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by SJ McCoy


  Spider and Frankie

  The Davenports

  Book Four

  By SJ McCoy

  A Sweet n Steamy Romance

  Published by Xenion, Inc

  Copyright © 2021 SJ McCoy

  Spider. Copyright © SJ McCoy 2021.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without prior written consent of the author.

  ISBN: 978-1-946220-80-6

  Published by Xenion, Inc. First eBook edition, September 2021

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are figments of the author’s imagination, fictitious, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead is coincidental.

  Cover Design by Dana Lamothe of Designs by Dana

  Editor: Kellie Montgomery

  Proofreaders: Aileen Blomberg, Traci Atkinson, Becky Claxon.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  A Note from SJ

  PS – Project Semicolon

  Also by SJ McCoy


  For Dana – finally!

  We both knew when we first met Spider that he was going to get his own book someday, and you claimed him as yours. Well, someday finally arrived, and here he is.

  It’s hard to believe that we’re eight years into this journey now. Eight years, forty-five books and forty-five covers. Who knows how many trips we’ve taken and hours we’ve spent talking, laughing, and crying about these stories and more importantly about life and all that it’s thrown at us.

  We may have built countless memories over the last eight years, but one thing I know I can always count on is our friendship. You’ve got my back, and I’ve got yours – no matter what life throws our way. I couldn’t do it without you – I wouldn’t want to.

  So, here you go, lady.


  For you.




  Chapter One

  Grateful to see the traffic light at the end of the exit ramp turn red before he reached it, Spider rolled his motorcycle to a halt and put his feet on the ground. He’d been riding since six this morning. He’d stopped a couple times for gas and to take a break, but it’d been hours since his feet had touched the ground.

  The light turned green almost immediately since there were only a few vehicles around. He stayed in the left lane and turned onto Highway 89. This was the last stretch. He was almost there. But he wasn’t in a hurry. He pulled over into the gas station that sat next to a supermarket. It felt good to get off the bike and stand. He took his helmet off and ran his hand through his hair. Well, through the hair on top of his head and the stubble on either side. He’d been on the road for a few days. He needed to shave his head; he was looking forward to doing that, and to taking a long hot shower.

  He swiped his card and slid the nozzle in to fill the tank. He didn’t know when he’d see another gas station after this. He’d gotten a touch paranoid about the huge distances between the exits on the Interstate – and more so about how many of those exits had signs that proclaimed there were No Services.

  He looked around at the mountains looming ahead. He’d traveled through a lot of empty country in the last few hours, but this was beautiful. And this exit was like a mini boom town compared to some of his stops. The parking lot of the supermarket was half full; there was another gas station and even a motel across the highway. He shouldn’t be surprised. From what Reid had told him, this was the only route to get to the north entrance of Yellowstone National Park. He’d been here before. Even been to the park but that had been a whirlwind visit, and being chauffeured around as part of a big group was completely different from being here solo on his motorcycle.

  The nozzle clicked off and he hooked it back on the pump, then rode over to one of the empty spaces down the side of the gas station. He needed to make a pit stop and then call Reid and let him know he was almost there. Reid had told him that whenever he arrived would be fine. Of course, he’d say that whether it was inconvenient or not. Spider just hoped that it wouldn’t be.

  He couldn’t help staring up at the mountains as he walked around the side of the building, back to the front door. It sure was a different skyline than he was used to seeing in LA.

  The girl’s eyes at the cash register widened when she saw him. He smiled and nodded, guessing that she probably didn’t see many guys who looked like him. Grace had joked that he should let his hair grow out before he came up here to visit—at least, he’d thought it was a joke. Judging by the looks the few other customers shot him as he walked toward the restroom sign in the back, he had to wonder if she hadn’t been serious.

  When he came back out, he went to check out the souvenir section. He was hardly going to bring a souvenir, but he was hoping that he might find a little gift for Owen. He should have thought about it before he left LA.

  He turned when the girl from the cash register cleared her throat beside him.

  “Can … can I help you?” She looked terrified of him. He had to give her credit for even approaching if she was that scared.

  He gave her a friendly smile. “I don’t suppose you have any toys, do you? I want to find a gift for a little buddy of mine.”

  “What … what kind of toy?”

  He chuckled, partly in attempt to put her at ease, and partly out of embarrassment. “You wouldn’t have such a thing as a dinosaur, would you? He loves them.”

  She eyed him cautiously. “Does your little buddy live here?”

  He nodded, wondering what that had to with anything.

  “Is his name Owen?”

  Spider grinned. “Yeah. That’s the little guy. So, you know him?”

  The girl smiled back. “I do. Everyone does. He’s such a little character. And you’re in luck. His grandma, Mrs. Davenport, asked us to order in his dinosaur comic, and Cody, that’s my boss, he bought a box of those plastic dinosaurs last time he went to the market. Owen plays with them whenever they come in.”

  “That’s awesome.” Spider was thrilled to hear that Owen was getting out and about and that people knew and liked him.

  The girl pointed to the end of the aisle. “They’re on the bottom shelf—so that he can see them and reach them when he comes in. You go choose one. I need to get back.” She jerked her chin toward an older guy who’d just reached the cash register at the front.

  “Thanks, yeah. I didn’t mean to keep you.”

  The girl smiled. “That’s okay. I’m happy to meet you. I’m Brooke.” She held her hand out.

  He shook with her. “Nice to meet you.”

  She raised her eyebrows, but he didn’t know what she meant.

  “And your name is ...?”

  “Oh. Sorry. Spider.”

  She frowned, then looked around warily. “Spider? Where?”

  He laughed. “That’s my name.”

  “Oh. Okay. Well, nice to meet you … Spider.” She hurried back to the cash register and the guy who was watching them curiously.

  Back at his motorcycle, Spider tucked the two plastic dinosaurs into the zippered pocket on the front of his bag, then pulled his phone out. He dialed Reid’s number and waited.

  “Spider! Where are you?”

  He had to smile to himself. Reid always got straight to the point on the phone.

  “I just got off the Interstate. I’m at the gas station next to Albertsons.”

  “You’re only about twenty minutes out then. That works well. You’ll be here in time to come and collect Owen with me. He’s been counting down the days.”

  “Awesome. But … collect him? Where from? And isn’t Tara with him?”

  “He’s at his riding lesson. He’s becoming quite the horseman. And Tara’s over in Bozeman this afternoon.”

  “Wow! I guess things are going better for you guys than I dared imagine.” When they were still living in the city, Tara never went anywhere without Owen. And the thought of him being off by himself … and riding horses? “Damn! That’s great.”

  “It is. I knew that life would be better for him up here, but even I didn’t imagine that he’d adapt this quickly.”

  Spider chuckled. “Or that Tara would?”

  Reid laughed with him. “Yes. That, too.”

  “What time do you need to go for him?”

  “I need to leave here in half an hour.”

  “And you reckon I’ll be there in twenty?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Okay, but if I’m not there in time, go without me, don’t even hesitate.”

  Reid laughed again. “I wouldn’t, you know that. But you’ll be here.”

  He was right. Twenty minutes later, Spider was pulling up in front of the house. He hadn’t visited them since they’d moved here, but Reid’s house was just past his parents’ and his brothers’, and Spider had been there before.

  He kicked the stand down and took his helmet off, running his hand through his hair, glad to feel the fresh air.

  Reid appeared at the front door and came jogging down the steps. He smiled in greeting, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

  “What’s up?” Spider asked immediately.

  “Nothing bad, just inconvenient. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m good. What do you need?” He’d only known Reid for a couple years, but he knew that he wasn’t inquiring after Spider’s well-being. That wasn’t his way. He was trying to assess his ability or willingness to do something.

  Reid gave him a tight smile. “You know me better than most. How would you feel about going to pick up Owen by yourself? Tara just called. Her car overheated coming over the pass on the way back from Bozeman. She’s called for a tow service, but I don’t want her out there. I need to go and get her.”

  Spider frowned. “Don’t you want me to get Tara and you get Owen?”

  “I can see why you’d think that. But Owen’s made much more progress than you realize. He’ll be thrilled to see you, and to get to ride back with you. And I’m worried about Tara. There’s only a narrow shoulder on the pass. She said she’s pulled right over, but I need to get her out of there as quickly as possible.”

  “Okay. Just tell me where I’m going.” Spider stopped short. “And what I’m driving. I can’t put him on the bike.”

  “Of course.” Reid handed him a set of keys. “You’ll take Oscar’s Range Rover.” He pointed. “I just brought it over from his place ready for you. I programmed the address into the navigation. It’s a straightforward route. You get back on the highway, head south thirty miles, then take a right at Tom Miner. The navigation’s spot on. And if you have any issues, you call me. If I don’t have a signal, you call TJ or Oscar, they can both talk you through it.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Spider smiled. “I won’t let my little buddy down.”

  “Thanks. I know. When you get there, he’ll be with Libby, who runs the program. I’ll call her and let her know that you’ll be coming to collect him. In fact, give me your phone.”

  Spider took it out of his inside pocket and unlocked it before handing it over without question.

  Reid tapped in a number and hit save. “This is Libby’s number.” Then he entered another. “This is the landline at the barn.” He tapped in a third and hit save again. “And this is Frankie, who helps out with the riding program and with Owen.” He gave Spider a small smile and shrugged. “I’m sure you won’t need anyone’s number. As I said, the navigation is spot on. But as you know, I like to cover every eventuality.”

  “Maybe you should give her a description.”

  Reid cocked his head to one side.

  “When you call. Tell this Libby what to expect when I arrive. You guys are used to me but judging by the reaction I got when I stopped at the gas station, I might look strange to folks around here.”

  “Ah. Good point.” Reid took his own phone out of his pocket and snapped a picture of Spider. “They say these are worth a thousand words, and I’ll text rather than call. She’ll be in the arena with Owen anyway.”

  Spider laughed. “Yeah, that’s probably the best way to go.” He peeled off his jacket, glad to be rid of it.

  Reid held up his phone again and gave him a rueful smile as he took another picture. “The hair’s one thing, I may as well prepare her for all that ink, too.”

  Spider glanced down at his arms and shrugged. “Yeah. I guess you should.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Frankie rested her arms on the top rail of the fence, and her chin on top of her arms. She couldn’t help smiling as she watched Owen. He’d made so much progress in the short time she’d known him.

  “Okay, Owen. Use your seat and your legs and ask Bucky to …”

  Frankie grinned at Libby, who was standing in the middle of the arena instructing. She hadn’t needed to finish her request; Owen urged Bucky forward into a trot.

  “Good job.” Libby came over to join Frankie, still calling encouragement to Owen as she went. “That’s it, keep him moving forward.”

  Frankie’s eyes followed the small boy on the stocky paint pony as they reached the far end of the arena. “He’s a natural,” she told Libby.

  Libby nodded. “He is. I don’t mind telling you I was wary at first. But …” She shook her head with a smile. “I never mind admitting when I’m wrong – and in this case, I’m happy to say I couldn’t have been more wrong.”

  “Hey, I’m right there with you.”

  Libby frowned at her. “What? You were the one who persuaded me to take Owen!”

  “I know, I don’t mean him. I mean his mom and dad. As soon as I heard the name Davenport, I thought that they might be stuck up. I mean, Dr. Johnny and Jean are awesome, but all I knew about their sons was that they’d all gone out and made billions. I thought they might be …” She didn’t finish her thought, not wanting to call Tara and Reid any of the names she’d thought about them before she met them. “I’m happy to say that I couldn’t have been more wrong about them. When I first got the call about working with Owen Davenport, I was tempted to turn it down.”

  Libby laughed. “You might have been tempted, but there’s no way you would have. Even if the parents were stuck up, you wouldn’t have passed up on the chance to work with him – to help him.”

  Neither of them had taken their eyes off the boy while they talked. They were both used to giving more attention to the kids they worked with than to anything else around them.

  Frankie grinned at Owen as he passed them. “You’re doing great, kiddo.”

  Owen nodded solemnly as he and Bucky trotted by. “I know.”

  Libby chuckled beside her. “Once more around, Owen, then bring Bucky to a halt on the center line.”

  Owen nodded again and did as she instructed.

  Frankie checked her watch, surprised to see that it was time for the lesson to end. She looked b
ack over her shoulder, even more surprised to see neither Tara nor Reid’s vehicle in the parking area beyond the tack room.

  “I know, right?” said Libby. “I thought my watch must be wrong. That seemed more believable than them being late to pick him up.”

  “Yeah.” Frankie pushed the rim of her hat up and looked around. “I don’t like it. It’s not like them.”

  “I’m sure it’s fine. And Owen will be fine. It’s not like when he first started coming and would have had a meltdown if one of them wasn’t here when he finished. If they’re not here by the time he’s done, I’m sure we can amuse him in the barn for a while. It’s no big deal.”

  “Yeah.” It wasn’t a big deal. Not like it would have been just a few months ago. Owen had come a long way in that time. One of the ways his autism manifested itself was in a need for predictability. But he was learning to manage that need more and more every day. Frankie worked with him on the days he went into school with the other kids. He didn’t go every day, but he did attend a couple of classes and when he did, Frankie was his special assistant. Officially, she was his special needs teaching assistant, but between the two of them they’d decided that they liked the name special assistant better.

  She knew she’d be able to help him deal if Tara and Reid weren’t here soon; that wasn’t what she was worried about so much. It was more the fact that they’d never been late for anything in all the time she’d known them.

  “Have you got your phone?” she asked Libby.

  “No. It’s on the desk in the office. Do you want to go and grab it for me? I bet they’ve called and left a message.”

  “Sure. I’ll go grab it.” She smiled at Owen as he brought Bucky to halt on the center line just as Libby had told him. “Do you want to help put Bucky away when we’re done here?”

  Owen’s little eyebrows came together as he looked at her, then he glanced over at the spectators’ area where his mom and dad usually sat when they arrived.

  Frankie held her breath, waiting to see how he’d assess the situation.

  He looked back at her, then at Libby and then back at her again, before nodding sharply. “Yes. If Mommy and Daddy aren’t here when I finish, it’s okay. I can spend time with Frankie and Libby and the horses until they arrive.” He nodded again, this time with a small smile.


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