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Happily Ever After Collection

Page 27

by Melanie Moreland

  God, I wanted him. Now. On the counter, the floor, against the fridge, and anywhere else we could find in the room.

  He spun me around. “That’ll do for starters,” he growled in my ear.

  I grinned against his lips.

  He knew exactly how to get me to open up, in more ways than one.

  His hand found the zipper on my jeans. “Damn right, I do. Open for me. Show me how well I know you.”

  I whimpered. I wanted him. I wanted him buried inside me. Oh God, I was aching for him.

  “I’ll ease the ache, baby. Promise.”

  My shirt disappeared, my jeans pulled down and discarded. A few flicks of his wrists and I was bare for him—throbbing and wet, wanting him. His mouth was possessive and hot as his tongue twisted with mine, his bare chest warm against my body. I gripped his shoulders as he lifted me up onto the edge of the countertop, opening my legs, and in one quick, deep thrust, plunged into me. He started moving, his pace fast, hips swiveling as he pounded me. His arms were like a vise holding me, his head dropping to my shoulder as he panted and whispered in my ear.

  Fuck…baby…yes…Jenny…mine…missed you… Fuck…there…like that…yes…your legs…up…tighter, Jenny… Fuck!

  I wrapped my legs higher, clinging tightly as I shuddered and shattered around him, my release burning and tearing through me. I gasped his name as he stilled, his entire body locking down, and he gripped me hard, murmuring my name, his voice tender and loving.

  We stayed locked together as we gradually returned to reality. I stroked the hair on the back of his head as he nuzzled the damp skin on my neck, his hands gentle and soft. Slowly, he pulled back, his warm blue eyes blinking at me. “Round one.” He grinned.

  I cupped his cheek, my fingers tracing the rough stubble on his chin. “Planning round two in here, Connor?”

  He leaned forward, his lips brushing mine. “We have an entire apartment to break in. Lots of rounds to go.”

  “Our apartment. Ours,” I murmured against his lips.

  He smiled. The smile he used only for me. One of love and warmth.

  “Ours. Welcome home, Jenny.”

  Chapter 7


  Jenny’s grip on my hand was tight, her nervousness showing through. I squeezed her palm. “Relax, Wren. It’s gonna be fine.”

  She turned her head, meeting my gaze. “What if they don’t like me?”

  I laughed. “How could they not like you? You’ve spoken with my mother a hundred times, spent hours on the phone with my sister, and even got my dad emailing you on a regular basis. They already love you.”

  “That’s social and fun. This is me in their home, the woman sleeping with their son.”

  I frowned. “We live together, Jenny. In a committed relationship. We’re not just fucking around. They know that and are thrilled. They are going to love you even harder in person.”

  “What if I’m not what they expect in real life? I mean, I know I’m entertaining and all, but…” She trailed off.

  “You just be you. Jenny. They’ll love you even more.”

  The plane taxied to its stop by the terminal. Jenny peeked out the window at the small airport. “Wow.”

  I chuckled. “I told you this was going to be a culture shock.”

  My parents lived in a small town in New Brunswick. We had moved there from Ontario when I was fifteen and my sister fourteen. She loved it—I was restless. It was a good place to spend my teens, mostly free from crime and trouble. As soon as I could, though, I returned to Toronto—only to discover I didn’t like big-city living either, which was how I ended up in the smaller town of Grimsby. It was a good compromise between the two environments, and my best decision ever—it led me to Jenny.

  I was finally able to find the time to bring her home to meet my parents and sister. I had never once brought a girl home—even in my teens. They knew I was serious about Jenny. They had known it the first time I mentioned her name, and when we finally got together, they had been thrilled for me. They even supported our living together, although I knew they were more old-fashioned and would prefer us getting married.

  I was working on that plan, and this was step one.

  I waited until most of the passengers disembarked, then stood and grabbed our bags from the overhead bin. I held out my hand. “Ready?”

  She slipped her hand into mine. “Yes.”

  We walked down the steps, Jenny still in culture shock. “I had no idea planes just unloaded people on the tarmac.”

  I chuckled. “The terminal is too small for big planes, and there are no gates per se. Just one going in and one going out.”

  I could see my parents and my sister Carly, waiting, excited and anxious. “Brace yourself,” I warned Jenny. “The hugs are about to start.”

  “Duly noted,” she said.

  I was right, and they adored her. I sat in the front seat with my dad on the drive back from the airport, and Jenny was sandwiched in the back between my mom and my sister, who talked her ear off.

  It was the same when we got to the house. They monopolized her. Pictures, stories, and chatting went on all day. I practically had to drag her upstairs to bed to get her alone.

  She collapsed on the bed, laughing. “I love your family.”

  I settled beside her, laying my head on her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair in long, tender strokes. “They love you very much, you know,” she whispered.

  “I know. Judging from the number of pictures and embarrassing stories, they love me a great deal,” I grumped, even though I wasn’t at all angry—or surprised.

  “I want that,” she said quietly.

  I lifted my head, meeting her eyes. “Want what, Jenny Wren?”

  “Books full of pictures. Memories to share. Stores to tell. Growing up with divorced parents who never really wanted you, I had none of that. I have a small box of pictures my dad had, but my mom was always too busy to bother with stuff like that.”

  I heard her hurt. Saw the pain in her eyes. I hated knowing how lonely and insecure she had been growing up. I vowed she would never feel that way again in her lifetime. I cupped the back of her neck, bringing her mouth to mine. “You’ll have it—all of it. We’re going to build a great life together. I promise.”

  She sighed, her breath washing over me. I kissed her, slanting my mouth over hers and sliding my tongue into her sweet mouth. I kissed her until she forgot her sadness. Forgot where we were, except that I was there with her. I pulled her under me, pressing her into the mattress, covering her with my body, and keeping her in that moment with me.

  She pulled away, her cheeks flushed, her mouth swollen. “Do you plan on having sex with me in your parents’ house?” she whisper-yelled.

  “As often as I can,” I responded. “Every story they tell, every picture they show, I’m keeping track. This is me getting even.”

  She blinked. Then grinned. “Just asking.”

  I waggled my eyebrows. “Do you know how often I fantasized about having a girl in my bedroom? You have a lot to live up to.”

  She slid her hand between us, cupping my erection. “I think I’m up for the challenge.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  The weekend went too fast for all of us. For the first time since I moved, my parents decided it was time to come for a visit. Carly had come to see me a couple of times, but they had never made the trip back to Ontario. Now, apparently, a trip was needed. I was thrilled, and I knew it was because of Jenny—and I was good with that.

  Goodbyes were tearful, and Jenny sniffled into a tissue on the plane. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

  “We’ll go back next year, Wren. They’re going to come visit in the spring.”

  “That’s so far away.”

  I chuckled. “I’ve waited a long time for that visit. It’s only a few months. I guarantee you Carly will be calling you with flight times for a visit much sooner.”

  That brightened her up. Sh
e and my sister had gotten along well.

  “Good.” She wiped her eyes. “Your family is great.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “They are pretty cool.” I met her gaze. “They’re your family now too, you know.”

  Her eyes lit, bright and happy. “Then I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”

  I kissed her. “I’m feeling pretty damn lucky myself.”


  Thank God it was Friday. In the weeks since we’d returned from my parents’, the days had been long, the nights and weekends too short, and time had flown by as I studied hard. Now, I was off until after the Christmas holidays, and I was looking forward to the break and spending some quality time with Jenny—and inside her.

  It didn’t matter how often we made out like teenagers, fucked like rabbits, or made love—it wasn’t enough. I’d never get enough of her. I knew from the day she first smiled at me and let me take her hand, she was it for me. I waited, and when I finally could show her, tell her how I felt, my life changed and only for the better.

  My hand closed around the small box in my pocket.

  Tonight, I planned to show her exactly how much she had changed it.

  I sighed in contentment. My head rested on Jenny’s lap, her hand rhythmically stroking through my hair as we sat in the darkness, the only light in the room the soft glow of the Christmas tree in the corner. I loved those quiet moments with her when it was just the two of us alone. Her eyes were unfocused as she gazed at the tree, a soft smile on her lips while she played with my hair. She sipped her wine, glancing down at me.

  “Hey,” she teased, “I thought you were asleep.”

  I stroked her cheek with my thumb. “I was watching you, Wren.” I smiled up at her. “You are so pretty, my girl.”

  I felt the heat under my hand and grinned. She never failed to react to my words.

  “Stop it,” she admonished, setting down her glass.

  I pulled her face down, meeting her partway, nuzzling her lips with mine. She tasted of wine, the chocolate she was nibbling, and Jenny. Perfect. Lazily, our tongues met as her fingers buried themselves in my hair, and she whimpered quietly as the kiss deepened. She told me once kissing me was her favorite thing in the world. It was my job to make her happy, so who was I to deny Jenny her favorite thing? Besides, it was my favorite thing as well. Slowly and thoroughly I explored her, savoring her sweetness. Finally, I tempered the kiss, softening my mouth to gentle, indulgent sweeps of my lips before pulling back and smiling at her.

  Now this, this was my favorite look for Jenny. Her cheeks lightly flushed, lips swollen, hair mussed up from my hands—and the look in her eyes. Love, want, and desire, and she directed them all at me—always for me. I knew mine reflected the same back at her. She was it for me.

  Abruptly, I sat up and pulled Jenny onto my lap, cupping her face. “I love you.”

  Her hand covered mine. “I love you too.” She frowned at the expression on my face. “Connor, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing is wrong. Everything is right. You make everything right, Wren.” I kissed her. “You always make everything so right.”

  Her expression was soft as she gazed at me.

  I drew in a deep breath. “I want you to make it right…” I swallowed. “For the rest of our lives.”

  “Connor…” she breathed.

  “I know we’ve only been together a short time and living together for a few months. But, baby, you’re it for me. I know it. I feel it. I don’t ever want to be without you.”

  “You won’t be.”

  “I’m not rich, but I promise to give you everything you didn’t have growing up. You’ll never be alone. You’ll never feel unwanted or wishing for a home and security. You’ll have that. You’ll have me.”

  I lifted her hand and kissed the palm, pressing the small box into it. “Marry me, Jenny. Make me the happiest man on earth and say yes.”

  A tiny sound escaped her mouth as she stared in shock at the box. Her tear-filled eyes met mine.

  “Please,” I murmured. “I need to know I have you forever. I want to wake up to you every morning and know you’re here, at the end of the day, waiting for me.” I kissed her. “I want your smiles and laughter. I want all those thoughts you can’t keep inside your head. I want to be there for you when you need me. I want a life, children, with you.” I paused and cupped her face. “Please be mine.”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  I took the box and opened it for her, removing the ring from its velvet bed. “It was my grandmother’s,” I explained as I slipped it on her finger. “My mom gave it to me to give to you.”

  The simple solitaire set in filigreed white gold twinkled in the light. “It’s so beautiful.”

  “So are you.”

  I wiped the tears from her cheek and sealed our engagement with a kiss to her ring then to her lips. She wound her arms around my neck, and I pulled her against me. Standing, I lifted her and carried her to our room. Laying her on the bed, I smiled at her as I tucked a stray curl behind her ear.

  “I love you, Wren.”

  She opened her arms, pulling me down to her. “I love you, Connor.”

  I kissed her with all I had and held her close.

  I would be eternally grateful for the day she mistook my door for hers.

  Her bad day changed my life for the better.

  Because she became mine, forever.



  Three years later

  I stood on the sidewalk, admiring the small Cape Cod-style house. Flowers lined the sidewalk, making it bright and cheery. A porch swing sat to the right, piled with pillows, beckoning you to sit and have a cold drink, rest a spell and relax. The creamy white paint was fresh, and the shutters and trim painted a cheerful blue.

  The color of my eyes, Jenny said.

  I was still struck every time I saw it. That it was ours. That inside, waiting, was my family.

  My Jenny Wren, and as of two and half months ago, my little Robyn.

  I hurried up the steps, anxious to see my girls. Inside, music was playing, the soft beat echoing off the walls. I could hear Jenny singing, and I followed the sound to the kitchen. I stopped in the doorway, leaning on the frame, taking in the sight before me.

  Jenny was leaning against the counter, singing to our daughter. My little girl, tiny and perfect, was in her carrier, staring up at her mommy, transfixed. She always did when Jenny sang. I crossed my arms, grinning. It was one of Jenny’s made-up songs. A frog in a log jumping high to the sky—funny little lines that made no sense but rhymed and made my daughter happy.

  “I know you’re there,” Jenny sang, peeking over her shoulder. “I can feel your stare.”

  I stepped forward, wrapping my arms around her waist and leaning on her shoulder. I smiled down at Robyn, her blue eyes, so like mine, staring up at us. “How are my girls?” I murmured.

  Jenny turned her head and kissed my cheek. “Good now you’re home.”

  “Home for four days,” I murmured happily. “Four days of us time.”

  “Yay!” Jenny cooed, bending close to Robyn. “Four days Mommy can sleep in!”

  I laughed, knowing Jenny was teasing, although I planned on making sure she did get in some extra sleep time.

  I nipped her neck then reached into the carrier, lifting Robyn out and cuddling her to my chest as Jenny stirred something on the stove.

  “Something smells good.”

  “I made a pot of potato soup, and I baked some muffins earlier. Robyn and I had a good day. We went for a walk, sat in the park and had coffee with Jackey, and I even got a nap.”

  “Wow. You did have a good day.”

  The first month after Robyn was born was a huge adjustment for us. She was a good baby, but she apparently felt the nights were made for playtime and cuddles, not sleeping. Both Jenny and I looked like the walking dead by week three, and I was worried about returning to work and how Jenny was going to be
able to cope with a baby and only a nap or two during the day to get by. Then my mom came for a visit, and somehow, by the end of the week she spent with us, Robyn’s schedule had changed, and she was sleeping for almost six hours every night. The difference in Jenny was remarkable. As soon as Robyn was down for the night, so was Jenny. And when our daughter would nap, Jenny did too, and slowly a new routine evolved.

  Jenny met my eyes, hers warm and happy. “She slept for seven hours last night. Seven hours of uninterrupted sleep. Then after I fed her, she went back to sleep for two more hours. And a whole hour nap today—twice. I had a nap this afternoon, and this morning I had a shower, sat on the sofa, actually read a little of my book, and drank a cup of coffee—while it was hot, Connor. Hot coffee. Has it always tasted that good?”

  I laughed, nuzzling Robyn’s head. “You’ve been a good girl for Mommy.”

  Jenny laughed and leaned up, pressing a kiss to my mouth, then one to Robyn’s head. “Maybe you’ll have a good night.” She winked lewdly. “If Daddy works his magic, you never know what will happen.”

  I grinned. Robyn liked her baths, and I liked being the one to give them to her. My mom had shown me the trick of some lavender in the water to soothe and relax her, and then I gave her a little baby massage, talking quietly with the lights dim, followed by her last feeding, and hopefully, sleep.

  And tonight, maybe, some alone time with Mommy. My body tightened at the thought.

  It had been a while since that happened. We’d gotten the green light a few weeks ago, but Jenny was so tired and stressed, sex was the last thing on her mind. I had missed her, missed us, and if she was feeling better, I was happy to accommodate.


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