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Flirting With Death

Page 9

by Foxx, Nadirah

  I glanced up and sashayed over to him. “Hey, yourself. How was church?”

  “The usual BS.” He gave me a quick kiss, grabbed my hand, and led me inside. “You and I have to talk.”

  As soon as we entered the house, I said, “I have something important to tell—”

  Monte covered my mouth with a finger. “Let me go first. After I finish what I have to say, you might choose to leave me behind.”

  My stomach fluttered. What on earth could Monte say that would make me walk away from him? I fought back the nerves and sat down, but my eyes stayed on the jade pendant around Monte’s neck. “Go ahead.”

  “After church I spoke with the prez. Liam’s a hellhound with connections. I asked him to set up a meeting with Death.”

  My newly discovered heart thumped painfully in my chest. I swallowed hard. “You got your meeting.”

  Monte’s eyebrows knitted together. “Huh?”

  “I got a text from Death. He let me know he’s coming to town tomorrow. The meeting’s at midnight.”

  Monte looked at me incredulously. “Death uses a cell phone?”

  “Yeah. He’s even on Instagram.” It was my poor attempt at adding a little levity to the conversation. “He uses hashtag death on all of his posts. If it’s creepy as all get out, it’s his doing.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Dea—” I caught myself and dropped the inappropriate wording. “You can’t meet with him. The message said he won’t leave Havenwood Falls without me.”

  “Not happening.”

  “Monte, he’ll annihilate you.”

  The man who stirred my heart knelt in front of me, took my hand in his, and said, “I’m not afraid of him. For the first time in my life, I’m a hundred percent about something. Something—” His free hand suddenly went to his throat. “What the hell?”

  I saw what he felt, and my lips curled up. The pale green pendant came to life, turning a deep shade of pink, while the one I owned warmed my pocket. Toshi had lied. Or more accurately, Izanami had lied to him. A heart wasn’t the only thing making me special.

  Monte jumped to his feet and ran upstairs. I followed and found him in the bathroom, staring wide-eyed into the mirror. “This isn’t possible. The only time this happens is when a soul mate is near.”

  “I figured as much.” Carefully, I reached into my jacket and removed the pendant, its glow matching Monte’s.

  He whirled around and gazed down at my hand. “How?”

  “You should probably get comfortable. I have a lot to tell you.”

  * * *

  It took a moment to tell Monte everything I’d learned from Toshi. When I was done, Monte stood and walked over to the bedroom window. Glancing over his shoulder, he asked, “You’re certain?”

  I rose up off the bed and went to him. Taking his hand, I placed it on my chest. “Have you not felt my heart beating? The pendant is proof that I have a soul too. My uniqueness is why Death wants me. Imagine what he could do with a death spirit that has both.”

  Monte cocked his head to the side. “He could use your genetics and create his own death spirits. Fuck, he could take over Yomi.”

  “Exactly.” It was the conclusion I reached while waiting for Monte to return home. “He’d put Izanami out of business. The entity would become a god reigning over a vast portion of the shadow realm.”

  I stumbled across one more thing while sitting on the steps. The real reason why Izanami created escorts. Death wanted the traditional shinigami. He could add them to his ranks of sentinels. Escorts, on the other hand, wouldn’t serve his purpose. Izanami wanted to destroy conventional death spirits, keeping them out of Death’s hands, which would change Yomi forever.

  “We have to stop him. But how?” said Monte.

  Best question ever.

  Chapter 13


  Around midnight I slipped out of bed and went to the window. Not because I heard anything. It was the meeting with Death weighing heavily on my mind. My concern was with how Death found Pandora.

  I sent Liam a quick message. He hadn’t had any luck finding Death, and was surprised that the entity was coming to town. My first thought was the reaper, Shade, but he hadn’t returned. Maybe his employer was using him to garner information. Frankly, I hoped I was wrong.

  However things went with Death, I wasn’t afraid. If having Pandora by my side meant risking my life, I’d do it. Truthfully, I’d do anything to keep Pandora with me.

  When I looked into the mirror, I no longer saw a man still grieving over his first love. That male was replaced by a being who wanted to live his life fully with the female who made his heart beat stronger. Finding out that the gorgeous death spirit was my soul mate erased all doubt. I wasn’t sure of a lot of things—why I fucked up as a kid, why my grandparents took pity on me, or why Hunter became my friend—but I was sure of how I felt about Pandora.

  Her hands wrapped around my waist, and she placed her cheek against my bare back. Honestly, I didn’t understand everything that was happening between us. My deep feelings for Pandora seemed too sudden. Wasn’t it supposed to take time to care for someone—to love someone?

  I wasn’t just questioning my emotions though. Something had changed with her as well. The first time I touched Pandora, her pale flesh was cool. During her short stay, it had taken on a new radiance. A golden color defined her cheeks while a warmth took over her body. It was as if someone had pushed her into the sunlight, and her skin soaked up the rays.

  “Can’t sleep?” she asked.

  “No. It’s nothing for you to worry about. You should get some—”

  “Uh-uh,” she protested. “If you aren’t sleeping, neither will I.”

  I turned around and lowered my head, claiming her lips. Even her taste had changed. Kissing Pandora was like imbibing pure ambrosia. I couldn’t—wouldn’t—give that up for anything in the world or beyond it. Death was about to fuck around with the wrong shifter.

  * * *

  Morning came sooner than I would have liked. My head was foggy from lack of sleep while my body was sore from the sweet agony Pandora put me through. I cracked open my eyes and rolled over. Instead of lying beside me, she stood in the doorway wearing lingerie that should be illegal—a black leather-and-lace one-piece number that showcased her ample boobs. Fishnet stockings covered her legs, and thankfully, she didn’t forget the high heels.

  “Like what you see?” she asked seductively.

  While my head struggled for a suitable answer, my dick stood at attention. Who turned down a little early morning fuckery? I planned to give Hozier’s song about the world’s screaming and heaving state a whole new definition.

  The mattress dipped as Pandora crawled over me. As she straddled my crotch, I couldn’t help but ask, “You’re not planning anything kinky?”

  She winked, and a set of handcuffs appeared in her hands.

  “I should warn you,” I said nervously. “Last time I had an encounter with those, it didn’t turn out good for me.”

  Ignoring my forewarning, Pandora snapped the restraints onto my wrists. “Obviously, she didn’t know what to do with them.”

  An unbridled sigh escaped my lips, and my pelvis lifted beneath her, begging for some release.

  She touched my chest. “I plan on fucking your gorgeous body as if it were our last time together.”

  “Bring it.”

  My fingers longed to touch Pandora while my mouth wanted to taste her, but she was the only one enjoying those luxuries. Or so I thought. My naughty mate repositioned herself until her sweet pussy hovered over my face. I lifted my head and eagerly explored her, getting lost in her sweet juices.

  Pandora moaned deeply, shifted her position, then wrapped her lips around my stiff cock.

  Fucking 69!

  I would have screamed if my mouth wasn’t happily drowning in her succulent taste. Honestly, I could have died right then with my tongue buried between her legs. Who needed to go to Heaven? I was
already paying homage at its gates.

  * * *

  An hour later, I rubbed my reddened wrists. Pandora pushed my hand aside and kissed the irritated skin. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” The memory of her riding me like a fucking stallion as I strained against the handcuffs was still fresh in my mind. It was a level of sex I’d never experienced, and my twitching dick echoed its delight. “I enjoyed every minute of it. How’s your ass?”

  She giggled. “It still stings a little.”

  When Pandora finally released me, she pulled out a red leather paddle. I was a bit hesitant to use it, but she assured me it was all right. I had to admit her moaning and the sound of the instrument striking her bare ass enticed me. Maybe it was that same type of excitement that had Hunter seeking out his proclivities.

  Honestly, I didn’t want to stoop to that level of sexual depravity.

  “Now I’m the one sorry.”

  “No need. I encouraged it.” She rolled onto her stomach and kicked her leg out from under the sheet.

  “Should I ask where those things came from?”

  “Just a little something from my bag of tricks. I encounter plenty of humans who want to indulge in a fantasy before leaving this life.”

  “Oh.” For some reason, I felt a twinge of jealousy.

  Pandora touched my cheek. “Monte, I love being with you, but this isn’t just about sex. I’ve never felt like this before, and I don’t want to be with anyone else.”

  I smiled and pushed a strand of hair off her face. “Same here.”

  “Good.” She dropped a kiss on my abs. “So how does this soul mate thing work?”

  I shrugged. “I didn’t think it was something I’d ever have, so I kind of ignored the stuff my parents and grandparents told me. I only know what Hunter has said.”

  “Which is?”

  “Izzie and Hunter share thoughts. Sometimes they communicate without words. He said they can sense each other too. Hunter knows when Izzie’s in trouble. He can sense her location whenever they’re not together. Same with her.”

  “That sounds like some wacky supernatural GPS.”

  Stroking my hand over her hip, I said, “Something like that.” Her eyes met mine. “Have you—”

  “Experienced that? I think we just did. Confession time?” She paused for a moment. “Last night, I knew why you couldn’t sleep, but I don’t think being mates or having some sort of connection had anything to do with it. Anyone could read your concern from a mile away.”

  I nodded. She wasn’t the only one who had a confession. When I came home last night, I knew she was there before I even pulled up. At the time, I thought it was more like a premonition or the manifestation of a desire—I wanted her there and by coincidence she was. I refused to see anything more in it. Once the ordeal with Death was done, I planned to sit down with either Baba or my grandfather and get some real information. Until then, I planned to enjoy every minute with Pandora.

  She cleared her throat. “You think meeting Death will be a simple ordeal that can easily be wrapped up?”

  Okay. Forget what I just said. That woman did read my thoughts. I’d better watch myself around her. Fool around and think the wrong thing and . . .

  She smirked and dipped her chin as if she knew. “Monte, you have yet to think of anything that would make me doubt you. And as far as your future thoughts, don’t stop. I like them.” Pandora sat up and let the sheet fall from her perfect breasts. “Right now, though, you have a choice to make. Either continue talking about Death and grandparents or fuck me like you mean it.”

  Slipping my arms around her, I chose the latter. A much more enjoyable option.

  * * *

  Pandora and I spent the better part of the day in bed. It was like sex for the condemned—get as much as you can because you don’t know when it might happen again. If ever again. By nightfall, I was fairly certain that in the morning I’d have a crotch burn from the wear and tear. That was, if we got to see the next day.

  After a few unsuccessful attempts to shower together—Pandora had become a horny nymph—I eventually got myself cleaned up and dressed, and she met me at the bottom of the stairs. Hunter and Izzie had invited us over for dinner, and we were late.

  Frankly, I was nervous. No one else had actually seen us together as a couple, but everyone in Havenwood Falls probably knew about Pandora and me. My biggest fear was that Izzie wouldn’t accept Pandora. Thankfully, my concern turned out to be completely irrational. Izzie and my mate—would I ever get sick of saying that?—hit it off over a bottle of Shiraz.

  “Come with me,” Hunter said, and we left the females out on the deck.

  Closing the patio door behind me, I asked, “Do you think it’s okay to leave them alone?”

  “Man, you’re worrying for nothing. You know Izzie. If she had issues with Pandora, my wife would have said it by now.” He opened the oven and pulled out a casserole dish.

  “What’s for dinner, anyway?”

  “Baba made a lasagna.” He rolled his eyes. “I asked him to make something else. He thought this was best.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” I said. “Whatever he makes is good.”

  “True that, brother.” Hunter turned off the oven. “When do we meet up with Death?”

  “About that—”

  “No.” He glared at me. “I told you I’m coming too. Izzie will stay here with Pandora. What time is it?”

  Reluctantly, I said, “Midnight.”

  “At the clubhouse?”

  I nodded.

  “Okay.” Hunter’s gaze softened a bit. “Monte, I made a promise to you years ago. Remember it?”

  “Yeah.” It was a silly vow he made when we were kids, and I’d told him the truth about why I was in Havenwood Falls. “Come hell or high water, whether it be human or supernatural, you will always have my back. Now and right through eternity.”

  “I meant it then, and I mean it now. You don’t do this shit without me.”

  I tried hard to enjoy the dinner. The food was good and so was the conversation, but I couldn’t stop looking at my phone. Every now and then, Pandora would glance over at me with a look that said to stop worrying. At some point, I needed to learn how to shield my thoughts.

  She glared at me, and I quickly dismissed that idea.

  “What’s this about you two being soul mates?” Izzie asked as she poured more wine.

  Pandora smiled. “It’s a recent development.”

  “Then we have a lot to talk about tonight while the guys are gone.”

  My mate’s gaze whipped to me. “What is she talking about?”

  Hunter stood and picked up his plate. “Izzie, why don’t we gather up the dishes?”

  Her mouth opened but quickly shut when Hunter shook his head. Izzie grabbed her plate and followed him out of the dining room.


  She glowered at me while pursing her lips. “You’re not leaving me behind, Monte. You need me with you.”

  “It’s safer—”

  “No, it’s not. If Death decides to kill you, I can bring you back. Without me, you’re dead.”

  Not exactly the words I wanted to hear. Part of me wanted to argue the case for her staying away, but when Pandora cast those alluring green eyes at me and batted those long lashes, I gave in. “It’s against my better judgment—”

  Pandora got out of her seat and came over to me. Kissing my cheek, she said, “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.”

  “Then believe me when I say that I have to be at the meeting.”

  Chapter 14


  Riding toward the clubhouse with my mate’s arms wrapped around my waist should have made me less nervous or at least provided a bit of distraction. Instead, Pandora’s presence ratcheted up my anxiety several notches. So much so that I was a sweaty mess by the time I turned into the lot.

  After Hunter and I parked our bikes, Pandora pulled me to the side. “Are you
going to be all right?”

  “I will,” I lied.

  “Don’t,” she said. “You’re nervous. I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to do this.”

  “Pandora, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Okay?”

  She opened her mouth, but I quickly kissed her. When I dragged my mouth from hers, tears shone in her eyes.

  “You asked me to trust you. Now I’m asking the same of you.”

  She gave me a sad look, and then we reluctantly followed Hunter inside. When I saw Liam and Savage, however, I froze in my tracks.

  “What are you two doing here?”

  Savage glared at me. “We were at Cerberus. Some shit went down . . .”

  Liam held up his palm. “We were in the parking lot when the lights started flickering at the club. After sending people home, we checked it out.”

  “That’s when we found the—”

  Liam’s head whipped toward Savage. “He’s in the conference room.”

  “You’ve seen him?” I asked.

  “Naw. Fucking brimstone hit our goddamned noses as soon as we walked in,” said Savage.

  Pandora slipped her hand into mine, and we started down the hall. Liam grabbed her elbow before we got too far. “You ain’t taking her in there.”

  “That’s not—”

  “What if it’s a motherfucking ambush, Axel?” Savage warned. “Death could have her out of here before we could act.”

  “He’s right.” Pandora touched my arm. “I’ll wait here. Remember, I have faith in you. If you need me—if you need any of us—we’ll come running.” She looked over at Liam and then at Savage. “Nobody will stop us.”

  My gaze bounced to Hunter. He bobbed his head, echoing her sentiment. “What did I tell you? I’ll be right outside the goddamned door.”

  “I got this,” I said, still trying to reassure myself, and started down the hall again.


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