Happily Ever After Collection

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Happily Ever After Collection Page 8

by Melanie Moreland

  I adored Gerard, not only for how he treated Byron, but for how wonderful a person he was—kind, thoughtful, sweet. I’d never seen him lose his temper or even appear upset—he seemed unflappable. I was surprised he wasn’t married, but as he explained to me one day, he had never allowed himself the time to find the right person when he was younger—far too busy becoming a chef and opening his own place, he let time slip past. I scoffed at him, reminding him he was only forty, which was hardly in his dotage. He only shook his head, telling me he had a good life, was happy and settled, and that was all he wanted. He did, however, admit he was thrilled Byron had found me and wouldn’t be alone the way he was. Byron, he said with a gentle smile, had so much to give.

  He only shook his head when I replied I felt that he, Gerard, did as well.

  Byron and I tried to include him in as much of our life as we could. Dinners, movie night, whenever we could, we made sure he was part of it. He wasn’t much older than Byron, yet I knew Byron thought of him as a father figure. To me, he was a favorite older brother.

  Gerard laughed loudly as I described my new professor and the fact that we shared a love of McMuffins. Although he wasn’t as vehement in his dislike of fast food as Byron, he preferred to cook himself. He was pleased at how excited I was about the direction Lila seemed to be heading in since he loved to hear about school and what I was learning.

  A knock at the door startled me; it was then I remembered Lila was dropping off a book.

  “That’s her now.” I grinned. “You can meet her yourself.”

  “I’ll get another plate.”

  I nodded. “She’ll love that!”

  Lila breezed in, chatting about everything she’d done that day and laughing over some things she’d seen on campus. She admired the house, and when Gerard appeared, she was rendered speechless for a moment before shaking his hand and accepting the offer to stay and enjoy the movie with us, tempted, no doubt, by the delicious repast he had prepared. She sat down, accepting not only the plate but a glass of wine. Gerard started the movie then proceeded to ignore the screen, as did Lila. The two of them started talking about different places they’d both visited, books they’d read, and she praised his cooking, asking questions about ingredients as she sampled various tidbits.

  “Is this tarragon with the chicken?”

  “Yes, it is, Lila.” Gerard beamed at her.

  “Do I detect a hint of saffron?”

  “You do!”

  I sat in the chair, watching them, also ignoring the movie. What was happening in front of me was far more entertaining. Gerard was effusive, happy, his hands gesturing as he spoke, sometimes so quick his words ran together. There was something different about him. Then it dawned on me—he was nervous. Unflappable Gerard was nervous. I watched them closer. Lila had two bright spots of color on her cheeks, and her dark eyes never left his face as he spoke.

  They liked each other. A lot.

  I hugged myself. Until that very second I’d never thought about it, but they were perfect for each other. Polar opposites in some ways, they complemented each other. Her flightiness was the perfect contrast to his steady countenance. Her very presence made him lighter. Byron often said the same thing about me in relation to him.

  Gerard stood. “We need more wine.”

  Lila’s gaze followed him across the room, then her eyes met mine, widening in panic. I smirked, about to tease her, when she suddenly leaped to her feet.

  “I have to go.”

  I frowned. “But—”

  She shook her head, almost running for the door. “I’m so sorry!”

  I didn’t even make it to my feet when the door slammed shut behind her. I gaped at the door in shock.

  What the hell just happened?

  Gerard came into the room, a fresh bottle of wine in his hand. He looked around, confused. “Where’s Lila?”

  I pointed to the door. “She suddenly said she had to leave.”

  “Just like that?”

  I nodded.

  The squeal of tires backing out the driveway made us both swivel our heads in the direction of the street.

  “Did you say something to upset her?” he cried.

  “No.” I shook my head frantically. “She just…bolted!”

  He sat down heavily. “Well, fuck.”

  I sat beside him. “You like her, Gerard?”

  He frowned. “She seemed wonderful.”

  I nodded. “She is.”

  A few minutes later, the front door opened and Byron strode in, muttering, his face dark.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Some woman almost ran me off the road. She was going like a bat out of hell down the street—crazy driver!”

  I giggle-snorted. “Was it an old Mustang?”

  Byron nodded as Gerard groaned. “She drives an old Mustang?”

  Byron looked confused. “Who?”

  “My new professor. She came by to drop off a book. One minute, she was flirting with Gerard, then the next, she took off. We’re not sure why.”

  Byron sat down and picked up a small puffed morsel, chewing it slowly. “Maybe these chicken bundles. A little heavy-handed on the tarragon, Gerard.”

  He groaned. “I know. I thought so too.”

  I burst out laughing—they tasted great to me. “I doubt it was your bundles, Gerard. Something else happened.”


  “I don’t know, but I’ll find out,” I promised.

  Byron leaned back. “Are we watching this movie or not?”

  Gerard nodded and picked up the remote, starting it over from the beginning. “Might as well.”

  He sounded so sad. I met Byron’s gaze and shrugged. I’d go see Lila first thing the next morning and get to the bottom of her abrupt departure.

  Lila avoided me for three days. She was busy or in meetings. She didn’t return my calls. Finally, I decided to show up unannounced and meet her face-to-face. Byron said Gerard hadn’t been himself since Monday, and I was determined to find out why she ran, when they were so obviously attracted to each other.

  I squared my shoulders and knocked on her door, entering when I heard her call out, “Come in!” To say she looked surprised to see me would be an understatement. Her face went pale, but she invited me in anyway.

  I sat across from her, noticing she looked tired and anxious. “Are you okay, Lila?”

  She drew in a deep breath. “I’m fine.”

  “You worried us, leaving so fast.”

  “I’m sorry—that was rude of me. I remembered a previous engagement.”

  “I see. We were very concerned—especially Gerard.”

  “Please tell him I’m fine, and he doesn’t have to worry.”

  “Maybe you should tell him yourself.”

  She frowned at me. “That’s not a good idea.”


  She stood up pacing. “Julia, I can’t see Gerard again. In fact, I think it would be a good idea if, after this course is done, I find you another TA job.”

  I gasped. “Why?”

  She sat across from me. “Do you want me to be completely honest?”


  “I liked Gerard.”

  “He liked you too.”

  “No, I mean I liked, liked him.”

  I waved my hand. “I understand that. I don’t see the problem.”

  “You don’t see the problem?” she asked shrilly.


  She looked aghast. “He’s your boyfriend. You don’t see the problem with the fact that I found him sexy and wanted to lick off the little bit of pastry he had stuck on the side of his mouth with my tongue? That isn’t a problem to you?”

  I blinked at her for a moment, then started to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I hadn’t even thought of that. I told Lila I lived with my boyfriend and he was a chef. I introduced her to Gerard, not as my boyfriend, but since he was there, had cooked the food she was eating, and see
med at home, of course she thought he was my boyfriend. My boyfriend she was now lusting after hard.

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I gasped between gales of laughter.

  “He’s not?”

  “No, I think you…you almost ran my boyfriend off the road in your haste to get away from us.”

  “Oh.” She frowned. “The black BMW?”

  I nodded, wiping tears off my face. Byron was going to laugh himself sick over this.

  I calmly explained it all to her. I showed her Byron’s picture and clarified who Gerard was to both of us. Told her about our Monday movie nights. Then I winked at her and said Gerard probably would have liked it if she had, indeed, licked his face.

  She buried her face in her hands. “Now, I’m even more embarrassed,” she groaned. “I can never face him.”

  “You have to. He really liked you,” I informed her.

  She blushed, looking hopeful. “He did?”

  I nodded. “Very much so.”

  “He must think I’m crazy for running out.”

  “He’d be thrilled to see you again.”

  She sighed, looking uncertain.

  “Do you have plans tonight?”

  She shook her head.

  “How about dinner?”

  “Will Gerard be there?”

  “Yes. It’ll be somewhere you can interact, but no pressure. I promise you one of the greatest meals you’ve ever eaten.”

  “Gerard and great food? I’m in.”

  I scribbled down the address. “Meet me here at nine.”

  Her eyes widened. “Your boyfriend works at Creations? I’ve heard people talking about it. I read a write-up on it in the weekend paper. The critic raved about it.”

  I smiled proudly at her. “My boyfriend is Creations.”


  Then I leaned forward. “So is Gerard.”

  “Oh my.”

  Byron laughed when I spoke with him later and told him the whole story. In fact, he dropped the phone, he laughed so hard. Once he stopped guffawing, he agreed my plan was a good one.

  “You’re sure you want the kitchen spot, my love?” he asked.


  Byron had a special table in the kitchen, tucked into its own alcove. It was set up so you could see what all the chefs were doing. He sat there on occasion to observe if he felt something wasn’t working properly. At times, the chefs sat at it on their break, and every now and then, it was used to host special guests—people who paid big money to a charity to watch Byron cook a special meal for them. They were waited on by only Byron and Gerard and catered to for a night. Sometimes, Byron would grant them access and even allow them to do some simple task, so they could brag and say they had cooked with him.

  He preferred when it was used as “Julia’s spot,” as he called it. I would sit, surrounded by schoolwork, interrupted only when Byron would slide some snack in front of me, nuzzling my head or dropping a heavy kiss on my lips and murmuring I was working too hard and needed to eat. He would sit with me when he could and talk quietly about his day or our plans for the next Sunday. Even after I came to live with him, he liked me there, saying he never saw me enough. I liked looking up and watching him in his element. Listening to him issue orders, commanding the flow of the kitchen, and keeping it running seamlessly. He looked so sexy in his chef’s attire, as he created, led, and tested, making sure each dish that left the kitchen was perfect. He would catch my eye and wink when he’d given someone hell about something, never raising his voice, only changing the tone. It was enough to bring them all to attention. Me included.

  I had asked about bringing Lila and he told me it wasn’t booked, so he would have it prepared for me. “Gerard will be thrilled,” he assured me. “Once he gets over the surprise anyway.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Are you sure you can do this?”

  I sighed. “I can carry dishes, Byron.”

  “Okay. Just checking.”

  “You’ll be okay out front?”

  “I’ll make sure.”


  “Yes, my love?”

  “I need you on top of your game tonight.”

  He snorted. “Aren’t I always?”

  “For me.”

  He lowered his voice. “Do I get to be on top of you later, then?”


  “Done. We’ll give Gerard and Lila a night they’ll never forget.”

  Lila’s eyes were huge when I met her in the parking lot. “Julia,” she called, hurrying toward me. “How did you manage to get a reservation—even if you know the owner? I was told it’s booked up for months!”

  I hooked my arm through hers and walked toward the back of the restaurant. “We have a special table.”

  I opened the door, and we stepped in. She looked around, taking in the busy kitchen and inhaling the delicious aromas. I smiled at her as I saw Byron approaching.

  “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

  Byron leaned down, kissing my cheek gently. He extended his hand. “Hello, I’m Byron Lord. Julia’s official boyfriend. Welcome to my restaurant.”

  Lila’s cheeks colored, and she tossed back her dark hair, then shook his hand. “Lila Peters. Dr. Lila Peters.”

  “Pleased to meet you. May I take your coat?”

  She slid it off her shoulders, and it was all I could do not to clap my hands. From the moment I met her, she reminded me of a movie star from the era Gerard and I loved so much. Tonight, with her dark hair down around her shoulders and an elegant dinner dress on, she looked the part. Gerard wouldn’t know what hit him.

  Byron draped her coat over his arm and escorted us to the table. She sat down, glancing around nervously. I knew she was looking for Gerard. Byron winked at me, and I stood beside the table, chatting to Lila.

  “Aren’t you going to sit down?” she asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

  I saw Byron return, Gerard in tow. I stepped back, and he froze when he saw Lila. Then the warmest smile broke out on his face and his hazel eyes lit up. Glancing at her, I saw the same warmth being returned, her dark eyes glowing. He stepped forward, and I indicated with my hand he should sit. I beamed at them, while Byron stood beside me. He cleared his throat.

  “Welcome to Creations. Tonight, you’ll both be my guests as I prepare you a special dinner. Julia—” he lifted my hand and kissed it “—has arranged for this special evening for you, and she’ll be acting as your server.”

  Gerard chuckled, and I fought the urge to kick him. Instead, I glared, and he ducked his head. Byron kept talking. “Do you have any dietary concerns I should know of?”

  They both shook their heads “no,” and Gerard spoke up. “Byron—”

  “Everything is looked after, Gerard,” he assured him.

  “Of course it is. I was thinking perhaps, though, I might take care of the wine myself. I have a special bottle in mind.”

  Byron tilted his head. “By all means.” He held out his hand. “Come, my Julia. I need your help.”

  I stood beside him, almost bouncing with excitement as I looked over at the table. They were already laughing, and I had no doubt Lila had told him the whole I-thought-you-were-her-boyfriend-story.

  “Do you really need my help?”

  Byron chuckled. “You can carry the food to the table.”

  “I could chop stuff.”

  “Ah, we don’t have any dollar store knives here.” He held up his shiny, lethal blade. “I don’t think our guests want blood in their food, either.”

  I sighed. “Carrying plates. Yeah, I can do that.”

  Byron bent close to my ear, indicating the table with a subtle tilt on his head. “Besides, you can watch the show from here.”

  I peeked over his shoulder and giggled. Lila’s and Gerard’s foreheads were practically molded together, and whatever they were discussing was obviously intense. They were totally focused on each other.

  “I have a good feeling about this,” I ob
served with a huge smile on my face.

  Byron brushed his lips over my forehead. “I have a good feeling about you. Now, move or become part of the dinner!”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Yes, Master…I mean, Chef Lord.”

  Two hours later, I was exhausted. Byron slipped his arms around me. “Go upstairs. I’ll finish up.”

  I leaned back against him. “How can they possibly still be talking?”

  He chuckled. “They took breaks to eat.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think so. They both talked with their mouths full.”

  “Go. I’ll get Tom to clear the dessert. I’ll just make sure everything is done, and Gerard will close up when they’re finished.” He snickered into my ear. “I have a feeling they may be here for a while yet.”

  After I gave a small wave to Lila and Gerard, I slipped out of the kitchen and trudged upstairs to Byron’s private office. I sank onto the sofa and kicked off my shoes. I had no idea how anyone stood on their feet for hours on end or carried plates of food all night. I only had to go from the counter to the table a few times, fill up their water glasses, and make sure they were happy. Most of the time, Gerard simply waved me away, taking the plates right from my hands and serving Lila himself. He obviously didn’t want me to interrupt the flow of their endless conversation.

  It made me happy, seeing how much they were enjoying themselves. I curled into the corner of the sofa, wondering how long it would be before Byron joined me. I was glad tomorrow was Friday. It was going to be a long day, but my classes started later. My last class was Lila’s, and I would meet her in the afternoon before it started to go through anything she wanted to discuss. I yawned and shut my eyes. I would just rest them until Byron came upstairs.

  Warm lips brushing my cheek and his low voice in my ear woke me. “Sit up, my love. I brought us dinner.” Sleepily, I allowed myself to be lifted into the sitting position and obediently opened my mouth when Byron pressed the fork on my lower lip. I chewed the pasta slowly, blinking in the light.


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