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Happily Ever After Collection

Page 18

by Melanie Moreland

  “Laura! Baby—get back! Move, Laura—move!”

  I reached her before she had even turned her head, scooping her up in my arms and propelling her back into the safety of the overhang. The force of my lunge knocked us both back to the ground. I rolled so I landed on my back, Laura on top of me. My breath left my chest with a large oomph, my embrace like a steel cage around her. Gasping for air, I stared at her. “Baby—are you okay?”

  Before she could answer, I saw it. A piece of broken scaffolding flying through the air, aiming directly toward us. With a loud curse, I rolled again, ignoring her grunt of discomfort as my body covered hers.

  Heavy pain lanced across my foot, causing me to shout in distress. My eyes met Laura’s fearful ones. Her gaze widened and her mouth opened in warning, my name a terrified gasp on her lips. “Jackson!”

  There was more pain—searing agony that buried into the back of my head, exploding with a fiery, burning eruption.

  Then the world went black.

  There were voices, distant and muted. I tried to open my eyes, but the pain was too much. I attempted to turn my head to the sounds, but it was as if I were locked down, unable to move.

  The voices droned on…

  “Too early to tell… He needs time… Swelling…”

  A different voice, angry and low. “You could have been killed… Why didn’t you tell me…”

  A tender voice, one I knew, whispered, “Come back to me, Jackson—please. I need you. I love you.”

  My own voice pleading, “Laura.”

  The darkness claimed me again.

  The world was clearer the next time I came to—the pain barely having changed. I forced my eyes open, blinking in the dim light. The room around me was stark, machines beeping a low, steady rhythm. My eyes moved and fell on the figure beside me, meeting the stoic gaze of Hank. His expression was serious, his stare inscrutable.

  Panic fluttered as memories seeped into my addled brain. Despite the pain, I struggled to lift my head, rasping out the only word that mattered.


  He stood, looming over me, pushing me back into the pillow. “She’s fine.”

  “Where?” I groaned, needing to know how close she was. I wanted to see her, make sure she was okay.

  “She’s sleeping.”

  “Please,” I begged, fighting the darkness. “I need… I love…”

  And I was gone again.

  The next time I woke up, I wasn’t alone in bed. Curled beside me was my girl, her hand clutching my gown, head on my chest. One arm was wrapped in tensor bandages, and I could see bruises forming on her pale skin. My arm was around her, holding her close. The pain in my head was less but still there. Grimacing, I nuzzled the top of her head.

  “Laura,” I whispered. “Sweet girl.”

  “She refused to leave again.”

  I looked up at Hank, who was watching us with narrowed eyes.

  “She’s stubborn.”

  A small smirk appeared on his lips. “Like her mother.”

  “Like her father as well.”

  I cleared my throat and gratefully accepted the water Hank offered me, taking several sips before handing him the glass.

  He leaned back in his chair. “She may be thinking by staying there, she’s protecting you.”

  “Do I need protection, Hank?”

  “You have something you want to tell me, Jackson?”

  “I’m in love with your daughter.”


  “She loves me.”

  “How long?”

  I hesitated, wondering how much to say.

  “How long, Jackson?”

  “I’ve been in love with her since the first day she arrived.”

  “You’ve lied to me all this time?”

  “I tried to fight it, Hank. We tried. I stayed away from her as long as I was able to—I even tried to make her hate me. But…we love each other.”

  “Yet you hid it.”

  “We were worried about your reaction. You yourself told me no one was good enough for her—that she was off-limits to everyone. Remember? I tried to respect that, I tried to fight it.” I brushed my hair off my forehead in an impatient gesture, ignoring the pain that simple action caused. “I didn’t know what else to do. She’s everything to me, Hank. She completes me. It’s as if I’ve been waiting all my life to find her.

  “We had decided to tell you—” I indicated my supine form “—then this happened.”

  He didn’t say anything for a minute, and I used the time to look down at Laura. Her long eyelashes rested on her cheek as she slumbered, a slight frown on her full lips. I traced her mouth with my finger, smiling when her lips formed into a pout and she kissed the tip. I sighed heavily, trying to find more strength to keep talking. I was exhausted.

  I looked up to see Hank watching us. “I know I’m not what you had in mind for her. I’m not rich. I can’t provide her with all the luxuries she deserves. And I’m older than she is.”

  “I don’t care if you’re rich—it’s how you treat her that’s important. But you are older. A lot older,” he grumbled.

  “You said it yourself the other day. Age has nothing to do with how well a relationship works. Or does that only apply when you choose to allow it?” I challenged him.

  He glared at me for a moment.

  “You’ve said yourself she’s an old soul. She’s perfect for me. We mesh so well.

  “I’ll do anything I need to do in order to make her happy…in order to keep her.” I sucked in a deep breath. “Including leaving the company, if that’s what you want.”

  “You’d do that?”


  “You saved her life. You risked your own life to save hers.”

  “I’d do it again—a hundred times over.”

  A glimmer of a smile appeared on his face. “I can’t go through that a hundred times.”

  “Maybe we need to ban her from the work sites, then.”

  “I’ll let you tell her,” he chuckled.

  “Do I still have a job?”

  He scrubbed his face. “Jackson, when I tell you to give everyone the day off for doing a good job, do I include you in that statement?”

  “Not usually.”

  “When I tell you to kick everyone’s ass because we’re behind schedule, are you part of that ass-kicking?”


  “When I said off-limits to everyone…I wasn’t necessarily including you either.”

  “You weren’t?”

  He shook his head. “I have a confession to make. I can’t tell you how often I thought the two of you would make a great team. How many times I wished she’d find someone just like you to be part of her life. Someone strong and caring.”

  “That’s not what you said,” I pointed out.

  “I know. I thought the age difference was too much and you working in the same company wasn’t a good idea. I hated the thought that if things didn’t work, I’d have to choose between you.”

  “No,” I said quietly. “If that happened, I would leave. I wouldn’t make you choose. But it’s not going to happen, Hank. She’s it for me. I’ve been waiting so long for her that I’d almost given up.”

  “Guess all the hiding has been hard on you, eh?”

  “You have no idea. You could have said something. Given me a clue.”

  He grinned, lifting one shoulder. “I didn’t want to make it too easy for you. Challenge is good for a man.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “At first, I thought you honestly didn’t like each other, so I didn’t bother trying to push it. But seeing how well you worked together gave me hope. Lately, though…”

  “We weren’t fooling you anymore?”

  He chuckled. “No. The two of you were far too in tune with each other. If Laura was upset, I knew you would be too. On the days she was glowing, I knew you’d be flying high as well.” He held up his hand. “And I don’t want to know why.”

; I grinned. I had no plans on telling him either.

  “The bottom line was, I saw how you were with each other, and I hoped it was because there was something there. And after the Harris incident, I was sure of it. I’ve never seen you rage the way you did that day. I knew then she was in good hands—you’d look after her.”

  “So…we’re okay?”

  He ran his fingers over his moustache, staring at me. I tightened my fingers on Laura’s arm, pulling her closer to me. Hank leaned forward.

  “No more lies. You show the world how proud you are to be with my daughter. You protect her and love her the way she deserves.”

  “I want to.”

  “Then do it.”

  “I will.”

  He stood up, placing his hand on top of mine that was holding his daughter. “I’m glad she has you.”

  I smiled at him. “Thanks, Hank.”

  “And I want grandkids—soon.” He grinned. “Neither of us is getting any younger.”

  I blinked, then snickered. “I’ll be sure to discuss that with your daughter.”

  “Okay. Enough of this emo shit. I’m going to go get coffee. I’ll tell them you’re awake.” He paused at the doorway. “And, Jackson?”


  “You hurt her, I have enough sites and concrete—they’ll never find your body.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “Good. Keep that in mind.” He chuckled darkly, pulling open the door and walking out.

  Reaching for the glass, I took another sip, hoping when the doctor arrived, he’d give me something for the pain. I smirked down at Laura.

  “I know you’re awake, sweet girl. You’re a pretty bad actress. No wonder he didn’t buy it.”

  “He does, you know,” Laura mumbled into my chest. “He has access to a lot of concrete.”

  “I’ll remember that.” I kissed the top of her head. “How much did you hear?”

  She tilted up her head. “Enough.”

  I gazed down at her. “You scared the fuck out of me.”

  She blinked, her eyes filling with tears. “It happened so fast. I knew I had to move, but my feet wouldn’t go, and then…you were there.”

  “I had to get to you.”

  “And you got hurt.”

  “My head can take it. Some Tylenol would be good, though. “

  “Jackson,” she admonished, half sitting up. “You have a concussion, stitches, your foot is broken, you have contusions all over your shoulders and back—it’s way more serious than a headache!”

  I glanced down, realizing for the first time my leg had an air cast on it. I already knew my head had stitches, and I could feel every ache in my back.

  “How long was I out?”

  “Most of the day. You’re going to have to be off work for a while.”

  “Huh. Well, I guess it’s a good thing I have you to look after me.”

  “I will.”

  “Then I’ll be fine.”

  “I was terrified. The piece of equipment hit you, and you were knocked out. People were yelling, and Hank was there. The ambulance came.” She shook her head. “I was crying, and I refused to leave you. I kept trying to tell my dad why, but he grabbed my face and stared at me, saying he knew, and he understood. He told me to calm down and go with you so I could be looked at. He followed the ambulance, and he’s been here with me—with us—until now.”

  “Sweet girl…” I breathed out.

  “He’s been so strong, Jackson,” she continued. “I told him how much I love you, how you look after me, and he’s been great once he stopped being annoyed. He was worried sick about you as well.”

  “I’m fine.”

  She sniffed. “We’re both fine.”

  “When can I get out of here?”

  “You just woke up, Jackson. I’d say not for a couple days.”

  “Ugh. I want to go home. I’d rest better there. Especially with you to look after me—at least, once your arm heals.”

  “It’s just a sprain. It got pinned when you rolled us.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You saved me. You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  I frowned at her. “You shouldn’t have been on-site. You should have come to the trailer, and I would have had the crew member come to you.”

  “I will next time.”

  I snorted. “There won’t be a next time. You’re banned from all work sites in the future. Permanently banned.”

  She got that stubborn look on her face I knew only too well.

  “No arguing. Your father agrees.”

  “Great. Now, I have the two of you ordering me around.”

  “Get used to it.”

  Her eyes began to dance. “What if I wanted to drop by for…another reason, Jackson?”

  “Another reason?”

  “Like the other day?”

  I shifted slightly under the covers and chuckled. “I might bend the rules for that.”


  “You’d have to come directly to the trailer. No wandering about.”

  She slipped her hand under the covers, slowly trailing her fingers down and cupping me. “No wandering at all?”

  I groaned. “Laura, a nurse or doctor could walk in any minute—never mind. God forbid, your father sees what you’re doing. I’m not sure he will ever be ready for that. If you keep doing that, there is going to be smirking and winking…”

  “I like smirking and winking,” she whispered.

  “I promise to show you lots of it when we get home and my head isn’t about to explode.”

  She withdrew her hand right away. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t ever be sorry. I love it when you touch me, but I think we need to wait until we get home.”


  “My house, Laura. It becomes home when you’re there. And I’d like it to be home all the time—for both of us.”


  “We’ve wasted enough time. I want you with me. I want to make a home and a life with you.”

  “I want that too.”

  “Marry me. Move in with me. Have babies with me.”

  “In that order?”

  “In whatever order you want. Just do all of them with me. Please.”

  Her smile was as bright as the midday sun. “Yes.”

  I kissed her and eased back onto the pillows. “I want to celebrate, but I think the only thing I can manage is some painkillers and a nap.”

  She sighed. “Life with an old man. Guess I’d better get used to it.”

  I chuckled. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  She slipped out of my embrace. “I’ll go get the doctor.”

  She paused at the door. “Jackson?” she called in a low lilt.


  “Whenever you’re ready, I’m happy to work on those grandkids.”

  “Kids, as in more than one, Laura?”


  “I look forward to the smirking and winking. Lots of it.”

  Her voice was tender. “I love you.”

  That was all I needed. She was all I needed.

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 6


  Laura plumped my pillows, then helped me settle back on them. She moved to the end of the bed, lifting my leg and sliding two more cushions under it, settling the removable cast in place.

  “How’s that? Do you need another pillow?”

  I smiled at her fretting. She’d been fussing over me ever since I came home, barely leaving my side. Reaching for her hand, I grabbed it, bringing the smooth palm to my mouth. “I’m fine, sweet girl. Relax, please.”

  “Do you need any pain meds?”

  “No. I think I need a nap.” I rolled my eyes. “Having a shower has never been such an exhausting endeavor before now.”

  I finally felt clean. Laura had removed the air cast for a few moments, and thanks to the fact that I had a walk-in shower, I was able to sit on the bench and let th
e hot water pour over me, washing away the last of the hospital smell. I was dressed in clean clothes and tired, and the bed felt great.

  Laura handed me a couple pills and a glass of water. “Take these and sleep for a while.”

  “All I do is sleep,” I grumbled.

  “Jackson,” she began, resting her hand on her hip and looking at me with exasperation. “You were badly injured. Your body needs time and lots of rest. And that, mister, is exactly what you’re going to get.”

  I smirked at her. “I love it when you’re all bossy. Such a sexy little nurse you are.” I held out my arms. “Come here.”

  She eyed me suspiciously, making me laugh.

  “I was a good patient and took my meds. I’ll rest, but I want to hold you.”

  Gingerly, she slipped in beside me, letting me pull her into my arms. I tugged her head to my chest and sighed in satisfaction at her closeness. “That’s what I needed.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Baby, lying on my chest and snuggling beside me is not hurting me. It’s helping. I like you close. I feel better.”

  “Oh, okay,” she murmured.

  I kissed the top of her head, inhaling her warm scent. She had been running herself ragged the past few days, and I knew she had to be tired. “Sleep with me, sweet girl. Just for a little while.”

  I could already feel her body growing heavy. I lifted my hand, caressing her hair, letting the silky strands slip between my fingers.

  “I need to figure out dinner, though.”

  “Chinese,” I stated. “I feel like some spicy beef and noodles. All that takes is a phone call and some chopsticks.”

  “Hmm,” she mumbled drowsily. “Sounds good.”

  “Sleep, baby.”

  She was out in seconds. I knew she was worn out, and although her arm seemed better, I hated causing her extra work. But she was determined to look after me. There were instances I felt her looking at me, and I knew she was reliving those terrifying moments, thinking of the “what-ifs.” I did as well, but having her close helped. I hoped it did the same for her. I was fine and would recover. We both would, and we could move forward. Together.

  With a long exhale of air, I fell asleep holding her.


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