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The Connect Who Took My Heart Away 2

Page 13

by Coco Shawndé

  “Obasi got them. We ain’t new to this.” he said over me, on his knees. I was laying under him, with my legs on his shoulders. “Drop this dick in you right quick.”

  “I missed it.” I told him, biting my lip and reaching into his shorts.

  “I know you did. He misses you.” he said covering my lips with his.

  Hosea gave me that good ass pounding that put me to sleep. In his bed, I was so damn comfortable, I woke up with all missed calls from Rocco. Answering the incoming facetime call, I knew she wasn’t going to see much since I was in the dark. Hosea must had turned the light off and shut the door.

  “Bitch! I been calling you. Where you at? You know what time it is?” Rocco ran off, waking me up.

  “What time is it?” I said rolling onto my back, and keeping myself covered with the thick comforter. I was naked in the bed, and was running my hand through my hair that was sweated out.

  “Um, Dice. Please tell me you not getting dick and sleep!”

  “I was, but friend I promise I’m getting up. Right up.” I said knowing I had the birthday cake and her gifts to deliver. Rocco was barely the one to get out because all she knew was work. So tonight was all for her and all the girls were stepping out for the night.

  Getting up, I took a quick shower so I could go home and just put my outfit on. Going downstairs, it was kids everywhere, and the floor wet. Soon as I was about to open my mouth, Hosea was swooping me in the air. “Watch out!” he said turning me, and a gang of kids came trying to shoot him with water guns.

  “Ahhhh! Hosea!” I screamed out.

  “Got cha!!” the kids yelled, and took off.

  “My hairrrr!” I said mad as hell I got wet still.

  “I tried to save you. These boys been trying to take my head off. When you wake up?” he said wiping his wet face. Pushing him away because his shirt was soaked, I couldn’t believe he was clowning with these kids like this.

  “When Rocco called me.” I said, reminding him I had somewhere to be.

  “Oh yeah? Obasi just left to pop up on sis. He ain’t going for that all girls shit. Miani knew he was coming.” he smiled, on the same sneaky shit.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up? I gotta go. I need to get dressed and do something to my hair.” I sighed, knowing I was going to be late.

  “You got time. I didn’t mean to wear yo ass out like that.” he grinned.

  “Nah, you did that on purpose because you wanted me to sleep in your bed.”

  “You telling no lies. Fuck you got to go home for to go to sleep? You should have brought your clothes so I could see that shit. You know you like being naked.” he teased, pulling on my romper.

  “I’ll be sure to send you a pic.” I winked.

  My phone began to ring, and he noticed the caller ID before me. “Who’s this calling you private?”

  “I-I uh don’t-”

  “Get your phone…” he said pointing it out clear as day. Picking it up, I placed the phone to my ear.

  “Hello?” I said calmly as possible. Seconds passed with nothing being sad. Hosea was hawking over me and I just shrugged.

  “How long you been getting private calls?” He questioned. “Who the fuck had your number to reach you.”

  “I don’t know.” I said putting my hand on my head because this had been going on for a while. My friends didn’t even know. I wasn’t trying to take this further because it played enough on my mind to be trying to figure out why the hell I was being stalked.

  “You need to change your number. I don’t like hearing that shit. You should have been came to me...when you going to start coming to me?” He asked, and I could tell how bothered he was.

  “I’m sorry.” I said shaking my head. “I should have told you but if it means anything to you, I didn’t come to no one.”

  “I ain’t supposed to be just anybody. I’m your man.” he voiced. “I saw how you freeze up about that call. You been stressed about that too? You been getting these calls since Vegas, huh?”

  “They started when I first got back.” I answered.

  “Don’t keep nothing else from me. That’s creating something I don’t ever want with us.” he said kissing my forehead, and making me relax.

  Our conversation was cut short when the boys dropped something in the family room. It was kids coming from the basement, and running throughout the whole house playing with water. I was shaking my head but when I saw C.J, my mouth dropped.

  “Chaunce Junior! Tell me you fucking didn’t.” I snapped, and storming his way.

  “It’s just water mom! My gun broke.” he said holding one of Hosea´s Louboutins filled with so much water that it was spilling everywhere.

  “His shoes? Really son?” Shaking my head, I was ready to fucking go. “Pour it!”

  “But what am I’m going-”

  “Pour it the fuck out!” I told him once again, and he carried the thousand dollar shoes to the kitchen. When Hosea came from the back, he wasn’t tripping that a vase was broken. He asked C.J what was wrong with him, and my son explained he used his shoes to hold water.

  “They just shoes, Dice. Go ‘head, C.J.” Hosea shrugged off.

  “You're not going to have a house by the morning. Keep letting them get over.” I warned.

  “Nah, they about to take they ass in the movie theater. My maid pissed me off calling off and shit. She needs some real work since she salary paid.” he said, and that explained it all.

  “You a mess. This all just to get back for your cleaning service?”

  “Hell yeah. I’m paying them and my shit ain’t cleaned. So, when she come tomorrow, it’ll be a mess for them to do. I bet they won’t take weeks to come hurr again.” he vented.

  Hosea ended up walking me to the car because it was dark outside. Kissing him goodbye, I let him know I would see him tomorrow. We confirmed the plans with the kids, and I was on my way out.

  Following Night

  Rocco left her party drunk with her husband. I knew she had a good ass time, but I was glad the shit was all over with. That damn girl was difficult, but she was my bestie. Everyone turnt up hard, and I was glad I was able to sleep in the next morning. With all the strange calls, text, and eerie feelings, Lord knows I needed sleep.

  Meeting up with Hosea, we spent the whole day together, just out. The kids planned the whole day, and whatever they wanted, Hosea granted. We were all over St. Louis and they were having a ball. When nightfall hit, Hosea was taking us back to his house. He had a meeting to attend and I didn’t ask no questions. He told me I could stay at the house, but I needed a change of clothes.

  “Mom, they not coming home with us?” C.J questioned with a begging tone.

  “No, Yosohn is going home and so are you.” I told him, knowing home was the last place he wanted to be since he had no one to play with.

  “Can Yososhn come to our house?”

  I was so distracted by my phone, I ignored my son.

  Unknown: I’m coming home. Wait for me

  Deleting the text out of frustration, my son got me back focused.

  “Mom, you hurr me? I want to stay with Yosohn. I don’t want to go home. It’s boring.” he complained.

  “C.J, no. Now get your things so we can go.”

  By the time I had him in the car, he was talking his way in with Miani to go stay at her house. Even though she was at Obasi’s house, she said it was fine. I didn’t hold Hosea up, and we went our own way. Dropping C.J off, he was happy as hell to link back up with Easton. I was so paranoid, I didn’t care that C.J had begged his way out of going home. Hell, I barely wanted to step foot there.

  Leaving from Obasi´s house from dropping C.J off, I headed home. Hosea stayed on the phone with me, but eventually had to hang up. He wanted me to text when I made it home and I told him to do the same. It wasn’t long until my house was in view. Yawning, my bed was all I wanted. Them kids wore me out, but I was glad they played well with one another.

  Not knowing if my mind w
as playing tricks or not, I slowed down once I made it around my driveway to park in front of my home. Just like Chaunce would do, I was taking in Litto leaned up on the same brand of car my late husband owned. The image alone had me hesitant, but almost relieved that it wasn’t Chaunce.

  “He’s gone.” I told myself in reference of my husband. It was as if my heart had closed the chapter, but my mind loved to play with tricks still.

  “Pretty late.” Litto said, slowly nodding his head. “No hug or hey friend?” he said as if I was acting out of the ordinary. Ever since me and Hosea, me and Litto hadn’t indulged in conversation. When he found out I had been in Vegas all that time with Hosea, he started to get jealous. The fact that we weren’t together nor was there any talk about him having interest in me until he found out I was seeing someone new.

  “I’m aware. But I’m not sure on why you´re my home. When you live in the DR.” I expressed, not liking the vibe. Litto was never this overbearing, and this side of him, I never saw. For him to show up at my home, it made seeing him uncomfortable.

  “Can we go inside? I have been calling you and you haven’t returned any of my calls.” he said, sending an eerie feeling through my body. My mind instantly went to the weird calls and text messages I had been receiving lately. Not wanting to seem crazy, I kept my mind shut off on who it could be. The details of the text had me believing Chaunce was alive, but now...maybe it was Litto toying with me all along.

  “It’s two in the morning. I don’t think-Litto why are you here?” I asked, easing my hand back to my door handle to shut it. Looking at the BMW i8 that was identical to Chaunce’s, I was confused on everything that was happening.

  “Get out of the car and talk to me.” he said grabbing my door, preventing me from shutting it. Looking from side to side, I made sure he had the right bitch.

  “Litto! Fuck is you on?” I said snapping the hell out. “Let my damn door go and LEAVE!!”

  “Damn, that nigga got you treating me like that? Before him, you were down with the shits.” He said in a cocky manner.

  “Whatever you thought was going on, I’m telling you now, you got it wrong.” I said knowing he had the wrong impression.

  “I think I got it right. You just getting cold feet. Get out the car. I don’t want to talk to you like this.” he said in such an odd manner. I knew well not to get out of the car. When he charged in my direction, I went for my gun that was loaded.

  “No, bitch, I got it right. You been after me. It was you this whole entire time!!”



  “I’m proud of you.” I said walking out of Easton´s school, carrying his backpack. We had just left from his parent teacher conference, and he had received an honor roll certificate. I knew the divorce and the following changes took its toll. I was pleased he didn’t fall behind in school and was even at the top of his class.

  “Thanks mom.” he said, looking up at me. Pulling him near as we neared the rental car, that I would have until the dealership gave me my call to pick up my Jeep. I stopped in my tracks, as I witnessed Ralph standing at the rear of the car.

  “Miani...Easton.” he said in a desperate tone. He took his time looking over at my son, and a smile came about.

  “Why are you popping up at my son’s school?” I asked him, not knowing why he was still even trying at this point. His blow up in court was enough to let me know where he stood. Wasn’t shit to be confronting me about. My son was none of his concern. I was done letting him play on my intelligence. My son wasn’t some pawn and wasn’t going to be used to get back at me.

  “To talk. I really need to talk to you.” he said holding his hands together, and something I read in his eyes revealed some pain. Knowing I had been in his shoes before, I still asked him to leave us be.

  “You want help from the ghetto bitch?” I asked, putting my hand on my hip. “How can I possibly help you, Ralph. You right. You need someone to talk to, but it’s not me.” I said pointing at him and keeping Easton close.

  “I don’t deserve your forgiveness. Yours or Easton´s.” he said shaking his head like he couldn’t believe his own damn words. “But I just need ten minutes to talk to you. Then, I’ll be gone. I won’t bother you anymore.”

  “First, step from my car.” I said knowing he could play tricks well, but I was packing today if he came silly at me. Starting my car up, Easton got in as I locked him in.

  “Mom.” he said looking at me.

  “It’ll be quick. Five minutes.” I said knowing Ralph wasn’t about to be granted even ten minutes.

  “Thank you. Firstly, how have you all been?” Ralph finally addressed in a deep sigh.

  “Oh, we’re great. Doing just fine.” I answered. “You might want to get to speaking on what your hurr for…”

  “I know this may catch you off guard, but I need a loan.” he asked. “I know you received the lump sum and the monthly deposits. You didn’t know, but my father passed right before our divorce finalized. I own the company fully and became CEO. What I didn’t know was the company was on the last leg. The divorce broke me, and I just need something to-”

  “To what?” I laughed, right in his face. “To help you? Help your family that treated me like shit? Get the fuck out my face.” I hissed, mad I even gave him my time to begin with.

  “After all I did for you?! You´re going to turn your back on the one company that took care of you and yours? And just run off with the fortune.” he said growing angry. “What has gotten into you?”

  “A woman who no longer needs validation from any man. I learned from the best. You! I gave you all I had once before. I wouldn’t dare give up the woman I fought to be, only to come to your helping hand...Now me and my son have reservations that we can’t be late. Sorry I couldn’t be of service to you, Ralph.” I said leaving him where he stood.

  Driving off, Easton reached his hand over the middle console, and we just held hands. We went to have lunch downtown, then I decided to pop up on Obasi. I already knew he was going to fix his mouth about me driving, but I didn’t care to be escorted every damn where. I appreciated him giving the offer, but I knew he didn’t want to play taxi with me. Pulling up at his house, he wasn’t here, I simply let myself in. I sent Basi a text, and ended up dozing off in his bed waiting for him to get home.

  Hours of me knocked out, I finally woke up. I was still in my clothes from going to Easton´s parent teacher conference. Laying over on my side, I peeped Basi standing in the mirror of the adjoining bathroom placing his Rolex on.

  “Hey baby.” I said, smelling his alluring scent from all the way in the bed. He was rocking an all-white fit, and definitely going somewhere. He was fresh from head to toe, and his cut was crispy as hell. “Is it really ten?” I said looking down at my phone. Getting up, I bypassed the text messages on my phone, and went to the bathroom to join him. Smiling at how handsome he looked, I didn’t remember him saying he was heading out anywhere. Reaching up on my tippy toes, I gave him kisses on his jaw. When he drew back, I planted my feet back on the ground fully.

  “Did I miss something?” I probed. The redness in his eyes told me he had been smoking which wasn't’ nothing out of the norm for him. “Obasi?” I said placing my hand on his forearm, and he yanked back from me like I was his enemy. Squinting my eyes up at him, I was lost as hell on what he was even tripping for. All I knew was that I hadn’t done nothing for him to be treating me this way, and the last thing he best believe was he was going out to the club. Normally, I never became pressed on him being out. Seeing his cold demeanor, it made me stand my ground on him talking to me and not continuing with getting dressed.

  “Alright, you getting dressed for nothing then. Cause’ I promise you not leaving until you tell me why you giving me the silent treatment.” I said crossing my arms over. He tried to step around me, but I blocked his way once again. The way his slugs bit down in such an angry manner, I was not letting his fine ass go out this house pissed at me.

p; “Watch out. You can’t keep me in the house.” he said looking down at me like I was not a threat to him. “I’m going out. You do yo shit. Don’t sweat me, ma.” he said throwing his shoulders at me.

  “What do I do?” I said tilting my head.

  “I’ll give you the world. You love them pussy nigga’s though.” he said with a scowl on his face, and that shit hit me hard because the lie within his words.

  “I love you.” I said pointing in his face.

  “You want to believe that shit don’t you?” he said with his eyes damn near shut as he stepped in my face even closer. “Leave it alone. I’m telling you what’s best.” he warned.

  “No! Why?” Seeing how serious he was, and at this point, I threw my hands up.

  “’s about today, huh?”

  “You know what the fuck you got going on. And now I do.” He shrugged off.

  “Ralph came to the school. I didn’t invite him.” I vented. “He just showed up...I don’t know how.”

  “Oh, you know how. Same conference I was supposed to take you to, this nigga show up like he the daddy of the year. Nah, I ain’t going for that shit. You shouldn’t have even been in his company. He shitted on you, and Easton! Fuck type of sense do it make for you to even let him step to you??! You can’t be that damn mindless, Miani!” he barked.

  “He wasn't invited! The conference was OVER WITH! Me and Easton came outside to him waiting at the car. The conversation lasted for five fucking minutes!!” I screamed, hating I even had these tears in my eyes. “I don’t know how he knew. Easton been going to that school since kindergarten. So, he probably got the information that way, but it didn’t come from me!”

  “You should have handled that shit differently. We ain’t got shit to go back and forth about.” he said picking me up to move me aside. Pushing him back for trying to leave, I got even more pissed that he didn’t budge. He simply kept walking, and I grabbed a hold of his shirt, ripping it. “MIANI!!! I’M LEAVING!!”


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