Happily Ever After Collection

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Happily Ever After Collection Page 9

by Melanie Moreland

  “How long was I asleep?”

  He smiled gently at me as he chewed his pasta. “Not long.” He lifted up another mouthful for me. “You’re tired, my girl.”

  “I’m not used to being a waitress. It’s a lot of work—and I know I had it easy tonight.” I wiggled my toes. “My feet hurt.”

  He nodded. “Working in a restaurant is a lot of work for everyone—from the busboys to the waitstaff and the chefs.”

  I shook my head when he tried to give me more pasta. “I’m too tired.”

  “I’ll make you a good breakfast before you go tomorrow,” he promised, not forcing the issue. He finished off the pasta and set down the bowl beside him. He grinned at me as he scooped me up in his arms. “I can’t have you stopping back at McDonald’s again. One McMuffin this week was enough.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. I never should have mentioned it.

  “I can walk,” I protested weakly, even as I snuggled into his chest. I loved it when he carried me—I always felt so safe and loved when he cradled me protectively.

  “Be good, and I’ll give you a foot massage when we get home. Maybe even a back rub.”

  “I thought you were gonna get on top of me?” I breathed into his neck, letting my tongue flick his warm skin.

  He growled low in his throat, his chest rumbling against me. “Since you’ll no doubt sleep all the way home in the car, we’ll be doing that in the morning, Julia.”

  I sighed and snuggled in deeper as the cool night air hit me. I realized he had bypassed the kitchen totally, giving Gerard and Lila their privacy. “I’m looking forward to the morning, then.”

  He lowered me into the passenger seat, cupping my face. He kissed me until I was breathless.

  “Me too.”

  I knocked on Lila’s door, stifling another yawn. It had been a long day. Byron had been right, and I’d slept in the car all the way home. I was barely awake to walk into the house. He was sweet enough to give me the promised foot and back rubs—although I did fall asleep while he was working on my back. This morning, he let me sleep as long as possible before waking me up and driving me back to the restaurant to get my car. Just as Byron parked the car, Gerard pulled in behind us. He got out of his car, beaming. The sun couldn’t compete with the brilliance of his smile.

  I giggled at the look of happiness on his face and smiled widely when he handed me a small bag.

  “You’ve already been cooking?”

  “I was hungry in the night, so I got up and did some cooking,” he stated. “I made you a snack for later today—I know it’s a long one.”

  I opened my backpack and slipped it inside, chuckling. Byron had already made me breakfast, packed me a lunch, and now Gerard looked after dinner for later. Between the two of them, I would never starve.

  Gerard clapped Byron on the shoulder and walked over to the back of the restaurant, entering through the door. He whistled the whole time. Byron smirked as he watched him and turned to me. “Ten to one, he’s tapping that before the weekend is out. If he hasn’t already.”


  “What? He has that same blitzed-out expression on his face I did after we made love the first time. And after the meal I made them—he was hungry in the night? He must have worked up an appetite somehow!”

  I shook my head. “They were probably up late talking. And you know how Gerard is… When he’s excited over something, he has trouble sleeping.”

  Byron waggled his eyebrows at me. “He was excited, all right.”

  I slapped his arm and walked over to my car, yanking the door open and muttering about men and thinking only one thing. I gasped when Byron’s arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his chest. He nudged my hair out of the way and ran his lips over my neck.

  “All I’m saying is, I think your plan worked, my little matchmaker.”

  “I didn’t plan on them…” I groaned. “I think you’re wrong anyway. He’s just happy.”

  “Care to make a little wager?”

  I turned in his arms. “And how are you gonna find out? You can’t just ask him.”

  “I’ll figure it out. You want that bet?”

  “What’s the wager?”

  “Winner gets whatever they want…anything…for a week.”

  I frowned. I didn’t have a lot of money to spend. “Anything? Like what anything?”

  “Food, massages, foot rubs—” he lowered his mouth to my ear “—anything sexually…”

  I swallowed, the words popping out of my mouth before I could stop them. “Could I tie you up?”

  His eyebrows shot up high, and his eyes darkened. “If that’s what you want.” He brushed his lips over mine. “Maybe I’ll tie you up.”

  Heat tore through me.

  His tongue traced my bottom lip. “Maybe, even if I win, I’ll let you tie me up. Like a freebie. Or maybe that will be my prize.”


  His mouth covered mine in a long, passionate kiss. Vaguely, I was aware other cars had pulled into the lot and his staff were walking past us, but I didn’t care. They were used to his displays of affection.

  He stepped back, his eyes hooded and his chest heaving.

  “This is gonna be a great week.”

  “You haven’t won yet.”

  He winked. “I already have.”

  After another long, passionate kiss and my promises of making up for falling asleep last night, he sent me off to school. His warm eyes were gentle as he leaned into my window, and I whispered I loved him. He still liked hearing me say it.

  “I’ll see you at home, my love.”

  Lila’s voice bade me to enter, so I stepped inside, clutching my backpack of books and the snack from Gerard. She looked up from the mess that was her desk and grinned at me.

  Beamed, more like it. The same wide, bright smile Gerard wore this morning. She looked…blissful.

  Oh God—was Byron right?

  Sitting on the only neat spot on her desk was a huge vase of flowers. Roses, carnations, and orchids overflowed the vase, their fragrance filling the office.

  I leaned forward and smelled them. “They’re beautiful!”

  Lila giggled, sounding like a young girl. “I know. He’s too much.”

  I set down my bag. “You had a good time?” I asked cautiously. I was still getting to know her, and I didn’t want to cross any lines.

  “Wonderful! My God, can your Byron cook!”

  I nodded proudly. “He’s amazing.”

  “And Gerard,” she gushed. “He is just so…so…yummy!”

  I laughed. “I saw him this morning when Byron drove me to get my car. I think he feels the same way about you.”

  “It was such a great night. Thank you.”

  I shrugged. “The two of you hit it off so well—I thought you’d be perfect for each other.”

  She nodded. “Almost.”


  She waved her hand around. “He’s such a neat freak. I’m afraid when he sees what chaos I surround myself in, he might run. His place is immaculate.”

  My throat became dry. She’d seen his place? Was she there all night? I couldn’t ask her that question. It was too personal.

  Her voice interrupted my thoughts. “Okay, we need to go over some notes. Did you need to get something to eat?”

  I shook my head. “No, I have something.”

  “Me too!”

  I leaned over and pulled my bag from my backpack, freezing when I saw Lila open the same sort of bag. When she pulled out the exact same container as mine and opened it, I knew without looking, it would contain chicken and asparagus roll-ups. Freshly made and packed by Gerard.

  Her eyes widened when she saw my container. “Gerard dropped this off after he made it at the restaurant earlier,” she murmured, the tips of her ears turning red.

  “He gave me mine this morning. He said he made it at home.” I paused. “In the night—when he was hungry.”

  For a minute, she said nothing, then
she started to laugh. “Busted.”

  I gaped at her. “Lila!”

  She giggled as she lifted a roll from the container. “What can I say? The man has moves.” She heaved a huge, shuddering sigh. “So many, many moves.”

  She took a bite out of her sandwich and winked. “And then he fed me. It was the perfect night, Julia. I look forward to many more.”

  My mouth opened and closed, no words coming out.

  Those were my thoughts—about Byron.

  She now had the same thing I did. A great guy…great sex…great food.

  Knowing Gerard, he was the same as Byron. If they had already progressed to that step…he was all-in.

  Byron was right. I’d never live it down. And now I was at his mercy for an entire week.

  God only knew what he’d think up.

  Deciding to get it over with, I picked up my phone and texted him.

  Julia: You won.

  My phone chirped a few seconds later.

  Byron: I know. He was far too smug all day. I finally got it out of him.

  I shook my head.

  Julia: Lila spilled in about five seconds. All she said was: Busted.

  Byron: LOL. Guess you’re busted now. Seven days, my love. All mine.

  I sighed.

  Julia: I guess so. Be gentle.

  My phone rang, and I accepted the call. Byron’s voice was low and warm in my ear. “Julia, I love you.”

  I glanced up at Lila, but she seemed to be busy eating and typing on her own phone. “I love you, too,” I whispered, mystified at his greeting.

  “You’re not really worried, are you?”

  I giggled. “No.”

  “Good. Have a good evening, and I’ll see you at home.”


  “And, Julia?”


  “I ordered extra whipping cream today. I’ll bring it home for Sunday.” He drew in a deep breath. “And I’m going to let you have that freebie.”

  Then he hung up.

  Remembering the last experience with whipped cream, I grinned.

  Losing was going to be okay. I was looking forward to my freebie.

  And I had a good feeling I was going to enjoy the next seven days.


  Five years later

  I woke up slowly, my eyes blinking in the late morning light. I glanced at the clock, surprised to see it already past nine. Byron had let me sleep in. I slipped from our bed, got ready, and headed downstairs.

  I heard them before I saw them. Byron’s warm voice and the excited giggle of our goddaughter, Nikki. I rounded the corner and bit back my laughter. There was flour on the floor, the table, and all over them, and Byron’s kitchen was a mess. But he wore a wide smile, and his voice was patient as he taught his favorite tiny human how to make cookies.

  “Like this, Nikki. Roll it in your hand gently.” He paused. “A bit gentler, little one. We want balls, not pancakes.”

  She stared up at him, her hazel eyes wide and hopeful. “You make pancakes, Unca By?”

  I already knew the answer before he responded. He couldn’t say no to her. Ever.


  I chuckled, and he glanced up, already smiling. “Hello, my beautiful wife.”

  I still got a thrill when he called me that. We had gotten married two years ago, right after I graduated, in a simple ceremony in the back garden. Lila and Gerard had married not long after they met, and Nicola had been born a year later. We adored her and enjoyed having her stay overnight. She and Byron always got up early and had “fun” in the kitchen. His patience with her was endless, and she loved spending time with him.

  I moved forward, kissing a tiny flour-covered cheek, then lifting on my toes to press a kiss to Byron’s mouth. He smiled against my lips. “You look better. You were so tired last night.”

  “I am,” I assured him.

  “I made coffee.”

  “In a while.”

  He frowned but didn’t say anything. I sat with Nikki, and together, we rolled out balls as Byron made pancakes. We tidied up the table and had just sat down when Gerard and Lila arrived, prompting a round of happy squeals from Nikki. They sat having coffee, Nikki on her daddy’s knee as he sipped from his mug and let his daughter feed him drippy pancakes, his eyes filled with adoration. She had Lila’s dark hair and tiny stature, but Gerard’s hazel eyes and his wide smile.

  Gerard was a changed man, much the same way Byron’s attitude in life was different. They hired the right people, took time for themselves and family, and still maintained incredibly high standards at the restaurants they owned. As Lila stated, they had learned balance.

  Gerard shook his head as Byron placed a plate of still-warm cookies on the table.

  “Pancakes and cookies, Byron?”

  Byron lifted one shoulder. “Your daughter helped make them. I thought you’d like to sample one.”

  I chuckled at Nikki’s abandonment of her pancakes in order to feed her daddy a cookie. “I made dis one,” she informed him. “It’s special.”

  He ate it, looking at her tenderly. He adored his girls.

  They left not long after, and Byron cleaned the kitchen while I had a shower. When I came out of the bathroom, he was lounging on the bed. He patted the mattress. “Come here, my love.”

  I curled up beside him with a sigh. Close to Byron was still my favorite place in the world.

  “You’ve been quiet the last few days.”

  “Hmm,” I replied.

  “And tired. Are you unwell?”


  “You didn’t drink any coffee this morning. That’s a first.”

  I sighed and sat up. I met his worried gaze and smiled in reassurance. “I’m fine, Byron. But there is something I want to talk to you about.”

  His frown deepened. “You can talk to me about anything. You know that.”

  I ducked my head, trying not to let him see my excitement. I traced my finger along his hand that was holding mine.

  “What if I told you I didn’t want to work anymore?”

  I had only been able to secure part-time teaching since graduation and was doing a lot of substitute work. It kept me busy, but it wasn’t what I had planned for after school. And now, my plans were changing yet again.

  He lifted my chin. “Then don’t. I have told you time and again, you don’t have to work.”

  “There is something else I want to do.”

  “Good. That’s good. Tell me,” he said encouragingly.

  I slipped my hand under my pillow and handed him a tiny whisk. “This.”

  He looked startled. “Ah, Julia, my love, I don’t think cooking is your forte.”

  I giggled. “But Byron, I think you’re wrong. I already have a bun in the oven, and from all I’ve been told, it looks perfect.”

  He blinked. Looked at the whisk, caught on to what I was saying, and then his gaze flew to mine. His eyes flared with understanding.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “Six weeks.”

  I was in his arms in an instant, and his mouth was on mine. “Julia, my darling wife. My girl. A baby. We’re having a baby!”


  He kissed me again, dropping his hand to my stomach and spreading his fingers wide. “Our baby is right here. Right now.”

  Tears filled my eyes. “Yes.”

  He wrapped me close. “Thank you,” he breathed. “You have made my entire world even better. I didn’t think that was possible.”

  I snuggled close. “I love you.”

  He kissed my head. “Love doesn’t even begin to cover it. I need a far bigger word for you, Julia.”

  We sat, letting the joy of the moment sink in.

  “Quit the teaching. I want you home. You can do things you enjoy. Help Lila. Come to the restaurant and spend time with me. We need to decorate the nursery. I get to come to the appointments, right?” He paused to take a breath. “I have to tell Gerard—he’ll be thrilled. I need
to borrow his books. I need to buy a bigger car. One we can put a baby seat in like his.”

  I reached up and covered his mouth. “One thing at a time, Daddy.”

  He melted. That was the only way to describe his reaction to being called Daddy.

  “A baby,” he whispered. “Our baby. We’ll be a family.”


  “Can we have more?”

  I laughed. “Can we get through one first?”

  He laughed at his own eagerness. “I suppose. But I have a feeling we’re going to need a bigger house, Julia. Because I want lots of babies with you. I’ll teach them to cook, you can teach them how to read and love books the way you do. Together, we’ll teach them everything else. Especially about love. We’ll make sure they know how much they are loved.” He ran a finger down my cheek. “Just like their mother.”

  I smiled through my tears. “Sounds like a plan.”

  He wrapped me in his arms again.

  “Yes, my love, it does.”

  Chapter 1


  I signed the last of the forms, checked all my patients had been discharged or sent on to other doctors, then stood with a tired grimace. I handed off the final charts to the head nurse.

  “I’m out of here, Gail.”

  She smiled, glancing at her watch. “Only three hours past shift change,” she stated dryly. “Hot date somewhere?”

  I laughed as I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder. “Yep. Me and my pillow. I’m planning a hot make-out session with it for the rest of the day.”

  She shook her head. “You need a life.”

  I pushed up on the counter separating us and planted a kiss on her plump cheek. “Still waiting for you, Gail. When you’re ready to leave Marv for some hot action, I’m your guy.”

  “I’ll meet you at sundown,” she quipped.


  Her laughter followed me from the ER. Gail was old enough to be my grandmother, and I had a soft spot for her. She doted on her husband, and I loved teasing her about running away with me. She was a good sport and gave as good as she got, even making me blush with her innuendos. I often thought she was the closest thing I ever got to foreplay anymore. There was simply no time in my life for a girlfriend or even a non-serious relationship. No woman in her right mind would want to take me on. Between my shifts at the hospital, my volunteer work, and my irregular sleeping patterns, I was far too much effort. So, aside from my slightly inappropriate teasing with Gail and the occasional disastrous date, I was firmly single—my only constant companion in the romance department, my hand.


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