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Her Babygirl: The Complete Collection

Page 13

by Hart, Poppy

  “Are you sure?” Becca asked.

  “I’m more concerned about you, frankly. It’s further from your work but closer to your college,” Elaine said, calm. “So, if it’s not going to be convenient for you… I understand if you’d want to keep your place. Just something I’d like you to think about.”

  “I don’t need to think about it at all,” Becca said.

  “No?” Elaine wondered.

  “Nope. I want to move in with you,” Becca said, wearing a deep abiding smile on her face.

  “You want to make a home with me?” Elaine asked.

  “I want to make a home with you,” Becca confirmed. “And I already feel so at home with you. I don’t want to be apart.”

  Elaine bundled Becca up against her chest and kissed the top of her head. “I love you, princess.”

  “What’s not to love?” Becca said cheekily, plucking through the sheets of tattoos. “I’m all yours.”

  Chapter 2: Becca

  “M s. Brookfield, would you please take up the essays?” Professor Monte asked. She was a woman not that much older than Rebecca herself but seemed to have more of a grasp on her life than Becca ever would. It made her feel a little jealous. In addition to the accolades lining her office walls, Professor Monte had numerous pictures of herself scaling mountains and standing beside waterfalls.

  If Becca didn’t have Elaine to fantasize over, Monte would be next on the list. As it was, she had a hard time letting go of the sight she saw that morning before school.

  Elaine Wuornos, her Mommy Domme, in a 1950’s apron and heels, making her breakfast. It wasn’t just that though. Elaine, or Mommy, as she’d become in Becca’s head, had bought her an adult-sized high chair – one she couldn’t get out of without Elaine’s assistance. Being spoon-fed crepes and berries had taken on a whole new meaning with Becca under Mommy’s control.

  It seemed no matter what barriers Becca erected for herself, Elaine was good at showing her she could do more than she ever imagined. These days she was wearing a pull-up cloth diaper seven days a week, and even though she’d had an accident in them that one time and it had made her feel so embarrassed, she knew now that if she had another it would be no sweat.

  She trusted her Mommy explicitly.

  Becca moved through class, picking up each stack of essays at the end of the tables in the classroom, then turned and walked back to Professor Monte. As she walked, she heard a snicker.

  “Teacher’s pet.”

  She wasn’t sure who the remark had come from, but it filled her with annoyance. Her step faltered, but then she straightened up and finished the task. She had been helpful in class, that was true, but she didn’t like what the words implied. She’d never been a goody-two-shoes in her life. And she’d never sucked up to teachers before. Most of the time she couldn’t stand them.

  But Elaine had changed her.

  Respect the authority of your professors. They’re trying to get by just as much as you are, Becca, Elaine had counseled her when she had expressed frustration with one of her classes.

  That wasn’t to say Mommy wanted her to be a brown-noser, but when she was told to do something, within reason, she’d do it.

  You and I are a team. We represent one another in the world. Our kindness and composure toward others go a long way. Being disrespectful of your teachers for a little bit of clout doesn’t serve either of us.

  That was why, after class, Becca had decided to ask Prof. Monte if she wanted to come over for dinner. She’d overheard Monte talking to another student about having trouble making friends since she’d relocated.

  When class was dismissed, Becca stayed seated in her front-row spot. She waited until the room was clear, then stood up and cleared her throat.

  “Professor Monte, do you have a moment?”

  “Sure, what’s on your mind, Ms. Brookfield?”

  “I was wondering if you’d like to join my girlfriend and me for dinner, tonight. We just moved into our new house and have had very little opportunity for guests.”

  “Taking pity on the ex-expat?” Monte asked.

  “A little, to be honest. But mostly, we’d love to hear all about your travels.”

  Monte chewed her lip and finished putting her things in her briefcase, then walked toward the door. “What’s on the menu?”

  “I’m not sure. She was either going to make gumbo or jambalaya,” Becca answered, her head tilting. “I don’t remember.”

  “How very Cajun of her,” Monte remarked. “Well, I can’t resist a taste of New Orleans. I haven’t been back in years.”

  “She hasn’t made either one for me yet,” Becca admitted. “But she’s usually a really good cook. Do you like things spicy?”

  “Oh honey, I just moved back from Thailand. Spice is my first and middle name.”

  “Good to meet you, Spice.”

  Professor Monte handed her card to Becca and nodded. “Text me the details. I can’t eat another tv dinner.”

  Elaine was waiting for her when she got home. That same apron on, only this time there were heels and thigh highs. She had a glass of whiskey in her hand, stirring a pot in the kitchen with the radio on. She was singing along in French.

  Becca approached, laid her books on the counter, and wrapped her arms around Elaine’s waist from behind. “Hi, beautiful.”

  “My baby,” Elaine grinned. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “It smells really good in here.”

  “I sure hope so,” Elaine said just before taking a long sip of her whiskey. “Any luck with your teacher?”

  “Professor Monte agreed to come, we just need to let her know the time and address.”

  “Go ahead and let her know,” Elaine answered.

  “Mommy, I don’t think I should,” Becca stated, surprising herself.

  “Why not?”

  “Someone called me a teacher’s pet, today. I think you should be the one to message her,” Becca answered. “I don’t want to get her in trouble.”

  Elaine turned, wrapped an arm around Becca’s shoulders, and squeezed her arm. “Becca, whoever said that doesn’t know you at all. You’re my pet.”

  “That’s true,” Becca admitted, her cheeks growing pink. “I am yours.”

  “Mmhmm. Now I don’t really care which phone you message her from, but I can’t leave this pot right now.”

  “Yes, Mommy.” Becca smiled. “Where’s your phone, and what time should I tell her?”

  “On the island charger. 7 pm.”

  Their new kitchen was pristine or usually was when 90 spices weren’t strewn across the counters. Elaine was a messy chef, but Becca didn’t mind when everything she made tasted like heaven. In another life, Elaine could have been a Julia Childs.

  Becca picked up her books and Elaine’s and started to go.

  “Don’t go too far, my love. I’m going to need your opinion on this roux in a few minutes.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Becca took another meaningful glance at Elaine before she turned the corner into the small office Elaine, and she had set up. One corner was hers, the other was Elaine’s. Her homework space was cozy, complete with a reading space between the two so she could be near Elaine when she was working in the evenings and Becca was studying.

  She put her books on her desk and pulled the number out of her pocket. She texted the time, place, and let her know the text was from Elaine’s phone.

  “Thanks for the invitation. I’ll be there on the dot.”

  Becca’s stomach fluttered. She wasn’t sure why it’s not like she had a crush on her teacher. It probably had something to do with the notion that Monte was exactly the sort of woman Becca pictured Elaine would be with if she were more vanilla. Prof. Monte was worldly in ways Becca was not. Elaine had traveled to some of the same countries her professor had, and they would have more in common.

  As soon as that thought passed through her consciousness, she fled the office and sought out Elaine.

mmy!” she yelled, her brain in a panic.

  “Yes, Babygirl? Is everything okay?”

  “Of course. I was just thinking, should I set the table fancy or something? This is our first guest together, outside of the housewarming party,” Becca lied.

  “Absolutely. Go wild, my love,” Elaine answered. She was stirring something into the pot, the chocolate-colored roux swirling with a froth. “Wait, before you go, do me a favor?”


  “Pull out one of those big pots. I want to make some potato salad to go along with the gumbo.”

  “Is that a normal thing to go with gumbo?” Becca asked.

  “It is, where I’m from, cher-baby,” Elaine said sultrily, and ‘cher’ came out sounding like ‘sha’. “Don’t knock it till you try it.”

  Elaine’s instructions were easily followed. She filled the pots, peeled potatoes, and tasted the roux Elaine had spent the last hour on. When Becca was finished, she sat down at the kitchen island and started reviewing her schedule for the next week.

  Things had gotten busier and busier. She was only able to work two days a week now. She longed to get back to it, get her hands dirty under the hood of a car again. But she’d promised her Uncle and Elaine that she would get a business degree. Elaine didn’t care what she was going to school for, but it was an arrangement she and Leroy had worked out when she was just twelve years old. The garage would be hers one day. Not that she wanted that day to come soon, in fact, it was a reason why she didn’t want to go to college in the first place. It felt like giving her uncle permission for something bad to happen to him.

  Becca felt the zipper of her romper coming down and realized Elaine was standing behind her. Soft silky lips trailed down her spine, fingers unfastened her bra, and Elaine slipped her hands into Becca’s diaper to squeeze her bottom.

  “Does someone need a change?” Elaine whispered at the back of her nape.

  “What about your gumbo?” Becca asked.

  “Needs a few hours to rumble,” Elaine purred. “You have my attention, little one. Why are you so sad?”

  “Just thinking about the future,” Becca replied. “What will happen when Uncle Leroy’s gone.”

  “Oh, baby. That won’t be for years and years. He’s in good health, and you won’t be alone. You’ve got me, you’ve got the kiddos, you’ve got your aunt Cindy too,” Elaine told her. She kissed the top of her shoulder. “Why are you thinking about things that make you sad?”

  “My mind is just wandering today. Don’t worry, by the time Professor Monte gets here, I’ll be in a better headspace.”

  Elaine started zipping her romper back up and Becca turned around to face her. “Why’d you do that?”

  “I think my little girl needs to relax,” Elaine said. “What I had in mind before wasn’t so relaxing.”

  “I disagree,” Becca said, her eyes widening. “It relaxes me to serve you, Mommy.”

  “Hm. Then I guess you’d better get on your knees little girl,” Elaine answered.

  Fuck, the reaction was instant. Becca slid from the stool, dropping to the white tile floor to her knees as instructed. She looked up at Elaine like she was ready to worship.

  Elaine’s fingers traced Becca’s face, tilted her chin up, and then slid into her hair. “Lift my skirts up.”

  Beneath the apron, a modest ruffled skirt. Beneath that, a pair of lace blue panties that complimented the statuesque Amazonian hips of Elaine. Her vulva was fragrant, barely concealed even as the panties provided ‘coverage’.

  “Do you like what you see?” Elaine asked, and Becca realized she’d been staring for a while. She blinked slowly and almost moaned out, “Yes, Mommy, I do like what I see.”

  “Smell it. Lick it,” Elaine ordered Becca. Her teeth pressed into her lower lip, her eyes framed with thick lashes and glamourous eyeshadow peered down at Becca. Her hair was curled in tendrils and pinned behind her ears. She was like a goddess in Becca’s eyes.

  “Don’t,” Elaine corrected when Becca started to pull her panties down. Becca gasped, Elaine’s hand drawing her closer, rubbing her lips and her nose against the perfumed panties. Her female aroma was intoxicating. Becca licked her pussy through the fabric, her tongue catching on the texture of the panties. It left a wet spot, but the more she licked, the wetness wasn’t just from her tongue. Elaine held her close, Becca’s hands gripping her knees as Elaine rubbed herself into Becca’s face.

  “You can move the fabric aside now. I want to feel that tongue press inside of me,” Elaine said smoothly.

  Becca groaned out loud, her eyes flashing up at Elaine’s in hot desire. She wanted to do more than that, but she would take what she could get. Her hands tugged Elaine’s panties down and the woman gingerly stepped out of them. “Pick them up, baby. Put them in your pocket.”

  Becca stashed the panties away, then went back to doing what she craved. She licked up and down, petting the warm velvet lips of Elaine’s pussy with her tongue. She tried to probe them, press her tongue between them, but the angle was wrong. Instead, her mouth focused on Elaine’s clit, sucking and purring against it. Elaine widened her stance, then draped a thigh over the top of Becca’s shoulder. She drew Becca in, and finally, Becca could press her tongue into the gooey tight pussy she so desired to taste.

  “Oh, Mommy,” she said, her face covered in saliva and her Domme’s juices. “This is so relaxing.”

  Elaine’s fingers in her hair redirected her face again, offering her pussy back to the young mechanic. “Lick it like a good girl.”

  Becca squealed into her pussy, her own knees spreading a little. Her fingers rubbed herself through the diaper and romper, grinding against the palm of her hand as she lapped obediently.

  Elaine’s eyes never leaving her own, watching her as she sort-of leaned against the kitchen island. “What do you think your professor would think if she found out you were an eager little slut for Mommy?”

  “She’d be jealous of me,” Becca said without thinking. “You’re a goddess.”

  “Mm, Babygirl. I think she’d be jealous of me. You’re such a good and dirty little princess, I bet she’s been fantasizing about you since you walked into her classroom wearing those cute outfits.”

  Becca shook her head, her tongue telling her Mommy that no, that wasn’t possible.

  “Don’t shake your head. Everyone’s had a crush on the teacher from time to time. Tell me, Becca, is your teacher pretty?”

  “She is,” Becca admitted.

  “Maybe we can do a role play, some time. You be my good little student and I’ll be the naughty professor,” Elaine grinned. “Spell your alphabet, little girl.”

  By the time Becca was tracing ‘M’, Elaine was going weak-kneed and her eyes were rolling back. It was a good sign that Becca was doing things right. But then Elaine demanded her to her feet, and she felt like her legs were asleep.

  “Oh, dear. Don’t worry, I’ll carry you to bed.”

  Now, Elaine didn’t mean their bedroom. Like the apartment they’d left behind, Elaine had built and decked out a special playroom for Becca. And as with the other one, there was a crib and changing disguised as a guest bed and dresser.

  Only this time, Elaine opened the closet door and pulled a pair of pink cuffs from the hanger. She slapped them on Becca’s wrists and pushed her arms up over her head, securing the chain to a hook on the headboard. Then she all but ripped Becca’s clothes off. The diaper was last, easily pulled down, but it left Becca naked and exposed to the open door.

  Elaine sat down in the rocking chair, reached into the bedside table and extracted a small vibrator. She taped it to Becca’s vulva and turned it on, just on a low setting, and sat back. She then took out a book and started to read.

  “Once there was a very naughty princess. She loved to cause mischief. She’d sneak out of her tower, go dancing at all hours and leave her guardians to worry. Then one day she met a Queen. The queen liked to be naughty too. She taught the princess all sorts of new na
ughty things to do.”

  Becca blinked, this game a new one. She’d been read bedtime stories for as long as Elaine had been her Mommy, but none so on the nose as this one. Well… that first one had been. But no more, not like this one, in a long time.

  Elaine had paused, and Becca realized she was looking for Becca to ask a question. “What did she teach the princess, Mommy?”

  “She taught her how to make herself cum. She taught her how to make her nipples ache. She taught her how to find other lovers, too. But eventually, the Queen regretted that.”

  “She let the princess take other lovers?” Becca asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

  “Yes, it is one of the naughtiest things a woman can do. The queen couldn’t deny that.”

  “Is that what you’re trying to tell me, Mommy?” Becca asked.

  “If that’s what you want, baby. I heard you say her name in your sleep.”

  “I don’t need another lover.”

  “It’s not about what you need. What do you want?” Elaine asked her, even as the bullet was buzzing at her clit. Becca gasped, shaking.

  “I don’t want to take another lover, Elaine. I was thinking how much better off you’d be, if you were with someone like her,” Becca answered.

  “We are a special pair of idiots,” Elaine said, putting the book aside. She walked to the bed, then pulled her panties out of Becca’s pocket. She offered them to her submissive and Becca opened her mouth willingly, her eyes on fire, watching Elaine.

  Elaine dipped low, sitting down between Becca’s thighs, and pushed her knees apart. She removed the tape from the bullet and moved the bullet to Becca’s ass, circling the rim of it with the vibrator as she licked and suckled Becca’s pussy. “As wonderful as hot as it is to think about you fucking another beautiful woman, Becca, I have to admit how happy I am to hear that you are content with how things are.”

  “Mm,” Becca tried to speak. She wanted to say, Are you content? Are you sure that you don’t want to take another lover, yourself? But she still hadn’t learned how to speak gag.

  Elaine continued, circling Becca’s clit with her thumb, her eyes burning deep brown. “I am so glad you’re all mine. I would have to punish this pussy if I thought it wasn’t,” Elaine added, her voice teasing.


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