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The Dragon's Mate (Shifters Series Book 7)

Page 11

by Elizabeth Kelly

  He scrubbed his hand through his damp hair as he scanned the kitchen. If he didn’t figure out what… oh shit.

  He stared at the foil-covered plate sitting on the counter and then at the scattered crumbs on the table. He lunged past Kaida and peeled the foil off the plate. Kaida sidled up behind him, putting her arms around his waist and kissing his back. “My mate, come to bed.”

  He stared at the lone muffin on the plate, horror unfurling in his belly. “Kaida, did you eat a muffin from this plate?”

  Her hands stroked his abdomen. “Yes. Tyler gave it to me. What’s wrong?”

  He turned around, trying to ignore Kaida’s wandering hands as they roamed across his chest. “Fuck. This is bad. Kaida, that muffin was laced with a potion. A love potion.”

  She snorted laughter. “It wasn’t. I would have smelled it.”

  She kissed his neck again, her hands sliding up over his shoulders. “Come to bed, my mate. Let me show you how well I can please you. My pussy is wet for you.”

  He groaned when she straddled his thigh and ground her pussy against him. “Kaida, you’re under a spell. I swear.”

  “I’m not.” She grasped his face in her hands and stared directly at him. “I love you, Bren. Do you love me?”

  “This isn’t real. What you’re feeling isn’t real. Do you understand?” he said.

  Despair mixed with frustration crossed her face. “You don’t love me.”

  Feeling weirdly guilty, he said, “No, it’s not that. It’s -”

  “You do love me.” Her smile made his heart do a weird stuttering thing in his chest.

  “Okay, I need you to sit down for a minute. Will you do that?” Bren led Kaida toward one of the kitchen chairs.

  She frowned at him. “I want to fuck you.”

  “I know, but I, uh, I have a friend coming over that I want you to meet.”

  She sighed but dropped into the chair. “Fine. Introduce me to your friend, human. But once they’re gone, we are fucking. Do you understand?”

  Bren yanked his cell phone out of his pocket. “Understood.”

  Chapter Nine

  “This is sooo bad.” Elora paced back and forth in the kitchen. “I’m going to kill my grandmother.”

  “Get in line,” Bren said.

  “Oh God… this is really bad.” Elora turned a little green and nibbled at the side of her nail.

  Kaida was sitting at the table, staring intently at Lilianna who was perched on the table. The crow returned her stare, its dark eyes unblinking.

  “You’re starting to freak me out a little, Elora.” Bren had never seen the witch looking so unbalanced. “It is just a love potion, right?”

  “Yes. But she’s a bear shifter.”


  Elora stared at him. “She’s a bear shifter who thinks you’re her mate and she wants to have sex with you. What do you think she’ll do if you deny her? Because I know a few female bear shifters and they don’t like being denied what they want. If you refuse to sleep with her, she might…”

  “Might what?” Bren said.

  “Shift to her bear form and rip out your throat,” Elora said.

  “Jesus.” Bren wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead.

  “You like her, right?”

  “You know I do,” he said.

  “Then, maybe you could just…” Elora made a humping motion with her hips.

  “I can’t,” Bren said. “She isn’t actually interested in me, remember? I can’t sleep with her while she’s under the influence of your grandmother’s damn potion. She’s not thinking straight, and I’m not the guy who takes advantage of a woman like that.”

  “I know you’re not,” Elora said “but you may have no choice. If she doesn’t get what she wants, she may seriously injure you.”

  Kaida looked away from Lilianna’s dark gaze. “I would never hurt the human. He’s my mate and if he is to give me a hatchling, he needs to be well. He can’t put his seed in my belly if he’s injured.”

  Elora’s eyes widened and a nervous giggle slipped out of her mouth as Kaida returned to staring at Lilianna.

  “You can reverse the potion, right?” Bren said.

  “Assuming that Helen tells me what potion she used, yes, I can reverse it. But not until tomorrow,” Elora said.

  “What? Why?” Bren said.

  “Because I’ll need to go to the potions store, and it’s closed for the night.” Elora shoved her hands into her pockets and slumped against the wall. “I’m so sorry, Bren.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Bren replied.

  “I’ll find out from Helen what potion she used. The potion place opens at eight,” Elora said. “I’ll be standing outside the door waiting for them to open, I promise. It won’t take me long to make up the reversal potion, so I should have it for you by nine-thirty at the latest. All you have to do is keep her distracted until then.”

  Bren glanced at the clock. It was almost midnight and he grimaced. “Right, keep her distracted.”

  Elora straightened. “I’ll stay the night with you guys, help keep her -”

  “No.” Kaida had joined them and she slipped her arm around Bren’s waist before glaring at Elora. “You will leave now, little witch. I want to be alone with my mate.”

  “Do you like card games?” Elora said. “We could play cards and -”

  “I said leave.” Kaida’s voice had lowered and sounded guttural and inhuman.

  Elora made a soft sound of anxiety and took a step back. Lilianna cawed, the sound loud and jarring in the silence, and flew to her shoulder. The crow stared at Kaida with what Bren swore was anger in her eyes. She cawed a second time, and a low rumbling growl came from Kaida’s chest. The air around them suddenly seemed too warm, and Bren armed the sweat off his face as the crow snapped her beak at Kaida.

  Kaida growled again and Bren quickly slipped his arm around her waist. The heat radiating from her was almost uncomfortably hot, but he didn’t break his hold.

  “It’s fine,” he said quickly. “Go home and get some rest, Elora. We’ll be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” Elora said.

  Bren nodded. He wasn’t sure, but if Kaida shifted to her bear form, he didn’t want Elora getting hurt. He briefly considered waking Ty and sending him home with Elora before discarding the idea. He didn’t want to confuse or worry his brother and the kid slept like a rock, anyway. Even if Kaida switched to her bear form and tried to murder him, Ty wouldn’t hear a damn thing. Besides, call him crazy, but he believed Kaida when she said she wouldn’t hurt him, even if he didn’t have sex with her.

  “Go home, Elora.” Kaida leveled her gaze at the crow sitting on Elora’s shoulder. “And watch yourself around the bird. It’s more than just a crow.”

  “Um, yes, I know. Thanks.” Elora inched her way toward the doorway and smiled faintly at Bren. “I’ll be by in the morning as soon as I have the potion made. Hang in there, okay? If she does change to her bear form, use your gun.”

  He frowned at her. “I’m not shooting Kaida.”

  “It won’t kill her. Bears are fast healers,” Elora said.

  “I’m not shooting her,” he repeated. “Good night, Elora.”

  He waited until he heard the front door shut before easing away from Kaida. “Do you want some more tea?”

  Kaida shook her head and moved toward him. He backed away, cursing under his breath when his back hit the wall. She grinned predatorily at him, her fangs gleaming in the light. He wondered what was wrong with him that the sight of those sharp white teeth made his cock stiffen.

  She placed her hands on either side of his shoulders, bracing them against the wall and penning him in, before licking his throat. “Let’s go to the bedroom, Bren.”

  “I don’t want to have sex with you tonight,” he said quickly.

  She frowned at him. “Why not? Do you no longer find me attractive? Does your cock refuse to harden for me?”

  She palmed his cock and his semi tur
ned to a full-blown erection almost instantly. He hissed out a breath as her smile widened. “Your cock wishes to fuck me.”

  He pulled her hand away from his dick. “No sex tonight, okay? I’m really tired and it’s been a very difficult day.”

  Her gaze softened and she cupped his face before stroking her thumb across his cheek. “My mate has a challenging job.”

  “Sometimes,” he said.

  She pressed a soft kiss against his mouth. “All right. We won’t have sex tonight, but you will fuck me in the morning. Do you understand?”

  Relief flooded through him. It disappeared when Kaida took his hand and led him out of the kitchen. “What are you doing?”

  “We’re going to bed,” she said. “It’s late and you need to sleep.”

  “We can’t share my bed,” he said.

  She frowned at him and opened the door to the guest bathroom, peering inside before closing it. “Of course, we can. We are mates.”

  She reached for Tyler’s door and Bren said, “That’s the guest room. Tyler’s sleeping in there. My room is the last door on the left.”

  She pulled him down the hallway to his room. Opening the door, she stepped inside and gave the room a quick glance before turning and pressing a kiss against his shoulder. “Time for bed, Bren.”

  She tugged her t-shirt over her head. He turned away, the image of her perfect breasts in the lacy white bra already burned into his head. “What are you doing?”

  “Undressing,” she said. “I sleep naked. Don’t you?”

  “Uh, how about you wear this?” He yanked his shirt over his head and held it out without turning around.

  She sighed. “My mate, I don’t want to wear your shirt. I want to feel your skin against mine.”

  “I know, but…” He was struck with sudden inspiration. “You’re, um, really warm, and we’ll get sweaty if you’re naked.”

  She sighed again and took the shirt from him. “Fine.”

  He kept his back turned as she changed, groaning inwardly when she wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed between his shoulder blades. “You will grow used to my warmth, my mate. I promise.”

  “Sure,” he said.

  “Come to bed.” Her hand took his and she tugged him toward the bed. He looked away from the bra and – oh sweet Jesus, was that a thong? – panties lying in a heap on the floor of his room.

  She looked way too good in his shirt. She was so tall that his shirt only fell to her upper thighs. He studied her long, tanned legs, his mouth going dry as an image of them wrapped around his hips flickered into his head.

  Kaida smiled coyly at him, one hand reaching out to trace his abdomen muscles. She inhaled deeply. “Are you certain you do not wish to fuck tonight, human?”

  “I’m certain.” His voice was hoarse, and he cleared his throat as Kaida made a sound of disappointment. She dropped her hand and moved to the bed, pulling back the quilt and sheet and climbing in.

  She patted the bed beside her. “Come, my mate.”

  She frowned when he pulled back the bedcovers. “Take off your jeans.”

  “Uh, I’m good with them on.”

  “Take them off,” she insisted.

  He continued to hesitate, and she glared at him. “I said I wouldn’t fuck you tonight, Bren. Do you not trust your mate?”

  “I trust you,” he said automatically before realizing he actually meant it.

  He stripped down to his boxer briefs, trying to ignore the way Kaida’s gaze narrowed in on his dick. He climbed in beside her and laid on his back. Kaida pulled the sheet and quilt up and threw one leg over his legs before resting her head on his chest. She played with the hair on his chest before kissing his sternum. “Do you like your job?”

  “I do,” he said.

  “How many times have you been shot at?”

  “More times than I’d like.”

  She snuggled closer, and he couldn’t resist stroking her long dark hair. He shut the bedside light off, plunging the room into darkness. She took his hand, linking their fingers together. “Do you fear your father like Tyler does?”

  “Tyler isn’t afraid of him.”

  “He is,” she said. “I can smell it on him when he speaks of him.”

  His stomach clenched, and Kaida raised her head and pressed a kiss against his mouth. “I’m sorry, my mate. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “I’m not upset,” he said.

  “You are, I can smell it. Are you afraid of your father?”

  “No,” he said.

  “His position as senator makes him powerful,” she replied.

  “How do you know who my father is?” Bren’s body stiffened and Kaida made a weird, but oddly soothing purring sound.

  Bears can purr?

  “Shh, my mate, do not worry,” she said.

  “How do you know who he is?” he repeated.

  “Javee looked up information about you. It was for the clan’s safety, and the only way they would allow you and your brother to be in our home,” she replied.

  He relaxed against the bed as that rough not-quite-a-purr-but-almost-a-purr vibrated out of her throat.

  This isn’t normal, Bren. Bears don’t purr.

  “You’re a bear shifter, right?” he asked.

  “Why do you ask, my mate?”

  “You’re purring, sort of. Bears don’t purr. Are you a tiger or a lion?”

  The not-quite-purring cut out, and she lifted her head again to press another kiss against his jawline. “Have you slept with many shifters, Bren? Or did your father’s beliefs keep you from them?”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t feel the same way about shifters as my father does.”

  “I know that,” she said. “It’s more than obvious. But sometimes a parent’s beliefs affect us in a way we don’t realize. Have you slept with a shifter before?”

  “Yes,” he said. “In my early twenties, I pretty much only slept with shifters. Maybe it was my way of rebelling against my father.”

  “What type of shifters have you slept with?”

  “Uh, a couple of rabbit shifters, a deer shifter…”

  “Any predator shifters?”

  “No,” he admitted. “Most of them were casual hookups, but I dated a zebra shifter for a few months.”

  “Why did you break up?”

  “She found out who my father was.”

  She kissed his chest. “Have you had any serious relationships?”

  “Two long-term relationships with humans, never one with a shifter.”

  “Because of your father.”


  She raised her head and stared at him. He could barely make out her features in the dim light coming in from the window, but knew she had no issues seeing him. He forced a smile onto his face. “No big deal. Hazards of having an asshole racist for a father.”

  She touched his face. “He won’t scare me away, my mate.”

  She rested her cheek on his chest again. He waited a beat and then said, “Have you slept with a human before?”

  “No. Only shifters.” She stroked his chest, the touch more soothing than arousing. “But don’t worry, I’ll be gentle with you.”

  He grinned into the darkness. “I’m stronger than I look.”

  She laughed, the low sound making his cock twitch. “You seem strong for a human, but you’re still fragile compared to me.”

  His smile turned to laughter. “Just so you know, calling a human male fragile can be a serious blow to his ego.”

  She lifted her head again. “Have I hurt your feelings, my mate?”

  He squeezed her hip. “Nah, I’m good.”

  She traced his ribs with the tips of her fingers. “I don’t think you’re weak, but your human bones are fragile. It’s so strange. I have never had the urge to mate with a human until you.”

  Feeling guilty, he released her hip. “We should get some sleep now, Kaida.”

  “Yes,” she said. She pressed her mouth against his a
nd unable to resist, he returned her kiss. She moaned into his mouth and he pulled away, his heart beating hard against his ribcage.

  “Good night, my mate,” she said.

  “Good night, Kaida.”

  * * *

  Kaida woke with one thought and one thought only – she needed to fuck her mate. She glanced to her left, her dragon growling with anger when it saw the empty spot.

  It’s fine, she soothed. We will find our mate and take what is ours.

  Finally, her dragon grumbled. You should have fucked him last night.

  She climbed out of bed and headed to the master bathroom. He was tired and had a bad day.

  She ignored her dragon’s grumbling and used the washroom. She washed her hands and used a new toothbrush she found in the medicine cabinet to brush her teeth.

  She studied her reflection in the mirror. She’d been away from her clan for nearly eighteen hours. She should have been feeling discomfort and an urge to return to them. Instead, she was consumed by the need to be with Bren.

  She smiled at the thought of her mate and left the bathroom. She headed toward the kitchen, halting in the doorway when she saw him sitting at the table with Elora.

  Her dragon growled angrily, and she tasted smoke in the back of her throat. She stalked forward, placing a possessive hand on the back of her mate’s neck, and stared at the witch sitting at the table. “Do you wish to have my mate as your own, little witch?”

  Elora shook her head. “No, not at all.”

  “You spend a lot of time with him,” Kaida said.

  “We’re friends,” Bren said. “That’s it, Kaida. I promise.”

  Her dragon surging forward to egg her on, she bent her head and kissed her mate hard on the mouth. She lifted her head, smiling at the scent of his lust, before her gaze narrowed on the witch again. “He is mine, little witch. Keep your hands off of him.”

  “No problem,” Elora said.

  “Good. Leave. Bren and I need to mate.”

  “Uh, sit down and have some tea with us first,” Bren said. He stood and took her hand, urging her to sit in the chair across from him. Glancing at Elora, he poured some tea from the pot on the table into a mug and handed it to her before returning to his seat. “Go on, drink.”


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