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Her Babygirl: The Complete Collection

Page 5

by Hart, Poppy

  “Better now that you’ve had a little sleep, love?” Elaine asked, her voice full of concern. Becca’s eyes, sore from her tears, couldn’t meet Elaine’s. Instead, she nodded her head and got out of the car. She clutched Velvet in the crook of her arms.

  “Becca, wait for me, please. Won’t you tell me what’s wrong?” Elaine pried. “I can’t pretend I don’t see how upset you are. Is this because of the kiss?”

  “No,” Becca croaked. She stood in front of the elevator, waiting for it to open.

  “Then what is it?” Elaine asked.

  Becca turned to face her. “You’ll never be my Mommy, in the end, will you? I’m just a distraction.”

  “Becca, where did you get such a sad idea?” Elaine said, her voice dropping.

  “Because you’re you. You’re slumming it with me. I’m nobody. You don’t want me,” Becca said out loud.

  “Becca, I am not slumming it. I just spent the whole day with you and your family. I called off work, just to spend time with you. I’m committed to getting to know you. I want you, Becca, but I don’t want to rush things between us. I want to be your mommy. I do. This is just so new…” Elaine expelled, her purse swinging in the crook of her arm. The elevator dinged, doors opened, and they both got on. But then Elaine stopped the elevator before it could start moving.

  “Look at me.”

  Becca couldn’t. Her cheeks were burning hot, embarrassed with herself for her outburst – not just because Elaine sounded like she was telling the truth, but because a piece of her still didn’t believe.

  “Becca. Look at me,” Elaine ordered again.

  Becca lifted her eyes. Elaine stepped forward, stroked her hair away from her face, and pressed her forehead to Becca’s.

  “Becca, I want you. I do. Can’t you tell?” Elaine asked.

  Becca smoldered, her eyes dripping with tears again. She shook her head ‘no’.

  Elaine wiped the tears away and kissed her, claiming her mouth. She thrust her tongue between Becca’s lips. This wasn’t a demonstration, the way she’d done the night before. This wasn’t Elaine showing Becca how someone else was kissed. This was Elaine kissing Becca. Thoroughly. A moment, stolen, just the two of them, and hungry. Becca sniffed, her tears subsiding. Elaine drew back but held onto Becca’s cheeks.

  “Remember how we said it isn’t easy being good, Becca-baby?” Elaine said.

  Becca nodded.

  “It isn’t easy for me, either. I don’t want to mess this up. I want to go the distance with you. I really do. You’re not a distraction for me.”

  “But I’ll never earn it,” Becca said, exposing the last piece of evidence in her basket.

  “You don’t earn love, baby. It’s freely given. And I’m already falling for you,” Elaine gasped out.

  “But you said…” Becca started.

  “It was a joke. I shouldn’t have joked like that. That’s my fault. We’d just met and even then I wanted you. It isn’t that you have to earn my love, Becca. I have to earn the right to be your mommy dome. I have to prove myself to you. Not the other way round,” Elaine said, shaking her head.

  Becca wiped her eyes then closed them, trying to get a handle on her emotions. “I’m sorry I freaked out after such a lovely day with you. I didn’t want it to end like this,” Becca breathed out.

  “Becca, the day hasn’t ended unless you want it to be over,” Elaine reminded her.

  “I don’t,” Becca said, throat dry.

  “Then it isn’t. Let’s get upstairs, I’ll make you some tea. We can watch something together, and… when you’re ready – I’ll deliver your spanking.”

  “Miss Elaine?” Becca asked as the elevator rose.

  “What is it, darling?” Elaine asked back.

  Becca bit her lip, her mind made up. “I think a spanking would make me feel better about things, now.”

  Elaine nodded. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

  When they reached their shared floor, Elaine led Becca by the hand to her door. She unlocked it, opened it, dragged them both in, closed it, locked it again, and then led Becca back to the nursery/guest room. She set her purse down and removed her shoes. She then sat down in a chair in the corner and looked at Becca, who stood at the end of the crib-like bed.

  “Becca, please remove your shorts, then come here,” Elaine ordered.

  Becca took a deep breath and nodded. She unbuttoned the top of her jean shorts and slid them down the fishnets. She pulled off her boots next, taking a cue from Elaine, then walked to Elaine as she’d been instructed.

  “Do you remember why we're doing this, Becca?” Elaine asked lightly.

  “Because I lost the game,” Becca replied.

  “Because no one is perfect. Because you need reminding of that. Because you asked me to it now, in the elevator. Are those reasons correct?” Elaine asked, needing confirmation.

  “That’s right, Miss Elaine.” Becca was forced to admit.

  “For this spanking, baby, call me Mommy. Because that’s the point, here. One day, hopefully soon, you will be mine. That includes your failings and triumphs. I made my mind up last night that I was going to have you. I’m not turning back from this. You will be my good baby girl, are we clear?” Elaine declared, her voice strong and certain.

  “Yes, Mommy,” Becca said, her voice cracking. “We’re clear.”

  “Bend over my lap, little one. I hope you don’t care about these fishnets.”

  “They’re already full of holes,” Becca said, daring to joke. She draped herself over Elaine’s lap, the smell of Elaine’s natural perfume filling her nose as her face tucked in against Elaine’s hip. She shifted and pressed her bottom up.

  Elaine adjusted her a bit more, then caressed the globes of Becca’s ass, earning a soft exhale of pleasure from the young woman. Becca closed her eyes, feeling vulnerable but right. Elaine’s fingers plucked at the fishnet’s on her bottom, the pink g-string a stark contrast to the black tights. She pulled a put at the fishnets and ripped them open across Becca’s bottom, alerting Becca with the ripping sound. Her body reacted to the attention Elaine was showing her.

  Elaine tugged at the g-string, tugging it tightly up against Becca’s sex, rubbing it through her moistening folds. “Do you like being over Mommy’s knee?”

  Becca swallowed, her head nodding.

  Elaine wasn’t satisfied with that response, so she took hold of Becca’s hair and tugged, lifting her head. “Use your words.”

  “Yes, Mommy. I like it.”

  “What do you like about it?” Elaine asked.

  “That you can see me. All of me,” Becca replied.

  Elaine loosened her hold and returned her touch to Becca’s backside. She squeezed a cheek then lifted her hand away, the wafting air alerting Becca to what was about to happen. The crack of her hand on Becca’s bubble butt made Becca cry out – not because it hurt, but because the sound surprised her.

  Elaine did it again, the spanking sending Becca into a place of deep vulnerability. She twisted, moaning. Elaine continued each crack of her hand making Becca more submissive, more aroused, and less grown-up.

  At last, Elaine lifted her. Becca didn’t realize she’d been crying until Elaine hugged her close, cradling her in the overlarge rocking chair, and crooned at her.

  “There there,” Elaine told Becca. “It’s all done.” She leaned forward, kissed Becca’s face. She licked her tears away and Becca stroked Elaine’s cheek.

  Then they kissed. It was all Becca wanted from the moment they’d met. Another kiss. Another. Deeper. Becca moaned softly into Elaine’s lips and Elaine smiled down at her, her fingers skimming down Becca’s cheek. She pulled her button-up dress open and tugged her bra down, offering her breast to Becca.

  Hungrily, greedily, Becca latched on, her mouth enveloping the fat of Elaine’s heavy breast and the puffy brown nipple that had eluded her for days. She suckled, her eyes never leaving Elaine’s, her body throbbing with need. Elaine brushed her fingers up and
down Becca’s exposed stomach and beneath her crop top. She tweaked Becca’s nipples, tugged them even as Becca bit and nippled her own. Elaine shifted her attention to Becca’s slick pussy, barely concealed in the flimsy excuses for fabric on her curvaceous frame. She ripped them down Becca’s legs, effectively tangling them, and set about with her manicured hand to caress and give Becca what Becca needed.

  What Becca needed to sleep.

  Her fingers moved in circles over Becca’s clit, they never entered her, just teased at the idea as Becca moved from one breast to the other. Elaine moaned but she kept control. Her palm spanked Becca’s bare soaking pussy and rubbed vigorously. “You need this, baby. You need to come for Mommy so you can rest. When you wake up, we can talk and eat. Let go. Let go for me. I’ll protect you in your dreams, my little love. Let go for me.”

  Becca saw stars, her head falling back as she cried out, her teeth biting into her own lip as she bucked into Elaine’s wrist, her tangled knees closing around the woman’s arm. She thought she might spill out of Elaine’s lap, but she didn’t. Elaine had her.

  “I’ve got you. I’ve got you. Mommy’s got you,” Elaine reassured her.

  She held her while the shaking subsided, Becca’s eyes heavy, her lips swollen. Elaine kissed her again and Becca clung to her neck. She purred out, “Mommy.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, little one. You’re safe. Do you want me to put you in the crib?” Elaine offered Becca.

  It was a humiliating offer, the word crib so direct. But Becca wanted it. She needed to be taken care of. “Please.”

  Elaine shifted, picking Becca up as easily as picking up a bag of groceries, and laid her across the mattress. Her hand-peeled back the covers. She stripped Becca of her remaining clothes as carefully and practiced as any mother putting her children to bed, only Becca was a fully-grown woman, twenty-two and long-legged.

  She crossed to the dresser and opened a drawer. She took out a package of wipes and a onesie. Becca didn’t know how, but before long she was dressed in it and her thighs and legs cleaned up. Elaine leaned down and kissed her. She tucked her in and then laid down beside her. Elaine seemed tired too. Becca wanted to invite her into the covers, but she was too tired to speak.

  They fell asleep holding hands.

  Pampered Princess

  Chapter 1: Elaine

  F or the first time in over a year, Elaine woke up with a beautiful woman in her arms. It was a slow realization – the scent of Becca’s hair filled her nose and the soft flesh of Becca’s behind, pliable to Elaine’s touch, clued her in.

  She was aroused. Becca softly purred in her sleep; it wasn’t a snore precisely, just the hum of contentment. The watch on her wrist told her it was still quite early. Becca’s sleepover had been unplanned – so had the act of sleeping next to her. Despite Elaine’s initial wish to take things slow – she’d still run wild with them.

  Especially after last night. She’d told Becca that while they were together, she would call her Mommy. That it was a stop-gap until they knew each other better.

  But Elaine already knew that was a stupid idea. There wasn’t going to be any slowing down. Doing so would only hurt the beautiful young woman in her arms. She shifted, pushing some of Becca’s hair away from her cheek, and leaned down to kiss her face. Her butterfly light kisses trailed across the woman’s temple and down her neck. She could no more stop herself than she could stop rain from falling as she continued.

  The possessive streak in her was coming out in spades. Whatever she had to do to convince Becca that she was the right Mommy for her, she would do. She just needed the little princess to say yes.

  She unbuttoned Becca’s onesie slowly, the young mechanic barely stirring in her sleep except to softly moan in contentment at the continued kisses to her throat. Elaine slid down the mattress, her touch feather-light as she went. She kissed Becca’s silky stomach, slightly curved from the indulgence of sweets, and spread her thighs slowly. Her Elaine’s lips again pressed to the warmth of her skin; this time lower over the soft stubbled mons between Becca’s thighs.

  Her sleeping little lover moaned again, this time accompanied by the shifting of her hips.

  Elaine watched her; her dark eyes focused on the movement of Becca’s lips. She licked low, slow, her warm tongue parting the folds of Becca’s pussy slowly, tasting the woman in long strokes.

  Becca moaned again, this time her nimble fingers slipped into Elaine’s hair, softly tugging at her scalp. Half-asleep, Becca moaned again, this time, “Mmmy.” Becca’s eyes flashed open, the rosiness of her cheeks deepening as she recognized the fact that Elaine was between her thighs and smiled.

  “I thought I was dreaming. This is better than a dream,” Becca said.

  Elaine carried on; her eyes locked on Becca’s. She pinned Becca’s thighs open, her tongue lapping over and over, wanting to hear her moans again. Wanting to hear her say it of her own accord. She wanted Becca to say the word. Her lips closed over Becca’s clit and she hummed deep into it, her lashes lowering as she groaned, herself – overcome with the sweet taste of her would-be girlfriend's pussy.

  “Oh god, Miss Elaine…” Becca said.

  Not what she wanted to hear, but the sound of her name on her lips made Elaine just as wet as Becca was. She slid one hand upward, squeezing Becca’s bare breast softly, her fingertips playing at her pebbled nipple. She pinched, her warm breath pouring over Becca’s clit, and hummed into it.

  “Fuck,” Becca cried out tightly. Her eyes closed, breath moving into a slow pant. “That feels so very good, Mommy.”

  Elaine rewarded Becca for referring to her that way by sliding two fingers inside her. She hooked them and slowly moved them in and out of Becca’s drooling slit while her tongue flicked over and over on her clit.

  Becca’s fingers tightened in Elaine’s hair. “I want to taste you too,” she gasped.

  Elaine lifted her head, her eyes smiling, and nodded. She stood up and removed her clothes, having fallen asleep fully dressed with her dear Becca.

  When she stood nude, Becca laid flat on her back and thrust her chin forward. Her eyes sparkled as she addressed Elaine. “Please sit on my face, Mommy.”

  If Elaine’s panties weren’t already on the floor, they would have been immediately. She swept forward, throwing a knee over Becca’s chest and anchored it above her shoulder. She was careful, graceful, as she lowered herself. She used Becca’s knee for balance with one hand, the other reaching down between her beautiful thighs to slowly pet the young woman’s soaking pussy. Becca cried out in response, her hips thrusting forward. Already Elaine could feel the kiss of Becca’s excitement. Her warm breath made Elaine lower a little, seeking it out, and the tentative soft touch of Becca’s tongue on her clit made Elaine drip with arousal.

  “Do you like the way Mommy tastes, babygirl?” Elaine asked her, her voice lusty.

  Becca’s tongue pushing deeply into her was affirmative, Becca’s moan somewhat lost as Elaine pushed two fingers once again into the little woman’s hole.

  “And do you like it when I fuck you with my fingers, princess?” Elaine questioned.

  Becca cried out, “Yes, Mommy.”

  Elaine rocked, clenching her pussy. She felt herself unraveling. “Then fuck me with your fingers too, baby. Make me cum with you.”

  She felt Becca’s voice vibrate against her clit, the moaning louder than ever as she pushed her fingers inside of Elaine and Elaine reciprocated. They followed each other’s movements. Becca gasped and twisted, her legs spreading wider under Elaine’s arms.

  “Are you about to cum, princess?” Elaine asked, suspecting Becca was close.

  “Oh, Mommy…” Becca whimpered and confessed, “I can’t stop it.”

  “Don’t you try to,” Elaine ordered. She tapped Becca’s clit, circling it roughly as Becca whined out loud. Becca’s tongue slipped past Elaine’s pussy and started swirling on her asshole while her fingers worked Elaine’s clit and thrust in and out. Elaine took
that as a hint of what Becca needed and crooned at her.

  “Oh, she likes to have her little bottom played with. I can do that,” Elaine assured her, her fingers using the slick juices of Becca’s arousal to push and pull at the tight little rim of her bottom. She pushed a finger inside, then wrapped her lips around Becca’s clit and licked wildly.

  Becca was spasming inside of a second and Elaine groaned, grinding herself on Becca’s face, very close herself.

  And then the most wonderful thing happened. Her little princess squirted right in her face. Elaine pushed two fingers deep into Becca’s pussy, immediately taking advantage of her orgasm, and tried to make it happen again. Her other hand pumped her middle finger in and out of Becca’s bottom hole and she let out a bark of approval. “Such a messy baby girl. You didn’t tell Mommy you could get so wet!”

  Becca, as if ashamed, tried to hide herself in Elaine. She went so far as to sink her thumb into Elaine’s ass and rub her face in Elaine’s pussy.

  Elaine wasn’t going to let it go. “You do that again, baby. You can do it again. Go ahead. Relax. I know my princess isn’t done,” she crooned.

  Becca’s head turned, sucking onto the side of Elaine’s thigh, her teeth softly scraping Elaine’s flesh, biting it as she started to shake again. Elaine knew she was on track. She kept working Becca, giving her no room to escape. Elaine her legs still with her elbows and vigorously rubbed her clit. “That’s my girl. Cum for me. Cum for Mommy, baby.”

  Calling out, Becca let go. “Mommy!” Her voice broke as she arched and started sucking at Elaine’s clit, slurping it up and down.

  Elaine clenched her own pussy, feeling a very powerful orgasm come over her, hearing and seeing Becca’s own. The smell of woman, the heat of sex, and the delicious taste of Becca on her lips imprinted on Elaine’s memory. “Becca, you are so wonderful. Thank you for sharing that with me, baby girl.”

  Becca’s hadn’t stopped licking her pussy. Elaine was in danger of coming once again. She sat up, watching the way Becca’s pussy tightened and clenched. Pussy popping. It was beautiful. She slowly massaged Becca’s vulva, leaned down to kiss her soaked flesh. Her eyes closed as Becca carried on. Elaine sat up, reached down, and stroked Becca’s stomach and her breasts. She moved, and Becca followed her, as she laid down on her back and Becca slid between her thighs, kissing and sucking her pussy and then licking her ass.


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