.

  The unease turned to a sickening jolt of revulsion. “Oh my gosh! Did he…” Emma couldn’t even say the word.

  “No!” Layla jumped in. “It didn’t go that far either time.”

  Emma might have been relieved by the reassurance, but the “either” made that impossible. “Either time? He went after you more than once?”

  Layla tried to shrug. “It was no big deal.”

  “A sexual assault is a big deal,” Emma said, horrified that her friend had suffered something like that, and she hadn’t known. “When did this happen?”

  “The first time was in high school,” Layla said. “I foolishly agreed to go to a dance with him. I thought he actually liked me, but it turns out he just wanted to screw me. He started kissing me when we were still in the car. I tried to push him off, but he held me down and…” She broke off shuddering. “I really thought I was going to be raped in the parking lot, while everyone was dancing inside.”

  Emma let out a blistering curse. “But you got away?”

  “I kicked him in the nuts, scrambled out of the car, and then ran like hell.”

  “I hope he walked funny for the next week,” Emma said, wanting to track down T.J. right now and thrash him.

  Layla’s green eyes flashed with fury. “I only wish I had rendered him incapable of reproducing,” she spat. “I would have spared everyone another generation of vipers.”

  “At least you got away from him,” Emma said. “I hope you told someone or reported him.”

  “Why would I bother?” Layla said. “Some kids from school saw me running away, noticed my torn dress, and came to their own conclusions about what happened. T.J. was only too happy to allow the rumors of his fabled conquest to escalate. Of course, everyone believed him.”

  “You didn't tell everyone he attacked you? Why not?”

  “Because no one would have believed me. I already had a shaky reputation because of my mother. Everyone was just waiting to see if I would turn out like her, and the incident with T.J. proved that I had.”
  “Did you think I wouldn’t believe you? You never told me, either,” Emma said, hurt that Layla hadn’t confided in her.

  “You’d moved away with your mom, and we weren’t all that close anymore,” Layla said, with a sad smile.

  The truth stung, but Emma refused to believe she would have shrugged off something as horrible as an attempted sexual assault. “I still would have been there for you.”

  “Maybe, but I was too ashamed to tell anyone. I just wanted to leave Shellwater Key and forget it had ever happened.”

  “What about the other time?” Emma asked. “You said he attacked you more than once?”

  “That was more recently, after I came back,” Layla said. “He came at me during a charity event for the hospital. Grayson found us and got him off me, but Tammy-Lynn found us, too.”

  “I bet she decided you’d tried to seduce T.J.”

  Layla dipped her head. “Of course. For some reason she thinks I’ve always wanted him and that I’m still out to steal him now, but I’d rather sleep with a scorpion.”

  Emma pulled her friend in for a hug. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, and that you felt like you couldn’t tell me. I really let our solemn vow to be friends forever and ever fall to the wayside.”

  A gurgle of laughter escaped Layla’s lips. “You still remember that silly ceremony I cooked up?”

  Emma chuckled. “Yeah. I wish we’d taken that vow more seriously.” She sobered as melancholy settled in her chest. “At least the two of us. Callie didn’t have much choice when her father pulled up stakes. She probably had no idea how to stay in touch, but what was our excuse?”

  “We grew up, I guess,” Layla said, with a shrug. “Got busy with our lives and let things slip. I’m just as much to blame. I think I was running from everything Shellwater Key represented, and that included you.”


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