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In Leopard' Love

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by Kimaya Mathew

  In Leopard’s Love…

  Kimaya Mathew

  Copyright Kimaya Mathew 2013

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  Other Works By the Author:

  Love Through Cobra’s Eye 1-7

  Love is Blind

  Princess And The Sheikh 1-3

  In Leopard’s Love.

  From Kimaya:

  Hello readers,


  “Vena…,” mum was still speaking inside my head as I saw the chauffeur carrying the luggage inside the big white building, “I love you baby but you must share the same emotion for your dad too.” Dad! I saw the outline of the stranger who was standing in front of that large oak door. Yang Kun Edwards! That was his name and I saw the way he looked at me as I made a silent approach towards him. Funny…for almost twenty years, I had been kept under the veil of ignorance about him. “Your dad’s dead,” Mom had said once and, the kid I was, I believed her. What other option did I have? The entire time, when she had been lying to me, what I never knew was that somewhere, a man named Yang Kun, the millionaire of Sikkim’s wool industry was waiting for his only daughter to turn twenty so that she may return back to him! Qui-Yue, my mum, had promised him after all. How can she go back on it? Clutched in my tight fist was the letter which I have received after lightening her funeral pyre. The letter which stated that I, Vena Yang, was actually Vena Edwards! How did she meet this man? When did they got married? If they loved each other so much then why did Ma left and never mentioned him until this moment? Because she had promised that at the age of twenty, she will tell me everything about him. Strange!

  “He never left his smuggling and underworld business…” I recalled her words from letter, “I warned him that if he loved me enough then he should leave it but…his work was always his first love. Defeated, I left him…” Presumably, once Yang Kun was the mafia don of Sikkim territory. Illegal drugs, weapons to be imported and exported to other places, raw liquor…things like these were once his pets! The thought was enough to elicit a shiver from my core!

  Standing on the doorstep with his arms open, hoping me to run across the road and embrace him. I was seeing him for the first time, didn’t he get it? Twenty-year-old girl and not a kid! If given a chance, I would have said No to him at the very first instance and he expected me to embrace his right over me? The man couldn’t have been more wrong! But as I walked with sluggish pace, I saw his smile fading and arms falling to the side. Perhaps, he had read my intentions. “Vena!” he smiled a little as I stood in front of him.

  “Hello…” I struggled a bit with the words, “Daddy!” “He loves you too, V!” Mom’s voice resonated back, “Show him the respect, care and love he deserves. Please, sweet…it will be hard, I am aware of that but one can always try, isn’t it?” Sighing, I felt my shoulders drooping low as once again; he opened his arms to me. “Welcome home,” hesitating little, I stepped inside it and felt his warmth seeping into me. The man was actually happy on my coming here, that thought made me little nervous because suddenly, my future seems a mystery to me.


  “You had a safe journey?” he asked me across the dining table and I lowered down my raised glass. Everything had seemed so bizarre at first! I mean when I was taken into my room, the big bed, large windows, a spacey and airy feature of the room had made my head spin in opposite direction. So much luxury and lavish things around me made my stomach ache for some unknown reason. Doesn’t he know that I am not used to such things? Back in Assam, we rarely had these sorts of decorations and furnishing! Mum and I had been working day and night just to meet our daily needs. “Fine,” I gulped down the food stuck in my throat. Nodding, he resumed his meal and I stared at that face of his for a moment. He was my dad! The thought still thrilled and nervous me! The man, who never even considered asking my mum about our how are we till I came up to this level? Loyola College of Higher Studies was the institute where I was about to join up for my teaching degree course, B.Ed! Graduated in English and Music, I had no idea which stream should I choose for my career so when my arrival to Sikkim was confirmed, I finally came to the decision of taking teaching as a profession. I had always been an average student back in my school days and sometimes was even considered a duffer! But when literature and Music entered my life, the world saw the great change in me. Somehow, I knew I had stepped upon the source of great treasure… “Vena,” he called me back to present, “How do you feel about marriage?” This sudden direction of conversation gave me an abrupt ending of thoughts. Confused and cold, I stared at him. There was hope reflecting in that stare. “I don’t know,” I answered, “I don’t mind. But first, I want to achieve something in life.” “Vena,” he played with his food and said, “There is this friend of mine, Jason Ryan, a fellow businessman. His son Sean, is a very good guy. Long time ago, while both of us were too deep in booze…I mean,” he cleared his throat, nervous in whatever he was about to say next, “Both of us were engrossed in this conversation about our future generations, Jason mentioned Sean and me …well, told him about you. Jason had this idea in mind that if you and Sean can be a couple…” there was no need to speak further and on cue, he stopped. Marriage! My thoughts shattered in million and billion pieces. How could he? How dare he decide on my life without even consulting me? This person had met me just a few minutes ago and already he thinks he has some sort of fatherly claim on me? Pissed off and angered to my core, dropping my spoon on the plate, I looked at him, “Mr Edwards, just because I am here with you now that doesn’t mean that you have all sort of decision making in my life now. What right did you have when you made this decision in your head?” “Vena,” the hurt was evident in that voice, “Child, I am your father! I want every sort of happiness for you that’s it. I am not forcing you, neither am I making the proclamation saying that I am going to marry you tomorrow to Sean. All I am telling you is about a normal conversation both of us had when we were drinking…” “Stop worrying about my happiness, OK,” I said and stood up from my seat, “Where was your concern when mum and I were struggling to make our ends meet? Where were you during all my hard twenty years? Why did you decide to surface for this unwanted relationship? If you cared so much about both of us then why didn’t you came looking for us?” my anger knew no limits and slowly, all the stored up frustration of all those missed years came crashing on me. He has the guts to call himself my father! “You never cared, let me tell you,” my voice was shaking and after a time, my entire self was heated and shaking with violent fury. Eyes red and misty with tears of anger, “You called me now because you knew, you will need someone in your old age…” “That’s not true…” he started getting up but I had already removed myself from the table. Without looking back, I had made up to the stairs when I heard him again, “You know that’s not true, Vena. I loved Qui-Yue and told her to come back but she never listened. She thought my profession and name will spoil any kind of future for you, Kid! Listen to me once, Vena. Please, child, don’t punish me when I have already suffered enough…” Halting in tracks on my way to the room, I turned around and said the only words which had always entered my head at the thought of my mysterious dad. “I hate you,” I shouted. Crying and sobbing I ran back to my room.


  College was supposed to get started on Monday and Sunday’s evening had appr
oached already with dark clouds on the horizon. Looking out from the opened window, with wind caressing my face, I was lost in those gloomy thoughts of mum when I heard someone beside me. “Vena!” I looked towards him and then turned my face back to the window, “Tomorrow you are going to start with college, am I right?’ I nodded without speaking anything. A cold war had been going on between me and him and it was already the second day of my coming. Taking my hand in his, with my face still turned to another side, he said slowly, “I am sorry for dumping everything on you so suddenly. It was very foolish on my part to think that you would succumb under my order so easily. I should have given you more time. I am not trying to force you. You hate me and have every right to do so when I am feeling the same emotion for me from past twenty years! Qui-Yue was my life, Vena. She was the only women who touched me like no one. Yes, she did warn me to leave that black business and the fool I was, without paying any heed to her, I let her go and never even thought how will this thing reflect on my child’s mind? Here is Sean’s photo. It all depends on you, Kid. He studies in the same college. If and when you like him, tell me. If nothing then…he can be your good friend, isn’t it?”


  As the car sped up on the smooth hilly road, the person sitting next to me seemed very nervous. Sean Ryan! Last night, after the lights have been turned out and Dad went back to his room, all I did was to stare at the photo which was left by him in my hand. In some other time, I would have given the guy serious consideration had he not been referred by Dad. But all I felt for him was the emotion, that he too was the part of the conspiracy. “You don’t speak do you?” he asked and instantly I turned my head towards him. I wore glasses, was skinny and basically had no flesh in my arms and legs. Sean, on the other hand, was every girl fantasy! Tall, Handsome and cute! He was the perfect gentleman. Unfortunately, I was not interested in him. My enthusiasm was off where he was concerned. “On the contrary,” I said, “I do,” I smiled and looked ahead. “Ah,” he smiled but went serious again. “Why do you want to marry me?” Both of us asked the same question in a go and then laughed. “Leave it,” he controlled himself. “No,” I said, “I want to know the reason…” “My reasons are same as yours,” he said, “that is, I don’t want to disappoint my father,” “How do you know my reasons are the same?” I asked clearly amused behind his theory. “You met him after twenty years didn’t you? Twenty difficult years! Your mother would not want you to have any sort of conflict with him will she?” I smiled and straightened my glasses, “We can be good friends, don’t you think? After all, I am totally new in your college. It would be good to know that I know someone.” “I can live with that,” he said but all this time, I realised, Sean had been testing waters and their depth!


  Loyola was a college like no other. I liked it here. There was so much greenery around me. It felt as if I have landed in a dreamy fantasy land. Sean was, should I say, vibrant as soon as he parked his vehicle. “Go to the office and collect your necessary documents. Your classes are commencing from ten and it is just eight thirty right now.” “Yes well, thanks. Oh, Sean!” I called out as he straightened his bag. “Yes,” he turned. “Thank you for everything, I mean….ride and the conversation,” “It’s Ok….friend!” he said with a pause. Smiling I turned and went back to the direction told by him.


  Being a Buddhist state from such a long time, one could feel a sort of peace and calmness in this pure environment of Sikkim. Classes, pupils and the teachers…everyone here was so friendly and helpful that I adjusted in my environment in a matter of seconds. A girl named Rainie had instantly become my friend. It was the first day of that course and I know the feelings which everyone was going through. Nervous, scared and excited to meet everyone. After leaving Assam, I had never expected people here to be of such a kind nature. Everyone was concentrated in his or her own work and nobody interfered in yours. Thinking that, as soon as the lunch time came and everyone headed for the canteen, I too headed for that. Going there, I saw Sean sitting on one of the chairs along with some other guy! “ Hi,” I said as I went to them, pulled a chair and seated myself. “Hi” his face went from serious to a lighted one in a second. Why do I have the feeling that I interrupted their talk? “Meet Hyung,” he directed towards the person, “Hello,” I said, “And you must be Vena, right? Vena Edwards!” “Yes,” I smiled and then cringed inwards. The name still sounded so foreign to my ears! “Hyung Jung,” he extended his hand towards me and I shook it. “Cut with the introductions now.” Sean said, “Are you both hungry? Or are you planning to starve?” “Neither,” he smiled and off we went to the food stalls. Both of their moods had turned somewhat at my arrival? What did I do?


  The day came to an end and it was time for me to go back. Sean had advised me to wait for him because he was busy in his dance practice. A fresher programme was being prepared by him and his friends for the fresher of the college. “It’s no problem.” I said, “You continue with your work. Don’t worry about me. I will take a cab.” “You sure, right?” he said, “After all, you are my responsibility….” ‘Sean!” I gave him a warning glare. “Oh alright!” he raised his hands in surrender. Winking, he turned and went back to the auditorium. Coming out to the taxi-stand, hailing a cab, I started it back to my home.


  Something was off! My mind told me that much as I reminisced over the entire day’s progression. There was an undercurrent beneath Sean’s tranquil demeanour. What was going in his mind? It was quite clear with his behaviour that he didn’t want to marry me either. The knowledge itself brought me a whole sort of relief. Well, that was something to be counted off…suddenly, shattering my reverie, the cab came to an abrupt halt. “What happened?” I asked as the driver went out of the vehicle and clicked his tongue in regret. “I asked…” “Engine has heated too much…” he said cutting me in the middle, “It’s eight in the evening,” I complained, “You could have told me earlier about this problem. Now, how will I go back? Can you see any other vehicle on this road?” “It’s not my fault,” he said and taking the container in his hand, he said, “I am going to the nearby stream and see if I can manage to get some water.” “Here,” I asked for it, “Give it to me. I will search for it.” Frowning and snatching the thing from his outstretched hand, I made my way towards the dark forest.


  The hills can be merciless when it comes to their natural vegetation such as forest! Everywhere I reflected through the little emergency light, all I could see was tall dark shades of trees, wild grass and more trees! Fear caught my throat and heart as I recalled the old stories saying the roaming of wild animals at this time. Oh, Buddha! I prayed and affirming that everything was ok, headed again to the direction of the stream. Crickets creaked, wild birds hooted and somewhere an owl screamed! Inhaling and exhaling loudly I had just managed to make it to the nearby stream and had dropped down to fill the vessel when suddenly, I felt someone’s piercing gaze at my back. It could just have been an illusion but somehow, a sixth sense told me, it wasn’t that. It was something scary! Something dark! Trembling and shaking, lifting the vessel up, gulping down enough water down my throat due to the continuous tension, I had just turned to go when a twig broke near my side. This time, before I could control myself, I broke into a crazy run and headed to the direction from where I had come but in all this pandemonium, what I haven’t noticed was that I had forgotten my way and was going deep into the heart of the forest!


  I ran till I could do no more of it. My legs felt too weak to it. Huffing and breathless, I was just about to sit on the ground when something encouraged me to look back and see the source of my fear because all this time I have felt as if the creature had been following me. Still following me! With bated breath, I turned and faced a full grown leopard’s face!


  His eyes gleamed with some mystery. As if he had s
ummoned them from all the directions, soon all around me, from the trees, bushes and low down grass, six more of his companions joined the gathering! Leopards everywhere! My pulse rate dived for the gravity and I could scarcely hear anything. Sweat beads rolled on the side of my neck and cheek. The water bottle, which I have filled from the stream had spilt the liquid in all the direction. I am destined to die in Sikkim1 The thought kept on rolling in my head as I looked from one to another. Ferocious and daring eyes met me from every side, challenging me. I have always been the lousy mouse and something about the entire situations just made it worse. I could not muster up enough strength to cry out for help. I was a dumb ass. They were closing in around me with a slow pace. If even I tried to run then they will catch me…thoughts kept on crashing in my head now and then. A light feeling entered my head. I can’t see them tearing me into small pieces. If I have to be there dinner tonight then might as well die with solemnity. Blood ring in my ear and then suddenly, all of them stopped and their gaze was fixed at something…something which was hidden by me. They looked at each other and then back to me. In a transfixed trance, I felt something beside me but dare I turn and look which one of them was coming to my side? No, I didn’t have the strength. In a surprise, all of them bowed their heads and it was then that I saw that magnificent creature, which was standing near my shoulder with a rigid shoulder and ounce of fury radiated from his smoky grey vision. It was a big black Leopard! Bigger than a normal sized one! He huffed and all of them scattered in various directions. Like cats scared of their master’s call. Yes, they left me but…that black one didn’t! Facing me, with a slow step came me and sniffed my nose! Too much for me to take it in, I passed out there on the forest floor!


  For next three days, I was at a bed rest as per doctor prescription. I don’t remember what exactly happened? Who dropped me home? I was plainly thankful for the fact that I am alive. “A girl left you home,” Dad said, “You were all drenched in rain. What were you doing in the forest?” I told him the reason but of course, he was not convinced. Dad was scared as hell after the incident and had even gone to the level where he had assigned one driver and newly purchased car for my convenience. “There is no need for that, Pa” I had forced him but of course, since when did he ever listened to anything I said? “Will you at least tell me who dropped me home?” I had asked, “Sean!” he turned around smiling. This was what had been bugging me the most. How come Sean knew where I was? I had asked him the same thing and like every time, he had shrugged.


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