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Page 23

by Honey

  “I’ll see you later, princess. That ugly man out there came to harass me.” Zach covered his little patient with a pink blanket. He removed the pair of latex gloves from his hands and washed them before leaving the sterile nursery.

  “Mr. King, how are you, sir?” The detective smiled and extended his hand to Zach.

  “I was doing great until I saw you.” He shook Ortega’s hand. “Talk to me.”

  “Is there someplace private we can go?”

  “Let’s go back to the place where we first met.”

  Zach led the detective to Nancy’s office. She politely left so they could talk privately. When they were both seated, Zach motioned with a shrug of his shoulders for Ortega to start the conversation.

  “Your sister’s attempt to play crazy due to post-traumatic distress is holding the case up. Her court-appointed lawyer and his defense team are milking it. She’s been evaluated by a psychologist of their choice and one chosen by the state.”

  “And this has what to do with me?”

  “Well, um . . . we were hoping to get a deposition from you.”

  Zach rose to his feet, shaking his head. “Nah, I’m done. Y’all don’t need me to prosecute Jay. This is some bullshit, and you know it. Y’all have audio tape, pictures, and fingerprints. Isn’t that plenty?”

  “We’re only trying to cover all bases, Mr. King. We need a security chip just in case your sister’s psycho act works. She’s throwing folks under the bus left and right. She implicated your ex-lover, Dr. Ayla Fitzpatrick, as the mastermind behind the hit. That poor woman was mortified when she came in for questioning. She brought two attorneys with her.”

  “How did it go?”

  “Nothing your sister said stuck. The pretty doctor walked away in the clear. ”

  “I’m glad to know that.” Zach sighed and dropped back down in his chair. “What do you need from me, Ortega?”

  “Just come down to the station and tell us your side of the story. Give us anything you feel will show that Ms. King carefully planned to have you murdered. Help us build on the motive we’ve already established. We know your sister was angry and acted out in a jealous rage against you for stealing her lover. But the prosecution has to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that she was in her rational mind and premeditated the hit on you. Fill in the blanks for us. What triggered this chain of events?”

  Zach knew exactly what Detective Ortega was talking about. He and the DA were fishing for the key factor, the crux, the straw that broke the camel’s back. The State needed to know the single most significant act that had sent Jay spiraling over the edge. It was the news about Jill’s pregnancy that had turned his sister’s world upside down. An inner battle was waged between his heart and his mind over whether or not he should provide the prosecutor with that tiny speck of information. Zach was partially to blame for Jay’s problems. He had no desire to pour water on his drowning sister’s head.

  The way he saw it, Jay would be locked away somewhere for an extended period of time, no matter what. She was going either to prison or to a mental institution, with or without his input. His father had been in touch with Mr. Rice, and he’d admitted that he and his team were fighting an uphill battle to defend Jay. There was no evidence indicating that she was mentally insane on the actual day she ordered the hit or during subsequent meetings with Fudge. Her conviction seemed like a slam dunk. But obviously, the prosecutor wasn’t 100 percent sure, and he didn’t want to take any chances.

  Zach clapped his hands together hard once, and Ortega gave him his undivided attention. “Let me think about it. I’ll get back to you in a few days.”

  “Have it your way, but the prosecution could always subpoena you and drag you into court as a hostile witness during the trial. Trust me. It would be easier and less stressful if you would just cooperate in the pretrial stage. Who knows? Something you say may prove to be so indisputably imperative that the defense will fold. It might pull a confession out of Ms. King, and this case would be one for the history books.”

  Zach stood and walked toward the door. He opened it wide, dismissing Detective Ortega and his comments. “Like I said, let me think about it. Remember, I’m not a criminal. I have options.”

  He walked out of the office, leaving the detective standing in the middle of the room.

  * * *

  “I wish I was Zachary Junior. He sees your breasts a helluva lot more than I do.” Zach leaned over Jill and kissed his son’s chubby face. He sat next to his wife on the sofa and watched her nurse the baby. Jill shuddered when he leaned in and blew in her ear. “When our son goes to sleep tonight, I want to play with his mama.”

  “And his mama would like very much to play with his papa. How was work?”

  “It was cool, but I had an unexpected visit from Detective Ortega. He asked me, on behalf of the prosecutor, to go downtown for an interview. Jay is pretending like she was insane when she paid the officer to kill me. Her legal team is rolling with it. So the State wants me to help them add muscle to their already strong case.”

  “Can Jay avoid prison if you don’t speak with these people? Because if she can, you owe it to your son to make sure that does not happen. I am so very sick of your sister using innocent and harmless people, like babies, to justify her wickedness. Nahima and this little one in my arms have not committed a single ill act against Jay. Yet she blames them for the evil she’s done. It is rubbish, Zachary! You must speak with those people in your son’s and Nahima’s honor, if for no other reason. I married a good man, and he should tell the prosecutor whatever he needs to know.”

  * * *

  “They grilled my ass. I felt like I was being accused of something in there. Thank God it’s over. Assistant DA Dale Lugar seems to think I sealed the deal. Detective Franklin thinks so too. I hope they’re right, because I’m not bringing my black ass back down here, even if there is a trial.”

  Dex matched his buddy’s gait step for step. He’d waited outside the district attorney’s office a little over three hours, while Zach was being deposed. He wanted to be close by while his friend faced the legal vultures. “Did you tell them everything?”

  “Hell yeah,” Zach snapped. “I put it all out there. Jay painted an ugly picture of me, man. She basically told her attorney I pursued Jill like a pimp. It was embarrassing. Mr. Rice was under the assumption that I went to Jamaica with the intention of stealing Jill from Jay. Then I lured them over here to live with me.”

  “I told you Jay is a cold piece of work. You should be glad you came down here to set the record straight. There ain’t no way a real psychiatrist is gonna say Jay was insane at the time she paid dude to off you. A crazy person wouldn’t be able to twist and distort facts the way she did. Jay is vicious!”

  Zach and Dex reached the Ford Explorer in the parking deck. They got inside the vehicle and drove to the attendant’s booth to pay the fee. As they eased out into the downtown traffic, Dex saw an attractive plus-size woman in a red dress strutting toward the courthouse. Her face looked familiar. He had seen those pouty lips and wild auburn curls before. He slowed his vehicle down and tilted his head in the woman’s direction.

  “Who is that chick? I’ve seen her somewhere before.”

  Zach leaned forward and studied the woman. “She’s kind of exotic looking. Where would you have seen her? The only time you go out is with Ramona or me. You damn sure weren’t with me when you last saw that chick.”

  A horn blowing loudly behind them prompted Dex to move on. “She looks familiar. We’ve met before. That, I know for sure. I feel like we had a conversation. It’ll come to me sooner or later.”

  Chapter Forty-five

  “State your name for the record, ma’am.”

  “Nina Celeste Lopez,” she said in a shaky voice. The group of three men and one woman sitting around the table and watching her made her very uneasy.

  “Do you know Jayla Simone King, also known as Jay King?” Mr. Lugar asked.

  “Yes, I know Jay.
I told the two detectives that when they came to my house.”

  “Ms. Lopez, my name is Alan Rice. I’m Ms. King’s attorney. Do you mind describing your relationship with her? Were the two of you friends, associates, or other?”

  Nina exhaled as her eyes skidded around the massive oval-shaped table. She felt like jumping up and running out of the room. If only she’d hired a damn attorney, but she didn’t have money for one. All her extra cash had been put on Jay’s books. And now she was sitting in a stuffy room, with three suits and a skirt, like she was some kind of evil criminal.

  “Please answer the question, Ms. Lopez.”

  Nina rolled her brown eyes to the ceiling. “Jay and I are . . . well, were lovers.”

  Mr. Lugar, the young hotshot assistant district attorney, slid a manila folder across the table. It stopped right at Nina’s bulging pair of breasts. He smiled, and his blue eyes flashed with intimidation. “Is that why you tampered with Jillian Bessette’s records at the immigration department? That is where you work, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, I work there. But I only—”

  “Did you or did you not alter information in Ms. Bessette’s record, thereby denying her reentry to this country back in November of last year?”

  “Go to hell, you white bastard! I ain’t saying another damn word until I get me an attorney up in here!” Nina shoved the file away without ever opening it.

  “Why do you need an attorney, Ms. Lopez?” Mr. Lugar replied. “You came down here on your own free will. You weren’t coerced.”

  “Hell, I didn’t know my neck was gonna be on the chopping block. Those detectives told me Jay’s attorney needed me to help him with her defense.” Nina took a deep breath. “This right here,” she said, pointing to the four pairs of eyes staring her down, “it’s a bullshit setup. Get me a damn lawyer, or I’m walking!”

  * * *

  Aunt Jackie had volunteered to babysit Zachary Junior and Nahima for Zach and Jill. They’d gone out to dinner and dancing on a Friday night. It was the first time since the baby’s birth that they’d gone on a date. The little fellow was three months old now and the spitting image of his father. Aunt Jackie thought he was a wee bit too plump for his age, tipping the scale at twenty pounds already. Jill had lost all her baby weight since giving birth and had started talking about dancing and teaching again at Umoja Academy. Mrs. Scott had assured her she’d always have a place at the school whenever she decided to return.

  Nahima rested her knees on the thick black carpet in the den and searched the channels on the big-screen television. She paused and wrinkled her pretty face when she saw a picture of Zach on the WXYS evening news. In the background, there was rolling footage of Jay being escorted by a female deputy into the courtroom in handcuffs. The anchorwoman stated her full name, and Nahima, a very intelligent kindergartner, instantly recollected that King was also her uncle Z’s last name. As the report went on, the camera zoomed in on Jay’s face. Nahima inched closer to the huge screen mounted on the wall.

  “Nana, who is that lady on TV?” The child pointed to Jay’s face. “Her last name is King, just like Uncle Z’s, Auntie Jill’s, and little Zachary’s.”

  Aunt Jackie looked up from feeding the baby his bottle and gasped. “Nahima Angelique, please change the channel now, sweetheart. Little children don’t need to watch the news.”

  “But who is she, Nana? And why was she on the news with Uncle Z’s picture? Is she his friend?”

  “Turn to the Disney Channel, sweetie. I want to watch it with you. A good movie is probably on.”

  “But Nana . . . ,” Nahima whined.

  “Turn to the Disney Channel, little girl . . . right this minute!”

  Nahima listened this time. A little later she fell asleep during a movie about children spies. She had grown too big for Aunt Jackie to carry up the stairs. She woke the child and guided her up to her room, where she undressed her and put her to bed. Zachary Junior had been asleep in the nursery for a couple of hours, since his healthy bottle of rice cereal. When Aunt Jackie was alone in the guest bedroom, she was assaulted with a very troubling reality. More than half of what Nahima believed about her existence wasn’t true. Yes, Venus was her mother technically and legally, but not biologically.

  “The truth is gonna come out one way or the other,” Aunt Jackie said aloud. She shook her head as she reached over and turned on the radio on the dresser. “I just hope it won’t destroy that precious baby.”

  * * *

  “Thanks for meeting me, Zach. I know this may be a little awkward for you.”

  “It’s not a problem, Doc. We’re associates and coworkers. Ain’t no law against two people sitting down, having a conversation over lunch. I’m cool with it. Why are you trippin’?”

  Ayla looked around the popular deli, located a few blocks away from the hospital. “You’re married, and we do have an interesting past.” She smiled slyly.

  Zach smiled back. “Yeah, it is pretty interesting. It’s funny how quickly life changes. This time last year, I was in Jamaica with Nahima and Jill for a short visit. I was single, with no children. Now I’m a husband and a father. I never knew life could be this sweet.”

  “Well, my life was screwed up back then, having just gotten involved with your crazy sister. It’s still screwed up today. I’ve made a lot of bad mistakes, Zach. I’m working on rebuilding my life. Some much-needed changes are in order. For one, I’m leaving Atlanta. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I was wondering if you’d write me a letter of reference. I don’t have very many friends here in Atlanta, especially in the medical field.”

  “Of course, I’ll do that for you, Doc. Where are you going?”

  Ayla laughed dryly. “You’re not gonna believe me.” She laughed again and rubbed her hands together.

  “Try me.” Zach bit into his Philly cheesesteak. “I’m waiting. I ain’t got all day.”

  “I’m going to New Mexico. I have an opportunity to help the less fortunate while making good use of my Morehouse medical degree. Imagine me, on an Indian reservation. I’ll be second in charge. It’s almost a sure thing. I just need a few references.”

  “Cool,” Zach said, reaching across the table. “I’m proud of you. Congrats, Doc.”

  Ayla shook Zach’s hand. “After the mess I made of my life here, I need a fresh start. A new city and a new job seemed like good moves. Maybe I’ll get lucky and fall in love, like you did.”

  “Don’t look for love. Let love find you. I was a sworn bachelor for life. You know that, Doc. But there was something about Jill that robbed me of my player’s card. I wasn’t looking for love. It honestly found me, and now I’m the happiest man alive.”

  “I can tell. Hell, everyone can!” Ayla looked around the deli. “Let’s just hope Ida Bell’s gossiping ass is nowhere around here, because she’ll make sure your wife hears about our lunch meeting. That old woman will make me out to be a home-wrecking hussy.”

  “Jill already knows we’re having lunch. I called her as soon as I hung up with you.” He smiled at Ayla’s surprised expression. “I tell my wife everything.”

  “And what did Mrs. King have to say about you meeting me here today?”

  “She actually told me to say hello to you from her and our son. Jill is not a jealous woman at all, and she has no reason to be. She’s very secure. My wife knows that she’s the only woman for me, because she holds a brother down.”

  “She’s one lucky woman. I wanna be just like her one day. I’m gonna take your advice and allow love to find me in Cibola County, New Mexico. I want to be loved and cherished.”

  “Which team are you on, Doc?”

  “About that . . . It was just a phase . . . the absolute worst of my mistakes in this city. God, I don’t know what was wrong with me!”

  “Jay has confused many before you. She has a way with women from all walks of life.”

  “Tell me about it. But that’s in the past. I’ll be starting over in New Mexico.”

bsp; Zach raised his glass of strawberry lemonade. “To new beginnings!”

  “Yes, to new beginnings,” Ayla agreed and raised her glass filled with diet soda to touch his glass.

  Chapter Forty-six

  “No, Zachary. Let it ring! Please don’t stop!” Jill wrapped her long dancer’s legs around Zach’s waist to hold him in place, and thrust her hips upward. All nine-plus inches of his rigid manhood slid deeper inside of her. “Oh yes, Zach-a-ry!”

  The phone stopped ringing, and the passion resumed at a more intense level. But the caller seemed to be on a mission to rob Zach and Jill of their midnight lovemaking session. The ringing ceased momentarily, only to start all over again. The persistent distraction caused Zach to slow his strokes.

  “Oh no, Zachary, you cannot stop! You can’t! Don’t stop!”

  “What . . . what . . . um…what if it’s Aunt Jackie? She’s got Zachary Junior.”

  Jill squeezed her legs tighter around him, refusing to let him abandon the ride. The phone had become annoying, messing up their flow. She reached up and pulled Zach’s face to hers and covered his lips in an aggressive kiss. Jill accepted his tongue sliding in and out of her mouth, mimicking the action going on under the sheets. Her body stiffened when the first ripple of pleasure struck. All ten of her toes curled as her racing heart skipped a few beats. Rhythmic spasm after spasm racked Jill’s entire body, eliciting a high-pitched soprano note that could’ve shattered glass.

  “J-Jill!” was Zach’s response when his body toppled over the edge and landed on cloud nine.

  The phone continued to ring off the hook, but neither Zach nor Jill could move at the moment. He had collapsed on top of her and was basking in the aftershock of their mind-blowing lovemaking. Their bodies, covered by beads of sweat, were still joined. Breathing didn’t come easy, and energy was nonexistent. The pair of satisfied lovers inhaled the sweet scent of sex in the air and listened to the phone disrupting their peace.


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