Book Read Free

Faded Dreams

Page 12

by Kari Lemor

  She nodded. Erik was a bit imposing at times. She’d always thought so when she’d been a kid, but then he was four years older than Luke, who was four years older than her. Even with his cane, he still possessed a personal confidence she could only hope to have.

  “Yes. We haven’t started decorating yet, but I doubt the baby will notice at this point.”

  “Tessa, show Ellie what you did in Kiki and Matty’s rooms. My wife is an extraordinary artist and painted murals on their walls.”

  Tessa reached for her phone and scrolled through until Elle was looking at pictures of a pirate ship and a fairy castle. “These are amazing. You did them?”

  “Yes.” Tessa blushed. “I’d be happy to do something for you, too.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t even know what to ask for. We don’t know if it’s a boy or girl, yet.”

  Erik set Kiki and Joey down on the floor and tipped his head at his wife. “Why don’t you let Tessa see the space? I’d bet she might have some ideas. I know she’s been dying to see how Gina redid the house after the fire.”

  Tessa’s cheeks turned pink. “Erik, you don’t invite people over—”

  “I’d love to show you the house and the baby’s room,” Elle interrupted. “If you wanted to see it.” Elle really liked Tessa. The woman was quiet but friendly and made everyone around her feel comfortable.

  Erik waved them off. “I’ve got the kids. Go on over.”

  Luke got to his feet and took her plate. “We’ll get the dishes. Take Tessa over. Gina, too, if she wants to see the new furniture.”

  Gina popped up from her chair and handed her plate to her husband. “I’d love to see it.”

  After slipping on their coats, the three women trekked next door.

  “Tessa, you, Erik, and the kids usually come down on Sundays for dinner. Is there a reason you’re down on a Thursday night?”

  Elle unlocked the front door and led the ladies inside as Tessa answered. “Matty has a teacher workshop day tomorrow, so he doesn’t have to go to school. Erik took the long weekend off, and we figured we’d head down to help plan the big party.”

  “Big party?” Elle asked.

  Gina flipped on the lights in the front hallway. “Yeah, it’s been thirty years since Nick, Kris, and Pete started Storm Electric. We’re throwing a party at the beginning of May to celebrate.”

  Elle pressed her hands to her belly and smiled. “Fun.”

  Tessa frowned. “When exactly are you due?”

  “Not until mid-May, so I guess it’ll be okay. It’s not like I’ll be a major part of the celebration.”

  “Of course, you will. You’re a Storm now.” Gina peeked in the front living room. “Ooh, this set is lovely. Isn’t it fun to redecorate?”

  Elle left the subject of her being a Storm alone and concentrated on the furniture. “All we’ve got so far is furniture. I have a few knick knacks from my apartment, but Luke didn’t bring anything more than his dirty laundry.”

  Gina let out a big laugh. “Don’t expect that to change. I moved in with Felix and Luke after the house fire. In the year before he was deployed, I saw what a slob he is. Alex was never able to get him to clean up after himself. Hopefully, you’ll have a little more success.”

  “Um, he hasn’t been too bad yet. But I haven’t really checked in his bedroom. Come on up, and I’ll show you the baby’s room.”

  They climbed the stairs, then gathered inside the small room, oohing over the crib, dresser, and changing table.

  Tessa meandered across the room and perched on the window seat, peeking out. “I’m surprised Luke hasn’t asked you to marry him yet.”

  Elle ran her hand along the crib railing. “He has. Seven times. Every night this week, plus a few times before we moved in.”

  Gina rested against the dresser. “Why haven’t you said yes?”

  Elle rolled her eyes. “You know what Luke’s like. I’m not setting myself up for my husband to cheat on me.”

  Tessa bit her lip, but Gina blew out of puff of air. “Pfft. Luke does have a way with the ladies. Alex kept telling him it would bite him in the ass one day, but I’m not convinced he’d cheat on you. While I agree he’s played fast and loose, he’s still a Storm, and those men take their responsibilities seriously.”

  “You know, Ellie,” Tessa’s soft voice drifted across the room. “When I married Erik, he didn’t love me, and I knew it. We got married so he could adopt Matty and Kiki. For a while, I considered what people would think…that I married him because of the kids. And they’d be correct. I knew it was the right thing to do.”

  “He loves you now, Tessa. It practically pours off him how much you mean to him. I don’t see Luke suddenly falling in love with me.”

  “I never thought Erik would either. The bottom line was that the children needed two parents to love them. Erik’s a good man, and I’d had feelings for him for a lot of years. Practically since I’d met him when I was fourteen.”

  “I was eleven when I met Luke.” Elle said, knowing Luke had never thought of her in any romantic way.

  “See? You already have a connection. And you have that baby who’s a part of both of you. You’ve already been intimate and that bonds you, even if you don’t think it does. I’d never even kissed Erik when the idea of getting married first came up. However, the thought of marrying Erik Storm had me flying so high I honestly didn’t care what anyone thought. I’d be married to him. I’d already fallen in love with Matty and Kiki and couldn’t leave them to be put in a foster home. They’re not all good and loving.”

  Elle hadn’t known Tessa’s story and still didn’t. But she suspected. “You sound like you’ve got some firsthand knowledge of that.”

  “I was in foster care from the time I was four until I aged out at eighteen,” Tessa replied with a nod. “At that time, I was living with an elderly couple and the husband was sick. I stayed with them and helped out until after the wife passed.”

  “That’s because you’re a beautiful, sweet person, Tessa,” Gina said.

  Tessa gave a tiny laugh. “It was mostly because I had nowhere else to go. And they treated me well for over four years. Then, they left me their oceanfront property right next door to Gram and Gramps Storm, so I really couldn’t complain. It’s how I met Erik and the rest of the incredible Storm family. Don’t pass up the opportunity to be part of this family because of pride.”

  “I can’t stand the thought that Luke will come to hate me for tying him down.” Elle understood what Tessa was saying, and she wanted so badly to just say yes to Luke.

  Gina inched closer and placed her hand on Elle’s shoulder. “I have to second what Tessa said about this family. You’ll never find another like them anywhere. I’ve known them my whole life and have always felt closer to them than my own mother, whom I haven’t seen since our wedding last year. I’ll tell you about her someday.”

  Tessa stood and took Elle’s hand. “I’m not telling you what to do. Only you can make the decision that feels right for you. These Storms are good people. I know Luke has a bit of a reputation, but he’s a good man. And he’s so good with our kids. He’ll be an excellent dad. I have no doubt about that.”

  Gina grinned. “And if he ever treats you poorly, just let it slip to Molly. She doesn’t put up with any shit from her kids, especially the boys.”

  “Let us know, too.” Tessa winked. “We sisters have to stick together.”

  Tessa and Gina folded her in their arms and hugged her. These women felt more like sisters than the cousins she’d been raised with ever had.

  Luke finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher, then turned it on. Elle bent over the kitchen table, wiping it down. Her belly brushed against the wood.

  “Let me do that. Go put your feet up. It’s been a long week.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of wiping down a table.”

  “I know you are, but you also made dinner tonight and most nights this week.”

  Elle tossed the paper towel in
the trash and faced him. “It wasn’t difficult with your aunt’s homemade spaghetti sauce. All I had to do was boil up some pasta. How often does she make extra like that? And how do we get on the list of recipients?”

  Luke chuckled. “Aunt Luci makes sauce at least once a month, and she makes enough for a few small cities. She divides it between the parent generation, and they pass it on to us. Since Sara lives on the Cape and Erik is in Maine, that means Alex and I get a bigger share.”

  “Not this weekend with Erik, Tessa, and the kids here.”

  Luke cocked his head. “True. Wonder if that’s why they came down early.”

  Glancing around the kitchen, Elle said, “Everything looks okay. I’m going to sit in the den and become a couch potato for a bit.”

  “Go right ahead. I think I’ll throw on some sweats and join you, if that’s okay.”

  Elle had already changed into a pair of loose yoga pants and sweatshirt before he’d gotten home. “It’s your house, Luke. You can do whatever you want.”

  Approaching her, he took her hands and tugged her close. “This is your home, too, Ellie. I don’t ever want you to think otherwise. Understand?” He pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “Sure. Thanks.” She ducked her head as pink crept over her face.

  Wondering about her reaction, he climbed the stairs to his room, the one he wished he shared with Elle, and took a quick shower. Tugging on a worn t-shirt and a pair of comfortable sweat pants, he headed back down to find Elle sprawled on the couch, the TV on a sitcom.

  When he strode through the door, she started to get up, but he waved her off. “No, stay there. We can both fit.”

  He lounged on the couch, placed a throw pillow in his lap, and tapped it. “Right here. Get comfortable.”

  She threw him a skeptical look but placed her head on the pillow and focused on the TV again. Luke rested his hand on her hip.

  “How did Tessa and Gina like the new furniture when you showed them yesterday?” he asked on one of the commercial breaks.

  “I think Gina was excited because someone would be using the house again. She misses her grandmother and said she would have wanted a good family to live here. Instead, she got us.”

  “Hey,” he tickled her lightly, and she squirmed in his arms. Luke loved that she was being playful again. She’d been too serious since he’d come back from deployment.

  “Tessa is envious of the space, but with Erik’s injury, he’d never be able to make it up and down the stairs all the time. The fact they live on the ocean is a great consolation prize. I’d love to see their house someday.”

  “Then, you will. We’ll make arrangements to go visit sometime. I know it’s not always convenient for Erik to drag the kids the two-hour drive down. He does it to stay connected to the family, since Tessa didn’t have much in the way of family growing up.”

  “Yeah, she mentioned that. And I thought it sucked that I was dumped at my aunt and uncle’s house. At least they were good to me. Sounds like Tessa had some rough placements.”

  “She did.”

  Elle placed her hand on the one he had resting on her hip. Progress.

  “Tessa made a few suggestions for murals she could paint on the baby’s room wall. Would you be okay with a mural there?”

  “Yeah, Tessa’s very talented. I love what she did at their house. You don’t need my permission to do anything to this house, Ellie. It’s your home. I want you to make it the way you want it.”

  “So if I paint the front room bright orange, you’ll be fine with it?”

  The little imp. He could play the game, too. “Only if it’s fluorescent paint. Hey, we could hang a disco ball in there and have all the Storm parties here from now on.”

  Her body shook with laughter, but she kept in inside. “Excellent. That way everyone can pass Junior around, and we won’t have to rock him to sleep. The music will do it for us.”

  His hand slipped lower and caressed the rounded part of her that carried his child. He couldn’t wait to meet this new being. Part of him was still scared to death, but after holding his brother’s and cousins’ kids, he figured he’d do okay.

  As they watched several shows, he felt the baby kick and squirm. Every now and then Elle would adjust his hand to another location to feel more movement. After a while, though, both the baby and Elle stopped.

  Elle’s eyes were closed, and her shoulders rose and fell in rhythm. It had been a long week, and she’d said they’d had customers at work they needed to be on their toes for. He knew what that was like.

  Stroking his finger down her cheek, he whispered her name. “Ellie.” Nothing. No response, except the sound of her breathing in and out.

  After clicking off the TV, he carefully withdrew the pillow from under her head. He shifted to get a better grip on her and used his leg muscles to lift her up as he stood. A soft purring noise drifted from her mouth, and her arms looped around his neck. Perfect.

  Along the way, he managed to shut the downstairs lights off, then climbed the back stairs to her room. Moonlight floated in the window giving just enough illumination for him to see.

  Still holding her in his arms, he pulled the comforter down a bit and lowered her to the sheets. Her arms clamped tighter, and a soft moan drifted out.

  “I’m just putting you in bed, Ellie. It’s okay.”

  “Mmm, Luke.” Those arms didn’t budge.

  Bending over, he got more of the sheets down and cozied up beside her. He could stay here for a few minutes until she let go. Of course, then he wouldn’t want to let go.

  Elle settled firmly against his chest and snuggled closer. This was so unfair. He’d wanted to hold her this way for the past seven months and hadn’t been able to. Finally, he was, and she was asleep.

  His phone in his back pocket dug into his hip, so he drew it out and placed it on the nightstand, then pulled the covers over them. Just a few minutes. That’s all.

  The floral scent of Elle’s hair wafted his way, and he nuzzled his nose into the glorious red mass. “Will you marry me, Ellie? Please?”

  A contented sigh floated his way along with a purr. “Mmm…hmm. Luke.”

  The sound of his name on her lips got his blood pumping to areas he couldn’t use right now. But it had almost sounded like a yes to him. For now, he’d convince himself that she’d agreed to marry him.

  Yes, just a few more minutes until she was relaxed enough and he’d extricate himself from her grasp. Until then, he’d enjoy every second of having her in his arms.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Elle woke, the fabulous scent of Luke enveloped her. Had he come in to wake her for work? No, it was Saturday, and she could sleep as late as she wanted.

  A weight on her hip had her shifting her hand…until it touched another hand. Luke. That’s why his scent was so strong here. What was he doing in her bed? Anger at his audacity slowly built until she remembered falling asleep on the couch last night. He must have carried her upstairs. But then he stayed?

  Images of him lowering her to the bed flashed through her mind. Her arms curled around his neck, tightening her hold on him. Oh, God, had she really done that?

  The arms holding her were heavenly, and she felt refreshed from the most restful night’s sleep. Maybe she’d just stay here for a while. No harm done, right? She wished she could see his face. Could she move without waking him up?

  Slowly, she shifted until she rested on her back and his hand touched her stomach. Her huge stomach. Not that Luke had ever looked at it in disgust. Every time he placed his hand there, his eyes gleamed in awe.

  Now, his eyes were closed, and his ridiculously long lashes brushed his cheeks. Stubble dotted his jaw and chin, and she clenched her fists to keep from stroking her fingers against it. Would he shave it this morning? She’d noticed he only shaved every few days, and the rest of the time he wore the carefree look he’d perfected.

  Thinking about what Gina had said regarding Luke being a slob, she recalled the bathroom he u
sed down the hallway having his whiskers around the sink. And the toothpaste, the towels on the floor, and his clothes dumped on the hamper, not in it. She hadn’t done any of his laundry since they hadn’t even been here a full week. Would he expect her to take over all the household chores? So far he’d helped her with the dinner dishes. Was that for show?

  Not that she wanted him to pretend for her benefit. She was glad he was comfortable enough with her to be himself. He’d never lived with a woman—rumor had it he’d never dated one longer than a few weeks—so he didn’t have experience with that either. They’d both have to learn how to adjust.

  Would this last? Being in the same house, raising their child? She couldn’t see Luke going forever without sex. She certainly didn’t want to go the rest of her life without it either. What were their choices? Have little affairs out of the house? Terrible idea.

  She could marry Luke. Would he stay faithful? It would kill her if he grew tired of her and started cheating with other women. She refused to turn into the heartbroken woman her mother had become.

  Moving her hand up Luke’s chest, she thought about how Junior had been conceived and how Luke had made her feel. So special and wanted. She needed to feel that way again.

  Snuggling in closer, she ran her hand up to his neck and scrubbed her fingers against the rough hairs of his jaw. He shifted and moaned, then his gorgeous blue eyes opened.

  “Good morning.” She bit her lip, hoping he was okay with her touching him. Especially after saying no to his proposal so many times.

  “It’s a great morning when I wake up next to you. I’m sorry. I must have fallen asleep here last night. You had quite a hold on my neck.”

  “Guess I was having a nice dream.”

  One eyebrow rose. “I hope it involved me. You did say my name.”

  She licked her lips, and her heart raced when desire flared in his eyes. “Then, I’d think you must have been there.”


  God, his voice was so sexy in the morning. Raw and deep. It sent chills down her spine, then to a spot between her legs. She lifted one of them and swung it over his. His eyes flared again.


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